>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

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How DO the gun rules work in Unspeakable Futures? And are we going to see any more rules from it slip into Pathfinder?

James Jacobs wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, unabashed flattery and then an honest question: Our group pretty much plays by, "Well, James said xxx, so that's how we're going to play it."

Your play/GM style much more closely matches our "world view" than, er, other unnamed parties.

So does it make you uncomfortable when people post, "Well, back in 2013 James said xxx, so that's how we're going to play it!"

I'd hate to think I'm generating hate spam for you by treating your stuff as (our) gospel...

Yes, it makes me VERY uncomfortable to think that a player uses my words as a bludgeon to push back against their GM's rulings, and it is in fact one of the reasons I periodically take a break from this thread. If you do this, don't. And if you still do this, please don't tell me.

If your GM (or if YOU are the GM) and you want to use my advice to help, though, that's a different thing. I do enjoy helping GMs out.

Honestly, it's probably worse.

In terms of checking to see whether you've posted on the subject, it's the 3 GMs in our group. When we can't decide on a ruling, we check for what you said about it. The players accept that we feel you have the closest "style" to ours and are fine with it. It's more that I keep a lot of campaign journals, and inevitably get people not involved with our group asking, "How can you possibly play that feat/rule/spell THAT way?", and we tend to say, "Well, James said xxx, and his style matches ours, so that's how we prefer to play it."

Then I realized you might not appreciate the attention that garners, so I thought I'd ask.

I'll stop.

Seen any good movies lately?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Does Sandpoint have a bank?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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IonutRO wrote:
How DO the gun rules work in Unspeakable Futures? And are we going to see any more rules from it slip into Pathfinder?

If and when I publish Unspeakable Futures, that'll be the right time to show off how the gun rules work, but they are VERY similar to those presented in the Technology Guide.

And I'd rather keep ownership of what's left in Unspeakable Futures. It'll be unlikely to have much more get "sold" to Paizo.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Dragon78 wrote:
Seen any good movies lately?


The last movie I saw was VERY good: "Blade of the Immortal."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ed Reppert wrote:
Does Sandpoint have a bank?

Not really. The Mercantile League is probably the closest Sandpoint comes to a bank.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Are banks in Avistan exclusively the province of the Church of Abadar, or do other organizations or private citizens provide this service?

Trying to figure out where a rootless adventurer would keep money or other valuables he doesn't want to be lugging around all the time. :-)

Is there really more than one way to skin a cat?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ed Reppert wrote:

Are banks in Avistan exclusively the province of the Church of Abadar, or do other organizations or private citizens provide this service?

Trying to figure out where a rootless adventurer would keep money or other valuables he doesn't want to be lugging around all the time. :-)

They aren't. Abadar's temples are among the most widespread and successful and trusted banks, but there are others. Druma, for example, has their own bank system.

But the concept of savings accounts doesn't really exist in the setting. A "rootless adventurer" is just as likely to bury their loot or hide it or use a trusted ally's business or home to store loot than go to a bank.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Newcarry wrote:
Is there really more than one way to skin a cat?

You shouldn't skin cats. They're awesome.

Would casting Gaseous Form negate/dispell an active casting of Mirror Image?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Kellerak wrote:
Would casting Gaseous Form negate/dispell an active casting of Mirror Image?

Rules questions need to be asked in the proper forums.

Silver Crusade

Ever had durian before?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Laird IceCubez wrote:
Ever had durian before?


What is the highest mountain in the inner sea region?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
doctor_wu wrote:
What is the highest mountain in the inner sea region?

Mhar Massif in the Kodar Mountains.

James Jacobs wrote:
Kellerak wrote:
Would casting Gaseous Form negate/dispell an active casting of Mirror Image?
Rules questions need to be asked in the proper forums.

I apologize, I assumed that this was the proper forum, the name of the thread is "Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Questions-Here" after all, was that wrong of me?

Hi again, still thanks for all the answers!

Regarding the Divine Source mythic ability... if taken by a character who already had a patron deity, how would it generally be seen? As them competing for worshippers, being an upstart, etc? Or more positively?
Specifically came up in regard to my paladin of Iomedae in Wrath of the Righteous. Me and the GM decided on interpreting it more as being a conduit of divine power in that instance, but were still curious about your thoughts.

(I promise, I am not asking you this for any kind of ammunition against my GM)

Kellerak: Rules forum

Continuing the line of questions about souls and undead (hope you don't mind), what about Samsarans? They reincarnate automatically, after all. The rules don't indicate how soon after death a samsaran reincarnates, but in some cases one can animate a corpse less than 1 round after death -- if a dead samsaran is animated immediately after death, is it unable to reincarnate, and conversely, if someone tries to animate the body (or otherwise transform into an undead) of a samsaran who has already been reincarnated, what happens? Failure, or does a fragment of the samsaran's soul get linked to the animated body?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kellerak wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kellerak wrote:
Would casting Gaseous Form negate/dispell an active casting of Mirror Image?
Rules questions need to be asked in the proper forums.
I apologize, I assumed that this was the proper forum, the name of the thread is "Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Questions-Here" after all, was that wrong of me?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kaladin_Stormblessed wrote:

Hi again, still thanks for all the answers!

