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Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Of all the Demigods/Demon Lords/Empyreal Lords/etc in Golarion, which have the best chance of actually beating Cthulhu in a one-vs-one battle?

This can be a demigod that hasn't been stated up yet.

Part of the reason we're statting them up is so I don't have to guess! :P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kairos Dawnfury wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

ANYway... I don't know what the plan is yet for Pathfinder Online's dialogue and storylines. That's a decision that's still quite a bit in the future.

Personally, I'd LOVE to see the iconics in the game as NPCs controlled by Paizo and Goblinworks employees... we'll see.

We all know you're going to roll up Merisiel anyways

Not if she's not able to LOOK like her! What would be the point of playing a fake Merisiel in an official Pathfinder game? :P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Axial wrote:

Certain evil deities (like Uruskreil or Quindiovatos in Princes of Darkness) possess the "Glory" domain, which grants some good-aligned spells.

When used by a cleric of said deities, do this spells still function as normal, or do they switch to being evil-aligned and dealing damage against Good creatures?

Just as there are inappropriate spells in the Death domain for Pharasma, I'd say that an evil deity with the Glory domain would not approve of his/her clerics using those good spells. They'd be inappropriate as a Pharasmin casting animate dead. Clerics should pick the domain spell from their other domain at that level if they pick Glory as one of them.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Who do I talk to about the forum avatars? I've been looking for a headshot of Faffy to pop up for awhile now.


(Note: we almost NEVER do custom avatars for folks... and I'm not sure who or what a Faffy is...)

Fafnheir, from Lands of the Linnorm Kings (or any Linnorm really for that matter)
Oh! Ok. Never heard him called "Faffy" before.

I tend to give out nicknames incase you hadn't noticed :3

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Also since OS Mavericks completely shot my iBooks what program would you recommend for storing books on devices like the iPad?
Ummmm... iBooks is the program I've always used there, so I can't really help you out, I guess.

I use Adobe Reader, it's pretty good and you can even organize the PDFs into folders on the app for easy access like a folder for each AP. It's also free I believe.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Kairos Dawnfury wrote:

I have a player in Runelords who took the trait friends with Ameiko and ended up being long lost childhood friends, so she'll play a big(ger) part in our RPing, I may even have her join up since I'm running a group of 3.

If you had to compare her to a companion from a Bioware game, which one would best model her personality?

Hmmm... I guess Leliana from Dragon Age is probably the closest, but not as involved with religion.

So giving her a French accent when I use her :3

James Jacobs wrote:
Kairos Dawnfury wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

ANYway... I don't know what the plan is yet for Pathfinder Online's dialogue and storylines. That's a decision that's still quite a bit in the future.

Personally, I'd LOVE to see the iconics in the game as NPCs controlled by Paizo and Goblinworks employees... we'll see.

We all know you're going to roll up Merisiel anyways
Not if she's not able to LOOK like her! What would be the point of playing a fake Merisiel in an official Pathfinder game? :P

If Warcraft is any indication, to dance with two exact duplicates named Mirisiel and Meresiel on a table in a tavern near the starting town.

Which of course would be Sandpoint.

Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kairos Dawnfury wrote:

I have a player in Runelords who took the trait friends with Ameiko and ended up being long lost childhood friends, so she'll play a big(ger) part in our RPing, I may even have her join up since I'm running a group of 3.

If you had to compare her to a companion from a Bioware game, which one would best model her personality?

Hmmm... I guess Leliana from Dragon Age is probably the closest, but not as involved with religion.
So giving her a French accent when I use her :3

Leliana isn't just a French accent. She's a woman who has a darker beginnings that is redeeming herself with her present actions. She's kind and considerate, but enjoys humor. She's a brilliant orator, capable of enthralling you with her stories of adventures and romance. But, despite her kindess and stories, there is an inner strength as strong as steel. She can fight and defend herself as well as anyone can, and she's not afraid to take up arms to protect friends and family.

Also, Leliana is my favorite character from Dragon Age. I know it's hard to tell, since I so cleverly disguised it, but now you know. :P

James Jacobs wrote:
Kairos Dawnfury wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

ANYway... I don't know what the plan is yet for Pathfinder Online's dialogue and storylines. That's a decision that's still quite a bit in the future.

