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James Jacobs wrote:Malachi Silverclaw wrote:Not gonna say anything. I'm not interested in fueling the playtest with any "James Jacobs says this!" ammo to use against the design team, since no matter what I'd say, some folks would use my words for that exact purpose, unfortunately.Now that the revised playtest swashbuckler is out (after feedback from you), which parts of the new version reflect the feedback you gave?
What are your thoughts on the latest version?
James Jacobs thinks the design team is wrong in some vague, unspecifed way! This must mean...something!
** spoiler omitted **
Thanks for being on the spot to prove my point!

Shadar Aman |

Shadar Aman wrote:Thanks for being on the spot to prove my point!James Jacobs wrote:Malachi Silverclaw wrote:Not gonna say anything. I'm not interested in fueling the playtest with any "James Jacobs says this!" ammo to use against the design team, since no matter what I'd say, some folks would use my words for that exact purpose, unfortunately.Now that the revised playtest swashbuckler is out (after feedback from you), which parts of the new version reflect the feedback you gave?
What are your thoughts on the latest version?
James Jacobs thinks the design team is wrong in some vague, unspecifed way! This must mean...something!
** spoiler omitted **
That's what I'm here for! :)
Anyway, I have a question (unheard of, I know). I've been reading through Reign of Winter and some of the associated supplements (People of the North, etc), and there are, of course, a lot of options for cold based casters. There's the Winter Oracle revelation, the Winter Witch archetype and PrC, and there's the Boreal Bloodline in the APG. For Wizards, though, there doesn't seem to be anything cold/ice/winter specific. There's the Water school, which gets some ice spells, but the abilities aren't all that appropriate for an Ice Mage (and the Irriseni Ice Mage feat is Sorcerer only). Any idea why this is? I'm assuming it's just something that hasn't happened yet, rather than a conspiracy directed entirely at me, but I thought I'd ask just in case.
If you were making an Ice Wizard, how would you go about it?

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1. What's your opinion on the Silent Hill series?
2. How does a demiplane that operates in a similar manner to Silent Hill sound? (If you don't know how it works, I can elaborate)
1) Haven't played any of the Silent Hill games. The themes and story look cool, but I'm not a huge fan of how the earlier games' cameras were difficult to deal with. (Assuming they were anything like the gameplay of Dino Crisis...).
2) Sounds like a cool place to have an adventure... but also sounds like there's some parts of the Abyss that are already there!

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What is your opinion on blue and orange morality?
Meaning the character's moral code is completely alien to our own, seeing different things as good or evil.
How would you fit most such characters into the standard alignment system?
That type of philosophy is an entirely different one than the alignment system, and isn't compatible.
In Pathfinder, alignment is a rules element, and as such it can't be "faked" in the same way you can't say "My intelligence is in a different way than yours and while I may seem nonintelligent to you, I'm a genius on my world!" The game simply doesn't work that way.
That's NOT the same as saying someone can believe or pretend they're one alignment while actually being another alignment.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm trying to avoid "Rocket Tag" in my gaming, but the buff for Smite Evil seems to promote this, even moreso around higher levels where this ability can be granted to an entire group. I have found no way around this within the rules (no real spells or abilities to block it, short of antimagic), from a design standpoint why does the ability increase damage and remove damage reduction with no countermeasure? I understand paladins need their schtick, but I'm trying to use adventures as written and it seems to allow one character to steamroll.
-A frustrated DM
Edit: I found your post here, http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l7ns&page=546?Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Qu estions-Here#27289. With that in mind do items like Ring of Mind Shielding and spells like Misdirection/Undetectable Alignment fool alignment based attacks like Smite?
Edit Edit: I found the spell Corruption Resistance and for those pre-flight high intelligence BBEG's who are smart enough to prepare, the'd probably get a copy. I just prefer to make small changes rather than rewritting the system or a whole adventure. I understand I could just introduce lots of extra badguys (neutral guys) or wear the players down (which sometimes works), I like running things as written.
I'm currently running a game with a mythic paladin in it, and here's how I'm handling the smites:
1) Mix up the foes. Throw non-evil foes against the party that LOOK evil, like a bunch of constructs built to resemble mummies or an ooze with lots of skulls stuck in it or something. A wasted smite is one way to use up resources... and if the paladin spends a round or 3 detecting for evil to make sure, that's 3 rounds your monster can do its thing.
2) Avoid the 15 minute day. Run your game so that the party faces multiple encounters in a day so the paladin needs to resource manage his smites.
3) Use fights with multiple foes. Smite only works on one foe at a time.
4) Use the paladin's weaknesses. If the paladin is melee, stay at range. If the paladin is ranged, get up in his grille.
5) Incorporeal creatures, things with displacement, darkness, smoke, and other things can increase the miss chance well.
6) Endanger other PCs or NPCs. A paladin then has to make a choice—fight the main monster, or save the lives of allies. Give the paladin more choices in combat than "I attack the monster."
7) Increase the power level of the monsters... or just increase their hp. The game is built to be able to be adjusted, and the paladin should be doing well against monsters but not auto-killing them. If you have a situation where the paladin is obviously more powerful than the rest of the party, you can also have the players give you gp totals for all their gear and then bring the rest of the party up to the paladin's gear level, which then lets you recalibrate the encounters to challenge the whole party and not just one character while making it too hard for the others.

