Pbp Gladiator's Hall


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These guys know they can post more than once a day, right? :)

Shaye yawns from his vantage point, sitting on the railing that keeps the audience from the actual fight.

Scorpion giggles, "Soon we see blood".

Unable to contain himself he begins to stomp his feet, making the stands quiver under his weighty movement, and chants, "Bat-tle, Bat-tle, Bat-tle, Bat-tle, Bat-tle"

"Oil of Shillelagh? Is THAT what his boy friend called it? C'mon, I seen kittens what fight better than ya'll!!!"

Male Human

Shhh Van... it's a secret (not like he's not read my spoilers anyow)!

"Secret?!?! They posted it on the Jumbo-tron!!! Get to whackin' boy!!!" :)


Yah, i'm with Haggar on this one.. it'd either be nice to not mention spoilered information in either thread - or for all of us to agree not to look in the Hall thread if we're currently fighting. Some characters depend on stealth, deception, and/or misdirection to succeed, and their locations/actions being broadcast to their opponent is a serious disadvantage.

I disagree that "spoilers" are necessary, we are in OPEN combat in front of an audience. But I DO agree that combatants should prolly stay out of the "chat" thread while they are fighting. But I'll behave. IF people stop Rules Lawyering and START FIGHTING!!!!! Weren't there supposed to be arrow turrets for this?


In the current fight, I agree... Neither of them have deception as part of their arsenal. But some gladiators will be using Stealth/Bluff/etc. to win. in a player-versus-player setting, i think it's worth at least tryign to keep that information private if one player is relying on it.

The alternative is simply saying, "everyone roll brain-bashers - finesse or deception will not be respected or useable." And that seems against the spirit of what Ginger was trying to initially do.

As for the archers thing.. tha twas only if the gladiators themselves were seemingly standing idle for consecutive rounds. THe current situation is that we have a player or two who seem unable or unmotivated to post more frequently. I'd love for this thing to move more quickly as well, but I admittedly have more time to spend putting posts up.

That being said...

Shaye stands up on the rail, raising his tiny pale fists, "COME OOOOOOOON!! BLOOOOOOOOOOOD!"

I see where you are coming from, and common courtesy would be for combatants NOT to read each others spoilers, BUT unless you are actively stealthing, moving, applying oils, drawing weapons, etc would be pretty blatant actions. They ARE in direct view of each other. Well, Heshlem is hiding/ taking cover, but he didn't spoiler anything. Anyway... :)

Van joins with the pale man
"C'mon ya'll!!! No one is here for a pillow fight!!!"


Yah i'd agree that if you're doing something that is batant or in the open, forgo the spoiler.

Scorpion shakes the railing in frustration and yells, "Dis no dance! Fight already! Gorum not pleased by your cowardice!"

I think it is just a good idea not to discuss what is in the spoilers, after all I saw no spellcraft checks to determine the spell being cast and I know darn well most of us would fail such a check anyhow.

While waiting for your turn in this arena, feel free to check out the Ironstone Arena:


Scorpion, Champion of Torinath wrote:

I think it is just a good idea not to discuss what is in the spoilers, after all I saw no spellcraft checks to determine the spell being cast and I know darn well most of us would fail such a check anyhow.

Read the writing on the bottle with a perception check? ;)

Van, Just Van. wrote:
Scorpion, Champion of Torinath wrote:

I think it is just a good idea not to discuss what is in the spoilers, after all I saw no spellcraft checks to determine the spell being cast and I know darn well most of us would fail such a check anyhow.
Read the writing on the bottle with a perception check? ;)

Sure, if you can read magic. Even more importantly... YOU CAN READ?! :)

Dwarf FIGHTER silly boy, I can read like a mo'fo!!!! :)

"Oh!!! I don;t think he's agittin' back up, whaddya'll think?"

Scorpion draws in a hiss, "Dat had to hurt." "Maybe all dat runnin' help him get up his nerve! Bwahahaha."

EDIT: Scorpion walks over to Gladyn, puts 50gp in his hand, and claps him on the back. "I be gettin' it back soon enough" *wink*



Male Elf Ranger 1

Hmph! Is that what you call fighting? That was more boring than watching grass grow!

Elodan shakes his head in disappointment.

At least the human died....

Male Human Cavalier

Galdyn accepts Scorpion's money with a good natured smile. "For all the posturing that fight was sure brief. I'll wager on the next fight with you, I'm always happy to take your money" he says with a smile as he puts the money away. "Speaking of which, who's up next?"


Shaye stands up from the rail as he turns to the heavily-armored man. He then adopts an overly-dumb expression and puts a finger across his top lip, imitating Galdyn's mustache (I'm assuming Galdyn has one based on the avatar image). His voice is overly-dumb-sounding as he mimics the big man, "For all the posturing.. fwa fwa fwa..." and he rolls his eyes at the big man. "They haven't announced the next fight, smart guy."

All of a sudden,I see this thread turning into a really hostile version of Waiting for Godot :)

Male Human Cavalier
Gladiator_Eben wrote:
"They haven't announced the next fight, smart guy."

