![]() Shar Tahl wrote:
Thanks! Way back in this thread I stated my use of a CLW wand, hand waving the activation rolls and just marking the charges used. My mistake, totally forgot about the nat 1 issue. Since I'll always want to have a CLW wand with me, I'll go ahead and get the second one now. That way if the first wand "jams" with a nat 1, I'll have a back up wand to continue healing with. As long as no nat 1s come up for 24 hours we'll be OK. ![]()
![]() Alitan wrote: @ Mike: Yeah, sure, but with nobody having CLW on their nonexistent spell lists, we couldn't have used that either. ... Alitan, this isn't a critique of your character, rather a suggestion. I too have characters that don't have spells or the "Use Magic Device" skill. For them I try to always put 1 pt into UMD and buy a WCL. That way after combat I can use the wand to restore hit points lost in combat. It isn't any good during combat though. Since you do not lose a charge if you try to use a WCL and don't succeed, when not in combat, most GMs don't make you sit there and roll until you have a success. They just say during the night you evetually get to use enough charges to full restore the party, make sure you roll for healing and mark the number of charges used. Even though you don't have to roll for the success, you still have to roll for the number of points healed because that equals number of charges used. ![]()
![]() Michael Brock wrote:
![]() Scott Young wrote: If I found a player with one, I would ask them to verify that they were at said convention, and if they weren't, I would confiscate the boon or rule the character illegal to play (at the player's option). Scott Young wrote: Giving or trading boons is fine I understand why you would feel like confiscation as the right answer. But you have to ask why and under what authority would that be "Pathfinder legal"? There isn't anything in the rules about only having boons that were given at cons, gamedays, etc. that you have physically attended. And I haven't seen anything in the players guide about not only bringing your chronicles and boons but bringing verification that you attended those events. This would totally invalidate any verication of the attending the events. My arguement with you is done now. Because except for the "Pathfinder legal" point the eBay issue (selling boons etc.) has the potential of doing real damage to our game. Everyone at Paizo, including everyone associated, are doing a Cracker Jack job of preventing cheating and abuse. I believe there really is a small minority of people who do cheat and abuse the game, but when they do our game is dimished for everyone. Other Living Campaigns were destroyed by people spending real money for in game benefits that no one else had. None of us want to happen to PFS. +1 to you badcall for pulling the ad and for being a stand up kind of guy by posting like you did! ![]()
![]() I always think of the calvary in the US wild west when I think of Andoran Cavaliers for some reason. They have sworn oaths to protect the free government built by the people, of the people, for the people. Then assigned to the wilderness (or the Pathfinders), fighting the good fight for truth, justice and the Andoran way. My Andoran Cavalier (hafling w/ wolf) is a private in the Andronan Light Calvary until he can buy his promotion to Lance Corporal. He is of the Order of the Dragon, but I was really drawn to the Lion Order for just that reason. ![]()
![]() How many GMs have retired a level 12 PC that they've never played in a game? Just use 1 character for all their GM chronicles. That might be an interesting contest for Paizo. With retiring a PC at lvl 12, I personnally don't want to collect a chronicle for each time I GM. There just isn't enough games to play to give up playing because of GMing. The biggest benifit to GM credit is being able to start a brand new PC at level 2 instead of level 1. Beyond that ... not so much. ![]()
![]() Grolschmir wrote:
I really like this character concept! I hope we game together. Got to ask, you mention twice now about "dropping swords". You don't really do that, do you? Swords aren't ranged weapons, so your to hit would be improvised weapons, right? If your weapon doesn't have reach, when you do a Ride-By (Fly-By) Attack you don't provoke AoO, and to be in a straight line if you start at 10 feet height, attack at 10 feet, you just continue at 10 feet. There wouldn't be any swooping down then soaring up. But that is very cool anyway. Most Cavaliers with Ride-By-Attack are lucky if they can use it once in a mod. But by being above everyone else you avoid the interferance of other people! In Ultimate Combat there is a feat, Escape Route (teamwork) you might be interested in. ![]()
