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Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Darrell Impey UK wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

—in this case it was "write me a monster whose name fits between "Daemon" and "Danthienne" which was kinda tricky...).

Is this just so that Danthienne is specifically on an odd/even page, or something else?

It's because of the way two-page monsters need to exist on facing pages, combined with the footprint of the daemon element, combined with fiddly internal layout issues. Technically, the new monster just had to fit between Daemon and Demon. In fact, that's the reason the Deathsnatcher is in there as well—this is a case of me making up a monster's name first and coming up with its history and role and flavor second to fit with and justify the name because we needed a few "D" monsters to break up demons and daemons.

(The original thing that WAS gonna go on this page was a reprint of the Deadly Mantis from Inner Sea Bestiary, but too late I realized it should have been alphabetized as "Mantis, Deadly" and there was no room for it in the "M" section, and Wes really wanted to have 1 monster in the book but had been for whatever reason slow in getting that monster written for me so I said "Build me something that replaces the Deadly Mantis's alphabetization error" and presto! And I think the book is better for this error, since we get one more all-new creature that fits a role that doesn't feel like it's already been filled.)

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when is the flumph gonna get a friend (besides Adam) ???

somehow I don't see a Guardian Naga quite working out...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Azothath wrote:

when is the flumph gonna get a friend (besides Adam) ???

somehow I don't see a Guardian Naga quite working out...

None of my business. I have always thought that flumphs are goofy.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Please keep the posts here to questions... be they fun or irreverent questions or serious questions.

I just saw something that kind of boggled my mind. What do you think of 'The Mist' being turned into a full series??

I mean, I also a series trailer for Castle Rock combining a lot of King's books... which I am EXTREMELY all about. However, something about the Mist just felt better self contained and finite to me... I haven't read it, but I heard it started as a Short Story. Do you think there's enough material there for a season or two of Mist shenanigans?

Liberty's Edge

Will there be red seagull aliens in Starfinder? ;p

Dark Archive

In the pathfinder society S06-16 - Scions of the Sky Key (III) - The Golden Guardian,I found that BLADE OF THE OPEN ROAD’s price is too high to make people feel surprised.I searched for the forums,there are some people have the same question----Is the writer have a mistake on it?(19,715 GP equal to a +3 weapon and 9715 GP may be a reasonable price for it.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kassil wrote:
Will there be red seagull aliens in Starfinder? ;p

I assume no, but I don't really have anything to do with Starfinder so I can't say for sure.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
phantom1592 wrote:

I just saw something that kind of boggled my mind. What do you think of 'The Mist' being turned into a full series??

I mean, I also a series trailer for Castle Rock combining a lot of King's books... which I am EXTREMELY all about. However, something about the Mist just felt better self contained and finite to me... I haven't read it, but I heard it started as a Short Story. Do you think there's enough material there for a season or two of Mist shenanigans?

I think it's excellent, and I'm eagerly anticipating "The Mist" since it's my favorite Stephen King story and I loved the movie, so if the show gets the story even 1/10th as spot-on as the movie (and the trailer looks like it's going to get it a lot more than that) I'm gonna be delighted.

Look at it this way—the mist also inspired the video game series "Half Life," which did a LOT of really fascinating and compelling stuff with that story seed.

I think there's enough material for dozens of seasons of Mist stuff, especially if they go beyond the story, which they should, to explore a post-apocalyptic mist-shrouded monster world.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

nebulainfi wrote:
In the pathfinder society S06-16 - Scions of the Sky Key (III) - The Golden Guardian,I found that BLADE OF THE OPEN ROAD’s price is too high to make people feel surprised.I searched for the forums,there are some people have the same question----Is the writer have a mistake on it?(19,715 GP equal to a +3 weapon and 9715 GP may be a reasonable price for it.)

I have no idea. If you have PFS questions, you should ask the PFS folks. Beyond approving plots, I'm not involved in that part of the business.