Personally, I'd LOVE to see the iconics in the game as NPCs controlled by Paizo and Goblinworks employees... we'll see.

We all know you're going to roll up Merisiel anyways
Not if she's not able to LOOK like her! What would be the point of playing a fake Merisiel in an official Pathfinder game? :P

You could always call her 'The Real Merisiel'.

Hey James! First post here on the messageboards, and just wanted to ask some questions.

1. Are there any drow cities beneath the Crown of the World?
2. Are there any known mythic characters from Tian Xia?
3. If you ran a campaign set in Tian Xia, which country would you pick?
4. What would you say the odds are of seeing an Inner Sea World Guide style book made for Tian Xia?
5. Any plans on using Xibalba (the Mayan underworld) as an influence for a future setting?
6. Ever heard of the Wil-O-Gho-Yuk? I've only ever read about it in one book (The Field Guide to North American Monsters by W. Haden Blackman) and was just curious if you knew of it, seeing as you're well versed in monsters.
7. What's your favorite monster for arctic environments? Or urban?
8. Are there any sports that are popular throughout the Inner Sea region?
9. If, say, there was an Inner Sea Soccer League, would you support the Sandpoint Strikers? (I may have made a 32 team ISSL at 2 in the morning for no good reason)

Thanks for keeping this forum going, I always enjoy reading your responses.

Hey James, I got a question about making a story trope Pathfinder Possible. I was reading a fantasy story that involved a Wizard casting spells to decorate for the Holidays. They were mostly illusions, but involved things like causing illusionary snowflakes to fall, and fake fairies to fly around and twinkle like Christmas lights etc.

The thing is, the spells only last for a couple hours or so, enough for a celebration, before they lose power and wink out. All of the Illusions spells, like Silent Image, Minor Image, etc. have a duration of Concentration + a few rounds. Persistent Image is better, but is still too short (even an Extended one). Hallucinatory Terrain and Mirage Arcana are all long enough, but don't seem to be the same effect.

I was curious, how should I go about converting such an idea to Pathfinder. Creating a Magic Item that would create an image, and then keep it function till it commanded otherwise might work, but it seems a highly expensive and labor-intensive solution. A Permanency spell, again, would work, but is also expensive for a temporary effect. Maybe a Feat of some kind would work, but that requires a custom creation. A custom spell also, works, but, like the feat, is custom and requires a GM approval.

Kind of a long winded question, sorry.

James Jacobs wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Do Androids sleep? As written they are immune to sleep but no reference to whether they actually need to sleep.
They're like elves. Immune to sleep, but they still do need to sleep themselves.

When they sleep, do they dream of electric sheep?

I already made that joke.

Silver Crusade

Voyd211 wrote:
I already made that joke.

But did you make it while you were on a boat?

Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Who do I talk to about the forum avatars? I've been looking for a headshot of Faffy to pop up for awhile now.


(Note: we almost NEVER do custom avatars for folks... and I'm not sure who or what a Faffy is...)

Fafnheir, from Lands of the Linnorm Kings (or any Linnorm really for that matter)
Oh! Ok. Never heard him called "Faffy" before.
I tend to give out nicknames incase you hadn't noticed :3

Also, one of Fafhrd's girlfriends called him "Faffy".

So, what does the gemstone on an elf's forehead signify? Is it about the "third eye", or is it something else?

Dark Archive

Any idea how the Emerald spire mega-dungeon is coming along? also is there going to be a lot of new Iconic art (Mostly action scenes) In the book?), Finally how big is the book?

It has been posited that the pterodactyl is better than the T-Rex. Thoughts?

Pterodactyl is not considered an actual dinosaur and is therefore not better.

James, besides prophecy, what other tropes do you think are overplayed in storytelling?

Do any chromatic dragons directly raise their young?

I ask because of ogres. They're the worst of the worst among humanoids, being Chaotic Evil and gleefully so. Yet despite that, the families actually seem to care about their members, if in a rather twisted way. I also know that troll moms love their babies, so I wonder if black, white and red dragons care for their young the same way.

