Bastard: Reycied was born of a casual love affair between a baronness in Brevoy and a stable groom. When the baron learned of the tryst, he ordered the boy banished from the household. When Reycied learned of his royal bloodline, he tried to secure some of his rightful fortune so that his foster father could live the rest of his life in peace, but to no avail. Reycied's trials have made him willful and strong, but alienated him from high society--he gains a +1 bonus to all Will saves, but receives a -2 penalty to all Charisma-based checks when dealing with Brevoyan nobles until he holds a noble title himself. Since he is now the Grand Duke of Relia, this penalty has been erased.
Sacred Touch: The powers of the Divine flow easily and strong through Reycied's body. With but a single touch, as a standard action, he can stabilize a dying target.
Oath of the Sword: Reycied has taken an oath of service to the Goddess of Valor, Iomedae. He may use no other weapon but her favored blade, the long sword. In exchange for dedicating himself wholly to this single weapon, he is able to take Weapon Specialization feats as a Fighter. Should he use other weapons in combat other than his long sword, shield bash strikes or environmental weapons such as siege engines and traps, he loses the use of any Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization or Greater Weapon Specialization feats he may have until he is subject to an Atonement spell or performs a suitable act of contrition to his church and his goddess.