Hi James. I wonder if you have any advice (though it's a nebulous question and I may not ask it very well the first time around). Over the years, I've been quite attracted to the Call of Cthulhu game - I've owned it and given it away many times over the years but never managed to run a game. The main obstacle to starting a game has been my brother's preferences - he plays RPGs to be a hero and the idea of characters gradually going insane as they face enemies they can never ultimately defeat (which has pretty much been the state of affairs in the CoC modules I've read) doesn't tickle his fancy. He's also not a huge fan of investigative scenarios, although I can manage that side of things at a pace that holds his attention.

That's the reason we've never run a CoC game and I'd kind of reached the point of viewing Cthulhuish games as things I'll read purely for myself. However, given Pathfinder has many lovecraft influences and yet also has the more D&Dish aesthetic of gradually growing in power as the PCs triumph over ever more powerful monsters, I wonder if you have any thoughts on bringing a lovecraftian feel to a campaign for players with those preferences?

I don't have any burning desire to change what he likes, but all of us have from time to time, tried a game we weren't expecting to like and found it fun. If we ever give CoC a shot, I'd like to give it the best chance to hold his interest.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm talking about running a CoC game, not a PF game - I have a number of examples in print of how to do the latter!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steve Geddes wrote:

Hi James. I wonder if you have any advice (though it's a nebulous question and I may not ask it very well the first time around). Over the years, I've been quite attracted to the Call of Cthulhu game - I've owned it and given it away many times over the years but never managed to run a game. The main obstacle to starting a game has been my brother's preferences - he plays RPGs to be a hero and the idea of characters gradually going insane as they face enemies they can never ultimately defeat (which has pretty much been the state of affairs in the CoC modules I've read) doesn't tickle his fancy. He's also not a huge fan of investigative scenarios, although I can manage that side of things at a pace that holds his attention.

That's the reason we've never run a CoC game and I'd kind of reached the point of viewing Cthulhuish games as things I'll read purely for myself. However, given Pathfinder has many lovecraft influences and yet also has the more D&Dish aesthetic of gradually growing in power as the PCs triumph over ever more powerful monsters, I wonder if you have any thoughts on bringing a lovecraftian feel to a campaign for players with those preferences?

I don't have any burning desire to change what he likes, but all of us have from time to time, tried a game we weren't expecting to like and found it fun. If we ever give CoC a shot, I'd like to give it the best chance to hold his interest.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm talking about running a CoC game, not a PF game - I have a number of examples in print of how to do the latter!

Well... not every game is for every person, so until you find a group that enjoys Call of Cthulhu... maybe try out a game online via a virtual tabletop?

Check out Strange Aeons, Carrion Hill, Feast of Ravenmoor, or similar adventures for how I prefer to integrate Lovecraftian themes into fantasy RPGs. There's more to Lovecraft than investigation and madness.

Cheers, James.

I wondered about running strange aeons for him first - as a kind of tryout. That might be a way to experiment in genre without taking away what he likes in the game.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mr. Jacobs I have some questions I'd like to ask you.

1)How are the relationships between Desna and the flumphs? We know that the flumphs are good aligned wanderers that travels through the cosmo and the stars to warn the worlds they find of the menace represented by the horrors of the Dark Tapestry and the Old Cults so that those world can have their defenders against that menace. Desna says that her faithful has to welcome and befriend good travelers from distant stars and she is always militant and vigilant against the Old Cults, their agents and their activities. Given that, can we consider the flumphs as part of Desna's friends and allies?
2)Who designed Shelyn's holy symbol and what is the story behind it? It is really really beautiful
3)Another question about Shelyn: was she part of the original setting you made years ago or in the same way as Aroden she was created specifically for Pathfinder?
4)About the empyrial lord Pulura we know that she was worshipped in Sarkoris before the opening of the Worldwound and still today a single bastion of hope of her worshippers remains in the area that once was known as Pulura's Fall although now it is under siege. Are there other locations in the Inner Sea region where the Shimmering Maiden is worshipped as much as she was in Sarkoris before the opening of the Worldwound?
5)Except for the information released in "Faiths of Purity", there are other sources in which were released informations about the Starstone Brewers, the Whispered Song and the Glory of the Risen Rose? Or may you tell a bit more about them?

