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I happen to think that the inquisitor is an excellent addition to the classes.
Now of course in terms of character concepts, the first one that springs to mind is well the inquisitor. The inquisitor being of course the depraved individual who uses torture to force people to “confess” to something or to “admit” their guilt.
For me the second character concept that springs to mind after seeing the character art is that of “van helsing”. Someone who nominally works for a “church” and actively hunts down monsters and creatures of darkness perhaps using “any” means necessary.
I am curious to see what some other character concepts people have for this class.
For example, I have been toying around with an idea for a campaign set in Cheliax. I am thinking of basically a “rebel” campaign, where the PCs are involved in a “robin hood” or guerilla war type campaign, where they are trying to overthrow the house of Thrune, and restore the ideals of “old “ Cheliax and Aroden. I know it’s a bit like Star Wars. Anyways I have an idea for an order of Inquisitors who are dedicated to Iomedae. They are dedicated to the over throw of House of Thrune, booting Asmodeus as the patron god out of Cheliax, and putting Iomedae in place as the divine patron of Cheliax, and to restoring Cheliax as the shining beacon of civilization it once was. They have to stick to the wilderness, and use guerilla tactics in order to survive and then achieve their goals. I thought the inquisitor class would do this nicely.
What ideas do you have for character concepts other then the “ inquisitor” or “Van Helsing” do you have? I’m curious. Thanks.

Disenchanter |

My Inquisitor concept formed while reading Kingmaker.
An Inquisitor of Abadar who clears the land so that civilization might be established. S/he doesn't much care for the how as long as the "vermin/monsters/undesirables" are removed from the planned progress.
If s/he can get her/his employer to foot the bill to bribe such to move elsewhere, that is just as good as slaying them all.
In more broad terms, sort of a "ranger-ish paladin."

Ambrosia Slaad |

I'm working on a atypical dwarf (for a short story), who is an inquistor of Pharasma. He'd mostly wander, seeking out those who would abuse necromancy and make pacts with Fell Beings to extend their existence or animate dead. He's also likely to start or assist underground networks in Geb or Ustalav to fight back against the undead influences. Working without the ability to channel is going to make his job tough.
My first thought was to create an inquisitor of Brigh, but there isn't much source material (that I could find anyway) to make the concept jell for me.

Black Tom |

One of the strengths of the inquisitor strikes me as their self-sufficiency. In a small party they could take the role of the elusive cleric/rogue or divine bard. I see how they could work a bit like the archivist, armed with monster lore and a great initiative bonus, the character with the right spell, skill or gadget for any situation. Could be the monster-hunter like Van Helsing but also just a knowledge-seeker, maybe an explorer or cartographer. Or of course treasure-finder.

Ambrosia Slaad |

I'm working on a atypical dwarf (for a short story), who is an inquistor of Pharasma...
It just occurred to me that an inquistor of Pharasma might work to undermine any last remnants of active faith in Aroden. That'd be sure to stir up trouble.
One of the strengths of the inquisitor strikes me as their self-sufficiency...
I'm also thinking that an inquistor (even CG or NG) could really get on the LG paladin's nerves... an inquisitor isn't likely to let the law's of a realm stand in the way of the pragmatic pursuit of the "greater good." A LG paladin might also keep an an eye on the party inquistor to make sure they don't "fall" by becoming contaminated by infiltrating the enemy.

Ashanderai |

I can see a lot of ranger concepts working for this class, as well. In particular, I mean those concepts focused around hunting certain types of monsters or foes.
Fictional characters and hollywood historical stereotypes that make me think of this class are:
Soloman Kane
Van Helsing - obviously
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
Spanish Inquisition
Colonial Witch Hunters
Xambrian Wizard Hunters from Talislanta
The guy from the past that hunted the warlock in the movie, "Warlock"
and my personal favorites... Demon-catching heroes from Asian cultures. These guys are often portrayed as magic sword-wielding heroes with knowledge of demons and quick spell or two to banish them, like ofuda and sutra -wielding Tao Shih (Taoist warrior-priests), Buddhist Monks, Sohei, Yamabushi, or Demon-fighting Bon Shamen.
A cool background concept might be an Indian Devadasi turned inquisitor after her community was pillaged by enemies of her faith or infernal monsters of some sort.
Another neat concept might be that of a family that "inherits" their divine magic and judgement abilities with every generation and see it as a divine responsiblity to use their powers to hunt evil.

Ramarren |

I'm thinking of having an inquisitor show up as an opponent to the PCs. A zealous, dedicated person who simply doesn't think the party cleric adheres sufficiently to the religion's ideals...that he's not 'worthy'.
If you've ever seen the 'Jack-the-Ripper' inquisitor sent by the Vorlons in Babylon 5, that's the vibe I'm going for.

