First off, thank you Josh for all of your amazing work.
Paizocon is amazing, and for the 2 years I went I had a blast, thanks! PFS, as a player, and an author, thank you for all the blood and sweat you poured into this. I wish you the best in the future moving forward.
On a personal note, thank you for the time you spent developing my scenarios and providing valuable feedback, thank you.
Best regards,
Larry Wilhelm
Here, here!!!
Thanks for your hard work Josh! You will be missed.
So say we all.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Paizocon banquet quiz will not be the same without your dry humor!
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Indeed, thank you Josh and good luck. I hope you're not out of the industry for long.
Thanks so much for all you've done, Josh.
A big thank you to Josh from all of the UK Pathfinders and me in particular for all the help he gave in setting up PaizoCon UK. I'm now even happier that I managed to convince him to come over to to PaizoCon UK this year as the conclusion of his European tour.
Pathfinder Society Organised Play is a fantastic achievement that I'm sure Josh is justly proud of and I hope it won't be long before we see his name appearing on some more scenarios.
Thanks Josh. You gave me motivation to organize things in Atlanta. Good luck with future endeavors.
Yes great job Josh! Good luck in your new endeavors!
Thanks Josh! Appreciate all that you have done!
I wish him well. And hope to at lest see some more freelance stuff from him
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Josh as the main motivator behind me even playing PFS, Thanks so much for your wok into the Society, You will be missed, and good luck in the Future!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Josh, good luck and thanks for all of your efforts!
Good luck Josh! Thanks for all of the work you put into PFS.
Aw man. The Paizo Banquet just won't be the same without ya. :(
Best of luck Josh. Hope you have clear skies and smooth sailing ahead.
Great thread. Yes indeed... thanks for everything, Josh.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Best of luck Josh! Thanks for all your hard work!!
Josh, your hard work and dry wit are sure going to be missed!
Yes, all the best in whatever comes next, Josh. Well done on getting PFS to where it is today.
+1. Thanks for the guidance and for getting the Society to where it is today. It's quite a legacy you leave behind and I had a ton of fun playing in, GMing, and writing for PFS over the last few years. Best of luck!
Josh wasn't half bad. Grumpy, but not half bad. ;-)
+1! Thank you for all the support and work you put into the Society.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
At first I didn't quite think that it was true that Josh was leaving Paizo, but it's apparently true! I wish you the best of luck Josh on your future endeavors! I know that the society just won't be the same thing without you, but I think we'll manage somehow.
yoda8myhead wrote: +1. Thanks for the guidance and for getting the Society to where it is today. It's quite a legacy you leave behind and I had a ton of fun playing in, GMing, and writing for PFS over the last few years. Best of luck! Just had to sneak in as your old self one last time?
Seriously though, Josh will be missed. He was firm but fair and set PFS off to a great start. Here's to hoping Josh moves on to even greener and awesome pastures.
+1! Thanks for making PFS rule. During pre-Pathfinder days I swore I'd never play in OP campaigns again and PFS changed my mind with it's awesome.
Josh, thank you for all the work you have done with PFS which has directly influenced the amount of fun my friends and I have with Pathfinder.
Just saw the sad news.
'luck to all your future endeavors, Josh!
Mr. Frost you have done well and will be missed.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Josh you have done an incredible job. Good luck with everything.
Best of luck on your future endeavors, Josh.
Thanks for all your hard work on the Pathfinder Society.
Thank you for all your help getting Pathfinder Society up and running, especially from the "small town, local store" kind of guys like myself. Your continued support has helped me make Pathfinder Society THE organized play of choice for many in my area. I wish you much luck!
Thanks Josh you have been a great coordinator best of luck. If you are ever in NYC and itching for a game just drop us a line.
Darn it Josh, if you're retiring from PFS who's going to torment our UK convention goers by running scenarios where the first combat goes well into double figures of numbers of rounds, and the survivors, battered and bruised, opt for a strategic withdrawal?
Seriously, though, all the best to you, and if on your own time you're ever in the UK, drop by and say 'hi' or pop into one of our conventions if there's one on.
[humour] And thanks, too, for all your comments on passive voice... :D [/humour]
Thank you Josh for taking tender loving care of PFS.
And for approving online play!
It was great meeting you in Indy Josh and good luck to you.
WTB: 1 MC for the banquet trivia contest. Won't be the same without you.
Thanks for all your great work vitalizing Paizo's products Josh, and best wishes for the future.
I wanted to add my voice to all the thanks, Josh. Thank you so much for getting the Society up and running and pushing it to where it is. It was great meeting you at the last two PaizoCons, and working with you at my first GenCon just a few months ago.
Jason Kossowan wrote: WTB: 1 MC for the banquet trivia contest. Won't be the same without you. +1 to that!
Three cheers for Josh ...
Hip Hip............Hip Hip...........Hip Hip
Thanks, Mr. Frost. I haven't played in many Society games, but the ones I have, have been memorable. Best of luck to you. May Desna guide your dice to 20s.
It can't be an easy task filling your shoes, so I'm glad they appoined two people to the job!
Oh, Josh, now is the time to get a non-grumpy avatar! ;-)
Hat tip to Josh for all his fine work on Pathfinder Society. He managed every detail with professionalism. He understood the big picture and steered us in the direction that was best for the campaign. I hope we can all see him and any new works in the near future.
You did a great job building up the Society to where it is right now. It was nice meeting you at PaizoCon UK - and I will treasure your autograph in my rulebook - as well as my special PFS Gamemaster card with your star and autograph hand painted on it.
I hope we will still see you occasionally in the Society - be it as a freelance author - or as a GM. Both is likely to be rare - but it would make it just more precious.
Good luck with whatever you will be doing now
I will miss you Josh. It has been great knowing you and you have been a great inspiration to me.
Dojohouty wrote: Three cheers for Josh ...
Hip Hip............Hip Hip...........Hip Hip
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Good luck in the future, Josh. PaizoCon Uk won't be the same without you next year.
Josh, thank you for building up an organized play campaign for Pathfinder. I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate finding something that is so much truer to what RPGA was long ago; I know much of this has stemmed from your dedication to providing an excellent organized play environment.
I just want to echo all the good sentiments and well wishes expressed in this thread. Excellent work, good sir.
(Now maybe he can tell us which faction "won" Year 0....)
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