Forum Games

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Liberty's Edge

The Plutocat is banned for losing at cards.

lucky7 is banned for assuming he's a lich.

Alagathra is banned for too many liches.

rashly5 is banned for licking liches. That's why you have rashes.

Gran Rey de los everything is banned for being untrustworthy because he/she makes up Everything.

Magic is banned for defying science

Mark Hoover is banned for staring at my sandwich.

Dark Archive

gran rey is banned for flaunting his sandwich around.

Gruumash . is banned because the sandwich is delicious and eaten.

gran is banned for making a mess when he scarfed down his sandwich.

Feline's Oculus is banned for making me cry from nostalgia

Mark Hoover is banned for his use of latin.

True radicals use greek.

QL is banned for a name that sounds like a Tumblr handle.

Magic is banned for the gathering.

rashly5 is banned for Magic the Gathering and all the other card games.

SotAF is banned for taking Dr Strange's beard

Mark Hoover is banned for not replying to my PM. ;)

OSW is banned bcause I... I... I got nothing

Mark Hoover is banned for his nothing.

rashly5 is banned for not having bangers with his mash.

ALG is banned for drinking corn mash instead of Rum.

Captain Spalding is banned for seafaring without a seafaring permit.

Quiche Lisp is banned for representing the government.

Rashly5 is banned for being an enemy of the state.

Quiche Lisp is banned for stating the obvious.

Angry Little Guy is banned for being oblivious.

↑That guy is banned for having a tough name.

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned because it's pronounced just like it's spelled.

↑ Banned because s-c-h-m-o-r-g-a-n-h-e-c-k-e-n-g-a-a-r-d is a lot to say for a name.

Magic is banned for stealing a name from the Hogwart Dictionary of Frambulous Pronunciations, Amusing Misspellings and Other Oddities.

Quiche Lisp is banned for being an agent of the state.

MagusJanus is banned for too many items in a hat band.

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned for always looking at the mirror below him, that narcissistic reptile.

Rashly5 is banned in the memory of the first 4. Those brave men, putting their lives on the line for you, and this is how you repay them? BANNED!

Mark Hoover is banned for remembering.

Mark Hoover is banned for... TOO MUCH INTENSITY !


And Gran Rey is banned for daring to surreptitiously surround me with his mad ninja skillz !

Quiche Lisp is banned because I ninja's him by almost 3 hours and 15 minutes.

gran rey de los ninja is banned because I AM BACK!!!

hobbsdadolfin is banned for daring to return.

Liberty's Edge

grdlss is banned for banning this momentous occasion

Lucky7 is banned for excessive celebration in the endzone

Lucky7 is banned for not having turned the light off once again.

Quiche Lisp banned for not banning Mark Hoover.

High Pontiff of Canon is banned for not minding the separation of the Church and the State.

Rashly5 is banned because of antidisestablishmentarianism.

Spade-club-magic-diamond-heart is banned for having a name that consists of 5 words.

icehawk333 is banned for antidisfitzmintymuntymintyism.

Is banned for not a word.

icehawk333 is banned for having numbers in their name. *cough*

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