andreww |
andreww wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Using a spell to get a higher level spell is, in a word, lame.
This is a good example of two similar rules elements that might work fine on their own but when combined together are greater than the sum of their parts.
so I think that the spell paragon surge basically needs to be erattaed. I'll be sending Jason an email suggesting this right after I post this message, in fact.
It has been over six months since this post with no errata that I can find. Can we assume that Jason is OK with how it works.
Just to add to the original query this not only allows half elven sorcerers to access all arcane spells (and Humans with the Racial Heritage feat), it also allows Half Elven Oracles to access all Cleric spells and, via Improved Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) all Wizard spells as well for the cost of a single level 3 spell slot.
It also allows prepared casters to become semi spontaneous ones by picking Preferred Spell, assuming they have Heighten.
Now yes you can simply change it in your home game but that's a pretty lame answer. It also doesn't address PFS play at all.
I'm not going to put any words into Jason's mouth at all. You can't assume anything about how Jason feels. That said... Jason's ruling or lack thereof should NOT stop your game from happening. Your GM (or you, if you're the GM) is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT as far as making these kinds of decisions for your game than anyone else, including folks at Paizo, are.
And as far as PFS play... there's a lot of strange and unusual rules elements in the game, and if you are worried about them function exactly right in a PFS type environment, just avoid those rules. Make something else or choose a different rules option instead of the one that causes trouble. PFS is NOT the same as a home game where a GM can comfortably make rules adjudications, unfortunately, and that creates limitations that players should work with rather than against.
So, another six months have passed with no word. Did Jason get back to you on this issue following your email?

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As a GM how would you run this scenario?
To melee types (person 1 and person 2) are fighting on the edge of a very high cliff. Person 1 disarms person2 and the weapon flies off the cliff. Person 2 steps up to person 1 and grabs them by the neck and the crotch, picks them up and throws them off the cliff saying 'Fetch! You so & so.'
How would this run mechanically?

Zark |

1)Have you seen the new Godzilla trailer? If yes, Thought?
2)Will the Inner Sea Gods contain information on Arshea?
3)Will the Inner Sea Gods contain any new Cleric archetype?
3a)Any Cleric archetype that get more than 2 skill points?
4)So far, what are your favorite class/classes (if any) in the advanced class guide?
5) What is your favorite Shower gel/shower Cream?
Merry Christmas

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Spoiler:Does that kill/resurrection count against his 1/year resurrection ability that all Demon lords have or is it just if they get killed on there own plane?

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1. What sort of adventure path would feature empyreal lords, and do you have any plans for them in the near future?
Any AP could feature Empyreal Lords. It just requires the AP outliner (being me or Rob) to write in a role for them. Pulura has a small role in Wrath of the Righteous, for example... a VERY small one. I'm not going to say more about any plans beyond that though, since we're not in the habit of making announcements or even teasing products that far out.
2. Would you consider shapechange a good standard spell-like ability for empyreal lords to have, along with polymorph any object as a realm ability? Why or why not?
Shapechange is a good ability for deity types simply because it allows you to tell stories about a god appearing as something other than itself. But at the same time... Empyreal Lords are not Demon Lords, and as such they shouldn't have carbon-copy powers.
3. Are there any demigods with a higher Cha than Nocticula or is hers a general upper limit?
There is no upper limit to ANY ability score. Nocticula's is only the "limit" until we make one with a higher score. That said, I don't envision that happening anytime soon, if ever.
4. What powers would Arshea have that are similar to Nocticula's?
Dunno. I'm not familiar enough with Arshea to make that decision off the top of my head... but she is a VERY VERY VERY different person than Nocticula, so I suspect the two wouldn't share any powers in common.
5. For questions with answers too racy for the forums (e.g., "What consensual kinks does Arshea consider taboo?"), may I ask you via private message?
I'd rather you didn't, since I'd rather keep answers of world content public for everyone to share in. Further, even in a private message here on the Paizo boards I'm not comfortable breaking the rules of our board posting guidelines, and that sort of discussion of sexual stuff is one of those topics these boards don't really allow. There's nothing wrong with you determining what works for taboo for your table or not, though. And anyway, I'm not familiar enough with Arshea to answer those details off the top of my head.
6. Suppose a monster has a spell-like ability that takes 10 minutes or more to cast as a spell (hallow, planar ally, most symbols, etc). Would it also take 10 minutes as a SLA? Its description says "using all other spell-like abilities is a standard action unless noted otherwise" but that still isn't clear.
Yes; takes just as long to use a spell as a spell-like ability.
7. Suppose nobody in a party has Disable Device. Besides knock, how will they deal with traps and locks?
By noticing them with good Perception checks and toughing it out. Either by just avoiding the trap, or by using dispel magic to temporarily neutralize a magic trap, or by triggering them "safely" from afar, or by trying to physically disable them not with skill but via roleplay, or by simply triggering the trap and enduring the results.
8. What advice do you have for playing an adventure path if you've already read it?
Let the other players make the big decisions, and/or play your character as someone who makes unwise decisions, or simply working to play the game in a way you would had you not seen what's really going on. Keep player and character knowledge separate. That's a big thing, and it's what actors do when they portray characters that they know as people are making poor decisions.
9. I've been thinking about creating a whole party of PCs who worship Arshea. How do I keep them from being samey?
Make them different alignments, different classes, different races, and different personalities. Think of all the people you know in the real world who follow the same religion... I bet they don't all feel samey to you.
10. The PCs are given the empty shell of a building as a reward. What are the benefits in terms of downtime rules?
The easiest way to handle this is simply to say the empty building gives the PCs a number of points of goods or labor, I suppose. Look at what that building was before and give them 1/3 or 1/4 the goods needed to build it new?

