Gremlin, Vexgit

Drillboss D's page

Organized Play Member. 168 posts (259 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.


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Scarab Sages

Richard Leonhart wrote:

"Dodge bonuses stack with all other bonuses to AC, even other dodge bonuses. "


I think he's saying that it's from the same feat, so it's not an "other dodge bonus," but not sure which makes more sense.

Scarab Sages

Congrats Paizo!

Scarab Sages

Dresden Files RPG is some good stuff, by the way. That, Pathfinder and One Roll stuff have been my games for the summer.

Scarab Sages

Not the usual analysis.

I've sitting at work (doing stats research) and occasionally peaking at my PDF of Ultimate Combat and it made me want to find a way to plot all the classes nicely in 2d and see if I could learn anything new about them.

I didn't, but I DID make this fun little image.

I made a matrix to represent the 19 classes and their alternate classes, then trimmed off the Ninja and Antipaladin because, under the variables I used, they are exactly the same as the Rogue and Paladin, respectively.

The plot is a scatter diagram of a principal component analysis of the classes. Essentially, you can think of each arrow as it's own axis, with positive in the direction of the arrow, and with that axis scaled according to how big the arrow is. So, for example, BAB is a plays a large role in how the points are organized, and the Fighter is very far in the direction of the BAB arrow, while the Wizard is basically opposite.

Magic.Type is Arcane vs. Divine casting (positive toward Arcane), and Spell.Casting is prepared vs. spontaneous casting (positive toward prepared).

The Alchemist has covered up the Magus, the Cavalier the Fighter, and the Spell.Casting arrow the Cleric, so they're not missing, just sort of blocked.

If anyone wants to see the scheme I had for enumerating each trait let me know; otherwise, just enjoy the graphic.

Also, if anyone out there has a big chart comparing the classes made of (mostly) continuous variables, I'd enjoy messing around with it.

The plot was made with the ade4 package in R.


Scarab Sages

Bloodbane wrote:
Is there a picture with the description?

The art in the fighter section is a fighter with a spear, the head of which is dragon shaped. So, I'm thinking yes.

Scarab Sages

Foghammer wrote:
Bloodbane wrote:

What is the word on the Dragoon Archtype?

Is it a spear or gun user?

I'm putting money on mounted polearm theme. The 'real' dragoons from whatever time period in Europe. Probably has nothing to do with the Highwind lineage or the Colt revolver.

EDIT: Ninja'd and corrected! Sounds interesting.

Indeed. Also I think the word Dragoon comes from a type of gun, in that the original guns were mounted infantry with guns (get to battle on horse, dismount, fight on foot with a gun traditionally made to kind of look like a dragon). What I dig is that it looks like Paizo merged the concepts together.

They don't receive a mount, mind you, BUT they look plenty awesome without one and then get cooler when they get to ride something.

Scarab Sages

Bloodbane wrote:

What is the word on the Dragoon Archtype?

Is it a spear or gun user?

Spear(Lance primarily). It's like they merged the idea of real dragoons with Final Fantasy dragoons, in a way that I, at least, really enjoy.

For example, rather than dude a miles-high jump where you come down on an opponent with a spear, there's a (high level) feature that lets you make a charge in which you dismount at least 10 feet before the end, leap the remaining distance yourself, and get the damage of a boosted lance charge. Fortunately, they also have features that let them use a Lance while on foot just fine.

Scarab Sages

This is a major bummer. Any light on their rationale for this?

Kills the "Anime Samurai" elf rogue build I'd done a while ago - Power Attack, Furious Focus, Spring Attack, Vital Strike, on a Swashbuckler/Scout with a keen Elven Curve Blade. Didn't outdamage the paladin over the course of a battle, but super mobile, and could do the iconic Anime run-and-cut for high burst damage. As it is, would only lose 1d10 and still do d10+6d6+lots of mods at lvl11, but this seems like an unnecessary nerf.

Hopefully, Ultimate Combat will go a ways to fixing this sort of thing with its "hundreds of new feats." However, Ultimate Combat is also listed as providing new wizard archetypes of all things, so we'll see what it really does for balance.

