Nightflier's Return to Korvosa Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Goddess blessed human Oracle 1 ((hp 9/12; AC 13, t 13, ff 10; Fort +2, Ref +3. Will +1; Init +3; Perception -1 (beyond 30ft autofail)

Background updaated


well, seems like everyone is almost ready :P Now just waiting for night to check and get game started

Male Human Vanguard

Will probably have history completely done tonight and the druid will be ready as well.

Dark Archive

The Great Katallin wrote:

Also here is a consolidated list of open questions

Do I have enough background for the "Harrower" background feat?

Can I use the variable bonuses from UA for my d20 rolls, based on no objections from the group?

Can we use the class defense option from UA instead of armor?

How will we be determining starting gold?

Is the Heirloom Weapon Trait a legal option?

Is the oversized 2-weapon fighting from complete adventurer a legal option?

Approval needed for background interactions.

I will see if there are more but this is all I can think of.

Your background is good enough for you to take bonus feat.

No variable bonuses, sorry.

Starting gold is 1st level max.

If it's in the Pathfinder rules, it's legal.

No. Only Pathfinder rules, and that includes feats, are available for this game.

Dark Archive

Kristophe wrote:
Kristophe is here, but he's so sneaky you probably can't see him.

Kristophe is good to go. Just take bonus feat and don't forget to note it in your profile.

Dark Archive

Zariah wrote:

I'm here

Sounds good Katallin.

Nice one, Mark. Designate bonus feat.

Dark Archive

Asasha wrote:

Signing in,...

P.S. Is my background good enough to get a gold star? - It's still being modified to incoroporate some other player backgrounds (Kat and Zariah so far).

Also,... how much starting $ do we get?

Really looking forward to this game!

** spoiler omitted **

You to get bonus feat.

The rest of the reviews tomorrow.

Male Human Vanguard

Hmmm no oversized..quick question what other than arcane strike does the bard get with the sword mage archetype? Cause I may have a great idea and it can be finished by tonight.

Female Goddess blessed human Oracle 1 ((hp 9/12; AC 13, t 13, ff 10; Fort +2, Ref +3. Will +1; Init +3; Perception -1 (beyond 30ft autofail)

So class defense is ok?

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
Zariah wrote:
So class defense is ok?

Good question.. that would change the feat i chose as a bonus!

Male Human Fighter 1 35xp
nightflier wrote:

Your background is good enough for you to take bonus feat.

No variable bonuses, sorry.

Starting gold is 1st level max.

Updated character with most starting equipment, and background feat. Removed variable bonuses.

Male Human Vanguard

Meant the arcane duelist sorry for any confusion. I know they get arcane strike and I believe a different bardic performance but, nothing else.

Male 1/2 elf Rogue 1
Zariah wrote:
So class defense is ok?

Don't know the answer for sure. But NF did state above Pathfinder probably not. Really don't care one way or another, just means I can't do the character in Hero Lab, and I'm lazy ;).

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
Kythvanath wrote:
Meant the arcane duelist sorry for any confusion. I know they get arcane strike and I believe a different bardic performance but, nothing else.

Arcane Duelist:

A master of the martial applications of steel and spell, the
spellsword blends both into a lethal combination.

Arcane Strike: Arcane duelists gain Arcane Strike as a bonus
feat at 1st level. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

Bardic Performance: A spellsword gains the following
types of bardic performance.

Rallying Cry (Su): At 1st level, an arcane duelist can use
performance to rally dispirited allies. Each round he
makes an Intimidate check. Any ally (including the bard)
within 30 feet may use this check in place of his own saving
throw against fear and despair effects. Those already
under a fear or despair effect can attempt a new save each
round using the bard’s Intimidate check. Rallying cry
does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. This is
a mind-affecting ability that uses audible components.
This performance replaces countersong.

Bladethirst (Su): An arcane duelist of 6th level or higher may
use performance to grant one weapon, one natural weapon,
one end of a double weapon, or 50 items of ammunition
of the same type within 30 feet a +1 enhancement bonus.
This enhancement bonus increases by +1 for every three
levels after 6th (maximum +5 at 18th level). These bonuses
stack with existing bonuses and may be used to increase
the item’s enhancement bonus up to +5 or to add any of the
following weapon properties: defending, distance, ghost touch,
keen, mighty cleaving, returning, shock, shocking burst, seeking,
speed, or wounding (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook page 469).
If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement
bonus must be added before adding special abilities. This
performance replaces suggestion.

Mass Bladethirst (Su): An arcane duelist of 18th level or
higher can use his bladethirst performance to enhance
the weapons of as many allies as desired within 30 feet.
The bonus provided by this power is +4 if conferred on
two allies, +3 for three allies, +2 for four allies, and +1 for
five or more allies. The power granted to each weapon
must be identical. This ability replaces mass suggestion.
Bonus Feats: An arcane duelist weaves might and
magic in his combat style, gaining the following bonus
feats at 2nd level and every four levels thereafter: 2nd
level—Combat Casting, 6th level—Disruptive, 10th
level—Spellbreaker, 14th level—Penetrating Strike, 18th
level—Greater Penetrating Strike. This ability replaces
versatile performance and well-versed.

