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Paizo Employee Creative Director

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AlgaeNymph wrote:

If I'm creating a sex-themed demon lord (i.e., a CR 26+ succubus), does one of the ares of concern have to be about sex?

Yes, this should be something I can figure out on my own, but you know how fussy RPG rules can be.

I'm not sure what the problem is. A deity's areas of concern are one of the parts of a deity and its interaction with the game that DOES NOT care about rules. It's pretty much just the domains, subdomains, obediences, and favored weapon that are rules concerns. The rest, including holy symbol shape, sacred color, gender, race, appearance, name, and of course areas of concern are things that don't impact the rules. They GREATLY impact the story, and thus in a roundabout way that does impact the rules, since the rules should ALWAYS develop from the needs of the story.

If you create a sex-themed demon lord and said demon lord does not include sex or a sex-related theme as part of their areas of concern, you actually have not created a sex-themed demon lord at all, in other words.

For Golarion, the two sex-themed demon lords that come to mind would be Nocticula and Socothbenoth, but we didn't list "sex" as one of their areas of concern, specifically because sex is not an evil or chaotic part of reality, and I wasn't interested in suggesting that. So those two demon lords got assigned "sex-themed" areas of concern that made it clear that they were focused on the destructive (as in chaotic or evil or chaotic AND evil) aspects of sex.

James Jacobs wrote:
Axial wrote:

A) I was looking at the map folio from Hell's Vengeance. It would appear as if Citadel Dinyar is located rather deep in Isger; namely on the other side of Chitterwood. Wouldn't this pose a problem? Would they have to crash through a bunch of goblinoids on their way to Cheliax?

B) Seeing as how Isger is under the thumb of Cheliax and would prefer to be independent (the borders article says as much) why doesn't the GR march into Elidir? They could cut off Cheliax's trade route to Druma. The army won't oppose the GR; or will only pretend to.

C) What is the fate of Misarias in the campaign? It's not mentioned, but since Misarias has a strong Chelish military presence and is on the border of Isger it seems like it would be a prime target.

A) I'm pretty sure Hellknights aren't too worried about goblins, especially in a place like Isger where the organized goblin force is anything BUT organized.

B) Because the Glorious Reclamation is obsessed with retaking Cheliax itself, and doesn't want to waste time fooling around with non-Cheliax targets. This obsession in the leadership is one of the many flaws in the organization that gives Thrune (and thus the PCs) a better chance to fight against them. If we wanted to tell a story from the Glorious Reclamation's side and focus on PC agents of that group instead, we may well have done something with Isgeri trade routes, but that wasn't the point of the story.

C) Dunno. I actually wasn't all that involved in the creation of Hell's Vengeance; this is a better question fro Rob. I believe there was a "What's happening beyond the borders" article in there somewhere though...

A) Oh, sorry. I meant the Glorious Reclamation, not the Godclaw. I just figured that if the GR was based out of Dinyar after overtaking it, then the proximity of Chitterwood would give them some problems and hinder their efforts to deploy to Cheliax.

B) I appreciate the answer, regardless, since I intend to someday run an "Overthrow Thrune" campaign with GR or at least GR-aligned PCs.

C) Misarias is a Chelish city located inside of Cheliax proper (just on the border of Isger), so it's not under that article's purview. But I will ask Rob if I get the chance. I was actually thinking about replacing part 2 of the adventure path with a Misarias arc instead of a Kantaria one.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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The Doomkitten wrote:

What did you think of Stranger Things?

Don't think you answered this before, so: who would win in a fight, Harsk or Varric?

Stranger Things is the best thing Netflix has created. It stole that crown from Jessica Jones, who now rules the #2 spot (but not far down... she still has a chance to reclaim the crown!).

When two dwarves fight, the whole world wins.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Axial wrote:

A) Oh, sorry. I meant the Glorious Reclamation, not the Godclaw. I just figured that if the GR was based out of Dinyar after overtaking it, then the proximity of Chitterwood would give them some problems and hinder their efforts to deploy to Cheliax.

B) I appreciate the answer, regardless, since I intend to someday run an "Overthrow Thrune" campaign with GR or at least GR-aligned PCs.

C) Misarias is a Chelish city located inside of Cheliax proper (just on the border of Isger), so it's not under that article's purview. But I will ask Rob if I get the chance. I was actually thinking about replacing part 2 of the adventure path with a Misarias arc instead of a Kantaria one.

A) The Glorious Reclamation's reasons for taking the citadel are pretty well covered in the story of Hell's Vengeance as far as I know. It's as much a trophy as anything else. And again... they're also not worried about goblins. The goblins of Isger are not a significant threat at this time to an organized army.

B and C) Frankly... since you're building your own campaign, you can and SHOULD make choices for locations like Misarias as best fits the needs for your game. I'm not the expert on that campaign; you are. Have fun with it! :-)

1. In Forgotten Realms, there were three sarrukh empires. What about Golarion? Were there several serpentfolk empires? Or was there only one, unified serpentfolk empire?

2. Sarrrukh empires in Forgotten Realms have names: Okoth, Mhairshaulk, and Isstosefifil, respectively. What was the name of the serpentfolk empire in Golarion?

