Lord of Destruction

Play-by-Post Discussion

Ok guys, this is for the 3 of you playing a total of 4 characters

Once all the characters are in I will start up a game thread. We can talk about stuff here before then.

tentative so far this is what i think everyone is playing

Bard - Ranged Leader
Warden - Melee Defender
Necromancer - Ranged Controller
Avenger - Melee Striker

we are starting at level 3 with the following equipment

1 level 4 item, 1 level 3 item, 1 level 2 item, and enough money for a level 3 item

Any race/class is allowed

Male Human Avenger/3

awesome ! I should have my toon completed before i leave today, and uploaded 2nite.

I can get most of mine set up soon, but I will be needing some help on equipping myself with those items we get.

Not ready just putting them in here... Bard obviously..

M Dwarf Warden 3


KAYTOM wrote:
I can get most of mine set up soon, but I will be needing some help on equipping myself with those items we get.

Just use everything that richard has for his avenger, except his weapon, take the death mask that was on the email instead

bard done, check him out

healing surge +6 hps +5 temp hps when healing :D and 2 immediate interrupts a day

Male Human Avenger/3

OK, i dont feel bad about not having Vikktor input as of yet. . .

Male Human Avenger/3

Vikktor, he ees finished !

Male Human Necromancer

Coal is ready to go! (mostly)

Vikktor Heavy Blade expertise, +1 bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a heavy blade goes to +2 at 11th and +3 at 21st, +2 bonus to all defenses against OA :) so super nice for you

Allvis, Bludgeon Expertise, you gain a +1 bonus to weapon attack rolls that you make with a hammer or mace, +2 at 11th , and +3 at 21st
you also gain a +1 bonus to the number of square you push or slide creatures with weapon attacks you make with a hammer or a mace

M Dwarf Warden 3

done here

PBP thread

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