Arcane Bond (Ex): At 5th level, an arcane duelist gains the
arcane bond ability as a wizard, using a weapon as his bonded
item. He may not choose a familiar or other type of bonded
item. He may use the hand holding his bonded weapon for
somatic components. This ability replaces lore master.

Arcane Armor (Ex): At 10th level, an arcane duelist gains
Medium Armor Proficiency and can cast bard spells in
medium armor with no chance of arcane spell failure. At
16th level, he gains Heavy Armor Proficiency and can cast
bard spells in heavy armor with no arcane spell failure.
This ability replaces jack of all trades.

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1

Bonus feat added and equipment finalised.

- All good to go!

(unless we're using class defence)



Shelyn: I shall give you..


Exited and waiting for approval :)

Dark Archive

About class defense - I will let the group decide on that, but it will need to be decision reached by consensus.


So far-

I, Asasha, Great Katallin,Zariah has given approval for that. Just need to hear rest of people although when going back the thread, seems that everyone has approved but lets just make sure.

From me: yes

PS: Everything okey with my character background and sheet?

Dark Archive

Lem Thomason wrote:

You need to improve your background in order to gain bonus feat.

Male Human Fighter 1 35xp
nightflier wrote:
About class defense - I will let the group decide on that, but it will need to be decision reached by consensus.

I aprove. Will need to respend my money if we reach a consensus.

Male Human Vanguard

I vote yes as well.

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
nightflier wrote:
About class defense - I will let the group decide on that, but it will need to be decision reached by consensus.

No problem from my POV:- most of us seem to be avoiding the heavier armour options anyway so this'd give us better ACs.

This system would seem to nerf touch attacks somewhat, but increase attacks vs. flat-footed oponents. This would seem to me to depower clerics the most and increase the power of rogues (yay for me).

Anyway, I'm happy either way. But i think that it should be a unanimous decision - anyone should be able to veto since it is a deaprture from core.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Witch 1; 6/6 hp; AC: 12, (Touch 12, FF 10); F +1, R +2, W +3, Perc +3/+5 Init +2

Ok I am not afraid to try new things, so I vote Yes on using the Class Defense. Just keep in mind, the NPCs will also have this, so it will help them as well.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Not really in favor of the departure from core, but I'm not going to be a stick in the mud about it. Let's give it a try. Don't know if this adds any work to Nightflier's end of things or not. Now I'll just have to go find the post that describes the option, and figure out how to put it in Hero Lab.

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
scranford wrote:
Now I'll just have to go find the post that describes the option, and figure out how to put it in Hero Lab.

here is the link.

Female Goddess blessed human Oracle 1 ((hp 9/12; AC 13, t 13, ff 10; Fort +2, Ref +3. Will +1; Init +3; Perception -1 (beyond 30ft autofail)

Well considering I first suggested it, you know where I stand.

Finished! Feat and AC updated. Picked Fortune Teller as bonus feat, works for her background.

Male Human Summoner 1

Sorry that I haven't been here as often as I could have been - wasn't much for me to talk about since I accidentally isolated myself from the backgrounds.

Was still wondering if you'd checked my background out, Night, and if you'd let the mundane gear banish with my eidolon or not. Not a big deal either way, but it'd be convenient.

Also, I vote yes on Class Defense.


So everyone has said yes, so I see that we will have class defense system to be used from this moment.

I would of course note that we can test this out and how it will be and Night is in the end final judge since he should have best view how it will be incorporated to game system, but to celebrate this

I am off to update my armor to +6

Male Human Vanguard

Ok I think everything is finished other than minor additions to history.

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1

I've updated to include class defence (and changed equipment / skills / cash to take account of this).

Also added Mobility as bonus feat;- seemed appropriate for my background but if Nightflier would prefer me to take Skill Focus: acrobatics i'll change. (almost want to so that i end up with a whopping +13 to acrobatics checks! - pitty its not the prerequisite for awesomeness later on like mobility is)

Dark Archive

Guys, I'm a little overwhelmed by your posting. Just have a bit of patience with me. I'll review several more characters today.

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
Galrian Sho´ray wrote:
I am off to update my armor to +6

Hmmm... Looks like it might be worth multiclassing as a fighter for the AC boost alone! (+6 vs. +3 for me... even better for those with no armour proficiency.)


:) Sorry for that Night. Seems like we are all just really hyped up and excited by this and also of your game. Also I am really waiting and giggling like a girl under insanity spell-> really fascinated by your game style in Migdnight threat when I took a look at it

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
Galrian Sho´ray wrote:
I am really waiting and giggling like a girl under insanity spell


Male Tiefling - Daemon Spawn Alchemist 1
Nightflier wrote:
You need to improve your background in order to gain bonus feat.