I think in our group we'll still allow it if such a build comes up again.


Scarab Sages

Second pass. Just not settled on the name... what kind of naming convention is typical for BioEngineered surnames in the Balkans?


Jadran WMX-6064

Labor-Designed 300 CDP

Str 18 40 CDP
Agi 14
Con 20
Vit 14
Dis 18 60 CDP
Int 12
Cha 4

Language: Read/Write Serbo-Croatian 10 CDP
Language: Read/Write English 10 CDP

Ability: Citizenship 20 CDP
Ability: Good Driver 20 CDP

Drawback: Impulsive -50 CDP
Drawback: Unsophisticated -50 CDP
Drawback: Indebted -40 CDP
Drawback: Oblivious to Danger -40 CDP

Genetic Deviation: Immune 2 80 CDP
Genetic Deviation: Respiratory 2 40 CDP
Genetic Deviation: Skeletal 1 Free
Genetic Deviation: Muscular 1 Free
Genetic Deviation: Low-Light Vision Free

Field: Operate Vehicle 1 30 CDP
Skill: Industrial Vehicles 4 Free
Skill: Power Suits 4 Free

Field: Core Fitness 1 30 CDP
Skill: Climbing 2 Free

Field: Small Arms 1 30 CDP
Skill: Rifles and Shotguns 1 10 CDP

Skill: Equipment Systems 4 Free
Skill: Detection 2 Free
Skill: Explosives 4 Free
Skill: Unarmed Melee 4 Free
Skill: Structural Technologies 3 Free
Skill: Mechanical Technologies 3 Free

Equipment: Bloodhound Mesh 500T
Equipment: Raust Pacifier 800T
Equipment: Brass Knuckles 80T
Equipment: Dagger 15T
Equipment: Light Armor 800T
Equipment: Utility Harness 80T

Scarab Sages

Ah... well I feel as though Jadran ought to speak and write that and English... so I need to free up some points. 20 Point drawback perhaps.

How do you feel about the concepts Night?

Scarab Sages

Okay, finally have a coherent concept and I want to know if it's kosher. Not the dwarf, but perhaps something agreeable nonetheless.

I'm thinking of a goblin whose tribe (grandparents or great grandparents perhaps) went to Hollowfaust as refugees. Their propensity for killing each other gave the necros a nice supply of little skeletons so the council doesn't mind.

And then my guy shows some aptitude, so while they might not normally an established necromancer decides to "sponsor" the goblin into necromancy school, and he does well for himself.

Is this an acceptable path? If so I'll build the character on Thursday. Could be done with a halfling but the idea of a goblin raised in a necromancy academy instead of by other goblins seems pretty nifty.

Scarab Sages

Cool characters. Whatever their agenda may be, Jadran will be willing to ply his services to that end... as long as it can get him closer to independence.

Scarab Sages

My own build idea: a waste collection bio-engineered, with subspecialties in operating heavy equipment, power suits, and handling explosives.

Bio-Engineered Garbageman:

Jadran WM06064

Labor-Designed 300 CDP

Str 18 40 CDP
Agi 14
Con 20
Vit 14
Dis 18 60 CDP
Int 12
Cha 4

Drawback: Impulsive -50 CDP
Drawback: Unsophisticated -50 CDP

Genetic Deviation: Immune 2 80 CDP
Genetic Deviation: Respiratory 2 40 CDP
Genetic Deviation: Skeletal 1 Free
Genetic Deviation: Muscular 1 Free
Genetic Deviation: Low-Light Vision Free

Field: Operate Vehicle 1 30 CDP
Skill: Industrial Vehicles 4 Free
Skill: Power Suits 4 Free

Field: Core Fitness 1 30 CDP
Skill: Climbing 2 Free

Skill: Equipment Systems 4 Free
Skill: Detection 2 Free
Skill: Explosives 4 Free
Skill: Unarmed Melee 4 Free
Skill: Structural Technologies 3 Free
Skill: Mechanical Technologies 3 Free
Skill: Rifles and Shotguns 2 20 CDP

Equipment: Bloodhound Mesh 500T
Equipment: Raust Pacifier 800T
Equipment: Brass Knuckles 80T
Equipment: Dagger 15T
Equipment: Light Armor 800T
Equipment: Utility Harness 80T

Left wiggle room in equipment for ammo and noncombat gear.

