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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragon78 wrote:
So what movies have you seen recently?

Last movie I saw in the theater was NOT the Hobbit... still haven't seen that one.

Yesterday I saw "Flight," "Olympus Has Fallen," and "Jack Reacher." A few days ago I saw "Devil's Pass." All were entertaining.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Daethor wrote:
Alleran wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:
1) Will we ever see a powerful Azlanti who isn't a Wizard?

I don't think Savith was a wizard, was she?

(Also, stats for Savith when? Anybody badass and mythic enough to decapitate a god like she did deserves a statblock somewhere.)

I know it's not a democracy, but...+1 to seeing Savith's stat block :)

Hope you're feeling ok after your surgery, James! And to not neglect the purpose of this thread:

1) Do you think artificial intelligence will ever be able to create programs/robots with true consciousness or is that solely a human quality to you?

Sorry if that's a heavy question to answer while you're sick! Hope you feel better soon :)

I'm getting there on the recovery. Don't feel okay yet, but the pain and discomfort is slowly going away. I hope I can lie down tonight! ;-)

1) Yes.

@ James.
My post was eaten by the internet gods so one more time ;)

Thanks for the answers.

I wish you the best and I hope for a speedy recovery!

Would a kobold servant of Apsu (whether cleric, paladin or inquisitor) have any reason to be in Mendev?

I can't imagine the Waybringer liking the Worldwound too much.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Well, Kenabres has a silver dragon living right there in town. I could see a kobold servant of Apsu moving there to be her groupie or something.

Are you a cat person, James? I'm not sure what to think about cats. On the one hand they ARE cute, but no one else in my family likes them (my mom's allergic and my dad loathes them with a fiery passion).

Liberty's Edge

I have a question about the height of the Shadow Clock in Magnimar. Two source books give two differing heights.

How tall is it?:

In the Rise of the Runelords AP, the Shadow Clock is listed as being 180 feet tall (ROTR Anniversary Edition page 119).

The text goes on to say "Each section on the map is 20 feet higher than the previous one." (Page 119)

There are 9 floors on the map (ROTR Anniversary Edition page 120)

The first floor is at ground level, so 0 feet in elevation.
Thus, the next 8 floors would be included in the calculation: 8X20=160.

Drawing a side-view of the Shadow Clock would help visualize this.

The text describing the upper floor states that the bottom of the Angel statue is 15 feet above the floor, meaning that the ceiling in this room is 15 feet tall (160+15=175). For the tower to be 180 feet, the statue would have to be 5 feet tall (unlikely).

More likely, the folks calculating the height included the bottom floor in their multiplication (9X20=180) but forgot to add the 15 foot ceiling + the statue (15+unknown) which would bring us to at least 195 feet.

THEN...in the sourcebook, "Magnimar, city of monuments" on page 40, it states that the Shadow Clock is actually 250 feet tall.

Am I missing something?

Help. :)


Hi james.

Have shelyn used the whisperer of soul to kill any really important foe?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hmm, drakainias are neutral evil, so maybe they're more competitors, though I could certainly imagine some being chaotic evil and signing up with Lamashtu...

1) With the Numeria Campaign Setting book recently announced, I was wondering, what are some of your favorite science fantasy works, whether in the form of novels, television series, or games? Feel free to use as liberal a definition of 'science fantasy' as suits you.

2) Any chance for a 'Cybernetic Organism' or 'Cyborg' template or something along those lines being printed in Iron Gods or in the Numeria book?

3) Charm spells and other spells that alter a person's mind seem fairly morally dubious; I was wondering if you could list three different non-combat scenarios where casting Charm Person/Monster would be - in your opinion - definitely a good-aligned act? I'm not planning to try and use your response as ammunition against anyone, though, I'm just curious as to your perspective.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Since there will be some outsiders stated in the upcoming gods book, I was wondering if we were going to get any on the echo of the lost divinity that serves pharasma?

Silver Crusade

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Well, Kenabres
Had a silver dragon living right there in town.
I could see a kobold servant of Apsu moving there to be her groupie or something.

James Jacobs wrote:

I did. I quite liked Mark of the Assassin.

I'm okay with paid DLC, but it's like anything else. Some is meh, some are terrible, some are brilliant.

1) How did you feel about Corypheus?

2) Do you think he took over the surviving Grey Warden and we'll see them return in the Inquisition?

3) How do you think the Architect in Awakenings would interact with Corypheus?

4) Did the noble who paid to win the wyvern hunt remind you of the Frenchmen in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Voyd211 wrote:

Would a kobold servant of Apsu (whether cleric, paladin or inquisitor) have any reason to be in Mendev?

