Shaundakul's Crypt of the Everflame PbP Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Celestial Half-Porc wrote:
I really want to play, but haven't had the time nor inspiration for a backstory. I'm gonna bow out and let someone who can do this in a timely manner take a swing. Thanks for the opportunity.

Sorry to hear that.

I'd like everyone to finish up the characters by tomorrow night, I will start the module on Tuesday.

Male Human Traveler / 8
Shaundakul DM wrote:
Celestial Half-Porc wrote:
I really want to play, but haven't had the time nor inspiration for a backstory. I'm gonna bow out and let someone who can do this in a timely manner take a swing. Thanks for the opportunity.

Sorry to hear that.

I'd like everyone to finish up the characters by tomorrow night, I will start the module on Tuesday.

Unless we really need to have another player to run a cleric, I think we should just go with the group we have. We were already +1 to your original desired party size, after all.

Human Wizard 4 / Rogue 2

Add me to your wait list, please.

Female Kobold

Okay, what are the characters right now? What niches could be filled?

Male Human Traveler / 8
Shaundakul DM wrote:

OK, so we have three approved one with a couple of tweeks left:

Alanthian Darlock - Human Rogue
Jan Whetstone - Dwarf Fighter
Tulip Weatherhollow - Halfling Sorcerer

Still Waiting on:
Atia Moon - Witch
Unnamed - Shapeshifter Ranger

Cleric seems to be the most obvious niche remaining to be filled.

Female Kobold


Okay, I have my idea. I'm thinking a fat halfling cleric of Erastil. He's a bit sexist (given his religion)and has old-fashioned values. He rides a mule, and has an irrational fear of reptiles that tends to influence his spellcasting choices.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Kobold Cleaver:
Okay, I'm not sure how Erastil's teachings lead to sexism, but I suppose he could interpret the old ways as the woman belongs in the home. As long as it doesn't disrupt the group dynamic.

Everyone, I will post the start of the game late tonight or sometime tomorrow afternoon, whether or not all characters are ready. Please try to at least have backgrounds done today so I can begin.

Female Kobold
Shaundakul DM wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Kobold Cleaver:
Okay, I'm not sure how Erastil's teachings lead to sexism, but I suppose he could interpret the old ways as the woman belongs in the home. As long as it doesn't disrupt the group dynamic.

Everyone, I will post the start of the game late tonight or sometime tomorrow afternoon, whether or not all characters are ready. Please try to at least have backgrounds done today so I can begin.

Yeah, I'm fairly certain the idea is that women are not supposed to be adventurers. At least, that's what I garnered from an argument on the boards a while back, and that's the cleric's opinion. He might be disapproving of any female adventurers in the party, but that's as far as it will go.

Female Kobold

Are we using point buy, or what? I can't seem to find this information.

Male Human Traveler / 8
Shaundakul DM wrote:
This is my first pbp as DM, so I thought I'd start with a module rather than an adventur path and see what happens. I'll accept the first 5 applicants and create a waitlist from there. This will be high fantasy (20 points) buy for determining Ability Scores. All classe and races from the Core Rule book and APG are okay as well as the Magus class if someone wants to try it out.

It was in the original recruitment thread. Also max starting gold by class and two traits.

Ok Vahn's mechanics I believe are all done except for favored enemy not sure what I want it top be don't want to choose something we will never face.

Male Halfling Cleric 1

Here is my character. I've only got the basics done, but I will try to finish it today.

Interesting reptiles terrify you and here I was going to choose monitor lizard as my first companion at 4th level.

Female Kobold
Vahn Hawkwing wrote:
Interesting reptiles terrify you and here I was going to choose monitor lizard as my first companion at 4th level.

That will be fun, I'm sure.

I'm just curious how your character will react when he walks up with his new pet.

Female Kobold
Vahn Hawkwing wrote:
I'm just curious how your character will react when he walks up with his new pet.

I'll just have to remember to prepare some combat spells when we reach level four. :P

Vahn Hawkwing wrote:
Ok Vahn's mechanics I believe are all done except for favored enemy not sure what I want it top be don't want to choose something we will never face.

Hmmm.This is a pretty difficult module for level 1 IMHO, so here goes. There's a little bit of vermin, a little bit of wild animals, and lot's of things that go bump in the night and shamble around looking for brains.

No, not mindflayers.

Well I believe that makes my decision then.....politicians or undead not sure which.

Female Kobold
Vahn Hawkwing wrote:
Well I believe that makes my decision then.....politicians or undead not sure which.

Don't be ridiculous. Politicians don't shamble, they strut.

No but the brains part still fits.

Ok I believe everything is ready here.

I'm ready here got all my stuff done. Well other than some buying stuff but all ready for play.

Female Kobold

Sorry, I've had a lot to do lately. The combat and skill info will be out in a few hours, I hope, and the background and suchwhat will follow. :)

Male Dwarf Fighter/1st

I'm ready whenever. Will post when I get back online in the morning.

Ditto on the ready.

Male Halfling Cleric 1

My essentials are done. BBCode is rebelling, so it's not tidy, but I'm ready for battle.

Sorry guys, I intended to have this up today. I live in Phoenix, and we were hit by a huge thunderstorm, and I've been without power for about 8 hours. I still need to cover some holes in my windows from hail before going to bed. I'll get the game thread started tomorrow.

Male Human Traveler / 8

That's a shame about the thunderstorm and hail, Shaundakul. Sorry to hear about it. And 8 hours without power is a particularly annoying inconvenience!

Brother Onsal wrote:
My essentials are done. BBCode is rebelling, so it's not tidy, but I'm ready for battle.