![]() Setzer9999, you've picked a real difficult concept to RP at a PFS table. Assuming you have your undead following you will make everyone's characters stand offish to yours at the very least. Have you ever smelled rotten meat? It doesn't make people (and animals) want to help the party, it makes them want to vomit and run away. That is just the smell they would react to, not to your character. Even if they did nothing overt (like PvP) your character would be an outcast in any social environment. Now assume you don't have your undead with you. Your character might still be "weird" to talk to with a reputation like that. Remember every corpse and skeleton was once a living person who probably had at least one loved one. How would your character react to someone who had animated his mother had her walk to the cemetary and dig her own grave, rather than carry her. (No evil intent, just a necromancer with a profession mortitian.) And that doesn't even consider that the smell might linger on you. You seem to be a consideate player. You've come up with a very interesting indepth concept. Your working thru possible roadblocks and asking for help overcoming them. +1 to you for what you've done. I would welcome you and your character at any of my tables. But I don't think your character will be developing any strong long term relationships. I find those are most rewarding in gaming and GMing. I wouldn't want the reaction of characters to your character to reflect on other people's reaction to you. ![]()
![]() Delbert Collins II wrote:
I was at SCARAB and had a great time. Didn't know about this feature, but did have one of your GM's do a fast look (audit) of my Cavalier. He found a feat I was using for my wolf (animal companion) that was not legit. I'm very glad he found this and I could fix it. After getting home I found where he was right and my Herolab creation was wrong. Herolab offers many more animal companion feats than are legal for play. If players in your territory send you a herolab version of their characters, would you review them for tweeks and errors? ![]()
![]() Michael Brock wrote:
LOL I really do understand, that's why I said when you have time and manpower. If you saw "Miricle on 34th st", I picture the Post Office delivering dozens of duffle bags filled with a mountain of character sheets! 30,000 sheets at 1/2 hour each is 15,000 hours or about 7 man years. Seven full time employees working 1 full year just to do audits is not realistic at all. Local audits, done by volunteers, if presented as a positive thing stand a much better chance of being seen as a good thing by our players. If players see this "audit" as a witch hunt to find "cheaters" no one will want to participate. I thought about the "auditors". First thought, was Paizo. Second thought, 3, 4 and 5 stared GMs are a great choice. but will they have the time also? And I know several people who know the rule insideout and help people with their characters but they don't GM. ![]()
![]() I would suggest that Paizo do the audits. Purely optional on the players part. Players send a copy of their charcater in to Paizo. Paizo audits them when they have the time and man power. In return, player gets an audit result stating what is wrong, with possible solutions including areas that the player gimped and could be improved on. Players would trust our Paizo people much more that some others who want to step up and be tax collectors (I mean character monitors.) If a problem was questioned about the character in the future, player would bring out the audit (say done at level 4) and then have to justify changes made at levels higher than 4. Saving a lot of time. Just to estimate how many characters would be sent in and what the work load might be ask yourself:
![]() My question on this topic is: Isn't the GM correct in preventing a character from commiting suicide under the PvP rule? I do understand a character causing their own death heroically. Say instead of laying there and plunging a dagger in his throat, if he had made another attack (throw dagger at Shadow) to draw the attack and give his teammates another "free" round of attacks. I admit I do have the ick feeling about suicide, so I might be bias. ![]()
![]() DCII wrote: I'll be running The Midnight Mauler at Firefly Games in Lexington, SC (90 minutes up the road) on October 22nd, 2011. I'll run it twice if we have enough players and Paizo sent me all kinds of cool promotional stuff and some cool BOONS to go along with all the other cool promotional stuff SCARAB has to award to players. Very cool DCII! Unfortunately Oct. 22 is also the CAG gameday and we will be running "The Frostfur Captives". Nov. 19 is the Gathering the Park, and I will be running all 3 parts of "First Steps" for brand new characters. They can start with no faction and end with exposure to all the factions and choose the one they want to support. BTW your SCARAB web site is fantastic! ![]()