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Heirloom Weapon AND Prehensile Whip are the absolute perfect traits for a Castlevanian Belmont character. However, they are both equipment traits. Is there any way to 'legally' get around the "one trait per category" rule? Asking on behalf of someone who wants to play a Belmont in the Carrion Crown AP.
Not without GM permission.
There's plenty of other ways to get similar effects, though.

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Anyway, I have a question (unheard of, I know). I've been reading through Reign of Winter and some of the associated supplements (People of the North, etc), and there are, of course, a lot of options for cold based casters. There's the Winter Oracle revelation, the Winter Witch archetype and PrC, and there's the Boreal Bloodline in the APG. For Wizards, though, there doesn't seem to be anything cold/ice/winter specific. There's the Water school, which gets some ice spells, but the abilities aren't all that appropriate for an Ice Mage (and the Irriseni Ice Mage feat is Sorcerer only). Any idea why this is? I'm assuming it's just something that hasn't happened yet, rather than a conspiracy directed entirely at me, but I thought I'd ask just in case.
If you were making an Ice Wizard, how would you go about it?
I'd look through the books allowed by the GM for the campaign and compile a list of all the cold spells and ice spells and then either make a water elemetnalist wizard and take the Elemental Spell (cold) feat and pick other feats and magic items to supplement the theme and eventually take Improved Familiar to get an ice mephit familiar.
As for why there's no "ice wizard" option... because we had X number of words to present those options, and that meant some things weren't covered.

Icyshadow |

Icyshadow wrote:1. What's your opinion on the Silent Hill series?
2. How does a demiplane that operates in a similar manner to Silent Hill sound? (If you don't know how it works, I can elaborate)
1) Haven't played any of the Silent Hill games. The themes and story look cool, but I'm not a huge fan of how the earlier games' cameras were difficult to deal with. (Assuming they were anything like the gameplay of Dino Crisis...).
2) Sounds like a cool place to have an adventure... but also sounds like there's some parts of the Abyss that are already there!
Well, here's the thing...

Shadar Aman |

Shadar Aman wrote:Anyway, I have a question (unheard of, I know). I've been reading through Reign of Winter and some of the associated supplements (People of the North, etc), and there are, of course, a lot of options for cold based casters. There's the Winter Oracle revelation, the Winter Witch archetype and PrC, and there's the Boreal Bloodline in the APG. For Wizards, though, there doesn't seem to be anything cold/ice/winter specific. There's the Water school, which gets some ice spells, but the abilities aren't all that appropriate for an Ice Mage (and the Irriseni Ice Mage feat is Sorcerer only). Any idea why this is? I'm assuming it's just something that hasn't happened yet, rather than a conspiracy directed entirely at me, but I thought I'd ask just in case.
If you were making an Ice Wizard, how would you go about it?
I'd look through the books allowed by the GM for the campaign and compile a list of all the cold spells and ice spells and then either make a water elemetnalist wizard and take the Elemental Spell (cold) feat and pick other feats and magic items to supplement the theme and eventually take Improved Familiar to get an ice mephit familiar.
As for why there's no "ice wizard" option... because we had X number of words to present those options, and that meant some things weren't covered.
Thanks. On a completely unrelated note, have you ever played any of the Fatal Frame games?