You don't have a history, so I assumed you are from the town. Your stats are a little odd, with such low strength, you basically won't be able to wear armor and carry a weapon and supplies all at the same time. Also, you to hit with the longspear should -2 as your BAB is +1. What are your feats, skills, and traits?

Game thread started.

I started right off. In such a small town, we assume everyone knows each other. The exception would be Jan as your profile said ex-weapon master of your clan, so I assumed you were from out of town.

Female Kobold
Shaundakul DM wrote:
Brother Onsal wrote:
My essentials are done. BBCode is rebelling, so it's not tidy, but I'm ready for battle.
You don't have a history, so I assumed you are from the town. Your stats are a little odd, with such low strength, you basically won't be able to wear armor and carry a weapon and supplies all at the same time. Also, you to hit with the longspear should -2 as your BAB is +1. What are your feats, skills, and traits?

I meant 'ready for battle' literally. I had enough to start, and it is now finished. I apologise for the delay, I didn't expect the PbP to start so soon when I started out and my response was slow.

Onsal is weak, yes. He's not a combat cleric. He's not much of an adventurer, but respects the town's traditions and assumes he can hide behind the 'brutes'. Stat-wise, he's an effective healer, is primarily knowledge-based in his skill selection, and has an impressive Will save.
His backstory I thought I posted, but again, BBCode is rebelling. It's up now. :P
But I wasn't aware clerics had a +1 BAB. According to the Pathfinder SRD, it's only +0.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Onsal is weak, yes. He's not a combat cleric. He's not much of an adventurer, but respects the town's traditions and assumes he can hide behind the 'brutes'. Stat-wise, he's an effective healer, is primarily knowledge-based in his skill selection, and has an impressive Will save.
His backstory I thought I posted, but again, BBCode is rebelling. It's up now. :P
But I wasn't aware clerics had a +1 BAB. According to the Pathfinder SRD, it's only +0.

You're right about the BAB. I put your character into Hero Lab to check the stats and it say +1 BAB, but it is wrong. However, you do get either one more skill point, or one more hit point unless Cleric isn't your favored class.

Female Kobold
Shaundakul DM wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Onsal is weak, yes. He's not a combat cleric. He's not much of an adventurer, but respects the town's traditions and assumes he can hide behind the 'brutes'. Stat-wise, he's an effective healer, is primarily knowledge-based in his skill selection, and has an impressive Will save.
His backstory I thought I posted, but again, BBCode is rebelling. It's up now. :P
But I wasn't aware clerics had a +1 BAB. According to the Pathfinder SRD, it's only +0.
You're right about the BAB. I put your character into Hero Lab to check the stats and it say +1 BAB, but it is wrong. However, you do get either one more skill point, or one more hit point unless Cleric isn't your favored class.

Actually, we're both wrong. It should be -2, thanks to my size.

Curse you, favoured class bonus. Once again you evade me.
I'll put it in skills. :P

Sorry for the delay on the last post. A good friend of mine got married this weekend and it took up more of my time than expected.

Female Kobold

Okay, I heavily edited my latest post, being the diplomatic fellow I am. Before, Onsal was basically saying the relationship was doomed. While, in context, this is something he might say, it wasn't exactly conducive to a happy party.

Just to say me as a player am enjoying the banter and am not upset in the least. Vahn is just....Vahn, and I'm enjoying how he acts and reacts to Onsal. If anyone sees this as upsetting or anything Vahn will back off and let it go.

Male Halfling Cleric 1
Vahn Hawkwing wrote:
Just to say me as a player am enjoying the banter and am not upset in the least. Vahn is just....Vahn, and I'm enjoying how he acts and reacts to Onsal. If anyone sees this as upsetting or anything Vahn will back off and let it go.

I don't mind (but then, I started it. :P). I see it as good character development. And as Onsal would say (if he were in a better mood), love must be tested.

EDIT: And after refraining from insulting your marriage (well, not too much, anyway)I naturally insult your religion. Brother Onsal knows he's being stupid, thanks to his Wisdom, but his intelligence means he will continue being stupid. His constitution ensures the same, though by a different method.

I love that my first attack after all that smack talk was only 2 or 3 points of damage. Though that's probably a shot to the shoulder or something at low levels.

Checking for vital signs.

Heal:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Vahn Hawkwing wrote:

Checking for vital signs.

Heal:1 d20 + 5

Still alive. I had a sudden trip out of town and forgot to bring my stuff. I'll be back tomorrow night and will post then.

Male Dwarf Fighter/1st
Shaundakul DM wrote:
Vahn Hawkwing wrote:

Checking for vital signs.

Heal:1 d20 + 5

Still alive. I had a sudden trip out of town and forgot to bring my stuff. I'll be back tomorrow night and will post then.
Dr. Frankenstein wrote:

"Look! It's moving. It's alive. It's alive... It's alive, it's moving, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE!"

The Dr did his work I see. Excelent.

Happy thanksgiving!

Female Kobold
Vahn Hawkwing wrote:
Happy thanksgiving!

Indeed, happy Turkey Day all.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Vahn Hawkwing wrote:
Happy thanksgiving!
Indeed, happy Turkey Day all.

You're the second person I know who calls it Turkey Day lol.

The fights over Jan and you are once again up and moving if you hadn't been checking the thread recently.

Alright, Shaundakul sent me an email:

Shaundakul wrote:

My computer crashed and I haven't been able to get it fixed. Luckily I can still check email from my phone. I'm not sure when I'll be back online so I guess the game is over for now.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map

Getting the christmas Spirit late. Merry Christmas everyone or those like me with different religious beliefs "Happy Holidays" and hope you all have a good one. Of course I won't be surprised with you guys replying slower due to the holidays, I'm not scrooge :)

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