![]() I always figure the Society puts these teams together with personel that are the very best for accomplishing the tasks. Just because my character doesn't understand why some clerk would send 4 bards on a misson to fight hundreds of undead bunnies, he understands that the clerks know what they're doing. In an organization "they" always know better. :-) Kind of takes the mini/max out of party building, IMHO ![]()
![]() Great replys here. We have enough players to run the 2 tables! There is still room, so we'll be able to support walk ins too. I am soo sorry you won't make it Angela. Your characters really Rock. But I understand, your resposibilities with your Olympia Lodge. I hope to be able to get back and do more gaming with all of you. (Y'all) my bad, it is taking me awhile to learn the language here :-) I have found a couple of really good gaming groups, it really made me feel much better about the move. Thom Riccio ![]()
![]() I went with Osirion Scribe. Scribe fit with what the Society is all about. Spent a lot on learning different languages. Before each mod, you'll find him outside his tent, infront of his banner that says "Scribe" but in 8 different languages. He'll be working for someone or tutoring his apprentice. He has fit in pretty good with the groups but not so much help with the combat though. ![]()
![]() This to start a PFS Lodge in the greater Charleston area. We have planned a kick off at the Berkeley County Library,
The mod is "Master of the Fallen Fortress" for 1st level characters only. This will be a great opportunity to join in with a new group and learn together! ![]()
![]() We had a question at Sat.'s game. I posted it and got the correct answer for us. Q.
"The Ranger is correct. Wands are spell-trigger items, which merely require that the spell appear on a class's list, regardless of if they actually have spells yet. (He would still need to be level 4 to use a scroll, though, because that is a spell-completion item.)" ![]()
![]() I figure this has already been asked and answered, but I haven't found it. We had a Ranger level 2 use a wand of cure light wounds. He felt he could since cure light was on his spell list. The others felt he had to use use magic device skill to use the wand, since his spell list was not available to him until he reaches level 4. Which is correct? ![]()
![]() JeremyK wrote:
Guide to PF Society 3.0.2 Play, page 25, table 11-1 Spending Prestige PA Benefit - CPA Cost
Hope this helps, it has help us a LOT! ![]()
![]() How do we (GMs) add in the noise these guns make?
And maybe that is why Gunslingers don't get perception as a skill! ![]()
![]() I too really enjoy the fast growth early on and would enjoy playing the character longer at higher level. This is just a thought I've had. It would require way too much change to Pathfinder to implement, but I thought I'ld share it anyway. A thought I've had (I'm certain others have too) is to make the next level advance the same number of mods you have to play: level 1-2 play 2 mods
But with a total of 77 mods to retirement people might just too attached to their characters. And that would do away with another thing I like about Pathfinder which is playing lots of different characters. ![]()
![]() Dragnmoon wrote:
I made the assumption simply because this is a playtest. Playing a mod, making 1 or 2 attacks (4 max) then following the party around for the next 3 hours really isn't much of a playtest. Dragnmoon, you are right, it isn't written anywhere which why I brought it up. If it is wrong I definitely will make the change. Mark you make great point about the arrow not coming with the bow. Revised character will NOT have 5 charges & bullets, but 4 each. It just seems the right thing to do. ![]()
![]() My 1st level Gunslinger went w/ pistols. spent 132gd from his starting 150 to buy 4 charges and 4 bullets. I also assume each pistol comes with a charge and a bullet, for a total of 5 shots (1 shot = 1charge & 1 bullet). So he starts play with 2 pistols, 5 charges, 5 bullets and has 18gd spend on armor and a second weapon. Buying leather 10gd & Club 0gd still leaves him with 8gd spend on anything he wants :( Because of the expense of charges I did go w/ Secret Stash. I think it is expense to have to spend 1 feat and 1 skill pt (sleight of hand) to get Secret Stash then have to spend 1 grit to get 3 more charges and bullets. Does a Gunslinger get to use a Buckler? ![]()