Silver Crusade

Hello Mr. Directorsaur!

Rereading through Bestiary 6 and I noticed the Bonethorn reminded me of the monster from Splinter. Have you ever seen that movie? The monster is really cool.

Happy Easter!!!

Silver Crusade

Are you hiding any eggs for Shimmy?

Silver Crusade

Did you like the Shin Godzilla shout out in The Ringed City?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alarian Sunlance wrote:

Mr. Jacobs I have some questions I'd like to ask you.

1)How are the relationships between Desna and the flumphs? We know that the flumphs are good aligned wanderers that travels through the cosmo and the stars to warn the worlds they find of the menace represented by the horrors of the Dark Tapestry and the Old Cults so that those world can have their defenders against that menace. Desna says that her faithful has to welcome and befriend good travelers from distant stars and she is always militant and vigilant against the Old Cults, their agents and their activities. Given that, can we consider the flumphs as part of Desna's friends and allies?
2)Who designed Shelyn's holy symbol and what is the story behind it? It is really really beautiful
3)Another question about Shelyn: was she part of the original setting you made years ago or in the same way as Aroden she was created specifically for Pathfinder?
4)About the empyrial lord Pulura we know that she was worshipped in Sarkoris before the opening of the Worldwound and still today a single bastion of hope of her worshippers remains in the area that once was known as Pulura's Fall although now it is under siege. Are there other locations in the Inner Sea region where the Shimmering Maiden is worshipped as much as she was in Sarkoris before the opening of the Worldwound?
5)Except for the information released in "Faiths of Purity", there are other sources in which were released informations about the Starstone Brewers, the Whispered Song and the Glory of the Risen Rose? Or may you tell a bit more about them?

1) Non existent. Desna doesn't care for them and thinks they're irrelevant. They're lawful good, not chaotic good, so flumphs don't worship Desna (and frankly I don't know or care who flumphs worship). They're not friends and allies.

2) I designed most of the holy symbols. Shelyn wasn't from my homebrew so I can't remember how much of a hand I had in the design of her symbol, but I know I helped.

3) No. She was created by Mike McArtor specifically for Golarion.

4) She is certainly worshiped in other regions of the world but not as much as she was in Sarkoris.

5) None of those have any information beyond what was in that book, as far as I know.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

Hello Mr. Directorsaur!

Rereading through Bestiary 6 and I noticed the Bonethorn reminded me of the monster from Splinter. Have you ever seen that movie? The monster is really cool.

Saw Splinter many years ago. Great movie!

The bonethorn may have been subconsciously inspired by Splinter, but not intentionally. It's part of my "fungus is gross and scary" monster design philosophy. And a great example of where ideas come from—they come from everything you've experienced throughout your life, mixed together. Perhaps in this case the idea for the bonethorn came from a mix of "Splinter," "Voice in the Night," "The Animators," and "The Last of Us."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Are you hiding any eggs for Shimmy?

No. My easter is pretty much being spent as a normal run-of-the-mill day.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Hello Mr. Directorsaur!

Rereading through Bestiary 6 and I noticed the Bonethorn reminded me of the monster from Splinter. Have you ever seen that movie? The monster is really cool.

Saw Splinter many years ago. Great movie!

The bonethorn may have been subconsciously inspired by Splinter, but not intentionally. It's part of my "fungus is gross and scary" monster design philosophy. And a great example of where ideas come from—they come from everything you've experienced throughout your life, mixed together. Perhaps in this case the idea for the bonethorn came from a mix of "Splinter," "Voice in the Night," "The Animators," and "The Last of Us."

Ah, Okies!

Grand Lodge

What is you favorite thing that another writer added to Golarion?