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Thanks. On a completely unrelated note, have you ever played any of the Fatal Frame games?
I played the first several hours of Crimson Butterfly or whatever one that was. It was VERY cool. I still go back to it now and then and the control scheme is really non-intuitive and awkward, but I love the concept of being in a haunted village and using a camera to capture unquiet souls. Especially since you do more damage to the souls the more in danger YOU are.

Shadar Aman |

Shadar Aman wrote:I played the first several hours of Crimson Butterfly or whatever one that was. It was VERY cool. I still go back to it now and then and the control scheme is really non-intuitive and awkward, but I love the concept of being in a haunted village and using a camera to capture unquiet souls. Especially since you do more damage to the souls the more in danger YOU are.
Thanks. On a completely unrelated note, have you ever played any of the Fatal Frame games?
Crimson Butterfly was the first one I played (apparently there's a Wii version now). I played through it with a group of friends, and it was a ton of fun. We're playing through The Tormented now, and it's also pretty cool, though I don't think it's quite as good. It's still consistently terrifying us, though. Having your foot nailed to the floor by the ghost of a small girl is creepy.
Overall, they're probably my favorite horror games that I've seen. Do you know of any other games in a similar vein (spooky, but not violent)?
On a somewhat related note, I've been wanting to watch The Wicker Man since you mentioned it in another discussion. It looks like the sort of movie I might enjoy, but everything I've read suggests that the easy to find version (the 88 minute version) is not the right one to watch, and I should try to find the original, longer version. Do you have an opinion on this? If the long one is the right one to watch, do you have any idea where I could find a copy?

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kevin_video wrote:James,
Heirloom Weapon AND Prehensile Whip are the absolute perfect traits for a Castlevanian Belmont character. However, they are both equipment traits. Is there any way to 'legally' get around the "one trait per category" rule? Asking on behalf of someone who wants to play a Belmont in the Carrion Crown AP.
Not without GM permission.
There's plenty of other ways to get similar effects, though.
Cool. Would love to know what ones they are. Namely the Prehensile Whip one.

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James Jacobs wrote:Shadar Aman wrote:I played the first several hours of Crimson Butterfly or whatever one that was. It was VERY cool. I still go back to it now and then and the control scheme is really non-intuitive and awkward, but I love the concept of being in a haunted village and using a camera to capture unquiet souls. Especially since you do more damage to the souls the more in danger YOU are.
Thanks. On a completely unrelated note, have you ever played any of the Fatal Frame games?
Crimson Butterfly was the first one I played (apparently there's a Wii version now). I played through it with a group of friends, and it was a ton of fun. We're playing through The Tormented now, and it's also pretty cool, though I don't think it's quite as good. It's still consistently terrifying us, though. Having your foot nailed to the floor by the ghost of a small girl is creepy.
Overall, they're probably my favorite horror games that I've seen. Do you know of any other games in a similar vein (spooky, but not violent)?
On a somewhat related note, I've been wanting to watch The Wicker Man since you mentioned it in another discussion. It looks like the sort of movie I might enjoy, but everything I've read suggests that the easy to find version (the 88 minute version) is not the right one to watch, and I should try to find the original, longer version. Do you have an opinion on this? If the long one is the right one to watch, do you have any idea where I could find a copy?
Yeah... I played Crimson Butterfly with Wes watching, and we'd play for about an hour or so before we had to stop because it got to be too overwhelming.
Finding a spooky video game that's not violent can be a tricky thing, but try the Penumbra series by Frictional Games. They went on to make the Amnesia games, which are also really good. I don't REMEMBER the Penumbra games being violent—they have no combat elements in them really—but they're intense.
Another good choice would be Slender: The Arrival which MIGHT get violent. I dunno. I haven't played beyond the first level, and that first level was really spooky but no violent at all.
The Wicker Man is really good... AS LONG as you watch the original, not the Nicolas Cage remake. The same director of the original went on to make a sort of sequel to it only a few years ago... and that one is, alas, even worse than Nicolas Cage's remake. The original is excellent though, and if you've never seen it before, watching the shorter version is better than not watching it ever. Looks like a blu-ray release is coming early in January, but it looks like that one's the 88 minute cut. The version I have is the deluxe version that comes in a wooden box; it's on Amazon, but it's kinda pricy.

