Fimbulwinter Come - Orthos's Homebrew Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Orthos wrote:
Just waiting on Flash's new char.

Sorry for my tardiness. :(

I have two questions for you Orthos and then I should be just about right to go.

1) Are there Elves around? I was thinking of being a Snow Elf for my Race (an odd choice for someone wielding a Greataxe I know...) :)
2) I know it's not in the list of available Animal Companions for a Ranger, but I was wondering if you would allow me to take a Bear as my Animal Companion. I like the idea of a Greataxe wielding Snow Elf with a Polar Bear Companion. :D

Thanks and really sorry again for taking so long. :(

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Yes and yes.

1. Most of the snow elves are vagrant tribes, but since the cities were founded some have made their ways to the cities.
2. Yup, there's bears. Polar bear has the same stats as a regular bear, just looks cooler. :)

Sorry about the continued delay. Work has changed up my schedule twice in the last week and I still haven't gotten a day off. I'll try to post something tonight.

Female Snow Elf Ranger 3

OK, here is my Character. I've finished her, I just have to get her info copied up and into her Profile. :)

Male Duskling Totemist 3

If I don't have my sorc up in the next day or so, just start anyway. I'll use my totemist instead.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Catch me on messenger over the weekend if you get a chance, I'll do what I can to help out.

That goes for anyone else here. Feel free to bug me:

MSN: (Nickname "He Who Walks Behind")
XFire ID: edgeofoblivion (Nickname "Edge")
Raptr ID: axioanarchist (Nickname "He Who Walks Behind")
Yahoo: bjratcliff_77995 (note: connected through Raptr; may not pick up invites)

PLEASE include your forum username in the "info" or "note" section sent with an Invite, so I don't delete you along with the other spammers. :)

Mornin' all.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Flash: Need the answers to the questionnaire back on the first page and a short background for your character. Otherwise looks good.

Journey: I'll try to touch base with you tomorrow or Wednesday.

Everyone Else: Going to try to start this sometime later this week. :)

Male Maenad Sorcerer 1, Incarnate 2

I'll get you the background and questionaire tomorrow, but at least the character is mostly playable.

Male Maenad Sorcerer 1, Incarnate 2

5 things your character is afraid of, in importance of the level of fear: 1. Drowning, 2. Earthquakes, 3. Rockslides, 4. Storms, 5. Falling
4 things their character loves dearly, in order of importance: 1 Family, 2. Familiar, 3. Solitude, 4. Apples
3 things they are embarrassed about: 1. He's a virgin. 2. He can't swim, 3. He's worked for criminals
2 things they are proud of: 1. He has never lied or broken his word, 2. He can do magic.
and 1 thing they'd be willing to kill to keep a secret: He's in debt to a shady figure and has occasionally had to do a "favor" as a result. One of these jobs involved being a bodyguard. An attempted arrest went bad when his client elected to go down fighting. Gunnar killed two guards in self-defense before the client had a scroll mishap that killed him and damaged Gunnar's spine.(hence his flaws)

Background: Gunner grew up in a coastal village under the care of loving parents. His sorcerous powers manifested early, but were not properly recognized at first. Given his racial temper, early manifestations were violent. He was too likable to really be shunned, but people were always wary around "that haunted kid." Gunnar fell overboard and nearly drowned on his first trip out on his father's boat. Hating the sea and looking forward to meeting people ignorant of his reputation, the young man set out for the big city as soon as he was old enough. He quickly got scammed and ended up in debt. After a job went bad, he headed North, looking for new opportunities.

Male Elf Alchemist 3

Alright, I'm kinda-sorta done with my equipment. Any money left after that will just be gold, in any case.

Male Dwarf Oracle/3

I know it put it somewhere. <Searches through thread?> oh, here it is, that darn dot. <re-affixes dot to the thread>

Male Human

Oh, yes. There it is.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Yeah, Teter flipped a switch and the dots got reset.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I'm just letting you know that I will be on holidays (Skiing) for about a week starting the 24th (through to probably the 1st). I am taking my laptop just in case, but I wouldn't hold my breath for the apartment we're staying in to have Wifi access.

Cheers :)

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

And it's up!

Welcome to the Frostfell. Let's get this show on the road. :)

Whoo- hoo!!

Female Snow Elf Ranger 3

hmmm... Just realized I forgot Hit Points. :/

Level 2 Ranger: 1d10 ⇒ 6
Level 3 Ranger: 1d10 ⇒ 10

2nd Hit Die 1d8 ⇒ 7
3rd Hit Die 1d8 ⇒ 4

Male Dwarf Oracle/3

Orent has entered the inn. At level 3, what XP do we start with? Also, what is the usual temperature at this time of year? Day and night?

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Average daytime temperature hovers somewhere around 20 to 30* F (-7 to -1* C). Nighttime is significantly colder, often dropping as low as -15* F (-26* C) but sometimes only around -5* F (-21* C). Jasper exists right in the middle of the Cold and Extreme Cold temperature bands. If you stick to traveling by day and have sufficient housing/heating by night, you can get by with standard cold weather gear or the Cold Endurance feat.

For XP, you have 3300. I apparently missed your question before about which progression we're using (sorry for that!), it's the Fast chart. Given the slow speed most PbPs progress at (plus my relative inability to post much on weekends) I don't forsee this advancing TOO quickly.

husband half Italian Expert 15 (carpenter 5/ gamer 5/ reader 5)

ghost post to recover my dot

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

I'm going to go ahead and move the story ahead at this point, given the relative agreement of the group to fast forward. :) Ren and Odette feel free to post what you're going to do while the others head off, or join them.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Did we lose Flash and TAD?

husband half Italian Expert 15 (carpenter 5/ gamer 5/ reader 5)

Didn't Flash say something about going on vacation?

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

... forums seem to have fritzed out and ate the post I made this morning (Friday).

I missed/forgot about Flash's announcement, but that does explain his absence.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

OK I am back, but no Internets was very painful, so even though I'm back I may still not be too talkative since I have to catch up on a huge amount of crap (PbPs, FB, e-mails, etc...). Oh and I also have to spend the next 2 days re-formatting my computer and getting it back up to scratch, so that's gonna put me out of the loop again as well.

I should have Internet again by tomorrow night (my Monday, USA Sunday night) so I can at least check in, but I have a lot of work to cram into the next two days, so sorry if I am a bit splotchy on contact 'til midweek. :)

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Ouch, good luck with all that. Welcome back!

Male Dwarf Oracle/3

I'll be traveling for the next few days delivering my boys to various universities. If things pick up in the PBP feel free to play Orent to keep things moving. He can either wait until others return to the inn and tell them of Orran's offer, or he can take Odette back to Orran's for further investigation right away. I will try to check in here and there.

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5

Again apologies for the slowness of posting. Working again is taking some great getting used to.

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

No problem - I'm glad you found a job. Besides Orent, it appears that the only characters that are posting are Odette, Sindri and for a time Gunnar. Should you do a quick roll call to see who is still interested?

She/They Entropic Axiomite Doodler 1/Author 5/Talespinner 7/Ad-Lib Artist 2/Worldbuilder 5


A post much later than I intended but we seem to be moving on now. Apologies yet again. Aaaargh.

And yeah I think we've lost TAD and Davi...

Shadow Lodge

Male Husband/10 Dad/10 Gamer/5 RPGer/2

Orthos - I hope your new job is going well and that is the reason for your absence. Starting a new job can be stressful and time consuming. I just wanted you to know that when RL allows the time, I'll be ready to continue.

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