I can't imagine the Waybringer liking the Worldwound too much.

Not without being a super-unique case, as is often the case with a player character. He'd face a LOT of opposition and worse from allies though; his toughest challenges would likely be found among his would-be allies in conflicts of honor rather than fights against demons.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

Well, Kenabres has a silver dragon living right there in town. I could see a kobold servant of Apsu moving there to be her groupie or something.

Are you a cat person, James? I'm not sure what to think about cats. On the one hand they ARE cute, but no one else in my family likes them (my mom's allergic and my dad loathes them with a fiery passion).

Depends on the timing of when the kobold arrives...

I'm very much a cat person. They're awesome and help me stay sane.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Silverhand wrote:

I have a question about the height of the Shadow Clock in Magnimar. Two source books give two differing heights.

** spoiler omitted **

One of them is an error, but I can't remember which one. I believe the 250 foot tall figure is more accurate.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nicos wrote:

Hi james.

Have shelyn used the whisperer of soul to kill any really important foe?

Probably. Some day we'll say more about that.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Are you a cat person, James? I'm not sure what to think about cats. On the one hand they ARE cute, but no one else in my family likes them (my mom's allergic and my dad loathes them with a fiery passion).
I'm very much a cat person. They're awesome and help me stay sane.

So, in addition to writing and creating awesome stuff, you're a cat person too? THAT'S why you rule! :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Luthorne wrote:

Hmm, drakainias are neutral evil, so maybe they're more competitors, though I could certainly imagine some being chaotic evil and signing up with Lamashtu...

1) With the Numeria Campaign Setting book recently announced, I was wondering, what are some of your favorite science fantasy works, whether in the form of novels, television series, or games? Feel free to use as liberal a definition of 'science fantasy' as suits you.

2) Any chance for a 'Cybernetic Organism' or 'Cyborg' template or something along those lines being printed in Iron Gods or in the Numeria book?

3) Charm spells and other spells that alter a person's mind seem fairly morally dubious; I was wondering if you could list three different non-combat scenarios where casting Charm Person/Monster would be - in your opinion - definitely a good-aligned act? I'm not planning to try and use your response as ammunition against anyone, though, I'm just curious as to your perspective.

1) Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is a personal favorite, but I'm also fond of the classic pulps where science and tech mix. It happened with Conan, with Fafhrd & the Grey Mouser, with several Clark Ashton Smith stories, and more. Krull is a guilty pleasure in this genre, of course.

2) Cybernetics will be a big part of the rules... but not as templates or monsters. They're equipment. You'll build cyborgs by building a normal creature or NPC and then giving it lots of cybernetics. There'll be some variations on that too, of course.

3) These are all kinda slippery slopes, but... Using charm person to correct criminal activity; using charm person to solve a conflict without having it resort to greater bloodshed; using charm person to counter or override an existing mind control effect.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kairos Dawnfury wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

I did. I quite liked Mark of the Assassin.

I'm okay with paid DLC, but it's like anything else. Some is meh, some are terrible, some are brilliant.

1) How did you feel about Corypheus?

2) Do you think he took over the surviving Grey Warden and we'll see them return in the Inquisition?

3) How do you think the Architect in Awakenings would interact with Corypheus?

4) Did the noble who paid to win the wyvern hunt remind you of the Frenchmen in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

1) Had to google Corypheus to remind me who he was, so I guess my answer is "Meh... not all that memorable."

2) I kinda hope not. I'd rather see some new stuff instead.

3) Dunno. Again... it's been a LONG time since I played Dragon Age, and I was for the most part far more interested in my character and traveling companions than I was with the NPCs, I guess.

4) A little, but that's not surprising. Monty Python's pretty insidious in how deeply it's invaded pop culture.

You might like this.

So are you not really big on seeing how your choices play out from game to game with the Bioware series?

Will we ever see a brothels of Golarion book

1 person marked this as a favorite.
xavier c wrote:
Will we ever see a brothels of Golarion book

I believe you mean "Dance Halls of Golarion".

Since Mythic Adventures only lets players go to 10 tiers and isn't open ended like epic levels were what's the in setting rationale for why the multiverse has a cosmic power cap that characters can't go past?

Speaking of cat and post surgery, has your cat jumped on you since?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Add me to the "Hope You Recover From Your Surgery Soon" card, James!

We all know you'd pick demons over devils every day, but which flavor of demon is your favorite?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good evening James =}

I was just reading the entry on Milani in #68 and was caught by the statement that due to her past training she escaped the fiendish attacks that claimed so many of Aroden's exulted saints....


Who were these exulted saints?
What attacks??
The Worldwound???
Was this at the time of his death?