3. Where was the center of the serpentfolk empire? Was it on Avistan? Or was it on Garund?

4. Bestiary said that troglodytes once had one of the largest empire in the world, and their civilization was generations ahead of other humanoid races. Is it canon in Golarion too? If so, what was their relation with serpentfolk?

5. There are many ruins in Mwangi Expanse like that of Usaro, Jaha, Kalabuto, and the Spire of Destiny. Are these ruins the remnants of the serpentfolk civilization?

6. I thought serpentfolks are cold-blooded creatures because they are reptile. But Into the Darklands said that they are warm-blooded creatures. I don't know what's right. Are serpentfolks, dragons, kobolds, troglodytes, lizardfolks and boggards warm-blooded creatures, or cold-blooded creatures?

7. If they are warm-blooded race, how can they hibernate(They went into hibernation after their empire's fall)? I thought only cold-blood races can go into that kind of hibernation that lasts thousands of years.

8. Why did the serpentfolks go into hibernation? Did they think a long hibernation would give them an advantage?

9. On the Crown of the World, there are many ruins that predates even the aboleths. Are these ruins belong to the Dominion of the Black?

10. Did the Dominion of the Black not know the existence of Golarion at all before the Divinity crashed on Golarion?

11. At first I thought aboleths are the servants of the outer gods, and they sent aboleths first as an advance party. But after knowing the Dominion, I changed my opinion. Are aboleths the advance party of the Dominion?

12. If they are the servants of neither party and serve only themselves, then are the aboleths native to Golarion, not some kind of aliens that landed on Golarion eons ago?

13. You said that the Divinity drive was what fascinated the Dominion. Does that mean the Dominion wanted to snatch the Divinity's faster-than-light travel technology? And if so, do the Dominion still not have the faster-than-light travel technology?

14. It seems that the Dominion cannot perform faster-than-light travel, yet they have conquered vast swaths of the universe. So, if they captured the Divinity intact, will their threat to the universe increased very greatly?

15. Anyway, now that Casandalee became a deity and left the Material Plane for good, or maybe Unity became a deity and became a satellite of Golarion, the Divinity Drive escaped the Dominion permanently?

16. Do the Dominion still not know where the DIvinity came from? In other words, do they know where Androffa is?

Have folks in the office been lurking around Bizzcon?

When my WOW Huntress set up her Class Hall in the Broken Isles, one of the first greetings she got was "Hail Pathfinder!"

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aenigma wrote:

1. In Forgotten Realms, there were three sarrukh empires. What about Golarion? Were there several serpentfolk empires? Or was there only one, unified serpentfolk empire?

2. Sarrrukh empires in Forgotten Realms have names: Okoth, Mhairshaulk, and Isstosefifil, respectively. What was the name of the serpentfolk empire in Golarion?

3. Where was the center of the serpentfolk empire? Was it on Avistan? Or was it on Garund?

4. Bestiary said that troglodytes once had one of the largest empire in the world, and their civilization was generations ahead of other humanoid races. Is it canon in Golarion too? If so, what was their relation with serpentfolk?

5. There are many ruins in Mwangi Expanse like that of Usaro, Jaha, Kalabuto, and the Spire of Destiny. Are these ruins the remnants of the serpentfolk civilization?

6. I thought serpentfolks are cold-blooded creatures because they are reptile. But Into the Darklands said that they are warm-blooded creatures. I don't know what's right. Are serpentfolks, dragons, kobolds, troglodytes, lizardfolks and boggards warm-blooded creatures, or cold-blooded creatures?

7. If they are warm-blooded race, how can they hibernate(They went into hibernation after their empire's fall)? I thought only cold-blood races can go into that kind of hibernation that lasts thousands of years.

8. Why did the serpentfolks go into hibernation? Did they think a long hibernation would give them an advantage?

1) There was one serpentfolk empire.

2) We haven't really said, but the implication is that it was Sekamina.

3) Under Northern Avistan.

4) Yes; their empire was once quite large but we haven't really said much about it. I suspect they eventually succumbed to the serpentfolk.

5) Nope; mostly ruins of older human civilizations.

6) Nope; they're warm-blooded. In most cases, all non-animal reptilian monsters are warm blooded. That said, being warm or cold blooded doesn't really have any rules implications or effects in this game.

7) Their hibernation is magical in nature; the serpentfolk have a long and potent tradition of being powerful magic users of all three categories (arcane, divine, and psychic) that rivaled Azlant and other powerful empires.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:

Have folks in the office been lurking around Bizzcon?

When my WOW Huntress set up her Class Hall in the Broken Isles, one of the first greetings she got was "Hail Pathfinder!"

I don't believe so.

And cool!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aenigma wrote:

9. On the Crown of the World, there are many ruins that predates even the aboleths. Are these ruins belong to the Dominion of the Black?

10. Did the Dominion of the Black not know the existence of Golarion at all before the Divinity crashed on Golarion?

11. At first I thought aboleths are the servants of the outer gods, and they sent aboleths first as an advance party. But after knowing the Dominion, I changed my opinion. Are aboleths the advance party of the Dominion?

12. If they are the servants of neither party and serve only themselves, then are the aboleths native to Golarion, not some kind of aliens that landed on Golarion eons ago?

