Snow Jade is banned on the suspicion of being furry.
Banned for living in your moms basement
Slaady seconds is banned for an real being a slaad.
Spicy Nacho Slaad is banned for sloppy paintjob.
Banned for being a faux gnome
Fawfuls Dad is banned for not letting me ban Quiche Lisp.
Spicy Nacho Slaad is banned for having banned Fawful's Dad for not letting him ban me.
I'm banning you, Fawful's Dad, for being too curt.
Curt!, Take a look in the mirror and take that earring out.
Banned for having a midlife crisis.
Banned for having no life apart his daily trip to the inept barber shop.
Banned for sending barbers to the poor house.
You're banned for not being connected, bobo !
You are banned for invoking the sacred bear god's secret name.
Alissa's Bear is banned for even mentioning that the sacred bear god has a secret name.
SnowJade is banned for even mentioning the sacred bear god.... d'oh.
Sissyl is banned because of the Unspeakable Panda.
Quiche Lisp is banned for speaking about that which should not be spoken of.
Captain Spalding and everyone else is banned because they can't stay quiet. Now quiet or you will be excommunicated.
Executed, that would have been comprehensible... but excommunicated? From the canon? How does that even work???
The wirsts? As in, ze knockwirst? Or "do your wirst"?
As in "with a blunt object," like leg of chair. I like getting my points across the masses as bludgeonly as possible.
High Pontiff of Canon is banned for doing bad things with the masses in mass.
Burning Straw Man is banned for confusing mass and weight.
Gran Rey de Los Banned is banned for a severe, acute and prolonged megalomania (and I'mn an expert... in fact, I'm the world's foremost expert in megalomania ! THAT'S THE TRUTH OF IT ! TAKE ME LESS THAN SERIOUSLY AT YOUR OWN PERIL !)
Quiche Lisp is banned for mistaking perl with peril.
Gran Rey de Los Banned is banned for flaunting his computing acumen.
Quiche Lisp is banned because, if I got, I'm gonna flaunt it.
gr is banned for not having it.
Spanky is banned for being a leprechaun.
ql is banned for being a Don Rickles.
Neither both of you are funny. You couldn't make me crack a smile. You are both banned.
HP is banned for smiling out of his crack.
And a divine and very canon crack it is. Spanky is banned for mocking my crack.
hp of c is banned for attributing divinity to that most base of fissures.
If wish to play and manipulate the masses, you gotta start from somewhere.
hp is banned for not banning.
Spanky is banned for being a crack-head.
QL is banned for smokin banana peels.
Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for posting banana peels and clogging the US postal service.
Quiche Lisp is banned for being the clog in the US postal service.
Postmaster General is banned for complaining and not doing anything about the problem.
Snow Jade is banned for public yawning.
Quiche Lisp is banned for not brushing his teeth after eating quiche.
Kat's Eye is banned for drinking from the toilet.
Burning Straw Man is banned for objecting to Kat's Eye's natural instincts.
Snow J. is banned because of my natural gnomish instinct to ban felines.
Quiche Lisp is banned for ignoring lycanthropes. A bad habit if there ever was one.
KM is banned for eating the naughty bits. Bad dog! You're giving the rest of us a bad name!