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James Jacobs wrote:Out of curiosity, does "Saints" have any game baggage, or would this also be a decent way of stating it? I seem to remember someone saying Divine source PCs would be similar to "the Patron Saint of [Non-Alignment Domains]".xavier c wrote:What are mortal demigods calledDemigods.
If you're asking what are mythic heroes who take the Divine Source power but cannot yet grant four domains called?
Quasi deities, I suppose.
The word "saint" doesn't have any game-term meanings yet. Mostly because that word for an exemplar of a religion doesn't work when you're talking about evil religions, and in order to be a game term, it needs to work the same for all alignments.

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James Jacobs wrote:Duncan was the one to recruit you into the Grey Wardens, I don't think you ever had the option of him as a party member.Kairos Dawnfury wrote:He was okay... but I wasn't enough of a fan to use him much in my party.Were you a fan of Duncan in Dragon Age Origins?
If so, are you holding out hope he isn't dead and he will show up in some fashion in Inquisition?
Ah; right. Guess that tells you how much of a fan of him I was. Not much, since he was so unmemorable I only recalled him as "maybe that was the name of one of the dwarf NPCs I never really did much with...".

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We've had a discussion IMC about the use of uncanny dodge in relation to various ways of losing your dexterity bonus to armor class, exemplified by climbing and balancing.
Uncanny dodge wrote:Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A rogue with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against her.Climb wrote:While climbing, you can’t move to avoid a blow, so you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).Acrobatics on balancing wrote:While you are using Acrobatics in this way, you are considered flat-footed and lose your Dexterity bonus to your AC (if any).The question is, does uncanny dodge let you retain your Dexterity bonus to AC while climbing. Balancing is quite clear, as you become explicitly flat-footed, and this is exactly what uncanny dodge helps against. Climb is less clear. On one hand, it does not explicitly say you are flat-footed. On the other hand, separating flat-footedness from having no Dexterity to AC might be over-thinking, and the the two might mean exactly the same, being just a variation of language. Also, uncanny dodge explicitly cites "She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A rogue with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action (see Combat) against her." - both cases of losing Dex bonus while not being flat-footed. This could mean that these are the only two examples of this applying and that uncanny dodge helps against all other cases of losing your Dexterity bonus to AC.
I am leaning towards the later interpretation - that flat-footed and losing dexterity bonus to AC is one and the same, and that uncanny dodge helps against both unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Not seeing a question there. In any event... if there IS one in there, it should now drift over to the rules boards for FAQ tagging.

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What is the difference between a Chaotic good,Chaotic neutral and Chaotic evil worshiper of Calistria.
The easy answer here is that the chaotic good one is a LOT nicer, and the chaotic evil one is a LOT meaner.
Specific examples would depend on your character's personality. Inner Sea Gods will give you a bit more info on how to roleplay worshipers of the deities though.