13. You said that the Divinity drive was what fascinated the Dominion. Does that mean the Dominion wanted to snatch the Divinity's faster-than-light travel technology? And if so, do the Dominion still not have the faster-than-light travel technology?

14. It seems that the Dominion cannot perform faster-than-light travel, yet they have conquered vast swaths of the universe. So, if they captured the Divinity intact, will their threat to the universe increased very greatly?

15. Anyway, now that Casandalee became a deity and left the Material Plane for good, or maybe Unity became a deity and became a satellite of Golarion, the Divinity Drive escaped the Dominion permanently?

16. Do the Dominion still not know where the DIvinity came from? In other words, do they know where Androffa is?

9) No.

10) Unrevealed.

11) The aboleths have no allegiance to the Dominion OR to the Elder Mythos. They're their own thing.

12) They're natives of Golarion.

13) Correct. The dominion has patience and time; they live longer than us humans and have other methods of travel, but are patient enough to wait... or at least were when they encountered Divinity over 9,000 years ago. In that time, I suspect their technology/magic has expanded so that they do have methods of FTL travel now.

14) Probably not very greatly in the grand scheme of things, since their goals are more mysterious than mere conquering.

15) Perhaps. There could always be notes in the ship that could allow the drive to be rebuilt, etc.

James Jacobs wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:

Have folks in the office been lurking around Bizzcon?

When my WOW Huntress set up her Class Hall in the Broken Isles, one of the first greetings she got was "Hail Pathfinder!"

I don't believe so.

And cool!

Apparently the Hunter analog to the Paladin's Order of the Silver Hand is The Order of the Hidden Path
Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Is Paizo's version of The Yellow Sign the same as Chaosium's, which is the most popular version? Or do you have your own version of it?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Is Paizo's version of The Yellow Sign the same as Chaosium's, which is the most popular version? Or do you have your own version of it?

It is. In fact, that version was designed by Kevin Ross for an adventure he wrote back in 1990 or so that appeared in the Chaosium CoC adventure anthology "The Great Old Ones."

Kevin's an awesome guy, and he was delighted to find out we were interested in using his Yellow Sign design in Strange Aeons.

Which is, of course, why he gets a special credit for its design in each volume of Strange Aeons!

Hey James. So here's the latest in my series of Mythos questions.

I loved the Elder Mythos article in In Search of Sanity - like more than some of my relatives. That said, it struck me that a surprising number of Great Old Ones (and even an Elder God) ostensibly live on Earth. Or at least, the fantastic version of Earth visited in Rasputin Must Die.

We have Cthulhu in R’lyeh, Ghatanothoa in a similar island prison, Chaugnar Faugn chilling in hill country, Rhan-Tegoth in a very unfortunate museum, and in Hyperboria (ie, the prehistoric artic), there's Ahboth, Atlach-Nacha, Tsathoggua, and according to the Tsathoggua article, even sexy newbie Orgesh. That's a whopping 50% of the Elder Mythos, all trapped in various forms of imprisonment or indolence on Earth.

Or! So it is if we go strictly off of the lore written by Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith. Also Chaosium.

So my question: I know you aren't huge on revealing major plot points outside of canon, published works. That said: is it possible that in Pathfinder, places like Mount Voormithadreth, K'n-yan, and N'kai don't exist on the Pathdinder Earth? I'm not looking for an affirmation either way, so much as the possibility of ambiguity.

Also I know that a) Cthulhu is pretty solidly established as being stuck on Earth, and b) both Chaugnar Faugn and Rhan-Tegoth are noted as potentially existing in multiple locales/dimensions simultaneously. Totally cool with that.

Also second question: If you don't mind revealing your potential inspiration, was death/swamp god-thing Nhimbaloth inspired by the awesome Algernon Blackwood short story 'The Willows?'

Thank you as always for your boundless Mythos knowledge.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Generic Villain wrote:

Hey James. So here's the latest in my series of Mythos questions.

I loved the Elder Mythos article in In Search of Sanity - like more than some of my relatives. That said, it struck me that a surprising number of Great Old Ones (and even an Elder God) ostensibly live on Earth. Or at least, the fantastic version of Earth visited in Rasputin Must Die.

We have Cthulhu in R’lyeh, Ghatanothoa in a similar island prison, Chaugnar Faugn chilling in hill country, Rhan-Tegoth in a very unfortunate museum, and in Hyperboria (ie, the prehistoric artic), there's Ahboth, Atlach-Nacha, Tsathoggua, and according to the Tsathoggua article, even sexy newbie Orgesh. That's a whopping 50% of the Elder Mythos, all trapped in various forms of imprisonment or indolence on Earth.

Or! So it is if we go strictly off of the lore written by Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith. Also Chaosium.

So my question: I know you aren't huge on revealing major plot points outside of canon, published works. That said: is it possible that in Pathfinder, places like Mount Voormithadreth, K'n-yan, and N'kai don't exist on the Pathdinder Earth? I'm not looking for an affirmation either way, so much as the possibility of ambiguity.

Also I know that a) Cthulhu is pretty solidly established as being stuck on Earth, and b) both Chaugnar Faugn and Rhan-Tegoth are noted as potentially existing in multiple locales/dimensions simultaneously. Totally cool with that.