Regarding the Divine Source mythic ability... if taken by a character who already had a patron deity, how would it generally be seen? As them competing for worshippers, being an upstart, etc? Or more positively?
Specifically came up in regard to my paladin of Iomedae in Wrath of the Righteous. Me and the GM decided on interpreting it more as being a conduit of divine power in that instance, but were still curious about your thoughts.

(I promise, I am not asking you this for any kind of ammunition against my GM)

In most cases, it wouldn't really be seen as a positive by a deity, unless the divine source character specifically was setting up their religion as complimentary to their deity. AKA, it would vary, depending on the character and the deity.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:

Kellerak: Rules forum

Continuing the line of questions about souls and undead (hope you don't mind), what about Samsarans? They reincarnate automatically, after all. The rules don't indicate how soon after death a samsaran reincarnates, but in some cases one can animate a corpse less than 1 round after death -- if a dead samsaran is animated immediately after death, is it unable to reincarnate, and conversely, if someone tries to animate the body (or otherwise transform into an undead) of a samsaran who has already been reincarnated, what happens? Failure, or does a fragment of the samsaran's soul get linked to the animated body?

The time after death reincarnate occurs depends on the samsaran. It's deliberately not set in stone, because it varies. Some happen immediately. Some take years or decades or more. One that becomes undead has its reincarnation cycle interrupted.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kellerak wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kellerak wrote:
Would casting Gaseous Form negate/dispell an active casting of Mirror Image?
Rules questions need to be asked in the proper forums.
I apologize, I assumed that this was the proper forum, the name of the thread is "Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Questions-Here" after all, was that wrong of me?

Nope, but note the thread isn't "James Jacobs will answer all your questions here." Feel free to ask any question, but I won't answer ones I don't want to answer, and rules questions are ones that I tend to not answer here because it rubs folks the wrong way, both in-house at Paizo and among certain customers who have a tough time in handling rules answers from Paizo.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Kellerak wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kellerak wrote:
Would casting Gaseous Form negate/dispell an active casting of Mirror Image?
Rules questions need to be asked in the proper forums.
I apologize, I assumed that this was the proper forum, the name of the thread is "Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Questions-Here" after all, was that wrong of me?

No need to "help" me. I can answer questions myself. Please don't assume otherwise, since a reply like yours can be off-putting and taken as dismissive. And that's not cool.

I was wondering if Kaye Tesarani from RotRL is Varasian.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Patrickthekid wrote:
I was wondering if Kaye Tesarani from RotRL is Varasian.


Have you seen the new Punisher show? I LOVED it, and had a great time watching it.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


Are you planning on running anything at PaizoCon 2018 or are you planning on a chill weekend of panels and playing?

How do you keep tabs on this thread? Do you just visit it regularly, rely on email notifications, or do you have some kind of bound outsider or familiar who spends all day watching the thread for you?

Also entirely unrelated to the last question, what do Daemons think of Rovagug and/or Groetus? Beyond just "more gods that need to disappear", of course. Do they work to the same end, or is there a significant difference between what Daemons want and what Rovagug/Groetus are expected to do?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Do you have a favorite George Romero film?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So wondering weird questions again.

How well known kobolds are through Inner Sea? Like is there any country in Inner Sea were commoner wouldn't know what they are looking at?

Actually, in general, is average person likely to call guards on creature they have no idea what it is? Like, regardless of whether character is ifrit or catfolk, if npcs don't know what the character is, are they likely to be hostile in inner sea?

have a questions about the vampires of Golarion.

Is Zura the first Vampire? If so did she create the Strigoi that came to Golarion that created the other 4 strains aka Nosferatu, Moroi, Jiang-Shi and the Vetala?

Is Ruithvein the Dracula of Golarion? And is Zura effectively Carmilla? So many questions :)

Also, is Runelord Sorshen a Vampire seeing how she created the blood pits in curse of the crimson throne? I see all the abilities are related to Zura and I was wondering if there was a connection.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
MageHunter wrote:
Have you seen the new Punisher show? I LOVED it, and had a great time watching it.

I haven't yet, but it's on my list; from what I've heard from other people who have loved or hated it, I'll quite enjoy it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:


Are you planning on running anything at PaizoCon 2018 or are you planning on a chill weekend of panels and playing?

All of us in editorial are more or less expected to run a game or two at PaizoCon.

