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Okay here goes:
Aura moderate conjuration and divination; CL 9TH
Slot head; Price 37,000 gp; Weight ½ lbs.Description
This living crown of woven laurel leaves and silver tinged flowers grants the wearer an intuitive bond with the flora and fauna of the woodlands. Its flowering vines bloom daily as if it was a planted bush.While traveling through forest terrain the wearer receives a +5 competency bonus to Survival skill checks. Once per day a flower can be removed and tossed up to 20 feet away where it becomes a summoned silverback gorilla (CR 3 dire ape). This forest guardian communicates with and serves the wearer for 1 hour unless slain or dismissed, at which point it vanishes. It follows the commands described in the Handle Animal skill and possesses insightful knowledge of the surrounding terrain including: plants, minerals, bodies of water, people, the populations of woodland and unnatural creatures present, and the general state of the locale within a 6-mile radius.
The benefits of the crown weaken in non-forest terrains providing only a +2 competency bonus to Survival skill checks. Also, the wearer can only summon the silverback once each week and its nature knowledge is limited to a 3-mile radius. Once the wearer renters forest terrain the full benefits return.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, commune with nature, summon nature’s ally IV, creator must have 6 ranks of the Knowledge (nature) skill; Cost 18,500 gpA BIG thanks to Piazo, and all the judges for taking the time to do this every year. It has been an awsome way for me to explore the possibilites of actually working at the game I love. Making it as an Alt this year has proven to my "lack of confidence" that year one wasn't a fluke.
Ok, I like this. It's well written, tight mechanics and appropriately priced IMO. Also, the fluffy description is wonderful.
Probably going to borrow this for my game.

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Andrew Black wrote:Okay here goes:
Aura moderate conjuration and divination; CL 9TH
Slot head; Price 37,000 gp; Weight ½ lbs.Description
This living crown of woven laurel leaves and silver tinged flowers grants the wearer an intuitive bond with the flora and fauna of the woodlands. Its flowering vines bloom daily as if it was a planted bush.While traveling through forest terrain the wearer receives a +5 competency bonus to Survival skill checks. Once per day a flower can be removed and tossed up to 20 feet away where it becomes a summoned silverback gorilla (CR 3 dire ape). This forest guardian communicates with and serves the wearer for 1 hour unless slain or dismissed, at which point it vanishes. It follows the commands described in the Handle Animal skill and possesses insightful knowledge of the surrounding terrain including: plants, minerals, bodies of water, people, the populations of woodland and unnatural creatures present, and the general state of the locale within a 6-mile radius.
The benefits of the crown weaken in non-forest terrains providing only a +2 competency bonus to Survival skill checks. Also, the wearer can only summon the silverback once each week and its nature knowledge is limited to a 3-mile radius. Once the wearer renters forest terrain the full benefits return.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, commune with nature, summon nature’s ally IV, creator must have 6 ranks of the Knowledge (nature) skill; Cost 18,500 gpA BIG thanks to Piazo, and all the judges for taking the time to do this every year. It has been an awsome way for me to explore the possibilites of actually working at the game I love. Making it as an Alt this year has proven to my "lack of confidence" that year one wasn't a fluke.
Ok, I like this. It's well written, tight mechanics...
Hmm.... I don't know. Seems overpriced for +7 to survival. But then again I don't have the books with me so I'm not completely sure. But I really like the flavour!

Berik |
Necklace of the Taniwha
Spoiler:“After concentrating for a minute the wearer of the necklace is able to transfer his consciousness to the linked natural feature. The character is able to look in all directions and sees as if affected by the spell true seeing, this effect continues for as long as concentration is maintained.”
-Does the wearer see whats happening at the locale or at his position. Does he see everything at the locale if it is a big locale, like a small wood or a mountain or is his point of vision fixed somewhere?What we have here is again a scrying device ( again), and one linked to one location. While the flavor is understandable and sound for some scenarios ( tribesman protection their home, shamans spiritually linked to a holy site , etc.) thats all
Thanks a lot for the comments! To be honest I really wish that I hadn't included the scrying ability, it wasn't part of my original idea for the item and ended up being a bit messy. My original thought was to give a kind of limited telepathy extending out a certain radius from a fixed point, like a kind of 'danger sense' related to the natural feature for the bearer of the necklace. I didn't like how I'd worded it so altered that in the final item, but I think I'd go back to telepathy rather than scrying if I redesign the item.
The idea behind the item was to make the bearer slightly mimic the taniwha of Maori legend. There ended up being a bit of a battle between flavour and mechanics, but I still really like the idea and am working to get the right balance to use the item in my home game. :)
If anyone else has feedback to give on my item it would be much appreciated!

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Okay here goes:
I was pulling for this one. I think I kept this and the claw, above.
Sorry you remained an alt. I thought it was an interesting item that played with some things we dont often see played with.
Making the final cut (even as an alt) 2 out of the 3 years is truly unbelievable. Over the three years there have been, I dont know, maybe 2500-3000 items submitted combined (dont quote me, I'm not sure). Those items were cut down to three groups of 32+4 (approx, each year was slightly different). You got two items in that top grouping. Nice work. That's amazing.