Also second question: If you don't mind revealing your potential inspiration, was death/swamp god-thing Nhimbaloth inspired by the awesome Algernon Blackwood short story 'The Willows?'

Thank you as always for your boundless Mythos knowledge.

It's not surprising at all when you consider the fact that one of the things I really want to preserve when using the mythos in Pathfinder is to treat Lovecraft's original writings as canonically as possible. In some cases, we can duplicate mythos events and themes with ease (such as how we duplicated the plot of "The Dunwich Horror" with "Carrion Hill") but in many others, particularly the Great Old Ones themselves... they DO have specific lairs nailed down in the stories. Fortunately, most of them have the ability to influence dreams far beyond the world they're on. And since they're already so powerful... they aren't really going to show up in most games anyway so it's a moot point in a lot of campaigns.


Answer to your question: Nope; Mount Voormithadreth exists on Earth. As do Kn'yan and N'kai and Yoth, although the reason why I gave Golarion a 3 tier underworld (Nar-Voth, Sekamina, and Orv) is 100% an hommage to Kn'yan, N'kai, and Yoth. And there are absolutely portals connecting Earth's "Darklands" to Golarion's, likely ones that stretch through the Dreamlands, which are linked to Golarion via the Dimension of Dreams.

Answer to your second question: Absolutely. Glad that came through! "The Willows" is one of my top five favorite stories of all time. Nhimbaloth is an Outer God I created for my Unspeakable Futures game when I got frustrated with the lack of female entities in the mythos and also needed something of a more spiritual/ghostly element, but it wasn't until I translated her into Pathfinder with this article that I tied her into the themes from "The Willows."

Grand Lodge

1.Is there an evil deity with the Community domain and if not why?
2. What is the deal with Camazotz? I was reading through Lords of Chaos and I was really surprised to find a full fledged deity I have never seen other reference to.

It seems that you forgot to answer the 8th and 16th questions in my previous posts. So I write them here again.

8. Why did the serpentfolks go into hibernation? Did they think a long hibernation would give them an advantage?

16. Do the Dominion still not know where the DIvinity came from? In other words, do they know where Androffa is?

And, new questions.

1. Was Sverenagati the capital of the serpentfolks?

2. If so, it's weird. Serpentfolks are reptilian, and reptiles are generally described as the creatures that live in the warm climate. For example, the sarrukh queen Morag tried to turn the Faerun into a jungle in Neverwinter Nights game, because sarrukhs cannot live in the region that is not hot enough. But Varisia is in the far north of the world, and Sverenagati is in the northern side of Varisia. Which means the land around Sverenagati would be very cold for them to live. Shouldn't Sverenagati be in the more southern region? Is it because Varisia is the protagonist region of the setting, and so that you guys wanted to put as many important things as you can in the region(Well, I just remembered that sarrukhs are cold-blooded creatures who cannot bear coldness, but serpentfolks are warm-blooded creatures, maybe this difference is the reason they can live in Varisia?)?

3. You said that Sekamina would be the name of the serpentfolk empire. But it is the name of the second floor of the Darklands! Maybe... maybe Sekamina was the name of the serpentfolk nation centered in Sverenagati, and because the serpentfolk empire expanded so much and conquered nearly all parts of the Darklnads, that floor started to be called as Sekamina?

4. You said that the ruins in the Crown of the World has nothing to do with the Dominion. Then maybe it belongs to the elder things?

5. Are you the appropriate person to ask about Baba Yaga?

I do have a few questions :)

1) When making a Bestiary (of any kind), how do you decide which creatures should be mainstream/generic and which ones should be Golarion-exclusive? I'm asking this because of reprints. How do you decide whether this or that monster is suitable for any game and not just for the Golarion setting?

2) Are we going to get info on political situations between the Inner Seas and Tian Xia? I'm asking this because Tian Xia.... has gotten several booklets and supplements, more than any other region. However, nothing has been said about the policital relationships between the two. Do people know about Tian Xia? Do Tian Xians known about the Inner Seas? Are they on the verge of war? Are they in good terms? See what I mean?

3) Are there plans to expand Golarion's lore with stuff about Azland, Arcadia, Sarusan, Southern Garund and Southern Casmaron? I'm guessing that Tian Xia got its share of extra lore due to the Jade Regent AP and the Ruby Phoenix Tournament module, but we have yet to hear about the other continents.

4) Will the Villain Codex have some info on non-evil villainous character ideas? I'm asking this because villains are often, if not always, associated with evil characters. However, there can be times when your PCs end up fighting good-aligned characters who just happen to have different ideals. You could fight an overzealous paladin because you're protecting a good-aligned skinwalker or tiefling, for instance.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Are there hentai tentacle monsters in the world of pathfinder?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
IDTheftVictim wrote:

1.Is there an evil deity with the Community domain and if not why?

2. What is the deal with Camazotz? I was reading through Lords of Chaos and I was really surprised to find a full fledged deity I have never seen other reference to.

1) None come to mind. I suspect there might be one or two demigods with that domain. But that said... Community doesn't lend itself well to evil acts. Not all domains are alignment neutral. Some, like Glory for example, or Death, have spells in them that have alignment subtypes even though the domain itself isn't an alignment domain, and that means that the domain isn't that appropriate for every alignment.