A goal of his is to do undeground jobs and amass unmarked Trust, and ultimately equipment, so that he can get out of his current employment.

Scarab Sages

Still thinking about my character, probably going with a Bio-Engineered Labor-Designed, Remnant, Grigori, or Lesser Grigori. If it's one of the latter there will probably be some Innate Wielding happening. If it's the Labor-Designed, he'll be built either for High-Pressure Environment Construction or Demolition, or Hazardous Scenario Rescue work.

Note - if you want to be a cyborg, perhaps the way to go is the Windfall ability and use the trust on cybernetics?

Scarab Sages

nightflier wrote:
Charduni Dwarf is extremely viable option for a necromancer, especially since Hollowfaust is close to Totenwald.

I'll do that then. Need to think of a better name. (Darkling) Thrush familiar though. Awesome.

Scarab Sages

Have the core book. The deal is I'm getting near the end of the quarter, but Alpha Omega is VERY cool and I'd love to join in, especially if you plan to start after June 9th. I could start sooner, but I'll be a better poster after then.

Cool taste in settings Night!

Edit: And that'd be six, by the way.

Scarab Sages

Lurker dot. Also, if there's ever some sort of opening at any point in the summer, I'd love to find a way to sneak in! In another game with Roid at the moment. But, 1-2 pbps between now and finals is probably a safe cap.

Scarab Sages

Well as I said haven't been able to take a look at most Scarred Lands stuff, but from what I read I really dig the flavor of the Charduni dwarves. Standard Dwarf with modifications from your traits should represent just fine.

Now, the Charduni are Lawful Evil in general, but I'd want this character to be Lawful Neutral.

Scarab Sages

Actually, I really like the idea of a Charduni Dwarf Cavalier, unless we decide we need a full arcane caster, which it looks like we don't have (in which case I'll build a Witch).

Now, the questions:

Should I just build with the Charduni race, or would it be more appropriate to use the PF dwarf with some choices of alt. racial options to reflect his Charduni background?

Also, may I update him to a new archetype if an appropriate one comes out in Ultimate Combat?

Last set of things - I'm thinking of a story along the lines of him being dishonored in some way, and going adventuring to regain some modicum of respect among other Charduni dwarfs. I think Order of the Cockatrice would be appropriate for this style of character, if the rest of the party is okay with that. Depending on what happens, I would consider going through the ropes of changing orders (if it's appropriate to character development) or possibly prestiging into Hellknight if it's allow.

I'm thinking he'll be Lawful Neutral, and perhaps that has something to do with why he couldn't keep up among other Chardunis.

This sound reasonable?

EDIT: Order of the Lion may also be appropriate, and then we'll see what comes out in UC.

Scarab Sages

Charduni Dwarves and Ubantu Halflings both seem pretty interesting, as do the Ratmen if that's an option. Also, winter gnomes? All seem very cool, though I don't know the stats or details of the later two and I'd want to before I moved forward.

If I go with one of the small races, I'd probably play a Witch or maybe even a cleric (preferably with the Desert Domain from UM if an Ubantu).

A Charduni cavalier could also be pretty awesome, even though the Cha penalty is a bummer.

Scarab Sages

Homework load ballooned dramatically, so I'm not going to be able to do justice to the Vindicator by Friday.

Sweet concepts though guys! Definitely want to lurk on this one.

Scarab Sages

Happy with the rolls I got, very much still interested. Need to wait until weekend to get all the setting info though, probably.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

nightflier wrote:
Drillboss D wrote:
Drillboss D wrote:

I'm down with these. Could I get those links too, perchance over email? dafjanatpour AT gmail DOT com.


Any way this could happen soonish? Still interested.
Send me a mail to


Scarab Sages

Drillboss D wrote:

I'm down with these. Could I get those links too, perchance over email? dafjanatpour AT gmail DOT com.


Any way this could happen soonish? Still interested.