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In movies or other media, when someone dies and they don't show the body or it isn't found, do you typically assume it's because they're not dead or because our imagination can be more vivid than any death they could describe?
Does your assumption change depending on Villian vs Main character? Genre?
The Mass Effect guys are teasing that certain parts of their next game is available for them to play through, do you have any specific hopes for what they do with the game and/or series?
What about for DA Inquisition?
Often I do assume that if the body isn't found that the writers are being cowardly and/or canny, and as such I expect the character to come back "in a surprise development" which isn't really a surprise at all since this trope happens SO OFTEN in fiction. As such, I've really grown to appreciate it when content creators stick to their guns and keep characters dead. At the very least, those who do this more often than not CAN bring back a dead character and actually have it be a surprise.
My reaction doesn't change if it's a villain.
I hope that the next Mass Effect game focuses on the single player experience and doesn't dilute that experience with multiplayer content or microtransactions.

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James Jacobs wrote:And because as a general rule I find Christmas songs as a genre to be unpleasant to listen to; I just don't like the melodies.What if the songs were in a minor key?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I know I shouldn't keep asking you rules questions here, but you're the most reliable source of quick answers.
In the case of the Armored Coat (which is a Leather coat with Metal inserts) which special materials do you apply? Leather materials or metal materials...
or both?
I'd decide based on the picture if the coat was more leather or more metal. In this case, it sounds more leather. So I'd just allow the leather specials.

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Query on godhood for your perusal:
Can you have more than one god with the same "portfolio" at once for a particular region? Some settings don't allow it (e.g. FR). So if, for example, a new quasi-god (Divine Source, demigod, whatever) were to rise up and wish to take on "Magic" as a portfolio, would they have to conflict with Nethys over it?
I know that there are examples of full gods and demigods holding the same portfolio (e.g. Calistria, a full goddess, has lust, and so does Nocticula, who's only a demigod; so in theory you could have a quasi-god with lust as well, yes?), but is this also permitted on the full-deity scale? There was originally the Azlanti deity Amaznen, but he's obviously no longer around.
Or are regional elements enforced? So, for example, Nethys can be the god of magic in the Inner Sea region, but not necessarily for the entire universe.
Or are two gods in the same region with the same portfolio ("Magic") permitted, as long as one's interpretation of that portfolio is distinct from the other?
You can have multiple gods with the same areas of concern, but that'd be uncommon. It's much more likely to have deities with similar areas of concern that differ in their philosophy and alignment; the god of war is a different deity if he's lawful good than if he's chaotic neutral.
Also, where the gods are worshiped matters. There's certainly countless gods of magic, but those who are worshiped on Golarion aren't the ones worshiped on Toril or Oreth.

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How would you handle a player wanting to purchase a Sun Orchid Elixir at the Thuvian auction? I have some trouble judging how much money well-off nobles would have access to, so I'm not really sure what a good threshold is for being in the top 6 bids... does 50,000gp sound about right?
I would turn that into an adventure in and of itself. And would look at other adventures that have featured auctions (like "The Dragon's Demand") for inspiration on how to handle it.

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If a sorcerer attempts to use a scroll created by a wizard, assuming that the spell appears on both lists and the sorcerer is of the appropriate level does the sorcerer have to make a UMD check in order to "Emulate Ability Score" if his intelligence is not 10 + spell lvl? Or does a sorcerer use his charisma in this situation.The relevant text from the skill description is:
Use a Scroll: Normally, to cast a spell from a scroll, you must have the scroll's spell on your class spell list. Use Magic Device allows you to use a scroll as if you had a particular spell on your class spell list. The DC is equal to 20 + the caster level of the spell you are trying to cast from the scroll. In addition, casting a spell from a scroll requires a minimum score (10 + spell level) in the appropriate ability. If you don't have a sufficient score in that ability, you must emulate the ability score with a separate Use Magic Device check.
An arcane scroll doesn't know the difference between who created it's classes and who's using it's classes. And so it'd be treated as a scroll for that character's class. A sorcerer casts a spell from a scroll and treats it as if a sorcerer created the scroll for those purposes. It's just easier bookkeeping.

