Trigger Loaded |

You mentioned that Outsiders (And I know the term is obsolete for the new edition, but I'm assuming the general concept of powerful extraplanar beings who aren't as tied to biological needs still applies.) don't need to eat and sleep, but can do so if they wish. Two questions (Across two posts, of course.)
If an extraplanar being eats food, what happens to the food they eat? Do they still digest it? Or is it just absorbed into their mass? Is there any waste generated?

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You mentioned that Outsiders (And I know the term is obsolete for the new edition, but I'm assuming the general concept of powerful extraplanar beings who aren't as tied to biological needs still applies.) don't need to eat and sleep, but can do so if they wish. Two questions (Across two posts, of course.)
If an extraplanar being eats food, what happens to the food they eat? Do they still digest it? Or is it just absorbed into their mass? Is there any waste generated?
In most cases, it digests normally. Some outsiders have specific different things going on, like nabasus or barghests who have specific rules for eating.
Whether or not poop happens is left to the GM.

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How do extraplanar beings 'sleep' if they don't need to? Do they actually fall unconscious, or is it more just laying down and resting their eyes/meditating? If they do sleep, can they control how long they sleep for, or do they follow human norms for sleep?
If they don't need to they don't at all. If they do, they sleep normally, like whatever might be the closest norm. Left mostly to the GM.

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When can we see the updated version of Second Edition Core Rulebook? Or an errata document for it, maybe?
Do you mean the second printing? Or do you just mean errata?
We haven't announced either yet, but we ARE moving forward with errata and hope to get that out more frequently than we did for first edition.

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I'm beginning to run out of room for all this Pathfinder/Starfinder stuff. What should I do about that?
Do what I did when I had the same thing happen to my office at work. Add a shelf.
If there's physically no more room and you still want to keep purchasing content, either store or sell the older books you don't want/need anymore, or consider switching over to electronic format with PDFS?
We're not going to be stopping the publication of content anytime soon, so at some point you'll need to do self-evaluation as to whether you want to stop collecting, put stuff in storage, or whatever. I can't make that choice for you and have no secret solution.
More shelves is what I do.

Trigger Loaded |

I asked this once before (Over a year ago) but overcomplicated the question with a lot of details which got me an answer to a different question. My fault, so now I'll try again, more simply.
Can a troll live without a head? Specifically if you cut the head off and burn it, will the body keep living and grow a new head?

Ed Reppert |

Back in 2007 or thereabouts, James Sutter told us, of Seoni, "she's mostly Varisian—as might be apparent from her otherworldly grace, there's something not quite human in her ancestry".
Has she ever figured out what that is?

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In First Edition we had GameMastery Guide and Advanced Player's Guide. But in Second Edition, only Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide is on the schedule and there is no such a thing like Second Edition Advanced Player's Guide. Will Paizo not publish Second Edition Advanced Player's Guide?
Way ahead of you. (We announced it at last Gen Con.)

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I asked this once before (Over a year ago) but overcomplicated the question with a lot of details which got me an answer to a different question. My fault, so now I'll try again, more simply.
Can a troll live without a head? Specifically if you cut the head off and burn it, will the body keep living and grow a new head?
As long as you don't stop its regeneration, the troll can recover unless it was slain by an effect that bypasses hit points, I suppose.
It can't multiply though. You can't get 2 trolls by cutting one in half. As a general rule, the larger portion is where the regeneration continues. So if you cut off a troll head, the head is dead but the body regrows it unless you deactivate the body's regeneration.

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Back in 2007 or thereabouts, James Sutter told us, of Seoni, "she's mostly Varisian—as might be apparent from her otherworldly grace, there's something not quite human in her ancestry".
Has she ever figured out what that is?
It's her sorcerer bloodline Sutter was talking about. It's covered somewhat in the comics I believe. I don't know for sure. In my head-canon, it's a lingering influence on her magical DNA from Thassilon though.

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Has the stance about Goblins learning to read, but not write, changed much since then?
Nope. Most goblins remain afraid of words and don't write. Players who make goblins get to decide if their characters can read or write, but that hardly makes a dent in the world average for goblins, since there's only like four or six or whatever PCs in the game at any one time. (Unless you're playing PFS, in which case there's a weird sort of shared experience that goes on, but if you can accept the mental disconnect that your PC isn't the only one who went on any one specific adventure in that game, then you should be okay with the idea that just because there might be a lot of PC goblins in PFS who can write and read that that doesn't impact the world canon At All, any more than does the idea that thousands of players play the same adventure side by side...)

Aenigma |

Who are the barbarians-gone-native on the eastern plateau that were mentioned in this blog post? Are they Kellids? Or are they Shoanti?

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Who are the barbarians-gone-native on the eastern plateau that were mentioned in this blog post? Are they Kellids? Or are they Shoanti?
Shoanti. I suspect that blog post is older than the word "Kellid" in fact.