2) Camazotz is a deity from South American myth, and one of my favorites from that pantheon (of which I have several others) and so back in the Second Darkness days, it made sense to name drop him into the setting as an obscure deity with some domain over the Darklands. He doesn't really have much influence at all over the Inner Sea region, but a little in the Darklands, and I'm 99% sure he's one of the core deities of Arcadia. Want more reference to him? You'll pretty much either have to go to the supplementary adventure in Pathfinder #18, or look to real-world mythology sources (or the old D&D book Deities & Demigods or the old D&D adventure "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan," which is where my initial interest in Camazots began).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aenigma wrote:

It seems that you forgot to answer the 8th and 16th questions in my previous posts. So I write them here again.

8. Why did the serpentfolks go into hibernation? Did they think a long hibernation would give them an advantage?

16. Do the Dominion still not know where the DIvinity came from? In other words, do they know where Androffa is?

And, new questions.

1. Was Sverenagati the capital of the serpentfolks?

2. If so, it's weird. Serpentfolks are reptilian, and reptiles are generally described as the creatures that live in the warm climate. For example, the sarrukh queen Morag tried to turn the Faerun into a jungle in Neverwinter Nights game, because sarrukhs cannot live in the region that is not hot enough. But Varisia is in the far north of the world, and Sverenagati is in the northern side of Varisia. Which means the land around Sverenagati would be very cold for them to live. Shouldn't Sverenagati be in the more southern region? Is it because Varisia is the protagonist region of the setting, and so that you guys wanted to put as many important things as you can in the region(Well, I just remembered that sarrukhs are cold-blooded creatures who cannot bear coldness, but serpentfolks are warm-blooded creatures, maybe this difference is the reason they can live in Varisia?)?

3. You said that Sekamina would be the name of the serpentfolk empire. But it is the name of the second floor of the Darklands! Maybe... maybe Sekamina was the name of the serpentfolk nation centered in Sverenagati, and because the serpentfolk empire expanded so much and conquered nearly all parts of the Darklnads, that floor started to be called as Sekamina?

4. You said that the ruins in the Crown of the World has nothing to do with the Dominion. Then maybe it belongs to the elder things?

5. Are you the appropriate person to ask about Baba Yaga?

Doesn't surprise me I forgot to answer a few. That's the risk you take when you hit me with so many questions, and why it's a good idea to limit the numbers. That said, if I miss any, just repost like you did and I'll get them the 2nd (or 3rd or 4th or whatever) time around.

8) They went into hibernation for more or less the same reason the Runelords did—to dodge the end of the world and to come back later when the world had forgotten them so that they could have an easier time of rebuilding their empire, which had fallen into ruin at the time.

16) They do know, but that knowledge didn't really help them much.

1) Unrevealed. I like to think so though.

2) This is not Forgotten Realms, so try not to assume that what's true in that setting is true in Golarion. Also, the deeper underground you go, the warmer it gets. Also also, Varisia is my favorite area in the setting, so it's natural that things that interest me and that I'm responsible for bringing to the game would have somewhat of a presence there.

3) It is indeed the name of the central Darklands, which does indeed mean that once upon a time, the serpentfolk empire and the second realm of the Darklands were one and the same, and the fact that it's still named that is the largest legacy that immense serpent empire left behind for the rest of the world, even though the rest of the world forgot about them.

4) We have more to say about those ruins in part 3 of Jade Regent, which involves a trek across the crown of the world. The ruins ARE a nod to "At the Mountains of Madness" though.

5) I could be. Rob's a better person to ask, since Reign of Winter was his AP.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
xavier c wrote:
Are there hentai tentacle monsters in the world of pathfinder?

Ask your GM.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JiCi wrote:

I do have a few questions :)

1) When making a Bestiary (of any kind), how do you decide which creatures should be mainstream/generic and which ones should be Golarion-exclusive? I'm asking this because of reprints. How do you decide whether this or that monster is suitable for any game and not just for the Golarion setting?

2) Are we going to get info on political situations between the Inner Seas and Tian Xia? I'm asking this because Tian Xia.... has gotten several booklets and supplements, more than any other region. However, nothing has been said about the policital relationships between the two. Do people know about Tian Xia? Do Tian Xians known about the Inner Seas? Are they on the verge of war? Are they in good terms? See what I mean?

3) Are there plans to expand Golarion's lore with stuff about Azland, Arcadia, Sarusan, Southern Garund and Southern Casmaron? I'm guessing that Tian Xia got its share of extra lore due to the Jade Regent AP and the Ruby Phoenix Tournament module, but we have yet to hear about the other continents.

4) Will the Villain Codex have some info on non-evil villainous character ideas? I'm asking this because villains are often, if not always, associated with evil characters. However, there can be times when your PCs end up fighting good-aligned characters who just happen to have different ideals. You could fight an overzealous paladin because you're protecting a good-aligned skinwalker or tiefling, for instance.