![]() Dear Adrial; Just a note thanking you for “putting the spur’ to my nephew, LuRa, on my sister’s side and sending him on missions of moderate importance, and within his admittedly less then finely honed skills. I also want to thank you for trusting him to actually transcribe that Ancient codebook, for the archives, you grant honor to his family. I reviewed his work and while not of the quality one expects in our libraries, with a little concentration, one can read most off the book without pausing to cipher out his handwriting. One can see the boy can’t keep his handwriting to our standard, but it is improving. Thanks and praise to the Ruby Prince, the image of Perfect Eternity, that we did not need a credible copy quickly or it would have been embarrassing. I will be working on teaching him diligence to the perfect presentation of the written word at all times, though I suspect it truly is a lost cause in his case. He does have some credible book learning and a few practical skills, but that constant whining “I am hungry”, “I need to relieve myself” after a mere 8 or 10 hours shows you what I have to work with. Forget trying to get any productivity after 15 or 16 hours, his mind seems to wander, and he wants a nap. Understand it is not as if he was actually working to the Academy’s standards yet. I have him sit on the floor with quill writing and rewriting for all the day light hours, he thinks I ask him to perform unrealistic tasks to unrealistic standards. So I hold him over until the candle wax burns completely out and it is too dark to continue. We must understand youngsters today have it way to soft but not while they are under the Academy’s tutelage. I only regret that I do not have such authority over some of his “questionable” friends who only want to run around the desert doing who knows what. He did mange to ingratiate himself to Nesian, and I have an invite to go over there to review his library, so the child is not a total loss. It still takes me way to long to debrief him and get him to put his notes in proper order of sufficient detail to be truly useful. Though thankfully it only took us 7 hours, to get his notes in order, and him another 12 to complete his written report, but only with constant “prodding.” I think it will do him a world of good if we can keep him busy, so please do not hesitate to call for his services. After all “idle hands tempts the devil”. Your most humble servant,
![]() cblome59 wrote:
That is just too funny, both of us having PFS playing at Dragon's Lair out of Bellevue! The only difference is WA vs. NE, that's a small difference except for the miles :-) Hope things are well for you at yours, maybe someday I'll sit in on a couple of your games! Thom ![]()
![]() Massive thanks to both William and Jeff for running the great scenarios I played in on Sat. Rebel's Ransom was total fun! Having a "furnace Ranger", the questioning barbarian Monk (always axing questions), and the "healing Monk" that all saved us from a TPK twice made for just a ton of fun! Everyone should play this one. Our Scribe found a new language he wishes he had known ;-) In Frozen Finger we had a solid group that worked really good together.
![]() LtlBtyRam wrote: Interested yes, but this is a no can do for me. The Seattle Mob Game Day falls on one of the same Saturdays we play down here. If anyone else would like to go I understand, but as coordinator for Olympia I am obliged to be down here. Ya it's a shame about the dates being the same, but I know everyone at your tables sure will have great games! ![]()
![]() + 1 Thanks, Hyrum. :-) Knowing how the RAW are sometimes used as weapons, I think you have clarified both RAW & RAI. Michael Suzio wrote:
I had a funny vision of showing up at a table, someone saying with a Chelaxin accent "I'm with the PFSS (Pathfinders Secret Service), your papers, please." The entire table saying (in unison) "This isn't the table your looking for." ![]()
![]() Mark Moreland wrote:
You should point this out to your regulars. They might like to "learn" GMing with a mod they've already played and still get a second chronicle for another character. If they prep one they can spend plenty of time with it and bring it each time as a "just in case". I've actually made copies of pages I might need out of the books to have with the mod. Just because I'm not that good with all the rules and that makes the game faster and smoother. ![]()
![]() Dealing with difficult players is really tough. DM could have stepped in (but that is me 2nd guessing him after only hearing your side). In the future, I could understand your god wanting you to withhold all healing and buffs from anyone who would steal from and desecrate a temple with a cleric right there saying stop. On these messageboards withholding heals isn't PvP. Just an idea ![]()
![]() I haven't GMed at all yet, so take my post with more than a grain of salt. I had a good laugh thinking about someone "gaming the system" in PFS just to retire that character. Your character retires at lvl 12. You only get 3 slots per lvl so any one character is only going to play something like 36 slots! So someone "gaming the system" advances their character faster than they should ... then they have to retire that character! That karma is funny and right on the money. Has any GM gotten a character to lvl 12 yet and never played with him/her? That would be an interesting competition.