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I had a dream last night where I was a member of a group on a fantasy world that had just recently discovered the existence of the planes, had been studying them for a bit, and was planning on making expeditions to try and establish colonies on other planes, but when we were scouting for good places to establish extraplanar colonies, we found the ruins of an ancient civilization we knew was from our own home plane, with a surviving ghost from that civilization's own attempts to establish a colony, as well as lots of lost lore...and my memory's a bit hazy but I think the lapsed into barbarianism descendants of that colony, who had been altered by the plane. So when I woke up, I couldn't help but wonder...
1) Given that Azlant tried to terraform the moon, would they have ever attempted to establish colonies on other planes, in your opinion?
2) If so, which planes do you think would be the most likely candidates?
3) Do you think that a could form on another plane? I think from what I recall that the ethereal plane overlaps the material plane and the plane of shadow, so if it was one of the elemental or outer planes, would a ghost even be able to manifest in the first place? And if it could, do you think having formed on or dwelling on another plane for extended periods of time would be likely to alter it?
1) Sounds like the type of arrogance that Azlant exceled at.
2) All of the outer planes offer equally interesting complications. None stands out as being a better choice (either in-game or metagame) than the other off the top of my head.
3) I think there's a key missing word from this question that makes it unanswerable.

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I take a guess you are currently "on leave" to see your family on the other side of the country, so Happy Holidays!
I am indeed on vacation, but not on the other side of the country. My family lives down on the coast of California, so I stayed on the west coast. Obviously, I'm still posting here when I get the chance and interest, but that's as much to do with the fact that I enjoy posting here as anything else. That... and I'm still kinda shocked that my parents have wireless internet here... even if it ISN'T particularly FAST or RELIABLE internet...
Thanks; and happy holidays to all of you!

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James Jacobs wrote:So, another six months have passed with no word. Did Jason get back to you on this issue following your email?andreww wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Using a spell to get a higher level spell is, in a word, lame.
This is a good example of two similar rules elements that might work fine on their own but when combined together are greater than the sum of their parts.
so I think that the spell paragon surge basically needs to be erattaed. I'll be sending Jason an email suggesting this right after I post this message, in fact.
It has been over six months since this post with no errata that I can find. Can we assume that Jason is OK with how it works.
Just to add to the original query this not only allows half elven sorcerers to access all arcane spells (and Humans with the Racial Heritage feat), it also allows Half Elven Oracles to access all Cleric spells and, via Improved Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) all Wizard spells as well for the cost of a single level 3 spell slot.
It also allows prepared casters to become semi spontaneous ones by picking Preferred Spell, assuming they have Heighten.
Now yes you can simply change it in your home game but that's a pretty lame answer. It also doesn't address PFS play at all.
I'm not going to put any words into Jason's mouth at all. You can't assume anything about how Jason feels. That said... Jason's ruling or lack thereof should NOT stop your game from happening. Your GM (or you, if you're the GM) is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT as far as making these kinds of decisions for your game than anyone else, including folks at Paizo, are.
And as far as PFS play... there's a lot of strange and unusual rules elements in the game, and if you are worried about them function exactly right in a PFS type environment, just avoid those rules. Make something else or choose a different rules option instead of the one that causes trouble. PFS is NOT the same as a home game where a GM can comfortably make rules adjudications, unfortunately, and that creates limitations that players should work with rather than against.
Nope. Turns out we've got a lot of other irons in the fire, I guess. Also pretty good proof that you're asking the wrong person for help, I suppose; if this is really a PFS question... you need to be talking to Mike Brock. Or just don't use that spell or tactic with your character, thus removing the problem. There's plenty of other options for characters in PFS that don't involve hinging on confusing rules.

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Rysky wrote:Just thought you might be interested that Retail Hell Underground is collecting a bunch of Lovectaftian parodies of Christmas songs :3Eeew...
Thanks for the heads up... but mixing Lovecraft with Christmas Songs is one of my least favorite things about Christmas. :-P
Even when the songs are creepy enough to send chills up your back?
How about when they are delightfully romantic?
How about original, horror themed songs that have nothing to do with Lovecraftor Christmas?
And on to other, unrelated questions:
1) Was there a decision in the AP department no to have an Urban campaign for a long time, or is it just that they stories you happen to want to tell currently are not about a single city?
2) When (hopefully this isn't an "if" question) we see another urban campaign, is it likely to be set in one of the more outlandish parts of Golarion, or in a city residing within the more familiar, tried-and-true fantasy tropes parts of Golarion (like Varisia, Cheliax, Andoran, Taldor and other European based location)?
3) I have recently told my girlfriend about the Redeemed Succubus from Wrath of the Righteous, and just from hearing the very outline of the premise and looking at the art from "Demon's Heresy", she was so hyped she immidiatly asked me to start a group and run the campaign to her. This is a big deal to me since I've been trying to get her to try Pathfinder out for a long time now... which is where my problem arises. As a Mythic AP, WotR is not the most noob friendly, and she has never played any non-freeform roleplaying game in her life. How would you recommend running this campaign to a brand new group of players? are there any sort of special adjustments to make to ensure they'll have fun and not just lose themselves in the huge amount of bookkeeping and resource management that Mythic requires? Mythic power means more challenging encounters, and I'm not sure a group of new players could handle that.
4) One tiny last question - who, do you think, would be a decent casting to Repairman Jack in a potential movie?