1) The concept of "Golarion-exclusive" is kind of not a thing, honestly. Pretty much EVERY monster in the Bestiaries is appropriate for and could potentially appear in Golarion; most need to simply wait until an adventure writer puts them in. Monsters that don't appear in hardcover Bestiaries often have more flavor text and more ties to world lore, but which ones get reprinted depends as much on how complicated they are (aka "can they fit on a single page") and whether or not whoever is building the Bestiary is into the monster and whether or not the monster's name does us favors when building the book due to alphabetization factors.

2) Nothing planned yet, but yes, people know about Tian Xia. If they didn't we wouldn't have mentioned it in the Inner Sea World Guide.

3) Now and then we do indeed expand the lore, sometimes in small bits (there's a Qadira book coming out in December that gives more lore about Kelesh and parts of Casmaron), and sometimes in large bits (there's an Azlant adventure path coming next year). But for the most part, we focus on the Inner Sea region because that's where we choose to focus.

4) There are some non-evil villains in Villain Codex, but the majority are evil, because that works best for villains in a generic sense.

James Jacobs wrote:
IDTheftVictim wrote:
Is there an evil deity with the Community domain and if not why?
Community doesn't lend itself well to evil acts.

Personally, I think lawful evil deities would love the Community domain. "Community" is the perfect purr word to propagate the image that the group is all righteous happy together, when it's really just a tool of Dear Leader -- who loves to talk about how anyone who disagrees with him is a threat to the community. Yes, this is based on personal experience (not at Paizo, before you worry).


Also, how does one deal with such a leader when "just walk away" isn't an option?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

"Cutting his throat is only a momentary pleasure and is bound to get you talked about." -- Lazarus Long. :-)

How poor (or how good) might the skill at Taldane (Common - I hate that term) of a Shoanti who grew up in his tribe and had little contact with folks outside the tribe be?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AlgaeNymph wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
IDTheftVictim wrote:
Is there an evil deity with the Community domain and if not why?
Community doesn't lend itself well to evil acts.

Personally, I think lawful evil deities would love the Community domain. "Community" is the perfect purr word to propagate the image that the group is all righteous happy together, when it's really just a tool of Dear Leader -- who loves to talk about how anyone who disagrees with him is a threat to the community. Yes, this is based on personal experience (not at Paizo, before you worry).


Also, how does one deal with such a leader when "just walk away" isn't an option?

It's possible to justify any deity having the Community domian, or any other domain that doesn't have actual alignment restrictions (Law, Chaos, Good, Evil), with good enough writing.

How one deals with a leader when just walk away doesn't do it? Depends on your nature, but two options that come into mind are "Suck it up and deal with it" and "Take over and do a better job."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ed Reppert wrote:

"Cutting his throat is only a momentary pleasure and is bound to get you talked about." -- Lazarus Long. :-)

How poor (or how good) might the skill at Taldane (Common - I hate that term) of a Shoanti who grew up in his tribe and had little contact with folks outside the tribe be?

By the rules: He can't speak at all unless he learns the language, and then once he learns it (via bonus language via Intelligence or via taking ranks in Linguistics) he knows it perfectly and fluently. The rules don't really cover gradations of language proficiency, as that's not an important element of game play.

In world... he speaks it as well or as poorly as the story needs him to speak it.

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
IDTheftVictim wrote:
Is there an evil deity with the Community domain and if not why?
Community doesn't lend itself well to evil acts.

Personally, I think lawful evil deities would love the Community domain. "Community" is the perfect purr word to propagate the image that the group is all righteous happy together, when it's really just a tool of Dear Leader -- who loves to talk about how anyone who disagrees with him is a threat to the community. Yes, this is based on personal experience (not at Paizo, before you worry).


Also, how does one deal with such a leader when "just walk away" isn't an option?

It's possible to justify any deity having the Community domian, or any other domain that doesn't have actual alignment restrictions (Law, Chaos, Good, Evil), with good enough writing.

How one deals with a leader when just walk away doesn't do it? Depends on your nature, but two options that come into mind are "Suck it up and deal with it" and "Take over and do a better job."

Could you rephrase or clarify "Suck it up and deal with it?" The seem like rather (hopefully unintentionally) hurtful and dismissive words to someone who's been emotionally abused, and unable to voice their concerns to the community for fear of ostracism.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Would you make the ghoul thing from the Lovecraft story "The Hound" a Leng ghoul or something eles and if something else what?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
AlgaeNymph wrote:
Could you rephrase or clarify "Suck it up and deal with it?" The seem like rather (hopefully unintentionally) hurtful and dismissive words to someone who's been emotionally abused, and unable to voice their concerns to the community for fear of ostracism.

No, my response was NOT intended to be intentionally hurtful.

I apologize for coming across as hurtful.

If you or anyone DOES have a situation where they feel threatened on these boards or at a Pathfinder event at a convention, you should absolutely let us know—private email or PM to us is a much better bet than a public post on the boards.

If there's a situation beyond Paizo in real life that's dangerous, you should also absolutely seek help as best you can. Knowing nothing about the situation you're in, there's not much I can do to help, but I'll try to be less flippant in my responses here in the future.

Stay safe!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
Would you make the ghoul thing from the Lovecraft story "The Hound" a Leng ghoul or something eles and if something else what?