Shakor |

What ideas do you have for character concepts other then the “ inquisitor” or “Van Helsing” do you have? I’m curious. Thanks.
Although the Inquisitor is dedicated to a deity, I think it is quite easy to stretch the concept of 'deity' to an 'ideal' (such as 'Truth and Justice', or 'Destroy all Undead' for example). That way, I start to draw analogs with Batman, V (from 'V for Vendetta'), the Phantom, The Punisher...the list goes on.
Although these are a lot of heroes and superheroes from modern day literature, Batman and V appear to be the easiest to translate into the Pathfinder RPG. I like the concept of an inquisitor who keeps his identity hidden when 'out on the job'....

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Thank you all for your posts. Ambrosia sladd, its funny you mention the paladin keeping the inquisitor on the strait and narrow.
A couple of weeks ago while playing in a Pathfinder organized society game, we were doing and adventure set in Kaer Maga. My character was going to do some more "pragmantic things" and it was the LG dwarven cleric of Torag who helped nudge my character back on path.

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For example, I have been toying around with an idea for a campaign set in Cheliax. I am thinking of basically a “rebel” campaign, where the PCs are involved in a “robin hood” or guerilla war type campaign, where they are trying to overthrow the house of Thrune, and restore the ideals of “old “ Cheliax and Aroden. I know it’s a bit like Star Wars. Anyways I have an idea for an order of Inquisitors who are dedicated to Iomedae. They are dedicated to the over throw of House of Thrune, booting Asmodeus as the patron god out of Cheliax, and putting Iomedae in place as the divine patron of Cheliax, and to restoring Cheliax as the shining beacon of civilization it once was. They have to stick to the wilderness, and use guerilla tactics in order to survive and then achieve their goals. I thought the inquisitor class would do this nicely.
I would totally play in that game.

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iuzite wrote:solomon kane would make a good inquisitor.I was going to say this. Heck the iconic seems to be based on him, at least visually. Did you see the movie?
I'm thinking of playing a Solomon Kane based Inquisitor in the Carrion Crown AP.
Follower of Cayden Cailean to get prof with the rapier, domain either Good or Travel (Good is more thematic, but it's hard to pass on Travel.) Pistol and Musket from the Campaign setting would be nice, but if the GM won't allow them, I can settle with hand crossbows and heavy crossbows.

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The next time I get to play in a Pathfinder game, I'm looking to play an inquisitor of either Desna or Caiden Caylean, basically working as an insurrectionist against tyranny. The character would fight guerrilla wars against monstrous overlords and oppressive governments, sort of like a more-good-aligned Che Guevara.
My other concept inquisitor is Batman. That's it--Batman. Do you need anything more than that?
Jeremy Puckett

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Thank you all for your quests.
Jagyr Ebonwood, Hey its good to hear from you. I hope you and your family is well.
Yeah this Chelaxian campaign I is an idea I am kicking around. I thought it would be a good idea for a campaign. I’m glad you like the idea. Do you remember the Midnight movie you borrowed from me a while ago? That might be another place to get some ideas for a Chelaxian campaign. I thought it might give the campaign a try at Toy City this fall when I get back to Vermont. That or I might try a Pathfinder Society organized play game. I don't know I guess it will depend on what the guys want.
I was thinking these “inquisitors” of Iomadae, while they might like to be paladins, but because of the dire situation they are in, they have to be both a little more expedient, and they have to to stick to the woods, and I think the inquisitor class would make a great guerilla fighter.
Again thank you all for your posts and ideas.

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Batman, The Punisher, Rorschach.
It does say the Inq. can be devoted to an ideal with GM permission. Of course you can do anything with GM permission, but the APG calls it out.
There are the Warhammer 40K inquisitors - sanctioned by the government to use whatever means necessary to root out traitors and evil.
Inquisitor/Ranger can make for all manner of Inquisitors who are devoted to taking out one kind of target. Or a few.

Foghammer |

If you use gunpowder rules... I like the idea of a pair of inquisitor characters mirroring the Boondock Saints. :D The MacManus brothers are very much like inquisitors.
What? Someone said Batman. Makes about the same amount of sense to me, and Batman was honestly my FIRST impression. But this one would have a lot of rambunctious roleplay. And the executions would be epic.

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An Inquisitor of Calistria has been bouncing around in my mind, hunting down those who have wronged others/lovers. The skill set is there to support a character with the 'charms' of someone who may have once been a sacred prostitute. Not sure where to go on weapons though, I haven't figured out if a whip with trip/disarm feat chains would be feasible in a build.
That and I just love the Lust Subdomain power =D