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James Jacobs has not been answearing questions since Thursday...my guess is a well earned vacation.
So I'll wait till he comes back to ask my questions.
Thursday was SUPPOSED to be my first day off for the holidays, but we ran a day late getting Inner Sea Gods off to the printer, so I was at work most of the day doing approvals for that book. Then headed south at 4:00 PM and got stuck in rush hour traffic for the first 2 hours of my 15 hour (now 2 day 17 hour) drive south.
Friday was driving all day long after getting 5 hours into the trip the previous night.
Saturday was another 4 or so hours of driving to get some holiday shopping done with my Dad.
Sunday was an 8 hours of driving with mom and dad to go down south of San Francisco to visit my new nephew for a few hours.
Today's a day of no driving at all... aka the first time I've had to get online and answer questions! WOOO!

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As a GM how would you run this scenario?
To melee types (person 1 and person 2) are fighting on the edge of a very high cliff. Person 1 disarms person2 and the weapon flies off the cliff. Person 2 steps up to person 1 and grabs them by the neck and the crotch, picks them up and throws them off the cliff saying 'Fetch! You so & so.'
How would this run mechanically?
Grapple the foe, then drop them as a free action, assuming that the cliff edge is adjacent to the grappler. I'd give the dropped victim a check of some sort (a CMB check to grab onto the dropper, perhaps, or a Reflex save to grab the edge of the cliff) to stave off the fall, but the dropper would soon thereafter get a chance to finish him off.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1)Have you seen the new Godzilla trailer? If yes, Thought?
2)Will the Inner Sea Gods contain information on Arshea?
3)Will the Inner Sea Gods contain any new Cleric archetype?
3a)Any Cleric archetype that get more than 2 skill points?
4)So far, what are your favorite class/classes (if any) in the advanced class guide?
5) What is your favorite Shower gel/shower Cream?
Merry Christmas
1) Yes. LOVE IT.
2) Not much.
3) I don't believe there are any archetypes at all in the book.
3a) See 3 above. Also, clerics get plenty already. They don't need skill points too.
4) Don't have one; I've only looked at the swashbuckler, and I felt it needed a lot more work before it's done. Haven't had a chance to look more into the book.
5) I use soap, not gel or cream.

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To all the music questions: Nope.
And on to other, unrelated questions:
1) Was there a decision in the AP department no to have an Urban campaign for a long time, or is it just that they stories you happen to want to tell currently are not about a single city?
We do the APs we want to do, and of late, we've not really wanted to do a "stay in the city for the whole AP" AP.
2) When (hopefully this isn't an "if" question) we see another urban campaign, is it likely to be set in one of the more outlandish parts of Golarion, or in a city residing within the more familiar, tried-and-true fantasy tropes parts of Golarion (like Varisia, Cheliax, Andoran, Taldor and other European based location)?
I've got a very specific urban campaign idea in mind that I'm not gonna reveal since it's gonna happen. But yes, we'll eventually do another urban AP.
3) I have recently told my girlfriend about the Redeemed Succubus from Wrath of the Righteous, and just from hearing the very outline of the premise and looking at the art from "Demon's Heresy", she was so hyped she immidiatly asked me to start a group and run the campaign to her. This is a big deal to me since I've been trying to get her to try Pathfinder out for a long time now... which is where my problem arises. As a Mythic AP, WotR is not the most noob friendly, and she has never played any non-freeform roleplaying game in her life. How would you recommend running this campaign to a brand new group of players? are there any sort of special adjustments to make to ensure they'll have fun and not just lose themselves in the huge amount of bookkeeping and resource management that Mythic requires? Mythic power means more challenging encounters, and I'm not sure a group of new players could handle that.
I would recommend a combination of patience and respect. Don't condescend, but don't overcomplicate things by trying to tell the new player EVERY OPTION for their character. The Core Rulebook is already big enough; no need to slap Advanced Player's Guide or Ultimate Magic or whatever on them as well. And introduce the Mythic content slowly.
4) One tiny last question - who, do you think, would be a decent casting to Repairman Jack in a potential movie?
Someone who's an awesome actor who is kinda plain looking and isn't yet a star.