It's not a Leng ghoul. It's something else. I'm pretty sure by this time next year you'll have a pretty good idea of what that something else is.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
It's not a Leng ghoul. It's something else. I'm pretty sure by this time next year you'll have a pretty good idea of what that something else is.

Do you have any idea how awesome that little teaser is for me?

"The Hound" is one of my personal favorites.

More serious question: With a lot of the, for lack of a better term, more famous Mythos beasties entering print via Strange Aeons and prior entries, are there any Mythos critters you have no interest in getting into Pathfinder?

James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
Could you rephrase or clarify "Suck it up and deal with it?" The phrase seems like rather (hopefully unintentionally) hurtful and dismissive words to someone who's been emotionally abused, and unable to voice their concerns to the community for fear of ostracism.

No, my response was NOT intended to be intentionally hurtful.

I apologize for coming across as hurtful.

If you or anyone DOES have a situation where they feel threatened on these boards or at a Pathfinder event at a convention, you should absolutely let us know—private email or PM to us is a much better bet than a public post on the boards.

If there's a situation beyond Paizo in real life that's dangerous, you should also absolutely seek help as best you can. Knowing nothing about the situation you're in, there's not much I can do to help, but I'll try to be less flippant in my responses here in the future.

Stay safe!

Okay, thanks. :)

So you know the problem's thankfully Not on these boards, nor does it involve physical danger. I’m in a niche-niche art club where the popular kid accused me, without evidence, of sabotaging a writing project (that I put a lot of work in) and driving out a respected member (who told me that wasn’t the case). Said popular kid has pretty much convinced the club that anyone who speaks out against him is a mean-spirited loser who only wants to attack them.

Which leads to these questions…

What’s your opinion of a $700+ seminar that puts participants through 4 days of starvation and sleep deprivation, lots of vigorous dancing, and has them mentally traumatize themselves as a group?

Furthermore, what would you say about a guy who tells people to stop making excuses for underachieving, boasts about all the projects he’s going to do, and then never does them and makes excuses for it?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Prince of Wolves SPOILERS!:
Was that cool undead-destroying blade with lots of Pharasma spirals etched into the blade that Varian Jeggare found at Count Galdana's estate the legendary Corpselight, the lost sword of Ustalav's kings? The book never explicitly names the sword as such, so I'm not sure. I ask because the description was cool, and I'm unsure if I should copy it for my own undead-slaying character's sword. If it IS the artifact, copying it would probably be disrespectful unless one was planning on picking up the plot thread of the lost Virholt line, which the novel establishes is Radovan's.

It's worth pointing out that there is an evil deity with Community - Dretha, the orcish goddess of birth & fertility. Additionally, there's Jiraviddain, Infernal Duke of debility, dependence, & frailty, and Arlachramas, Daemon Harbinger of dehumanization, disposal, & euthanasia.

1. The early firearms have been seen in many adventure paths, so they definitely exist on Golarion. Then what about the advanced firearms? Did Alkenstar also invented the advanced firearms like revolvers, rifles and shotguns?

2. Did Alkenstar also invent the bayonets? Or there is nothing like bayonets on Golarion?

3. What is the name of the current dynasty of Taldor? In other words, what is Stavian III's surname?

4. Has taldor been ruled by one single dynasty throughout all of its history? Or has it been ruled by several dynasties that changed by bloody coups?

5. It's mentioned that Stavian III has no son but a daughter. And that daughter princess Eutropia is very eager to succeed the throne. And many nobles hate her bacause she is a woman. What does Stavian III think? Does he want to let Eutropia succeed the throne? or does he not want to give the throne to a woman, so instead he is finding a suitable male hair?

6. Does Stavian III have any brother or close male relatives(like a nephew)?

7. In this page you said that yithians came Golarion from Earth via dimensional travel. But Earth and Golarion are in the same Material Plane. So how can yithians travel dimensionally to Golarion?

Aenigma wrote:

1. The early firearms have been seen in many adventure paths, so they definitely exist on Golarion. Then what about the advanced firearms? Did Alkenstar also invented the advanced firearms like revolvers, rifles and shotguns?

2. Did Alkenstar also invent the bayonets? Or there is nothing like bayonets on Golarion?

Or maybe to simplify, what is currently the most advanced firearm extant on Golarion today? And is it homemade, or a machine gun brought in from early 20th century Earth?

What would you do with a drunken whaler early in the morning?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
More serious question: With a lot of the, for lack of a better term, more famous Mythos beasties entering print via Strange Aeons and prior entries, are there any Mythos critters you have no interest in getting into Pathfinder?

Yes, but I'm not gonna pick on them (and thus the authors who created them, who in some cases are still alive) by calling them out on some sort of mythos walk of shame.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AlgaeNymph wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
AlgaeNymph wrote:
Could you rephrase or clarify "Suck it up and deal with it?" The phrase seems like rather (hopefully unintentionally) hurtful and dismissive words to someone who's been emotionally abused, and unable to voice their concerns to the community for fear of ostracism.

No, my response was NOT intended to be intentionally hurtful.

I apologize for coming across as hurtful.

If you or anyone DOES have a situation where they feel threatened on these boards or at a Pathfinder event at a convention, you should absolutely let us know—private email or PM to us is a much better bet than a public post on the boards.