Draknirv |

All of the interplanar cities have a significant population of aasimars, tieflings, or what have you. Such as the City of Brass or Galisemni or even Dis. While outsiders don't need to eat, drink, or drop loads, these native outsiders definitively DO. How do these cities handle this problem? Handing everyone a magic food fork seems cumbersome and theres nothing written about these places having any kind of farming infrastructure. So how do they feed these significant populations of plane-bred peoples? Do they mass import food? If so, from where?

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All of the interplanar cities have a significant population of aasimars, tieflings, or what have you. Such as the City of Brass or Galisemni or even Dis. While outsiders don't need to eat, drink, or drop loads, these native outsiders definitively DO. How do these cities handle this problem? Handing everyone a magic food fork seems cumbersome and theres nothing written about these places having any kind of farming infrastructure. So how do they feed these significant populations of plane-bred peoples? Do they mass import food? If so, from where?
Same way other cities do. By having eateries, restaurants, food shipments, markets, and support from outlying regions. These cities are magical locations, remember. They don't need farms right next door. There might be portals to distant farmlands inside of some inns for resupplies, for example. Don't let real-world supply and demand limitations from physics and reality crimp your imagination when it comes to how magic cities work! :)

Mogloth |

Hey James.
Yet another Sandpoint question for my upcoming Sandpoint campaign.
In order to make it feel like a living world I would like to incorporate events in the background from other APs. Mainly, I will at some point have a certain NPC go off to begin her journey. And I plan on having the start of Shattered Star happen in the background away from the PCs. Now, I would like to have the culmination of SS affect Sandpoint. My question is this - what would be a good amount of time passage for SS? 2 months? 6 months? A year? I don't have the books so I can't read to get a feel. I'm curious so I have a good idea when to have events happen.

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Hey James.
Yet another Sandpoint question for my upcoming Sandpoint campaign.
In order to make it feel like a living world I would like to incorporate events in the background from other APs. Mainly, I will at some point have a certain NPC go off to begin her journey. And I plan on having the start of Shattered Star happen in the background away from the PCs. Now, I would like to have the culmination of SS affect Sandpoint. My question is this - what would be a good amount of time passage for SS? 2 months? 6 months? A year? I don't have the books so I can't read to get a feel. I'm curious so I have a good idea when to have events happen.
The timing of those events is really left to each game group to determine. Some people are okay with player characters going from 1st level to 20th level in 6 months. Others hate that and prefer years or even decades to pass. Shattered Star can play out in either case.
Now, when we decided to incorporate all of these storylines into the recent history at the launch of 2nd edition, we generally went with each Adventure Path starting at about the same time and in same order as their publications, but the endings are ambiguous–ohter than that they have to end either before the next in-world event takes place there, or that they have to end before 4719 AR.
In the case of Shattered Star, that means these events need to end before Return of the Runelords begins. Probably a year or so before so that the region has that long, at least, to catch its breath.
For me, Shattered Star feels like a medium-length campaign. In my head-canon, since there's no timer counting down, but also since there's no long-term downtime events playing out, I'd like to think that the time it takes for the campaign's events to play out is 1 to 2 years. That being about how long my campaigns tend to play out in-world. (I personally have NO problem with the idea that a 1st level character can become a 20th level one in a matter of months or just 1 or 2 years... PCs are, in my mind, the most special and unusual and mold-breaking characters in the entire game world, after all, so if ANYONE is going to do a meteoric rise to power in the game... it's the PCs.)

Trigger Loaded |

Trigger Loaded wrote:Can a troll live without a head? Specifically if you cut the head off and burn it, will the body keep living and grow a new head?As long as you don't stop its regeneration, the troll can recover unless it was slain by an effect that bypasses hit points, I suppose.
It can't multiply though. You can't get 2 trolls by cutting one in half. As a general rule, the larger portion is where the regeneration continues. So if you cut off a troll head, the head is dead but the body regrows it unless you deactivate the body's regeneration.
Followup question that depended on the answer to this one. My purpose is not to try and make two trolls out of one, but some curiosity that came to mind regarding Troll brains.
So, behead a Troll, and destroy the head. Troll grows a new head. Does he have his old memories, or is he an amnesiac? I'm wondering where a Troll's memories are stored.
(Though, on reflection, given that souls are usually shown having memories of their life as well, that could explain a workaround instead of having to explain the necessity of a brain.)

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Followup question that depended on the answer to this one. My purpose is not to try and make two trolls out of one, but some curiosity that came to mind regarding Troll brains.
So, behead a Troll, and destroy the head. Troll grows a new head. Does he have his old memories, or is he an amnesiac? I'm wondering where a Troll's memories are stored.
(Though, on reflection, given that souls are usually shown having memories of their life as well, that could explain a workaround instead of having to explain the necessity of a brain.)
He's the same troll, and keep the memories. Their memories are stored everywhere.

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Are you doing all of these Windsong parables we're getting, or has it been shared out in the name of sanity?
I've written five of them so far. They'll be spread out over the next few months is my understanding. I'd love to write more of them, but we'll see how things play out I guess.