Kuma |

I happen to think that the inquisitor is an excellent addition to the classes.
Now of course in terms of character concepts, the first one that springs to mind is well the inquisitor. The inquisitor being of course the depraved individual who uses torture to force people to “confess” to something or to “admit” their guilt.
For me the second character concept that springs to mind after seeing the character art is that of “van helsing”. Someone who nominally works for a “church” and actively hunts down monsters and creatures of darkness perhaps using “any” means necessary.
I am curious to see what some other character concepts people have for this class.
For example, I have been toying around with an idea for a campaign set in Cheliax. I am thinking of basically a “rebel” campaign, where the PCs are involved in a “robin hood” or guerilla war type campaign, where they are trying to overthrow the house of Thrune, and restore the ideals of “old “ Cheliax and Aroden. I know it’s a bit like Star Wars. Anyways I have an idea for an order of Inquisitors who are dedicated to Iomedae. They are dedicated to the over throw of House of Thrune, booting Asmodeus as the patron god out of Cheliax, and putting Iomedae in place as the divine patron of Cheliax, and to restoring Cheliax as the shining beacon of civilization it once was. They have to stick to the wilderness, and use guerilla tactics in order to survive and then achieve their goals. I thought the inquisitor class would do this nicely.What ideas do you have for character concepts other then the “ inquisitor” or “Van Helsing” do you have? I’m curious. Thanks.
Hey, you might want to take a look at the Council of Thieves AP. It's pretty much exactly what you describe with some extra thief-related intrigue and hiding in a city instead of a forest.
I'm currently running a CoT campaign, and one of my players is an actual Chelaxian inquisitor. He's playing the inquisitor class as a melee tank (due to a high AC) and using his bane ability to deal decent damage. He's kind of a detective when out of combat, with a high perception.

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Thank you all for your posts. Kuma, thank you for your suggestion, and i plan to mine the Council of Thieves AP for materiel, but i will most likely pick another spot besides West Crown in Cheliax to do the campaign. Its always fun to make things yourself.
Kuma How is your Council of Thieves campaign going?

Kuma |

Thank you all for your posts. Kuma, thank you for your suggestion, and i plan to mine the Council of Thieves AP for materiel, but i will most likely pick another spot besides West Crown in Cheliax to do the campaign. Its always fun to make things yourself.
Kuma How is your Council of Thieves campaign going?
In order to avoid combat, the half-orc paladin submitted to the advances of a succubus in exchange for a quest-related item and info. I now get to make a Tannaruk (forgotten realms) love-child for him! (And he owes his church an atonement quest, although Iomedae has been lenient with him)
The Strix psychopath has got three separate contracts out on his life.
The inquisitor will be in for a promotion if they manage to remove the Shadowbeasts/Council from Westcrown; although he might be told to kill the rest of them off. (They ARE conspirators against the lawful government)
The best part is that the Council is about to hit them back hard (they're just about to enter the 5th module) and they have coasted with minimum security/secrecy in the game so pretty much all their friends and family are about to be killed. Nothing like taking all the people a bunch of evil people care about and torturing them to death...
I'm sorry, I don't normally get excited about torturing my characters, but I think this AP was designed to kind of give a false sense of security and then snatch it away.

Smerg |

I am playing two inquisitors in two different campaigns.
1> The first inquisitor is a gnome with the animal domain. My inspiration for this character was a guerrilla fighter like a Viet Cong. He doesn't aim to go toe to toe (size small and lacking much strength) but instead to use a mixture of spells and tactics to give the group advantages in combat. He also uses his domain combined with his gnomish talk with animals to run a pack of dogs to be his real fighting gear.
2> The next inquisitor is a half-orc that I gave the new Tusks racial ability and took the feat of Keen Sense to give the character Scent ability. I gave the character a background based on the Phantom (he is actually the eighteenth to carry the clan name of a clan of demon hunters). I further gave the character the Knowledge domain which represents the legacy of knowledge that is key to the Phantom concept. I have the Brand spell to give the ring smacking effect of the Phantom. The character is built around the idea of Two-Weapon Fighting with Spiked Gauntlets (and Bite attack). He is a very pulpy feel character though his usage of Spiked Gauntlets and Scent ability makes it feel much closer to Wolverine.

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Was thinking this morning.

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solomon kane would make a good inquisitor.
According to Jason Bulmahn, Solomon Kane was his inspiration for the class.
I played a melee inquisitor of Sarenrae. He was a Skoan-Quah Shoanti who had been captured by Chelaxians and sold into slavery to a Qadiran merchant in Absalom. My character converted to the religion of his kind and devout master, the Church of the Dawnflower. When he felt Sarenrae's call, his master felt that call shouldn't be stifled and freed him to serve the church officially. Ancrym (the inquisitor) returned to Varisia as a missionary. Picture somebody dressed like Kyra the cleric, but male, shaved head, built like a linebacker, and with a gnarly skull tattoo covering his face. "Repent, evildoers, and your sins will be forgiven. But if you do not, the fires of purity shall purge your soul!" I built him with Dazzling Display as an Intimidate-bot. Intimidating Prowess, plus the inquisitor's class-based Intimidate bonus, meant that I could pretty reliably make all my enemies shaken for 4-5 rounds with each Dazzling Display. -2 on attacks and saves hurts!

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I was thinking of going the Sarenrae route, but instead of focusing on straight up monster killing, focus on the redemption aspect. All must be redeemed, those who cannot must be smote from the face of the planet kind of mentality.
He would never lie outright (though he might be inclined to not answer).

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I'm a big fan of the 40k universe so the inquisition of that fiction has really influenced my Inquisitor. My inquisitor is of Iomedae so he's really quite certain he has the moral certitude to issue summary judgments and the inevitable subsequent execution. It's quite fun and surprisingly convenient.