If there's a situation beyond Paizo in real life that's dangerous, you should also absolutely seek help as best you can. Knowing nothing about the situation you're in, there's not much I can do to help, but I'll try to be less flippant in my responses here in the future.

Stay safe!

Okay, thanks. :)

So you know the problem's thankfully Not on these boards, nor does it involve physical danger. I’m in a niche-niche art club where the popular kid accused me, without evidence, of sabotaging a writing project (that I put a lot of work in) and driving out a respected member (who told me that wasn’t the case). Said popular kid has pretty much convinced the club that anyone who speaks out against him is a mean-spirited loser who only wants to attack them.

Which leads to these questions…

What’s your opinion of a $700+ seminar that puts participants through 4 days of starvation and sleep deprivation, lots of vigorous dancing, and has them mentally traumatize themselves as a group?

Furthermore, what would you say about a guy who tells people to stop making excuses for underachieving, boasts about all the projects he’s going to do, and then never does them and makes excuses for it?

I actually don't have an opinion, because I don't feel comfortable getting involved in this situation; sorry.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Was that cool undead-destroying blade with lots of Pharasma spirals etched into the blade that Varian Jeggare found at Count Galdana's estate the legendary Corpselight, the lost sword of Ustalav's kings? The book never explicitly names the sword as such, so I'm not sure. I ask because the description was cool, and I'm unsure if I should copy it for my own undead-slaying character's sword. If it IS the artifact, copying it would probably be disrespectful unless one was planning on picking up the plot thread of the lost Virholt line, which the novel establishes is Radovan's.

I have no idea. I've only read a few of the novels. James Sutter's the best person to ask about how the novels interface directly with the world, but in most cases, they do not cross over in that way (we generally don't stat up things that show up in the novels or vice versa... but it does happen now and then).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aenigma wrote:

1. The early firearms have been seen in many adventure paths, so they definitely exist on Golarion. Then what about the advanced firearms? Did Alkenstar also invented the advanced firearms like revolvers, rifles and shotguns?

2. Did Alkenstar also invent the bayonets? Or there is nothing like bayonets on Golarion?

3. What is the name of the current dynasty of Taldor? In other words, what is Stavian III's surname?

4. Has taldor been ruled by one single dynasty throughout all of its history? Or has it been ruled by several dynasties that changed by bloody coups?

5. It's mentioned that Stavian III has no son but a daughter. And that daughter princess Eutropia is very eager to succeed the throne. And many nobles hate her bacause she is a woman. What does Stavian III think? Does he want to let Eutropia succeed the throne? or does he not want to give the throne to a woman, so instead he is finding a suitable male hair?

6. Does Stavian III have any brother or close male relatives(like a nephew)?

7. In this page you said that yithians came Golarion from Earth via dimensional travel. But Earth and Golarion are in the same Material Plane. So how can yithians travel dimensionally to Golarion?

1) Advanced firearms exist, but only via venues like the advanced technology of Numeria. They're not crafted in Dongun Hold.

2) There are bayonets. Their invention is kinda a no-brainer, and I suspect that they were invented not long after the first rifle. Not sure by whom, but it was probably in Dongun Hold.

3) Dunno off the top of my head.

4) Nope. Various rulers.

5) That's a plot thread that I suspect we'll explore some time; at this point I'm not ready to expand on it.

6) Unrevealed.

7) "Dimensional travel" in this case means teleportaion effects or portals or the like. We've got an article about this coming soon in Strange Aeons' 4th installment, actually—an article about the Yithians.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Aenigma wrote:

1. The early firearms have been seen in many adventure paths, so they definitely exist on Golarion. Then what about the advanced firearms? Did Alkenstar also invented the advanced firearms like revolvers, rifles and shotguns?

2. Did Alkenstar also invent the bayonets? Or there is nothing like bayonets on Golarion?

Or maybe to simplify, what is currently the most advanced firearm extant on Golarion today? And is it homemade, or a machine gun brought in from early 20th century Earth?

I'm guessing something like a gravity gun or nuclear resonator or some other high-tech gun you can find in Numeria.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
What would you do with a drunken whaler early in the morning?

Slice his throat with a rusty cleaver or maybe feed him to the hungry rats for dinner.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Given how downright nasty some of their areas of influence are (looking at you, Zepar), is it safe to assume that more detailed coverage of the Infernal Dukes than what already exists is unlikely?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So in which situations, outsider killed on material plane dies permanently and when they just get sent back to their original plane?

Also, how does the process of reforming on their plane go? Is it instantenous or really slow and painful?

James Jacobs wrote:
Aenigma wrote:

3. What is the name of the current dynasty of Taldor? In other words, what is Stavian III's surname?

3) Dunno off the top of my head.

does Stavian Dunno have a middle name too?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm stuck trying to decide on a race for a Giantslayer character. Should I go with a dwarf, which has a stronger connection to some of the history and natural advantages against the titular enemies even though they're pretty rare in Truneau and, at least from your perspective, less interesting? Or a half-orc, which requires less explaining as they're a sizable minority in Truneau and have stronger connections with the opening part of the campaign, but who would probably offend dwarven PCs or NPCs if they touched dwarven stuff?

When will we see the "Test of the Star Stone" AP?

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