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James Jacobs wrote:Cool. Would love to know what ones they are. Namely the Prehensile Whip one.kevin_video wrote:James,
Heirloom Weapon AND Prehensile Whip are the absolute perfect traits for a Castlevanian Belmont character. However, they are both equipment traits. Is there any way to 'legally' get around the "one trait per category" rule? Asking on behalf of someone who wants to play a Belmont in the Carrion Crown AP.
Not without GM permission.
There's plenty of other ways to get similar effects, though.
Heirloom Weapon is the easier one to fake. If I were you, I'd take the Prehensile Whip trait and then do something else for the other trait, and then talk to your GM about having a whip inheritance or something like that which could come into play at 2nd level after you adventure a bit to recover it.

Shadar Aman |

Shadar Aman wrote:Yeah... I played Crimson Butterfly with Wes watching, and we'd play for about an hour or so before we had to stop because it got to be too overwhelming.James Jacobs wrote:Shadar Aman wrote:I played the first several hours of Crimson Butterfly or whatever one that was. It was VERY cool. I still go back to it now and then and the control scheme is really non-intuitive and awkward, but I love the concept of being in a haunted village and using a camera to capture unquiet souls. Especially since you do more damage to the souls the more in danger YOU are.
Thanks. On a completely unrelated note, have you ever played any of the Fatal Frame games?
Crimson Butterfly was the first one I played (apparently there's a Wii version now). I played through it with a group of friends, and it was a ton of fun. We're playing through The Tormented now, and it's also pretty cool, though I don't think it's quite as good. It's still consistently terrifying us, though. Having your foot nailed to the floor by the ghost of a small girl is creepy.
Overall, they're probably my favorite horror games that I've seen. Do you know of any other games in a similar vein (spooky, but not violent)?
On a somewhat related note, I've been wanting to watch The Wicker Man since you mentioned it in another discussion. It looks like the sort of movie I might enjoy, but everything I've read suggests that the easy to find version (the 88 minute version) is not the right one to watch, and I should try to find the original, longer version. Do you have an opinion on this? If the long one is the right one to watch, do you have any idea where I could find a copy?
Sounds about right. We usually have one person play until something scares them enough to throw the controller at the next person, and then stop when no one is willing to pick it up.
Finding a spooky video game that's not violent can be a tricky thing, but try the Penumbra series by Frictional Games. They went on to make the Amnesia games, which are also really good. I don't REMEMBER the Penumbra games being violent—they have no combat elements in them really—but they're intense.
Another good choice would be Slender: The Arrival which MIGHT get violent. I dunno. I haven't played beyond the first level, and that first level was really spooky but no violent at all
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check them out.
The Wicker Man is really good... AS LONG as you watch the original, not the Nicolas Cage remake. The same director of the original went on to make a sort of sequel to it only a few years ago... and that one is, alas, even worse than Nicolas Cage's remake. The original is excellent though, and if you've never seen it before, watching the shorter version is better than not watching it ever. Looks like a blu-ray release is coming early in January, but it looks like that one's the 88 minute cut. The version I have is the deluxe version that comes in a wooden box; it's on Amazon, but it's kinda pricy.
Yeah, I'm definitely looking at the original, not the remake. I'll probably end up watching the short version, unless I can find the full version for a cheap price, or find a friend who has it and would loan it to me (I'm assuming you don't want to lend that out to a stranger on the internet :P).

Tirisfal |

The Wicker Man is really good... AS LONG as you watch the original, not the Nicolas Cage remake. The same director of the original went on to make a sort of sequel to it only a few years ago... and that one is, alas, even worse than Nicolas Cage's remake. The original is excellent though, and if you've never seen it before, watching the shorter version is better than not watching it ever. Looks like a blu-ray release is coming early in January, but it looks like that one's the 88 minute cut. The version I have is the deluxe version that comes in a wooden box; it's on Amazon, but it's kinda pricy.
I dunno...if you approach the Nic Cage version as a comedy, it's pretty amazing! :)

The Golux |

The Golux wrote:No need. We've got the Pharasma-friendly death domain out there already. It'll be appearing in the Inner Sea Gods book as well.James Jacobs wrote:A good thing to Houserule?Rysky wrote:
And she still would, her followers would also have access to a SUB-domain granted by it, sorry if this is getting annoying.I'm not really sure what you're trying to do here.
In a PERFECT WORLD, the Death domain would be death-focused and would have no undead elements in it, and there would be a separate full domain called Undeath. Unfortunately, that ship sailed 6 years ago.
Forgive my vagueness, I meant houseruling the pharasma-friendly variant to be the normal death domain and using the undead subdomain either as-is as a subdomain or elevating it to a full domain by changing the second power or something.