There's nothing "chill" about a convention weekend, in any event, from my perspective. :-P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Schrödinger's Dragon wrote:

How do you keep tabs on this thread? Do you just visit it regularly, rely on email notifications, or do you have some kind of bound outsider or familiar who spends all day watching the thread for you?

Also entirely unrelated to the last question, what do Daemons think of Rovagug and/or Groetus? Beyond just "more gods that need to disappear", of course. Do they work to the same end, or is there a significant difference between what Daemons want and what Rovagug/Groetus are expected to do?

I check it every morning when I get into work, and usually once or twice during the day when I need a break from the rest of work.

Part of what helps me manage the answers is when folks don't put multiple questions into the same post. Sometimes, I have only time to answer one or two posts before I have to run, and if there's a LOT of questions in one post, that causes problems, so please keep it to one question per post. For this one, please re-post your additional question.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
Do you have a favorite George Romero film?

Yes: Dawn of the Dead.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

CorvusMask wrote:

So wondering weird questions again.

How well known kobolds are through Inner Sea? Like is there any country in Inner Sea were commoner wouldn't know what they are looking at?

Actually, in general, is average person likely to call guards on creature they have no idea what it is? Like, regardless of whether character is ifrit or catfolk, if npcs don't know what the character is, are they likely to be hostile in inner sea?

Kobolds are well known throughout the Inner Sea. Whether or not someone is hostile or not to something they don't recognize varies on the person and the thing they're reacting to.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Oliver Veyrac wrote:

have a questions about the vampires of Golarion.

Is Zura the first Vampire? If so did she create the Strigoi that came to Golarion that created the other 4 strains aka Nosferatu, Moroi, Jiang-Shi and the Vetala?

Is Ruithvein the Dracula of Golarion? And is Zura effectively Carmilla? So many questions :)

Also, is Runelord Sorshen a Vampire seeing how she created the blood pits in curse of the crimson throne? I see all the abilities are related to Zura and I was wondering if there was a connection.

Zura is not the first Vampire.

For your other questions, please re-post them one at a time.

Is Tar-Barphon the first lich?

James Jacobs wrote:
Part of what helps me manage the answers is when folks don't put multiple questions into the same post. Sometimes, I have only time to answer one or two posts before I have to run, and if there's a LOT of questions in one post, that causes problems, so please keep it to one question per post. For this one, please re-post your additional question.

Oh, I didn't realize. I'll be sure to keep any posts I make here more narrow in scope in the future!

What do Daemons think of Rovagug and/or Groetus? Beyond just "more gods that need to disappear", of course.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Is Tar-Barphon the first lich?

Not even close. Zutha predates him by several thousand years, and not even Zutha was the first lich.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Schrödinger's Dragon wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Part of what helps me manage the answers is when folks don't put multiple questions into the same post. Sometimes, I have only time to answer one or two posts before I have to run, and if there's a LOT of questions in one post, that causes problems, so please keep it to one question per post. For this one, please re-post your additional question.

Oh, I didn't realize. I'll be sure to keep any posts I make here more narrow in scope in the future!

What do Daemons think of Rovagug and/or Groetus? Beyond just "more gods that need to disappear", of course.

They don't think much about Groetus overall. And while I don't think they'd admit it, they're afraid of Rovagug, since he's super-powerufl and represents qlippoth, AKA the "Things that were there in the Abyss long before daemons were ever even an idea."

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Is Tar-Barphon the first lich?
Not even close. Zutha predates him by several thousand years, and not even Zutha was the first lich.

Is Golarion's first lich still active?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:
Is Tar-Barphon the first lich?
Not even close. Zutha predates him by several thousand years, and not even Zutha was the first lich.
Is Golarion's first lich still active?


Iomedae was a Paladin when she was a mortal. Who was her deity, and what is her standing with said deity now that she is a deity herself?

Assuming that compatibility with the original D20/OGL game is part of Pathfinder's appeal, do you feel that a new edition could be feasible at some point in future or would that largely defeat the point of the line?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
What is the highest mountain in the inner sea region?
Mhar Massif in the Kodar Mountains.

That's where Xin-Shalast is, right?

Dark Archive

Hello Mighty T Rex,

James, while I am sure you may have covered this in some form before, could you please give your opinion, in the way Demogorgon, Orcus, Graz'zt, Pazuzu and to a lesser extent Fraz-Urb’luu, where able to style themselves ‘prince’ above the other demon ‘lords’ in earlier editions of the game, on Golarion, which of the Abyssal lords could conceivably, by might or hubris, be elevated to that position?

Silver Crusade

Hello Directorsaur!

Curious, how locked into their alignments would you say Geniekind are since they don't have an Alignment subtype? Are they closer to mortals and their "normal" alignment is more culture/nurture, or do they have innate leanings (outside of their innate animosity towards each other, which I attributed to being opposed on the Elemental spectrum)?

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