I see there is a list of known Kaiju in Bestiary 4.


Lord Varklops
Queen Vorgozen

Other then Agmazar, Have any of these Kaiju been mentioned in other products?

I also noticed that all the kaiju in B4 have a +16 racial bonus to perception checks, was this supposed to be a kaiju trait that was left of the subtype section?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

James, did you know there are erotica books about T-Rexes?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Voyd211 wrote:
Which of course would be Sandpoint.

Not in Pathfinder Online.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

KetchupKing wrote:

Hey James! First post here on the messageboards, and just wanted to ask some questions.

1. Are there any drow cities beneath the Crown of the World?
2. Are there any known mythic characters from Tian Xia?
3. If you ran a campaign set in Tian Xia, which country would you pick?
4. What would you say the odds are of seeing an Inner Sea World Guide style book made for Tian Xia?
5. Any plans on using Xibalba (the Mayan underworld) as an influence for a future setting?
6. Ever heard of the Wil-O-Gho-Yuk? I've only ever read about it in one book (The Field Guide to North American Monsters by W. Haden Blackman) and was just curious if you knew of it, seeing as you're well versed in monsters.
7. What's your favorite monster for arctic environments? Or urban?
8. Are there any sports that are popular throughout the Inner Sea region?
9. If, say, there was an Inner Sea Soccer League, would you support the Sandpoint Strikers? (I may have made a 32 team ISSL at 2 in the morning for no good reason)

Thanks for keeping this forum going, I always enjoy reading your responses.

Cool; welcome to the boards!

1) Unrevealed, but there's probably at least 1... although we MIGHT have said Far Parathra is the northernmost.

2) Yes.

3) Minkai.

4) Very low but not zero.

5) Xibalba has already influenced our world here and there if you look in the right places! :)

6) Nope, never have.

7) Arctic = wendigo. Urban = intellect devourer.

8) Gladitorial combat, for one! Others certainly exist, but it's not something we've really delved far into yet.

9) HA! Excellent! (Even though I'm pretty uninterested in sports myself, to be fair...)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tels wrote:

Hey James, I got a question about making a story trope Pathfinder Possible. I was reading a fantasy story that involved a Wizard casting spells to decorate for the Holidays. They were mostly illusions, but involved things like causing illusionary snowflakes to fall, and fake fairies to fly around and twinkle like Christmas lights etc.

The thing is, the spells only last for a couple hours or so, enough for a celebration, before they lose power and wink out. All of the Illusions spells, like Silent Image, Minor Image, etc. have a duration of Concentration + a few rounds. Persistent Image is better, but is still too short (even an Extended one). Hallucinatory Terrain and Mirage Arcana are all long enough, but don't seem to be the same effect.

I was curious, how should I go about converting such an idea to Pathfinder. Creating a Magic Item that would create an image, and then keep it function till it commanded otherwise might work, but it seems a highly expensive and labor-intensive solution. A Permanency spell, again, would work, but is also expensive for a temporary effect. Maybe a Feat of some kind would work, but that requires a custom creation. A custom spell also, works, but, like the feat, is custom and requires a GM approval.

Kind of a long winded question, sorry.

Hmmm... the best way for this would probably be to use a programmed image? That, or simply build a new spell or unique magic item to accomplish the deed. Maybe set up the fountain in the town square to be able to put on a show like this once a festival or the like, with its activation being linked to a device carried by the town's mayor?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kajehase wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Do Androids sleep? As written they are immune to sleep but no reference to whether they actually need to sleep.
They're like elves. Immune to sleep, but they still do need to sleep themselves.
When they sleep, do they dream of electric sheep?


If I finally say yes, will folks stop asking? :-P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

SnowJade wrote:

So, what does the gemstone on an elf's forehead signify? Is it about the "third eye", or is it something else?

It's not much more than jewelry. Magic elfstones like that would take up the phylactery spot (aka Headband).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kevin Mack wrote:
Any idea how the Emerald spire mega-dungeon is coming along? also is there going to be a lot of new Iconic art (Mostly action scenes) In the book?), Finally how big is the book?