Jaelithe |
James, someone mentioned in another thread that you don't allow summoners in your current game. If that's indeed true, I'm curious as to why. Do you find it inappropriate to the tone you wish to set, are you of the opinion that it's overpowered, or is some other reason at the heart of it?
(Feel free to take the fifth or ignore the question if you feel I'm putting you on the spot inappropriately.)

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James, someone mentioned in another thread that you don't allow summoners in your current game. If that's indeed true, I'm curious as to why. Do you find it inappropriate to the tone you wish to set, are you of the opinion that it's overpowered, or is some other reason at the heart of it?
(Feel free to take the fifth or ignore the question if you feel I'm putting you on the spot inappropriately.)
In descending order of why... with the biggest reason first and the least reason last.
I tend to run games with more than 4 players, and that means that characters like summoners who add a LOT of extra actions to one player's turn tend to slow things down too much.
I also don't enjoy the way the eidolon rules give a player the ability to create wacky new monsters that have no real place in the game world. Monster creation, in my opinion, should lie in the GM's hands, so that the GM can ensure that the monsters in his game are appropriate to the game he wants to run.
The summoner is also hands-down the most complicated class to play, and thus the easiest one to mess up, and the easiest one to abuse and create a far-too-powerful character.
And their spell list is troubling to me. I don't like the implication that summoners can craft wands of teleport, for example. It breaks too many rules.

Jareth Elirae |

Any thoughts towards a Timelord type prestige/base class? I'm a big fan of haste, slow, timestop, ect type spells and loved the Zerth Cenobite prestige class (back before D&D was ruined and you guys raced to preserve it), but I have not found any equivalent. I enjoy playing characters who can manipulate time.

Aaron Burr |

Voyd211 wrote:Would it be possible for a paladin to be crazy and remain Lawful Good?Isn't crazy, by definition, chaotic?
I could see them being obsessive compulsive with out being chaotic. And as long as the paladin doesn't violate the tenants of being a paladin then being crazy shouldn't effect if he is or not.

Jareth Elirae |

I mean it's like the "Wrath of the Righteous" adventure path. Forming and acting as an army is a lawful act on it's surface, but the creatures involved are doing it under duress from a more powerful force. People who suffer from OCD can't stop and are not doing their actions for a purpose... they are under duress and their compulsion does not have a rational (read that "lawful" source). Structured is not that same as compliant.

Mythic JMD031 |

Try Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. It is essentially someone who follows a strict regiment of rules and gets upset when things don't fit into their worldview.
Also crazy has a wide definition. Anything outside the norm could be considered crazy.
Now for a question. Should there be rules for "everything" or should some things be left to the individual GM?

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James, would you consider a pocket watch (16th century invention) too anachronistic for Golarion?
I've noticed that the printing press is included in Pathfinder (Gutenberg's press was invented around 1450), but pocket watches are missing (water clocks are in, but very expensive). Since Golarion is a fictional world it doesn't have to match up perfectly with Earth's development schedule, but where would you draw the line for anachronisms?

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James, will the Inner Sea Gods book work on correcting the portfolio issues? For PFS play it presents a problem as many of the deities list their portfolio without a corresponding variant channel. I know they are kind of niche, but I enjoy playing a cleric and the variant channels add more flavor to the class and allow for more expression of the cleric's tie to their deity.
Some portfolios listed for deities don't have a variant channels in Ultimate Magic. Count Ranalc is listed as having the betrayal, exiles, and shadow portfolio, but none of those are listed in UM. Even Pharasma only has 2 variant channels (fate, death) her followers can choose from.
Cayden Cailean has the problem of ale and wine both having the same variant channel. Which cuts down on the amount of variant channels his followers have access to.