Galdyn smiles unaffected by the condescending tone of voice. "I know. The comment was a subtle hint to the editor to announce the next combatants. I will try and speak more directly to stay within the constraints of your limited understanding."

Scorpion furrows his brow while staring at Galdyn and mumbles to himself, "Smart guy?" A look of sudden understanding washes over his face and he lets out a loud guffah, "HA! Dat's why you win bet!"

ok guysm, First battle is Over, I think i'll start the next one tomorrow, if both Gladiators are ready that is. Any comments? Suggestions etc?

Fight Two!

1 Gladiator_Eben
2 Gladiator of Lekku
3 Varos
4 Xythian
5 Van, Just Van
6 Galdyn
7 Scorpion, Champion of Torinath
8 Elodan Threolith

1d8 ⇒ 3
1d8 ⇒ 2

Held till everyone fights
9 Heshlem

Will the Gladiator of Lekku and Varos Prepare yourselfs, and head to the Arena.

I'll announce the fight and Roll your Ints, and post the Map after you both post in the Arena Thread.

Gladiator - Combat only

"Hmm… interesting tactics. I wonder how he expected that charge to turn out - or maybe he was just eager to meet his deity. Well, time to see what the madman is made of."

you fellas have a real nice fight, y'hear?


Shaye laughs at the clearly insane yelling guy in the arena... "Ha. I like that guy!"

Gladiator - Combat only
Varos wrote:
…He walks and moves silently!

Since when does he do anything silently? The guy has been raving since we walked in.

Gladiator - Combat only

Quick question - if the walls are 15 ft. high, we wouldn’t be able to see each other after the illusions appear, right? Would it be possible to have separate maps?

I am selling
Longbow, Comp (Str +2) 150g
Scale Mail 25g
Buckler 8g
Scythe 9

I am buying a Masterwork Scythe 318
Edit: I am buying a potion of Shield of faith +2 50

Edit:A correction has been made 703PM

"I am willing to bet 50 on Varos. He seems creepy."

"Sheeyoot, i'll take your money friend, that Lekku feller seems pretty scary."

"Sheeyoot, i'll take your money friend, that Lekku feller seems pretty scary."

Male Human

Posthumous Thoughts: Agreed on the spoilers for things like Potions Used, spells cast, etc. as the opponent would not have understood them or been able to interpret them. The movement should not have been spoilered unless I tried to stealth in which case, perhaps a DC listed in the spoiler would help. My intention with the spoiler was to keep the fact that I buffed for Melee a secret until we got closer. In retrospect, I might have lasted a bit longer if I had not charged but my thinking was that he'd need a strong roll to hit my buffed AC of 21 and I could have enlarged myself as a swift action to deliver a club strike of 3d6+3. Even if I took a hit, I would have a decent chance to survive (though probably with a hit point or two... squishy first level characters). Of course, the worst possible scenario happened and I got critted by a scythe which would be game over for ANY OF YOU... lol. I am suprised that the archers did not come out and at the size of the arena... with first level characters in armor though, it's would have taken at least a few rounds for us to close to eachother even if there was no terrain (20' move and all). I am surpised that the archers did not come out as a matter of fact... I thought when I cast the third spell without firing at Heshlem, I would have received an arrow as incentive (perhaps making them +X to attack and having the GM roll it it out would be a good way to incent people to go at it even if the tactical options are not optimal). GG to Heshlem and GL!

Gladiator of Lekku wrote:
Quick question - if the walls are 15 ft. high, we wouldn’t be able to see each other after the illusions appear, right? Would it be possible to have separate maps?

Correct, I can do Separate maps if you like.


@Haggar, yah, not much you can do when your opponent nat-20's you, huh?

m half-elven Lich 15 DM/10 Grandmaster DM

In the current fight it should be noted that while sneaking you only move at half speed or you take huge penalties.
As for the last fight. I did not like the fact that he was casting all those spells, and I was trying to get in position for a charge before he had too many buffs up. Luckily he came to me.

I will return to my Heshlem persona after this post.

wraithstrike wrote:

In the current fight it should be noted that while sneaking you only move at half speed or you take huge penalties.

As for the last fight. I did not like the fact that he was casting all those spells, and I was trying to get in position for a charge before he had too many buffs up. Luckily he came to me.

I will return to my Heshlem persona after this post.

Yep, a stealth check at above half but below normal speed is at a -5.

As far as spoilers go: The conditions to be met to read the spoiler should not be in a spoiler. For example, Varos gives us his movement and then spoilers his perception and stealth. I think it would work better if his stealth is not in a spoiler, but his movement and perception are separately(explained later). This is because the opponent has to know the target number of your stealth to determine if they can look at the spoiler. I.E. conditions should be present for every spoiler not just presented as DM only spoilers. I would separately spoiler all perception checks, because nothing says he notices you noticing him :).


I agree with 90% of the above statement. I'd say that if you were trying to keep your opponent from knowing you spotted him (assuming he can see you already), you'd have to roll a bluff against him. Other than that, put the Requisite information to see the spoilered info in the spoiler title. For example: (hee hee)

Shaye steps away from his spot against the arena railing and begins walking past Galdyn, looking for a beverage cart. Move action.