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Thanks for the replay and the advice for WotR (also, I suppose, thanks for coming up with that one idea that was so singularly awesome it might get new, otherwise reluctant people to try out the game!), and I really like your idea that whoever plays Jack should not yet be an established star- I'm sensing he would have liked your response :)
anyway, happy holidays!

Cheapy |

Cheapy wrote:The First Vault is basically a nod to Plato's Theory of Forms, isn't it?Not consciously, no.
Then I'd like to congratulate whoever came up with it for independently coming up with the corner stone of the philosophy of one of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen.

Ambrosia Slaad |

James Jacobs wrote:Then I'd like to congratulate whoever came up with it for independently coming up with the corner stone of the philosophy of one of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen.Cheapy wrote:The First Vault is basically a nod to Plato's Theory of Forms, isn't it?Not consciously, no.
It was likely the pan-dimensional, hyper-intelligent species of beings (whose three dimensional protrusions into our universe appear as ordinary triops) who whispered the idea into a sleeping designer's ear. {returns to working on submission for Vogon SupaStah! Wondrous Poem challenge}

Luthorne |
3) I think there's a key missing word from this question that makes it unanswerable.
Whoops, don't know how I missed that. To include the missing word:
Do you think that a ghost could form on another plane? I think from what I recall that the ethereal plane overlaps the material plane and the plane of shadow, so if it was one of the elemental or outer planes, would a ghost even be able to manifest in the first place? And if it could, do you think having formed on or dwelling on another plane for extended periods of time would be likely to alter it?

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Mechalibur wrote:How would you handle a player wanting to purchase a Sun Orchid Elixir at the Thuvian auction? I have some trouble judging how much money well-off nobles would have access to, so I'm not really sure what a good threshold is for being in the top 6 bids... does 50,000gp sound about right?I would turn that into an adventure in and of itself. And would look at other adventures that have featured auctions (like "The Dragon's Demand") for inspiration on how to handle it.
Another good resource would be Jame Sutter's Death's Heretic which has the Sub Orchid Elixir auction and procurement as a main plot point. It's a good read too :3

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Dear sir,
1. The ki mystic archetype does not replace the ki pool feature, in essence giving the monk 2 ki pools. Is this intentional?
2. Can monks use ki from either pool to power abilities deriving from either pool?
3. If a different archetype replaces the actual ki pool class feature, does the secondary ki pool provided by the ki mystic allow only the abilities specified, or provide the other abilities as well (bonus to ac, extra attacks etc)
4. Which of the core races would have the biggest Christmas celebration? I'm betting on gnomes.

The Thing from Beyond the Edge |

James Jacobs wrote:3) I think there's a key missing word from this question that makes it unanswerable.Whoops, don't know how I missed that. To include the missing word:
Do you think that a ghost could form on another plane? I think from what I recall that the ethereal plane overlaps the material plane and the plane of shadow, so if it was one of the elemental or outer planes, would a ghost even be able to manifest in the first place? And if it could, do you think having formed on or dwelling on another plane for extended periods of time would be likely to alter it?
Not James, but I think you might me mixing something up from 3rd (3.5) ed D&D.
A ghost isn't ethereal, it is incorporeal.shamelessly copied from the prd
Type: The creature's type changes to undead. Do not recalculate the creature's base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the incorporeal subtype.
Incorporeal: Creatures with the incorporeal condition do not have a physical body. Incorporeal creatures are immune to all nonmagical attack forms. Incorporeal creatures take half damage (50%) from magic weapons, spells, spell-like effects, and supernatural effects. Incorporeal creatures take full damage from other incorporeal creatures and effects, as well as all force effects.
from Ethereal Jaunt as it describes what it means to be ethereal
An ethereal creature is invisible, insubstantial, and capable of moving in any direction, even up or down, albeit at half normal speed. As an insubstantial creature, you can move through solid objects, including living creatures. An ethereal creature can see and hear on the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and ephemeral. Sight and hearing onto the Material Plane are limited to 60 feet.
Force effects and abjurations affect an ethereal creature normally. Their effects extend onto the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, but not vice versa. An ethereal creature can't attack material creatures, and spells you cast while ethereal affect only other ethereal things. Certain material creatures or objects have attacks or effects that work on the Ethereal Plane.
Treat other ethereal creatures and ethereal objects as if they were material.
In summary
Incorporeal creatures, like ghosts, have no physical body. Ethereal creatures have a physical body that is on the ethereal plane which overlaps the prime material and makes them appear ghostly. Nothing in things related to the ethereal plane say you are incorporeal while there.
Personally (ceding that you didn't ask my personal thoughts), I think a ghost would typically be tied to wherever its mortal form extinguished or perhaps tied to the actual forms of items it carries incorporeal replicas of. So, if a mortal is killed on another plane, I can see te ghost forming there without there being a connection to the ethereal.
However, James Jacobs may see things differently than I and he is who you asked.
*Quietly bows out*