What's your knowledge, and opinion, of the outer god Yidhra?

Which CoC supplements have you played through? If it's too long a list, was Strange Aeons II among them?

How would I convert CoC 6E stats to Pathfinder? I'm not talking about the beasties, that's been done, but rather the investigators.

Would most people in the Inner Sea region know that Earthfall was an event? Is it a commonly know part of history and mythology?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

IDTheftVictim wrote:
What is you favorite thing that another writer added to Golarion?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

AlgaeNymph wrote:

What's your knowledge, and opinion, of the outer god Yidhra?

Which CoC supplements have you played through? If it's too long a list, was Strange Aeons II among them?

How would I convert CoC 6E stats to Pathfinder? I'm not talking about the beasties, that's been done, but rather the investigators.

Yidhra is an interesting creature, sort of like a supercharged version of the monster from "The Thing" on one level. The original story by Walter C. DeBill, Jr. where he creates her is pretty good.

I own almost (but not all) CoC supplements, and have been playing the game since about 1985 or thereabouts. I own Strange Aeons II but haven't run/played any of the adventures within.

I don't know why you'd want to, frankly, but my suggestion would be to look at the personality and theme and non-rules elements of the character you're converting and then build them in Pathfinder rules from the ground up to support those elements and not worry about exact rules crossover.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Beat wrote:
Would most people in the Inner Sea region know that Earthfall was an event? Is it a commonly know part of history and mythology?

Most know about it, yes.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

1.Does Iomedae know how Aroden died or did she inherit his domains via a mysterious "call"?
2.How ardent are the Red Mantis assassins in tracking down a renegade? For example if someone learned their ways and then became a rogue "black mantis" is doesn't seem like it would matter much to Achaekek, but it seems like it would matter a great deal to the Red Mantis Assassins themselves.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

3. Does Desna hold any particular interest in redeeming/saving changlings (specifically night hag descended changlings from their fate? It seems she may have a strong interest here.
4. At least in the adventure paths it seems like Irori tends to be overlooked. Does he have a strong presence on Golarion? It seems like his temples are few and far between and his adherents even moreso. Iomedae has a much stronger presence as do most of the other "ascended". Is he simply beyond such concerns as worshippers after finding perfection?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Jareth Elirae wrote:

1.Does Iomedae know how Aroden died or did she inherit his domains via a mysterious "call"?

2.How ardent are the Red Mantis assassins in tracking down a renegade? For example if someone learned their ways and then became a rogue "black mantis" is doesn't seem like it would matter much to Achaekek, but it seems like it would matter a great deal to the Red Mantis Assassins themselves.

1) Nope; she doesn't know, and as a general rule deities don't "inherit" domains from other deities; that's more of a Forgotten Realms thing.

2) When a Red Mantis goes renegade, the expectation is that her superior should track her down, but it's not required. If she doesn't track the renegade down and the renegade doesn't cause problems for the Red Mantis, no harm, no foul, but if she doesn't track her down and the renegade DOES cause problems, both the renegade and her superior are in trouble and both are sought out for punishment. If a superior does go after a renegade and fails to punish her or whatever (typically because the renegade defeats the superior), the Red Mantis consider the case closed and the renegade is no longer considered a threat; her reward for defeating her superior is that the Red Mantis doesn't hold a grudge.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Assuming the events of Wrath of the Righteous are presumed to have occurred will a new herald of Iomedae be stated up or will the "replacement" essentially be assumed to be the same?

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:

What's your knowledge, and opinion, of the outer god Yidhra?

Which CoC supplements have you played through? If it's too long a list, was Strange Aeons II among them?

How would I convert CoC 6E stats to Pathfinder? I'm not talking about the beasties, that's been done, but rather the investigators.

Yidhra is an interesting creature, sort of like a supercharged version of the monster from "The Thing" on one level. The original story by Walter C. DeBill, Jr. where he creates her is pretty good.