Scarab Sages

@Fisnis: About my last post in the IC. I was going with what I meant to be a less limited narrator, so the descriptions which weren't in Razz's speech or thought bubbles didn't need to be tied directly to his knowledge as long as it was collective in my mind. BUT looking back on my other posts I see that I've conveyed a more limited narrative so to be consistent I adjusted the description of your character to something more long-winded, but in line with character knowledge.

Anyway, if you have future concern about my roleplaying, or anyone in the party's, could you post them here instead? As it is if you miss the editing window we're just going to have a player-to-player criticism plopped in the middle of the story.

Scarab Sages

Levis wrote:
Drillboss D wrote:
Levis wrote:
BTW -- someone who uses the APG Holy Vindicator gets extra points for being cool ;)
Funny that you mention that... because I actually had such a build in mind. Maybe I will delve into it after all.

Sure, sometime between now and Friday. I hope it's not First-come-first-serve? I've got some code I need to finish up by midnight and a rehearsal to run before then. I'm on Pacific time, by the way, though my sleep pattern is pretty wacky with finals on the horizon (and the coding and such). But I can definitely sneak in a post a day, and once we're on the far side of June 8th I can post with reckless abandon.

You'll hear from me soon methinks.

Scarab Sages

Levis wrote:
BTW -- someone who uses the APG Holy Vindicator gets extra points for being cool ;)

Funny that you mention that... because I actually had such a build in mind. Maybe I will delve into it after all.

Scarab Sages

This looks really cool. Even if I don't have time to roll something up (and subsequently role it up) I will certainly lurk around a bit, if y'all don't mind.

Scarab Sages

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5) + 6 = 152d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 6 = 112d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4) + 6 = 112d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 1) + 6 = 82d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5) + 6 = 162d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 6 = 112d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5) + 6 = 132d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6) + 6 = 16

I'm down with these. Could I get those links too, perchance over email? dafjanatpour AT gmail DOT com.


Scarab Sages

Setting looks really cool. In what time frame do you plan to start?

Scarab Sages

How does Fisnis know 7 0-level spells?

Scarab Sages

Fisnis wrote:
So you going with the classic debuffing mage cool.

Yes, though Protection from Evil is too nifty to pass up and if we need it, we'll NEED it. Plus I think someone who has been tormented by beings from the Great Beyond his whole life ought to know how to cast out evil spirits by now. I think Doom will be next, but we'll see.

And Ultimate Magic is pretty nifty.

Scarab Sages

Okay in that case I'll go with the Cure line, but do note that I'd really prefer to spell my spell slots preventing damage, and I'll mainly use it to operate Wands, hopefully, down the line.

Scarab Sages

It'll be debuffing, control, and a bit of ranged damage. May look into some buffs too cause I like making the party strong. I'll do him up with Inflict and if I need to change it's not a big deal. For example my initial loadout will be Murderous Command (command, but only to attack another enemy) and Protection from Evil, along with either Inflict or Cure Light Wounds. Later though I'll be getting Glitterdust as part of the Stargazer AT, for example.

Scarab Sages

Also just about done building the Oracle, Duraz "Razz" Derakht. Planning to go with the Dark Tapestry mystery (stuff from beyond) and the Stargazer Archetype (Ultimate Magic). Will probably mostly be a debuffer in combat. Because of his theme I'm inclined to choose the Inflict spells over the Cure line but if we need another healer of course I'll choose cure instead.

You'll be getting an e-mail from me soon. Roid, what is Razz's bro's name?

Scarab Sages

I'll be able to sneak a couple posts a day in all likelihood, though likewise my weekend is a little messed up (singing a gig and some other stuff on Saturday, need to write a crash reporter in C for a class by Sunday night).

Scarab Sages

Sounds good, though I'm not 100% on the spelling conventions for Taldane so perhaps Derakht or de Rakht is more appropriate. Gotta sleep now though. Character up tomorrow. Any version of that name you choose I'm good with as long as the DM is.

Scarab Sages

De Rakht, d'Rakht, DeRakht or D'Rakht
Alvar or Alvaar

Any of these jump out?