Blissful Lightning |

Hi James,
How does Pharasma and her agents view the use of the spell "hasten judgment" (Planar Adventures pages 40-41, and Archive of Nethys)?

Andostre |

Kingmaker has a slain unicorn that isn't decomposing because it's body is not touched by "necrophages." More than once I've seen players wonder what unicorns do with their dead if the bodies don't decompose. Cremation seems like the obvious answer, but I'd like to offer more interesting options. Any ideas?

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Hi James,
How does Pharasma and her agents view the use of the spell "hasten judgment" (Planar Adventures pages 40-41, and Archive of Nethys)?
She approves of it. If she didn't she wouldn't grant it to her clerics, and the text of the spell would have said so. It doesn't disrupt the flow of souls at all. It greases the cogs, if anything.

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Kingmaker has a slain unicorn that isn't decomposing because it's body is not touched by "necrophages." More than once I've seen players wonder what unicorns do with their dead if the bodies don't decompose. Cremation seems like the obvious answer, but I'd like to offer more interesting options. Any ideas?
Unicorns don't have hands, and as such they have a hard time digging graves or cremating their dead. Furthermore, cremation isn't a great option for someone who lives in the woods.
I think a more interesting option is that they let them lie where they die, and honor the cycle of life in that the unicorn's remains are now able to feed animals and eventually plants and continue the harmony of nature. It plays in with the fact that they don't have hands and aren't tool users, but also helps to cement them as creatures with an understanding of and respect for the wilderness.

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Knowing you're a fan of The Dark Crystal, did you watch the Age of Resistance prequel show? And if so, what did you think of it?
It's on my to-do list. Haven't started it yet, because from all I've heard, I'm gonna love it and binge it and that's 10 or so hours I need to plan ahead for...

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Other than "medium" has it even been pinned down just how tall gnolls are in Golarion? I'm looking at the illustration on page 66 of Lost Omens Character Guide and thinking "really?".
(I've tried 2nd and 1st Edition Bestiaries, and Classic Monsters Revisited, but can't see average height & weights at all.)

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Other than "medium" has it even been pinned down just how tall gnolls are in Golarion? I'm looking at the illustration on page 66 of Lost Omens Character Guide and thinking "really?".
(I've tried 2nd and 1st Edition Bestiaries, and Classic Monsters Revisited, but can't see average height & weights at all.)
I tend to assume that if standard sizes aren't listed for Medium I assume about 6' tall on average.

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Darrell Impey UK wrote:I tend to assume that if standard sizes aren't listed for Medium I assume about 6' tall on average.Other than "medium" has it even been pinned down just how tall gnolls are in Golarion? I'm looking at the illustration on page 66 of Lost Omens Character Guide and thinking "really?".
(I've tried 2nd and 1st Edition Bestiaries, and Classic Monsters Revisited, but can't see average height & weights at all.)
(sorry for adding on but) From the associated fiction to that piece the fluffies in question are currently under the effects of an Enlarge spell :3
Question! Where all are Gnolls found in Golarion?

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Question is intended for 1e, but is applicable to 2e as well:
At what character level does a pupil at a wizard college (for instance, the Academae in Korvosa) typically graduate? Does the character level of a recent graduate carry from school to school?
We've not really nailed that down, since it works weirdly for PCs; the game wants you to level up by adventuring, not staying at home studying, after all. It'd work best for PCs in a situation like you see in the Harry Potter stories, with the PCs going on adventures as they learn.
Once a PC is higher level than the teachers, it doesn't make much more sense, either.
SO, given the fact that in Golarion, the bulk of folks are 5th level or lower, with the 6th to 10th level tier being the "professionals" and the 11th to 15th level tier being the "significants" and the 16th+ tier beig the "legends," I'd say for MOST magic schools the bulk of the staff would be 6th to 10th level, skewing toward 10th if it's a big and important school (with a few 11th to 15th in there) or skewing toward 6th or 7th (but not lower) for a lesser school.
Using that scale, I'd say most pupils at a magic college would typically graduate at 5th level. That works out well when you compare it to US High Schools or 4 year college degrees, with the four years equating to 1st to 4th, with the graduation happening at the end of 4th level so that the character is 5th level upon getting that diploma.

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Is there ANYTHING good about the Order of the Rack Hellknights? It just feels like they're largely written to serve as antagonists and there don't seem to be any reasons for non-evil PCs to be interested in joining them.

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Is there ANYTHING good about the Order of the Rack Hellknights? It just feels like they're largely written to serve as antagonists and there don't seem to be any reasons for non-evil PCs to be interested in joining them.
Not every Hellknight order is intended to be lawful netural. Some are indeed intended to skew toward villain roles.

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Would it be accurate to say that every Hellknight order is, at best, able to function in areas where slavery is legal without conflicting with the local authorities?
Not sure what the point of this question is... but Hellknights are lawful groups but each order has different laws. Whether those laws sync up with ANY government, on ANY topic, including slavery, can vary.