Sense Motive DC 25:
Something in the look in his eyes makes you suspect of his actions.

Bluff 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

After he gets halfway across the room, he shakes his head and proclaims, "Eh... Too much trouble, I'll wait for the serving wench." and moves back to his spot, waiting for the two current combatants to find one another. followup move action.

Perception 22 (if you made the above, you get a +2 bonus):
He definitely just swiped Galdyns money purse! Standard Action

Sleight of Hand 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22.

Sigh... I would waste those rolls on something like this. :(

Male Azlant Wizard (Universalist) 20

Yes true, but now we are making this complitcated or just discussion how to do.

I say, that we make now all the rules for posting purpose. I agree now to what has been said, but some kind of common sense also to know how to keep it going. This seems to be problem with player vs player

1. To let onlz DM see the spoilers (Which seems to be the best option)
2. Just hide the rolls and movements.

That could be the simplest way. DM can then tell us, if we were succesfull, we made it or something else. I kind of like it to be narrative way, and I have to saz, its somehow DM responsibity

Varos wrote:

Yes true, but now we are making this complitcated or just discussion how to do.

I say, that we make now all the rules for posting purpose. I agree now to what has been said, but some kind of common sense also to know how to keep it going. This seems to be problem with player vs player

1. To let onlz DM see the spoilers (Which seems to be the best option)
2. Just hide the rolls and movements.

That could be the simplest way. DM can then tell us, if we were succesfull, we made it or something else. I kind of like it to be narrative way, and I have to saz, its somehow DM responsibity

The whole point as the DM implied was to keep the combat going and he will jump in if there is a rules question.

So your post should be designed so the player knows how to access the information provided, assuming he is successful.
Otherwise, every match will be like the last where we have to wait for the DM to adjudicate every action and round.
I think he is trying to make the process a bit more fluid, so he doesn't have to intervene every round.

Gladiator Eben: you made me lol


@ Scorpion: Glad I could entertain.

Again, based on what Evil Ginger has said previously, Scorpion has the right of it. Ginger seems to want this thing to be fluid to the point of him not having to adjudicate every action of every round, instead calling out issues and resolving disputes where necessary.

That leaves it up to us, the players to maek it obvious what information is public and what is not - and under what conditions another player can access any non-public (or spoilered) info. The easiest way to do that is to stipulate (as i said earlier) who automatically can see the spoilered info and what the necessary Skill roll and DC are required for everyone else. Does it make it more complicated to post your actions? Yes. But it makes it to where the DM doesn't have to hand-hold everything.

Of course, I coud have mis-construed what Evil Ginger meant, and am always open to him stepping in and straightening me out.

Gladiator - Combat only

Someone could meet the technical requirements for a spoiler - i.e. a Perception check, but still not be able to see someone who is behind the 15 foot walls - how do you want us to present that, since we may not know whether or not they can see us? For instance, regardless of his perception roll, Varos should not be able to see my movement, assuming he is in his current spot on the map. From another vantage point, this might not be the case. If I don't know where he is, I can't determine this, and if he doesn't know where I am, neither can he.

Scorpion, Champion of Torinath wrote:

Gladiator Eben: you made me lol

I too rofl'd a bit :)


Lekku makes a good point here, actually. Because of all the broken lines-of-sight, only by beating an opponent's stealth DC by 20 should they be able specifically pinpoint said opponent's exact location - which makes it nearly impossible for Lekku to decide what information should go in what kind of spoiler. So in this case, the DM is kind of necessary - as neither opponent should have any clue specifically what square the other is (short of exceptionally amazing audio skills) - at least until the two combatants come into visual range of each other.

So this is one of those situations where the DM should be adjudicating until the two players become more aware of opponent placement and LoS and what-not.

Evil Ginger DM, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Male Human Cavalier

Galdyn watches Shaye walk past him and wonders what he is going on about.

Sense motive:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Galdyn assumes that Shaye really is just thirsty until he turns around and comes back.

Perception:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Galdyn doesn't notice anything untoward in Shaye's actions, but is still wary of the condescending little man.

"Scorpion you care to make another wager? Who do you favor in this fight?"


Technically I can't even make that DC because I"m untrained (and the target DC is above 10), so you know I just jacked your monies! (even though yoru perception isnt' high enough.

Male Azlant Wizard (Universalist) 20

Yes true.. Thats what I tried to mean, but quite vague way of speaking and quite fast typed, so mistakes happen.

We need DM in these situations, since otherwise we don´t have any idea how to continue and what action might break the flow of game, when they could have been righly/wrongly done, but we just tried to keep game rolling on

I agree that maybe the DC of roll is required but as stated: Problem are the distance : penalty to perception, broken line-of-sight, which was mentioned and how to spot actually opponent?

Hm... just wondering how to do it, since otherwise its kind of for me... well, how to keep it realistic and not really to play to my or lekkus favor. Want to have fair fight between us


Yah, the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing you can't do a fair "double-blind" game without the constant arbitration of the DM. So if he can't post often, it just means unfortunately that this arena will take forever. Not a complaint, Evil Ginger, just an observation.

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