Scarab Sages

Okay, so then I'll be a Taldane Dark Tapestry Oracle, Haunted Curse, Stargazer Archetype. Touched by the beyond... do you have a last name in mind?

Scarab Sages

Thematically I'd say go ahead and roll the human then. I'd play the brother of your character (older or younger, your call) that is known to be haunted and thus not trusted to be in the lumber business - dumping the weight on you. Could even be a Haunted Oracle of Wood.

I like this because it lets us be characters who are grounded in the local environment. My only concern is the lack of full arcane caster, but perhaps one of the remaining people joining would be willing to fill that role?

Scarab Sages

Hmm. Well I always like making characters with tied=together backstories if you're willing to do the buy-in. So if you did the human in the business, I could be his Oracle brother who just has... well, issues, but powers. If you wanted.

Also realizing that I could totally see the Desert druid as an Aasimar as well. And either Druid could be an Oread. Regardless, I would very much enjoy if my character went a bit of a ways back with another character, but that can follow after the mechanics.

Roid, are you leaning towards a utility focus or what?

Scarab Sages

I always have a running short list, so here's what I'm vacillating between (can always add more):

Desert Druid or Menhir Savant Druid with the Desert Domain (caster build). Would go Human, Elf, or Half-elf. Desert Mystic type, very in tune with the shifting sands. A nomad who has wandered his way out of the desert, or perhaps who has been forcefully relocated.

Similarly, could go with a Dwarven Cave Druid, done with either the Darkness Domain or a Bat Companion depending on whether I was focusing on melee or casting, and I could go with either depending on party needs.

One idea I'd been toying with is a Crossblooded Fey/Serpentine Gnome Sorcerer. On a magic overload. Extremely good at being deceptive, but trying to deal with the implications of that power. Mechanically the loss of spell level is somewhat compensated for by the arcana. Could lead to interesting (but I promise, productive) tension with the inquisitor.

Human or Half-Orc Possessed Dark Tapestry Oracle with the Haunted Curse - dealing with things from beyond the stars coming knocking, but trying to use their power for good.

Aasimar Cavalier, who wanted to be a Paladin to get in touch with his celestial heritage but has a chronic disconnect with the divine. Instead, he wants to be good, and honor what he believes to be his Shield Archon heritage by protecting the common man.

Grippli or Goblin Hedge Witch (i.e., Witch Doctor). Guided by his patron to this town...

Many concepts, as you see. Elaborate on yours a bit more?

Scarab Sages

A second set for good measure, since that seems to be okay around here:

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 = 9
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 2) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2) + 6 = 10
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13

EDIT: Haha... worse. Okay, definitely meant to have the first one.

Scarab Sages

My rolls:

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 2) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 3) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14

And I've narrowed down to a couple of concepts. What kind of peeps are the other newcomers thinking?

Scarab Sages

Hello to you too sir.

Scarab Sages

Awesome! I'm poring through my PDFs right now. I'll get some stuff up soon. Should I roll here then post there?

Scarab Sages

I'd be interested if you wouldn't mind someone who is pretty much new to PbP. Played decent amount of PF, GMed lots of other stuff. Will have a character concept shortly if it's cool.


Scarab Sages

Closed so quickly. o.O

Scarab Sages

kid america wrote:

Being a GM I hate the way the Bag of Holding is abused by everyone. So that being said I'll go with the ruling my favorite GM handed down to us.

1. The Bag of Holding may only hold inanimate objects: coins, gems, jewelry, etc.
2. The opening of a Bag of Holding is only as big as a brown paper bag opening.
3. Any living creature placed in the Bag of Holding must make a Fortitude save each round or die.
4. Any undead or animated creature placed in the Bag of Holding is turned to dust or disenchanted.
5. If you want to carry around living, undead, or animated creatures in an extra dimensional space you need to find or create a Portable Hole.

...but the Pathfinder Core Rules specifically address putting living things in the bag: they can survive for up to 10 minutes, then they suffocate. So for any undead or animated thing (or any living thing with immunity to suffocation, for that matter) there should be no problem with chilling out in the bag.

The sharp things could be an issue, though you could command all the skeletons to clench their fists and not move. They are, after all, mindless, controlled skeletons.


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