Yeah, I've rewritten it twice already. I am terrible at backgrounds. I'll finish it now.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Asasha wrote:
Galrian Sho´ray wrote:
I am off to update my armor to +6
Hmmm... Looks like it might be worth multiclassing as a fighter for the AC boost alone! (+6 vs. +3 for me... even better for those with no armour proficiency.)

Yeah that's always my concern with changing core rules. They're usually that way for a reason. Now everyone will want to dip into fighter or Cleric for a level to get the AC bonus. (Wow one level, and I get either channeling ability, or an extra feat, and all weapon proficiencies plus an extra 3 points of AC)not to mention the changes to touch AC which will weaken some creatures...but as I said I'm willing to try and see.


I have been originally planning from Cleric/Fighter combo as also because of my background + though about this even before we were into variant class defense system.

Night could also rule this by= not gaining benefits or just +3 from class, or to not get dip in fight/cleric since we were discussing already about where to advance or something else.

hm.. since everyone will be having a +3-+6 def, if dipping-> then maybe just 1/2 def from the class and missing some stuff? channeling from cleric if there, proficiency from fighter if there etc

But we will try and see how it will go. Although I would courage to try just our own ways. Only reason I go to Fighter route is to dip-> deadly stroke

Male Human Vanguard

I'm taking a fighter dip so I can take Eldritch Knight eventually so depending on how long this goes I may never even take the fighter lvl

Male Tiefling - Daemon Spawn Alchemist 1

Wait, are NPCs going to have the class defence thing as well? Because then it pretty much removes one of the main advantages of my main combat ability, namely that bombs are against touch AC. Bugger.


Well, as I have understood it doesn´t matter so much here, since npc touch will be in same scale level as armor so there is still good chance to hit them as also with your bonus +7 I guess you only need to roll above 6-7 and thats it

Male Tiefling - Daemon Spawn Alchemist 1

True, the hyper intelligence and weapon bond do help quite a bit. And I guess this way I'm less likely to hit everyone else if I miss throwing into a fight. Never mind then, carry on. Also, continuously adding to background so it should be done by the evening.

Sorry for the wait internet is down everything was done on a BB so any thing wrong let me know same with Havoc's character will do history asap and spells will be chosen soon as well.

Dark Archive

NPCs will not have defense bonus. In fact, your access to the UA stuff will be tied to the mysterious Hourglass Society which trained you as operatives. But I will post more about that when we finish with character creation.

Dark Archive

Galrian Sho´ray wrote:

So far-

I, Asasha, Great Katallin,Zariah has given approval for that. Just need to hear rest of people although when going back the thread, seems that everyone has approved but lets just make sure.

From me: yes

PS: Everything okey with my character background and sheet?

You are good to go and you can take bonus feat.

Dark Archive

Ezekiel Tauranor wrote:

Sorry that I haven't been here as often as I could have been - wasn't much for me to talk about since I accidentally isolated myself from the backgrounds.

Was still wondering if you'd checked my background out, Night, and if you'd let the mundane gear banish with my eidolon or not. Not a big deal either way, but it'd be convenient.

Also, I vote yes on Class Defense.

I like your background. I'm gonna allow the gear thing and I am going to let you choose either bonus feat or bonus evolution points for your eidolon. Just not sure right now how much EPs is feat worth...

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
nightflier wrote:
Just not sure right now how much EPs is feat worth...
APG wrote:
2 Point Evolution: Weapon Training (Ex): An eidolon learns to use a weapon,gaining Simple Weapon Proficiency as a bonus feat. If 2 additional evolution points are spent, it gains proficiency with all martial weapons as well.

This would seem to equate 1 feat with 2 evolution points?

Male Human Vanguard

Ok everything is ready to be reviewed spells shall be picked when I am not on BB.

Male Human Summoner 1
nightflier wrote:

I like your background. I'm gonna allow the gear thing and I am going to let you choose either bonus feat or bonus evolution points for your eidolon. Just not sure right now how much EPs is feat worth...
Asasha wrote:
APG wrote:

2 Point Evolution: Weapon Training (Ex): An eidolon learns to use a weapon,gaining Simple Weapon Proficiency as a bonus feat. If 2 additional evolution points are spent, it gains proficiency with all martial weapons as well.

This would seem to equate 1 feat with 2 evolution points?

If that'd be the case, then I'll simply adjust for 2 more points into Weapon Proficency for the eidolon, and give her a more appropriate weapon for a guardswoman.

Thanks for allowing the gear fix - it sort of bites to have to pick up all her gear every time I go to sleep or after a battle.

Female Human Oracle (Flame) 1
nightflier wrote:
In fact, your access to the UA stuff will be tied to the mysterious Hourglass Society which trained you as operatives.

Intriguing... Can we have some more info about this so we can incorporate this into backgrounds?

Male Human Summoner 1

Character is fully ready and adjusted for all changes pre-game. Ready to roll!

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