Devils Advocate Droid |

Glad you're enjoying though, I'm still a little new at running a PbP game in the sense that I sometimes try to keep up a good pace at posting, but real life sometimes overwhelms me. So I hope you all are fine with the pacing of this one, it might be a little slower then usual just cause I'm juggling more enemies at one time and d20 modern has some rules I need to get used to.
On another note, I'll be going on vacation again from June 25th thru the 29th, so I'll be unable to post till then. I hope you all can bear with me on that; if I can I'll definitely post if I can access a cpu, but since I'm visiting family in Florida, it might be hectic.

Me'mori |

Don't worry about your inexperience.. You have a plan, and you have a direction. We're enjoying it.
My intention was to get a video feed up from Ajax displayed on her visor, since he has the best viewpoint, and use that to spot the sniper in the hills. To do anything else would interfere with the others' lines of fire at the moment.

Devils Advocate Droid |

I actually had'nt thought of that possibility. Do you have items that allow you to do that specifically? If not, how about this: For now you can't, but for the next combat mission, you can have it hooked up to the Ajax for that occurence where you can patch in to his sensors, providing your local mech monkey can make those adjustment rolls to hook it up...eh Alec? Yes I'm looking at you... :P

Me'mori |

Offhand, the only thing we would have to worry about is having the signal compromised, and signal range, I would think. If we have satellite access, then the range might be relatively unlimited. As Zaviera has ~no~ computer use, she is not whipping one up on the fly, however.

Devils Advocate Droid |

Kinda, I'm sorry my posting has been very sporadic lately,
I think I might have bit off more than I can chew with this,
as things in my personal life have been very hectic. I hate to
throw in the towel, but I think I'm will have to cancel this pbp,
which pains me a lot, but I've been having a hard time keeping up
with things in here and in my own life. Work has also been a factor,
as lately its been very very busy. I don't know how long it will be
like this, but I don't think it's fair to you all to not uphold my
end of the deal. I thought I could do it. I'm sorry to you all, you
made some extremely interesting and original characters. If
things settle down sometime soon I could try to resurrect this game,
but I have no idea when that would happen. I hope you all aren't mad
at me, but I have to do what I have to do.
Thanks very much for playing, I had fun gming it while it lasted.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

No problem, DAD. I always prefer people to have the integrity to say, "You know what, I can't do this," than continually say, "No really, I'll do better!" and then still fail to show up.
If life clears up for you, let us know. I'd love to revisit this game again. It was a fantastic concept and we had a great party, and I loved playing with everyone in this group.
Suggestion for the future: something I'm observing in pbp games is that they are PACKED with combats, but combats are a bottleneck because you often need to wait for people to post in a certain order or wait for a GM response.
Obviously, you want some combats, but I'd suggest maybe running fewer combats--and don't plan a combat as a GM if you know you're not going to be able to post much in the next few days. I've noticed pbpers can and will always fill time with roleplaying if they're given time to do so, and GMs should use that as an opportunity to give themselves a respite.
Just my 2 cents. You did a fantastic job and it's obvious you put a lot of time into this.

Reycied |

I have to say, Alec has been the most fun I've ever had roleplaying, and that's only been made better by the crew he's had playing with. I'm sad to see this go, but I fully understand the pressures of life all too well. :(
If you ever pick it up again, look us up! I'll keep Alec primed in a cryo-tank somewhere with a book and a fresh pack of pop-culture sarcasm just waiting for you guys. :D

Devils Advocate Droid |

You all have been really cool about this, as it was painful for me to come to grips with ending this. Hopefully I can pick this up, and of course you all will be automatically in, as long as you want to. I really, really liked your characters, so it was one of those things that was surprisingly difficult to do. You've all been really understanding and I appreciate that, as I feel disappointed by this. Thanks again :)