If this has been discussed to death, my apologies.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Rysky wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Well, Kenabres ** spoiler omitted ** I could see a kobold servant of Apsu moving there to be her groupie or something.

Hey, shush! They're not supposed to know that yet!

What's your opinion of dogs, James?

I haven't read The Midnight Isles, and Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth hasn't come out yet. But I'm really looking forward to seeing Baphomet in all his fiendish, goat-headed glory. Of all the statted-up demon lords, he seems like he'll be the most interesting. He's not only the patron deity of minotaurs, but more importantly also a master of secret cults and wicked conspiracies. All of this makes him likely to be the Big Bad of a campaign I run someday. So, I was kind of curious about him...


1) What is his personality like? Cunning and deceitful? Is he patient, or quick to provoke? I believe the adventure summary in Worldwound Incursion mentions him "gloating".

2) What does his voice sound like? He "shrieks" in Midnight Isles from what I've heard, which I imagine is a weird goat shriek. But what does his voice sound like, smooth or grating?

3)Does the Templars' CE alignment keep them from being structured effectively? Are they cell-based?

4) How do humanoids, demons, and minotaurs interact in the Templars' hierarchy?

5) What exactly is Hepzamirah, a demon?

6) What CR would a Minotaur Cleric 5/Demoniac 18 be?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
You might like this.

YAY! That gave me 23 gallbladder surgery recovery points! Thanks!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kairos Dawnfury wrote:
So are you not really big on seeing how your choices play out from game to game with the Bioware series?

I am indeed. I actually quite love that element of their games. It's just... I play a lot of games, and after a few years the details get fuzzy for all but the REALLY memorable ones. And while I love Dragon Age... it never quite broke into the uppermost tier of awesome for me, I supposed, as well as having some disappointment factoring in from DA 2.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
Will we ever see a brothels of Golarion book

I doubt it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Drock11 wrote:
Since Mythic Adventures only lets players go to 10 tiers and isn't open ended like epic levels were what's the in setting rationale for why the multiverse has a cosmic power cap that characters can't go past?

Beyond that level 20/tier 10 point lies the realm of the gods themselves. And the gods only let gods get that powerful.

Whether or not WE'LL let your PCs ever get that powerful (by publishing something like Divine Adventures) remains to be seen, but I find it HIGHLY unlikely.

Level caps are important for establishing story and world continuity and shared experiences. Without a level cap, it becomes increasingly impossible to produce higher level content, and that's lame.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Belle Mythix wrote:

Speaking of cat and post surgery, has your cat jumped on you since?

Not yet. She had a close call when she jumped on my lap, but I had fewer gallbladders in my thighs so that didn't hurt at all. And she wanted to help or something while I was dealing with bandages earlier today while I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror and tried to hop onto the toilet seat... but the lid was up and she went right in! Fortunately, the toilet was nice and clean (cleaning the bathroom before I went in for surgery having been one of my "must do" chores), so the only thing hurt there was her pride.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Misroi wrote:

Add me to the "Hope You Recover From Your Surgery Soon" card, James!

We all know you'd pick demons over devils every day, but which flavor of demon is your favorite?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

WitchyTangles wrote:

Good evening James =}

I was just reading the entry on Milani in #68 and was caught by the statement that due to her past training she escaped the fiendish attacks that claimed so many of Aroden's exulted saints....


Who were these exulted saints?
What attacks??
The Worldwound???
Was this at the time of his death?


If this has been discussed to death, my apologies.

That's talking about older fights, not the Worldwound. It's not really referring to any one thing in particular, in fact. As for who the exalted saints were... that is currently unrevealed. Most of that is just mystery and story starter at this point.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Well, Kenabres ** spoiler omitted ** I could see a kobold servant of Apsu moving there to be her groupie or something.

Hey, shush! They're not supposed to know that yet!

What's your opinion of dogs, James?

Dogs are okay in the cases where I get to know them and they happen to be good dogs and not bad dogs... but I'd rather take that time getting to know a cat.

Allow me to rephrase my previous question.

Would ANY worshipper of Apsu have any business being in Kenabres in WotR?

As I said, I can't imagine the Waybringer liking the Worldwound too much.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Axial wrote:

1) What is his personality like? Cunning and deceitful? Is he patient, or quick to provoke? I believe the adventure summary in Worldwound Incursion mentions him "gloating".

2) What does his voice sound like? He "shrieks" in Midnight Isles from what I've heard, which I imagine is a weird goat shriek. But what does his voice sound like, smooth or grating?

3)Does the Templars' CE alignment keep them from being structured effectively? Are they cell-based?