I do have an idea. Logan's DEEP in the development of it, and we're doing the art order. There'll be plots of new art in the book featuring the iconics... I ordered one of Merisiel confronting the main bad guy of the whole dungeon a few days ago, in fact. I'm not sure we've publicly said how big it is yet... but it's the biggest module we've published yet, for sure!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kilrex wrote:
It has been posited that the pterodactyl is better than the T-Rex. Thoughts?

Sounds like flyer propaganda to me! Isn't it enough they can fly already? Must they try to take everything from us?

James Jacobs wrote:
KetchupKing wrote:

8. Are there any sports that are popular throughout the Inner Sea region?
9. If, say, there was an Inner Sea Soccer League, would you support the Sandpoint Strikers? (I may have made a 32 team ISSL at 2 in the morning for no good reason)

Thanks for keeping this forum going, I always enjoy reading your responses.

8) Gladitorial combat, for one! Others certainly exist, but it's not something we've really delved far into yet.

Dark Markets has a bit on a popular sport in Katapesh.

(Incidentally, for any 3rd-party publisher who reads this, I'd love to have rules for various old sports like running, chariot-racing, or the like that can be used with the stats for Pathfinder-characters.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mythic JMD031 wrote:
James, besides prophecy, what other tropes do you think are overplayed in storytelling?

Male-dominated stories, where females are just eye-candy or token characters.



Ummmm... I'm sure I can think of more if I were to think of more... ha.

James Jacobs wrote:
Mythic JMD031 wrote:
James, besides prophecy, what other tropes do you think are overplayed in storytelling?

Male-dominated stories, where females are just eye-candy or token characters.



Ummmm... I'm sure I can think of more if I were to think of more... ha.

Half demons who are hundreds of years old but look 16...

Hi James,

Now that Bestiary 4 is out, could you tell us which ones you worked on, other than the Old Ones and Demon Lords that is?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Voyd211 wrote:

Do any chromatic dragons directly raise their young?

I ask because of ogres. They're the worst of the worst among humanoids, being Chaotic Evil and gleefully so. Yet despite that, the families actually seem to care about their members, if in a rather twisted way. I also know that troll moms love their babies, so I wonder if black, white and red dragons care for their young the same way.

All dragons raise their young. The duration that period persists varies though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

I see there is a list of known Kaiju in Bestiary 4.

** spoiler omitted **
Other then Agmazar, Have any of these Kaiju been mentioned in other products?

I also noticed that all the kaiju in B4 have a +16 racial bonus to perception checks, was this supposed to be a kaiju trait that was left of the subtype section?

This is the first time any of those kaiju have been mentioned. I made all of them up out of the blue, and hopefully some day we'll see more about them.

And the bonus to perception checks isn't necessarily a trait. Many demons have a similar bonus. It applies to many, but not all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kilrex wrote:
James, did you know there are erotica books about T-Rexes?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tirisfal wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mythic JMD031 wrote:
James, besides prophecy, what other tropes do you think are overplayed in storytelling?

Male-dominated stories, where females are just eye-candy or token characters.



Ummmm... I'm sure I can think of more if I were to think of more... ha.

Half demons who are hundreds of years old but look 16...

That doesn't bother me, actually, since half demons are supernatural and, as far as I've always assumed, immortal unless killed violent.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MMCJawa wrote:

Hi James,

Now that Bestiary 4 is out, could you tell us which ones you worked on, other than the Old Ones and Demon Lords that is?


I wrote all of the demon lord stuff, all of the kaiju stuff, and all of the Great Old One stuff. Also all the dinosaurs.

I also wrote a fair amount of other things in there in their original incarnations back in Pathfinder and elsewhere, particularly all of the Lovecraftian critters.

I also did a development pass on the whole book, of course...

Mr. James Jacobs,

Your opinion on something: I have a Mountebank (Dragon Compendium) and he is no longer tied to his infernal patron (Mephistopheles). He is currently gaining his power from the spirit of Khorvosa. AT 20th level a mountebank would turn into a half-fiend. Since his patron is city spirit what would you think his 20th level transformation would most likely be? Following similar lines if he were gain his power from claiming the power of a star tower what would his 20th level transformation be?