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James Jacobs wrote:Then I'd like to congratulate whoever came up with it for independently coming up with the corner stone of the philosophy of one of the greatest philosophers the world has ever seen.Cheapy wrote:The First Vault is basically a nod to Plato's Theory of Forms, isn't it?Not consciously, no.
Ha! Not the compliment I was fishing for, but yay!
The idea of the First Vault is hardly the second time the idea's appeared since Plato though! ;-)

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Mr. James Jacobs,
If one calls ahead would it be possible to arrange for a tour of your facilities in Seattle? Would you allow a video camera and microphone?
As a general rule, no... and there's not a LOT to see at the office, in fact. But it's also a working office and leading tours through tends to be pretty disruptive and distracting as well. If you want to do interviews with staff members, we can do things via Skype or at conventions; that's best organized through Jenny, our PR person.

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James Jacobs wrote:3) I think there's a key missing word from this question that makes it unanswerable.Whoops, don't know how I missed that. To include the missing word:
Do you think that a ghost could form on another plane? I think from what I recall that the ethereal plane overlaps the material plane and the plane of shadow, so if it was one of the elemental or outer planes, would a ghost even be able to manifest in the first place? And if it could, do you think having formed on or dwelling on another plane for extended periods of time would be likely to alter it?
Absolutely. Ghosts in Pathfinder do not have the weird connection to the Ethereal Plane that they did in previous editions; they can exist and appear anywhere in the Multiverse as a result. In fact, decoupling ghosts from the Ethereal was done PRECISELY for this purpose; to allow ghosts to exist anywhere.

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Lord Snow wrote:2) When (hopefully this isn't an "if" question) we see another urban campaign, is it likely to be set in one of the more outlandish parts of Golarion, or in a city residing within the more familiar, tried-and-true fantasy tropes parts of Golarion (like Varisia, Cheliax, Andoran, Taldor and other European based location)?I've got a very specific urban campaign idea in mind that I'm not gonna reveal since it's gonna happen. But yes, we'll eventually do another urban AP.

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Dear sir,
1. The ki mystic archetype does not replace the ki pool feature, in essence giving the monk 2 ki pools. Is this intentional?
2. Can monks use ki from either pool to power abilities deriving from either pool?
3. If a different archetype replaces the actual ki pool class feature, does the secondary ki pool provided by the ki mystic allow only the abilities specified, or provide the other abilities as well (bonus to ac, extra attacks etc)
4. Which of the core races would have the biggest Christmas celebration? I'm betting on gnomes.
1) Dunno; that's a good question for the rules team, I guess.
2) A ki power should use points from the same class that granted its pool. A wizard/sorcerer can't use his wizard spell slots to prepare sorcerer spells, after all.
3) It wouldn't provide the other abilities, I wouldn't think... but that too is a better question to ask the rules team.
4) Humans, since they're the only ones on Earth and thus the only ones who celebrate Christmas.

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James Jacobs wrote:Alushinyrra?Lord Snow wrote:2) When (hopefully this isn't an "if" question) we see another urban campaign, is it likely to be set in one of the more outlandish parts of Golarion, or in a city residing within the more familiar, tried-and-true fantasy tropes parts of Golarion (like Varisia, Cheliax, Andoran, Taldor and other European based location)?I've got a very specific urban campaign idea in mind that I'm not gonna reveal since it's gonna happen. But yes, we'll eventually do another urban AP.
Just did that in Midnight Isles.
So...no. My plans are for something else I'm not gonna reveal more about until the time is right in the future.