I own almost (but not all) CoC supplements, and have been playing the game since about 1985 or thereabouts. I own Strange Aeons II but haven't run/played any of the adventures within.

I don't know why you'd want to, frankly, but my suggestion would be to look at the personality and theme and non-rules elements of the character you're converting and then build them in Pathfinder rules from the ground up to support those elements and not worry about exact rules crossover.

These questions are all in relation to Master Wu's Marriage (p.7-32 of Strange Aeons II); I'm interested in seeing what Madam Yi would look like in Pathfinder stats, and I want an idea of how badly Master Wu's retainers are outmatched. However, my impression is that Madam Yi would be, from the perspective of CR-appropriate PCs, merely a pseudo-succubus with a pheromone aura and monk chassis.

This gets me thinking of the illustration on p.33 of Pathfinder #63.

I'm rambling now, and you only answer questions. Hm... Ah.

What's your take regarding the above?

What's your opinion about Master Wu's Marriage?

Any interest in statting up Yidhra, or her avatars?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jareth Elirae wrote:
Assuming the events of Wrath of the Righteous are presumed to have occurred will a new herald of Iomedae be stated up or will the "replacement" essentially be assumed to be the same?

Up to your GM, but the easiest solution is that the new herald is more or less the same as the previous one.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AlgaeNymph wrote:

These questions are all in relation to Master Wu's Marriage (p.7-32 of Strange Aeons II); I'm interested in seeing what Madam Yi would look like in Pathfinder stats, and I want an idea of how badly Master Wu's retainers are outmatched. However, my impression is that Madam Yi would be, from the perspective of CR-appropriate PCs, merely a pseudo-succubus with a pheromone aura and monk chassis.

This gets me thinking of the illustration on p.33 of Pathfinder #63.

I'm rambling now, and you only answer questions. Hm... Ah.

What's your take regarding the above?

What's your opinion about Master Wu's Marriage?

Any interest in statting up Yidhra, or her avatars?

I haven't read that scenario in years and don't have any opinions as a result since I don't remember enough of it.

Yidhra is very low on the list of Mythos creatures I'd like to stat up, frankly.

Silver Crusade

Did you like the Shin Godzilla shout out in The Ringed City?

(Sorry for the second ask)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

3. Does Desna hold any particular interest in redeeming/saving changlings (specifically night hag descended changlings from their fate? It seems she may have a strong interest here.
4. At least in the adventure paths it seems like Irori tends to be overlooked. Does he have a strong presence on Golarion? It seems like his temples are few and far between and his adherents even moreso. Iomedae has a much stronger presence as do most of the other "ascended". Is he simply beyond such concerns as worshippers after finding perfection?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

Did you like the Shin Godzilla shout out in The Ringed City?

(Sorry for the second ask)

I thought I answered this but I guess the internet ate my reply.

I didn't notice any Godzilla shout-outs of any kind in the Ringed City.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jareth Elirae wrote:

3. Does Desna hold any particular interest in redeeming/saving changlings (specifically night hag descended changlings from their fate? It seems she may have a strong interest here.

4. At least in the adventure paths it seems like Irori tends to be overlooked. Does he have a strong presence on Golarion? It seems like his temples are few and far between and his adherents even moreso. Iomedae has a much stronger presence as do most of the other "ascended". Is he simply beyond such concerns as worshippers after finding perfection?

3) No more so than any other thing, and redemption is more the duty of worshipers, not gods anyway. Desna's church will certainly support someone (changeling or otherwise) who seeks redemption, but only once they're sure it's not a trick. Sarenrae is the primary goddess of redemption and her church generally is a lot more pro-active at seeking out redemption opportunities.

4) He has a strong presence in Golarion, which is why he's in the core 20 deities. We've had Irori themes in our APs, but haven't done one focused on him yet, which is the case for several deities.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Did you like the Shin Godzilla shout out in The Ringed City?

(Sorry for the second ask)

I thought I answered this but I guess the internet ate my reply.