Also, do larvae manifest in the world wound? While their appearance might seem inconsequential to the casual observer if they did manifest directly in the world wound I can see those suitably knowledgeable about planar matters being terrified.

Since I don't know much about Xibalba, can you tell me what parts of the Darklands are inspired by it?


Wrath of the Righteous questions:

I want to make Staunton Vhane a bigger part of chapters 1 and 2 so that the encounter in Drezen is a bigger deal. Do you have any ideas for a time when he, or at least his story, might pop up before actually facing him in Drezen?

Also, in preparing to GM the AP, I'm a little concerned about my own ability to represent how truly, despicably, and irredeemable evil demons are. Words can't describe how deeply E-V-I-L they are...but I feel like my party would resent me if I played them like that. Suggestions for playing them well? Or for developing the thick skin to let my party hate me for my vile NPCs?

Thank you so much for the advice on running Rubelords, especially on reading and rereading the AP before I run it. My players loved the first session, we ran it all the way through the glassworks and at almost 2 am, they wanted to keep going!

Do you have a favorite minor NPC in Sandpoint? My players love collecting ears for Daviren Hosk.

Hi James,

Could a Diabolist bargain with a potent devil in order to obtain Mythic Power?

Alternatively, could said Diabolist learn a mighty Infernal Duke's true name and force it to imbue him/her with Mythic Power?


1) From someone who has never played it, can Call of Cthulhu still be played effectively if you replaced all the mythos stuff with demons and such like?

2) What are your thoughts on such a game?

3) If the answer is basically no, is there a game out there that had the feel of CoC without the Cthulhu?

James Jacobs wrote:
Mythic JMD031 wrote:
James, besides prophecy, what other tropes do you think are overplayed in storytelling?

Male-dominated stories, where females are just eye-candy or token characters.



Ummmm... I'm sure I can think of more if I were to think of more... ha.

Do you have hopes that The Hobbit film, with 13 dwarves, will inspire less stereotypical dwarves, or are the film dwarves still too stereotyped, or is the problem that they're all Tolkien dwarves (it being The Hobbit by Tolkien)

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'd like to know that as well, as my brother and I are big fans of dwarves.

Also, have you ever proposed an idea for Golarion to the other staff members that was WAY too silly?

Has anyone proposed an idea that YOU thought was too silly for Golarion?

For some reason, in a campaign my brother and me played in as teens, we developed an artifact that has popped up in every campaign since: a glossy periodical containing depictions of scantily-clad half-orc women that causes anyone who attempts to read it (for the articles, of course!) to fall backwards down the stairs in horror. If they're in a place WITHOUT stairs, for some reason a staircase seems to suddenly be behind them that wasn't there two seconds ago.

The one time it wound up in a serious game, it ended up being the plot hook, as the stairs my brother's character fell backwards down in the middle of a desert led to the dungeon for the session.


James Jacobs wrote:
Kevin Mack wrote:
Any idea how the Emerald spire mega-dungeon is coming along? also is there going to be a lot of new Iconic art (Mostly action scenes) In the book?), Finally how big is the book?
I do have an idea. Logan's DEEP in the development of it, and we're doing the art order. There'll be plots of new art in the book featuring the iconics... I ordered one of Merisiel confronting the main bad guy of the whole dungeon a few days ago, in fact. I'm not sure we've publicly said how big it is yet... but it's the biggest module we've published yet, for sure!

I'm sure you can't speak too much about it, but I do have a question. Is it intended or, at least, possible to follow up Thornkeep with the Emerald Spire?

Any clue on how many people survived the fall of Sarkoris? I know that Dying light completely evacuated. Do you think it would be enough to repopulate the region if the world wound is ever... Ummm... (Closed?)?

hi tank for your great job
when playtest go out for Advanced Class Guide .
tank you

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I just recently found out about the Pathfinder/Big Finish audiodramas - congratulations! So, some questions about it:

1. What are some of the challenges of adapting Rise of the Runelords into a six hour radioplay?

2. Other than time constraints, are there any other reasons why Seoni and Kyra were excluded from this first story?

3. How stoked are you to have someone portray your character theatrically in a story you helped pen?

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