4) How do humanoids, demons, and minotaurs interact in the Templars' hierarchy?

5) What exactly is Hepzamirah, a demon?

6) What CR would a Minotaur Cleric 5/Demoniac 18 be?

1) You'll need to wait and see for details, but he's pretty sneaky and smart and tricky with a dash of impulsiveness and impatience thrown in there.

2) Grating and deep, like the classic evil devil voice you hear in movies.

3) Does't hurt them at all. "Chaotic" does not mean "Can't form secret groups" or "can't get along with each other" at all. That's Lawful propaganda. Look at a creature's mental ability scores to see if they're crazy (low = crazy), not its alignment

4) That's detailed with LOTS of examples throughout Wrath of the Righteous. The Templars are mostly humanoids, with many demons serving in leadership roles, with lots of monsters in their lairs as guardians.

5) She's a unique mythic half-fiend nephalim.

6) You cant be a demoniac 18; the class caps at 10. So, assuming you meant minotaur cleric 5/demoniac 10, that creature would be CR 17.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Voyd211 wrote:

Allow me to rephrase my previous question.

Would ANY worshipper of Apsu have any business being in Kenabres in WotR?

As I said, I can't imagine the Waybringer liking the Worldwound too much.

You can do anything you want with a good enough story. You don't need my permission or advice to run with something like a worshiper of Apsu being active in Kenabres.

You might need your GM's permission though!

James Jacobs wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
So what movies have you seen recently?

Last movie I saw in the theater was NOT the Hobbit... still haven't seen that one.

Yesterday I saw "Flight," "Olympus Has Fallen," and "Jack Reacher." A few days ago I saw "Devil's Pass." All were entertaining.

Have you seen White House Down? It's another movie about an attack on the White House that came out at the same time as Olympus Has Fallen (it's not on Netflix).

If so, how would you compare the two? Which did you like better? Why?

My family and I recently watched them back to back, and we were talking about the pros and cons of each movie and how they compared. Just curious about your thoughts on the two movies.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Grating and deep, like the classic evil devil voice you hear in movies.

So...Tim Curry? XD

Mr. James Jacobs,

Two unrelated questions:

Have you watched Babylon 5?

In your estimation would be a good way/plot device to summon Dou-Bral from the past or an alternate timeline?

Silver Crusade

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Grating and deep, like the classic evil devil voice you hear in movies.
So...Tim Curry? XD

Nuuuuuu, were saving him for Asmodeus.

Though granted I don't really have a problem with him voicing both :3

James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

What's your opinion of dogs, James?

Dogs are okay in the cases where I get to know them and they happen to be good dogs and not bad dogs... but I'd rather take that time getting to know a cat.

Not a question, but I just want to say that I'm with you 100% on that!

Also wishing you a speedy recovery.

Shadow Lodge

Hi James, best wishes for recovery!

Quick Q: The Sandman's Stealspell, was this ability intended to be a ranged or melle touch attack?


My computer might be fried. I've always wanted an iMac, but they're pretty darn expensive. Do you think it is better to get a computer that is more affordable, but might break sooner or should I splurge for the iMac even though it will take me a while to pay it off?

Since the Era of Xbox One and PS4 is starting, off the top of your head, could you list like 5-10 Xbox 360 games you would recommend as must plays?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Grating and deep, like the classic evil devil voice you hear in movies.
So...Tim Curry? XD

Nope. Think the demon voice from "The Exorcist."

OOH! Tony Todd is a good voice to think of as well.

That's talking about older fights, not the Worldwound. It's not really referring to any one thing in particular, in fact. As for who the exalted saints were... that is currently unrevealed. Most of that is just mystery and story starter at this point.

Cool! Lot's of plot and flavor elements here.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
So what movies have you seen recently?

Last movie I saw in the theater was NOT the Hobbit... still haven't seen that one.

Yesterday I saw "Flight," "Olympus Has Fallen," and "Jack Reacher." A few days ago I saw "Devil's Pass." All were entertaining.

Have you seen White House Down? It's another movie about an attack on the White House that came out at the same time as Olympus Has Fallen (it's not on Netflix).

If so, how would you compare the two? Which did you like better? Why?

My family and I recently watched them back to back, and we were talking about the pros and cons of each movie and how they compared. Just curious about your thoughts on the two movies.

I haven't seen White House Down and probably won't, because it's a Roland Emerich movie, and I've been frustrated and annoyed and infuriated by his movies enough for one lifetime. Having not seen White House Down, I'd say that Olympus Has Fallen is better in every way. If only because it wasn't trying to be jokey and because it didn't put the president into the role of "Action Movie Hero" which Emerich does way too much.

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