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Who could you consider a True Final Boss for each (compatible) adventure path?
I can guess that Kazavon would qualify for Curse of the Crimson Throne, and possibly Baba Yaga for Reign of Winter.
Spoilers. By "True Final Boss" I would say the one that appears in the adventure path and who the adventure path is about. It's not someone who is a background character, expected ally, or someone we "set aside" for GMs to use as a bad guy to expand the campaign.
Rise of the Runelords: Karzoug
Curse of the Crimson Throne: Ileosa
Second Darkness: Alleverah
Legacy of Fire: Jhavhul
Council of Thieves: The Drovenge siblings
Kingmaker: Nyrissa
Serpent's Skull: Ydersius
Carrion Crown: What's-his-name the failed lich.
Jade Regent: The Jade Regent and his party of allies
Skull & Shackles: Bonefist
Shattered Star: Xin's Reliquary
Reign of Winter: Elvanna
Wrath of the Righteous: Areelu and Deskari
Mummy's Mask: Unrevealed
Iron Gods: Unrevealed
Unrevealed: Unrevealed

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What is/was your favorite D&D adventure? I was partial to "Egg of the Phoenix" which doesn't get much love, but anything that culminates with a battle against the Elemental Lords of Evil is all aces in my book!
Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure is probably tied with Queen of the Spiders for my favorite.

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Any thoughts towards a Timelord type prestige/base class? I'm a big fan of haste, slow, timestop, ect type spells and loved the Zerth Cenobite prestige class (back before D&D was ruined and you guys raced to preserve it), but I have not found any equivalent. I enjoy playing characters who can manipulate time.
Time travel isn't what Golarion is about, so nope. No plans.

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James, would you consider a pocket watch (16th century invention) too anachronistic for Golarion?
I've noticed that the printing press is included in Pathfinder (Gutenberg's press was invented around 1450), but pocket watches are missing (water clocks are in, but very expensive). Since Golarion is a fictional world it doesn't have to match up perfectly with Earth's development schedule, but where would you draw the line for anachronisms?
A pocket watch is right on the edge of anachronistic for Golarion. They exist in Golarion though. I generally draw the line for anachronisims at about the 16th-17th century, but exceptions exist. Pianos can be found in Golarion, for example. It's really largely a gut feeling when I make those decisions.

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James, will the Inner Sea Gods book work on correcting the portfolio issues? For PFS play it presents a problem as many of the deities list their portfolio without a corresponding variant channel. I know they are kind of niche, but I enjoy playing a cleric and the variant channels add more flavor to the class and allow for more expression of the cleric's tie to their deity.
Some portfolios listed for deities don't have a variant channels in Ultimate Magic. Count Ranalc is listed as having the betrayal, exiles, and shadow portfolio, but none of those are listed in UM. Even Pharasma only has 2 variant channels (fate, death) her followers can choose from.
Cayden Cailean has the problem of ale and wine both having the same variant channel. Which cuts down on the amount of variant channels his followers have access to.
Variant channels are not a core part of the game, nor are they intended to be a fully-supported niche. I've said it before, and I"ll say it again—the more niche you make your character for PFS, the more likely you'll find yourself facing problems like this where things are not quite working out the way you want. The fact that the GM can't really personalize or expand upon the game limits your character options in some ways.
Inner Sea Gods DOES provide a lot of new options for players, but it's primary purpose is to provide flavor for the gods themselves. It does not expand upon the variant channeling rules found in Ultimate Magic.

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Have any kyton demagogues been statted up yet? I was hoping to see one in Bestiary 4, but was disappointed.
Which one had the most interest in Nidal?
After reading about how they create cities from flesh, I also began wondering if there is a link with them and the Fleshwarren?
Not yet.
We'll have more to say about them some day, but for now, we'll be keeping quiet on them.

Kajehase |

Voyd211 wrote:Who could you consider a True Final Boss for each (compatible) adventure path?
I can guess that Kazavon would qualify for Curse of the Crimson Throne, and possibly Baba Yaga for Reign of Winter.
Spoilers. By "True Final Boss" I would say the one that appears in the adventure path and who the adventure path is about. It's not someone who is a background character, expected ally, or someone we "set aside" for GMs to use as a bad guy to expand the campaign.
** spoiler omitted **
Yes! Now we know what the adventure path after Iron Gods is going to be called!
*starts making plans for the U Adventure Path*
Wonder where it'll be set...