I didn't notice any Godzilla shout-outs of any kind in the Ringed City.

No worries, Thankies for responding :3

What all bosses did you fight in the expansion?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If you were put in charge of casting the Curse of the Crimson Throne movie, and had the ability of casting any actress, alive or dead, for the role of Queen Ileosa, who would you choose to portray the Mad Queen?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Did you like the Shin Godzilla shout out in The Ringed City?

(Sorry for the second ask)

I thought I answered this but I guess the internet ate my reply.

I didn't notice any Godzilla shout-outs of any kind in the Ringed City.

No worries, Thankies for responding :3

What all bosses did you fight in the expansion?

All of them, although I've not yet finished fights against the...

...undead dragon in the cavern and the final NPC fight after the final boss.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Misroi wrote:
If you were put in charge of casting the Curse of the Crimson Throne movie, and had the ability of casting any actress, alive or dead, for the role of Queen Ileosa, who would you choose to portray the Mad Queen?

1st: I would require it to be a long-running series on premium cable, a la Game of Thrones or Walking Dead, since I don't think an adventure path can be covered in a single movie.

2nd: Charlize Theron.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Did you like the Shin Godzilla shout out in The Ringed City?

(Sorry for the second ask)

I thought I answered this but I guess the internet ate my reply.

I didn't notice any Godzilla shout-outs of any kind in the Ringed City.

No worries, Thankies for responding :3

What all bosses did you fight in the expansion?

All of them, although I've not yet finished fights against the...

** spoiler omitted **

Ah, Okies.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Misroi wrote:
If you were put in charge of casting the Curse of the Crimson Throne movie, and had the ability of casting any actress, alive or dead, for the role of Queen Ileosa, who would you choose to portray the Mad Queen?

1st: I would require it to be a long-running series on premium cable, a la Game of Thrones or Walking Dead, since I don't think an adventure path can be covered in a single movie.

2nd: Charlize Theron.

She's a great actress, but I always pictured Ileosa much younger, like in her post-teens.

Laori? I'm not asking for more characters as I don't want to be irritating, but I'm very curious of her.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kileanna wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Misroi wrote:
If you were put in charge of casting the Curse of the Crimson Throne movie, and had the ability of casting any actress, alive or dead, for the role of Queen Ileosa, who would you choose to portray the Mad Queen?

1st: I would require it to be a long-running series on premium cable, a la Game of Thrones or Walking Dead, since I don't think an adventure path can be covered in a single movie.

2nd: Charlize Theron.

She's a great actress, but I always pictured Ileosa much younger, like in her post-teens.

Laori? I'm not asking for more characters as I don't want to be irritating, but I'm very curious of her.

Unlike Hollywood, I'm okay casting women in roles if they're over 25 years old. If you're looking for a younger actress, maybe Sophie Turner.

Laori: Massie Wiliams, since I'm thinking in Game of Thrones mode now.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Do the Eldest have heralds like other gods (or comparable servants with a similar role and level of power)?


Inspired by Euripides' tragedy, the Bacchae, I plan to use a self-styled 'horned god' that comes to the Stolen Lands with his retinue of maenads to spread ecstatic mania among the citizens. While I could use any fey for this purpose, tying the antagonist to Nyrissa (and foreshadowing her arrival in this manner) would be ideal.


Not that I'm against casting older people. I feel it's ridiculous to cast a 25 year old woman to portray one who is supposed to be 40, but also having 30-year-olds acting as teenagers. Each one his age.

What AP do you think could work better as a:
2)TV series?
3)Animated series?
4)Comic book?

Not asking for a movie as I think you have already said «Hell's Rebels».

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Amanuensis wrote:

Do the Eldest have heralds like other gods (or comparable servants with a similar role and level of power)?

** spoiler omitted **


As a general rule, demigods like the Eldest do not have heralds. They have plenty of comparable servants with less, equal, or greater power, and now and then they CAN gain a herald but typically not for a long period of time.

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