About KythvanathKyth XIII Race: Human | Size: M | Class/Levels:
Tempest ( Elven curve blade )::
- Attack Bonus: +6 (+4str +1mw +1 trait) - Damage: 1d10 + 6/7 arcane strike - Critical: 18-20 x2 - Type: S - Weight: 7 lbs Dagger x4::
- Attack Bonus: +4 - Damage: 1d4 +4/5 arcane strike - Critical: 19-20 x2 - Range: 10 - Type: P/S - Weight: 1 lbs Longbow::
- Attack Bonus: +2 - Damage: 1d8 +1 - Critical: 20 x3 - Range: 100 - Type: P - Weight: 3 lbs - ammo: 20 arrows -------------------------------------------- Spells::
Lvl 0 Dancing Lights Message Ray of Frost Mage Hand Lvl 1 2/day Shocking Grasp Magic Weapon SKILLS (4 + Int(+1 human))
Arcane Bond (Ex)::
At 1st level, a vanguard forms a powerful bond with a specifc weapon. Should the vanguard ever have to replace the weapon (see below), he must choose another weapon of the same kind (longsword, dagger, short bow, etc.). This bond allows the vanguard to meld his arcane powers with his fghting ability. It also serves as an increasingly powerful magical weapon.
The vanguard begins play with his bonded weapon at no cost. This weapon is of masterwork quality, although it is not made of any special material. The vanguard must wield his bonded weapon in order to make use of its abilities. If a vanguard ever atempts to cast a spell without having his bonded weapon in hand, he must make a concentration check or lose the spell. The DC for this check is equal to 20 + the spell’s level. When holding his bonded weapon, the vanguard is treated as having the Eschew Materials feat, allowing him to cast any spell with a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component (his bonded weapon efectively takes the place of the material component). He may also cast spells that normally require somatic components solely through arcane gestures made using his bonded weapon. This allows the vanguard to cast spells while wielding his bonded weapon and still leaves his other hand free to handle a shield or other item.
Arcane Strike:
As a swift action, you can imbue your weapons with a fraction of your power. For 1 round, your weapons deal +1 damage and are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. For every five caster levels you possess, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
Backpack Flint & Steel Grappling Hook Rope, 50' hemp Waterskin ------------------------ Personality::
Sarcastic and a loudmouth, but it is more to cover up the death of his father than anything else. Cares deeply for Diabinthe, and is fiercely loyal to his family and friends. Has on occasion risked his life to save people from fires. Also adjusts his glove whenever stressed or in anyway troubled or nervous.
5 ft'11 3/4in. tall athletic lean build. 180lbs. Shoulder length dark black hair that he keeps loose. Almond shaped amber colored eyes that seem to calculate and weigh everything he sees. Tattoo of a black and red dragon on his right shoulder and arm all the way to his wrist. Leather vest with metal buckles other than being sleeveless it is a trench coat with red panels on the sides and a high collar. Black pants with multiple straps for daggers and knives. A glove without fingers that he never takes off except for when he is alone with Diabinthe covers burns on his left fore arm he believes that they are from the fire.
Tempest: Black ray skin covers the hilt with a dark green wrap. A dragon on each side of the hilt made of silver decorates it. A circular guard made of bronze with a celtic knot (replace with what ever Golarion culture would have that). A dragon is engraved just above the hilt. A deep blood groove goes about half way down the blade. The rest of the blade is thinner to allow less surface friction. The blade had been folded the thousand times to allow it to become sharper with age. The hilt is capped in bronze with the same design as the guard. The blade is rumored to cut the wind when swung, and by the sound it makes when swung and by how easily Kyth wields it there may be some truth to these rumors. History:
Kyth was born to a weapons master who worked as a teacher for anyone who wanted to learn and had the money. His mother died when he was born so his father raised him as well as he could. So it was natural that he began to teach Kyth how to fight first it was just watching his father teach others, but soon he had Kyth out there as well. So at the age of 6 he was already learning the way of the sword. His father would awaken him by calling out his name and giving him a few seconds to get up before a rig tipped over sending ice water on him. Then they would begin his training after a quick breakfast where his father threw things at him randomly saying he should always be ready to react no matter what he was doing. His father soon realized that his son was no slouch with a blade and quickly picked up everything he taught him. So at the age of 10 his father began to teach his son the fighting style he had created mixing magic and swordplay. Kyth practically leapt at the chance to learn the style that had made his father famous. He excelled at this using an elven curve blade and augmenting his fighting with magic. People used to say there was a terrible grace to his sword style weaving steel with magic. His father also taught Kyth that the best way to block an incoming strike from an opponent was to simply not be where the strike lands. "Always move never stop, to stop means you die movement his key." His father would tell him when ever Kyth slowed down and allowed a rather painful blow through. Once when he told Kyth this he asked, "What do you believe is more important your hands or your footwork?" "Of course my handd." Kyth said thinking he had gotten the question easily. "No your footwork is just as important, since you never stay in one spot long enough for an enemy to attack you mobility is your most important defense if they can't hit you it doesn't matter how large the other man is or how strong. It simply doesn't matter. So remember my son always move mobility is key never get stuck in one spot or death quickly follows. When he turned 14 he met a young girl who had begun to learn from his father he was smitten by her. And wouldn't you know it his father decided to have Kyth be her training partner. Kyth had never been one for words more often letting his sword speak for him rather than his tongue. So he thought if he showed her his skill with the blade that it would impress her. As it would happen it had rained a lot the day before and Kyth being as intent on impressing her as he was slipped on a rather slippery rock and fell down into the mud. This was how Kythvanath met Diabinthe. When ever he had a little free time he spent it with Dia which wasn't much since he was constantly practicing his sword play and magical ability. Unfortunately when Kyth was 17 his father refused to teach his Eldritch Knight skills to some noble's son who wanted to use it for senseless killing. And he said as much before physically throwing the man out. In retaliation he sent roughly twenty or so men most just street thugs little more than vermin. One of them caught Kyth and Dia in the back, Dia was showing him how her grandmother had been teaching her more about the natural world. The man was just some hired sword barely fit to carry a sword. When he saw two children he smiled and said "Fortune smiles upon me to day the boss told me 5 gold per head and lookie hear I finds me self two welps." Kyth stood there stunned at first unsure of what to do, but when the man approached blade bare it all came rushing up again. He quickly cut to the left blade cutting low into the legs slowing his opponent down. The man screamed in pain and lashed out blindly hitting nothing but air. Kyth's next cut removed the man's pain and his head. Before Kyth could find out where his father was he realized the compound was on fire and Dia was pulling him out the back gate. Since that night Kyth has sworn to get revenge on the men who destroyed his home and killed his father. All he took from his home was the sword "Tempest" the same sword he killed his first person with. For the last few years he and Diabinthe have traveled learning more together and growing closer. They have recently returned to Korvosa as husband and wife. Kyth hopes constantly for the chance for vengeance against the noble who killed his father.