Andrew Black RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon |

Andrew Black wrote:Okay here goes:
I was pulling for this one. I think I kept this and the claw, above.
Sorry you remained an alt. I thought it was an interesting item that played with some things we dont often see played with.
Making the final cut (even as an alt) 2 out of the 3 years is truly unbelievable. Over the three years there have been, I dont know, maybe 2500-3000 items submitted combined (dont quote me, I'm not sure). Those items were cut down to three groups of 32+4 (approx, each year was slightly different). You got two items in that top grouping. Nice work. That's amazing.
Thanks Clark, and also thanks for the kind feedback on my Monster entry. That has been the best part of this year...a chance for extra feedback. I plan to start sending out some querys this year in hopes of actually getting something published.

Kenneth.T.Cole |

Aura: moderate transmutation CL: 7th
Slot: none ; Price: 27,000 gp ; Weight: - ;
This smoking pipe’s bowl is carved from the bone of a dragon to resemble the wizened face of an ancient sage. Its dark wood stem is encircled with finely burned runes. Filling and lighting a pipe takes a full round action, and any herb within will burn for ten minutes before being expended. Imbibing smoke from a Pipe of Contemplation as a full round action gives the character a temporary +2 to both intelligence and wisdom for the next three rounds. There are also rare combinations of herbs that, when imbibed using this pipe, grant other extraordinary powers (in addition to the attribute bonuses). Knowing the correct herbs to use requires a Knowledge, Nature (plants) check (DC varies). Finding the herbs in any region requires the same check. Only 1d4 uses of any such herb can be found in any one-mile radius location. These benefits are gained in only the three rounds immediately after a full round of imbibing the smoke of these precious herbs. There are eight known herbal effects:
Herbs of Perception: the character gains a +2 to all skill checks requiring perception (DC 14);
Herbs of Enhancement: the character’s caster level is increased by +1 (DC 16);
Herbs of Power: the DC for a saving throw check to overcome a caster’s spell is increased by +2 (DC 18);
Herbs of Iron Will: the character is impervious to mind-affecting spells and abilities (DC 22);
Herbs of Concentration: the character cannot lose concentration when casting a spell (DC 20);
Herbs of the Diviner: divination spells have twice the range and twice the duration (DC 24);
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, owl’s wisdom, fox’s cunning, command plants; Cost 13,500 gp
Mr. Peterson,
Thank you so much for being willing to review the many hundreds, if not thousands, of submissions you had and offering such great feedback. I'm sure you have a lot on your desk so if I don't get a response back on this soon I won't be surprised. Thank you for taking whatever time you can, though.
I knew I was taking a gamble with this magical item. I had quite a few other "cool" ideas, some of which others have commented might have been a better idea to submit. This one was particularly fond to me for a few reasons:
1) Strangely I can find no other references to a magical pipe in any book I've looked through. They may be there, but I sure couldn't find them. So, I thought this was an obvious yet unique choice.
2) What wizard wouldn't want one of these? A +2 to Intelligence from a magical smoking pipe? Of course, there are limitations.
3) It offered a variety of abilities without being over powered.
I realized, later of course, that there were some errors and downfalls to the item:
1) I forgot to say "intuition bonus" in the beginning. That is, all the bonuses were supposed to be intuition bonuses. In cutting it down to size I had cut that word out of every line, and meant to add a single sentence in that said "All modifiers granted by this magical item are considered intuition bonuses". I forgot to add it! DOH!
2) I made it too complicated. What with having to make all those herbalism checks it would just be annoying to keep up with it. I thought it would be fun for someone who had herbalism, but all those special herbs could have been added later. I could have simply said there are many herbs that gain special properties when smoked through one of these magical pipes. Then I could have just given some of those benefits listed as a part of the magical items standard benefits.
3) I made it too weak. Honestly it should have been a +4 to Intelligence and Wisdom, and the duration should have been for 5 rounds between every 1 round of smoking. Or maybe just said that it can only be used a certain number of times per day and the results of smoking it for 10 minutes lasts for one hour. Those probably would have been better choices. I was trying to keep it out of combat, or at least less effective as a combat magical item.
4) Cost. It was hard to figure out a cost for this. It broke so many standards that in the end I just went with a number that was a fraction of all the costs for each ability and one that I thought was reasonable considering its limitations.
5) Magical spells to create it: I think I could have found some better spells to invoke these magical powers. Command Plants was high enough level that it limited who could make it, but it didn't necessarily make that much sense.
I look forwards to hearing your pros and cons on the magical item and seeing what I could do to improve it. It won't be my submission for next year, as I love creating new magical items and will be working on something early on here.

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In another thread it was said:
"all intellectual property once you hit submit is now property of Paizo."I didn't think about that when asking for Mr. Peterson's comments here. Is there any problem with having submitted it to the boards like this?
You're right, these entries could only be re-posted with official permission. In this case one of the judges opened the thread.

Sektor |

Hi Clark,
I realize you're pretty busy, but can you still find the time to dig up the comments on my Wondrous Whetstone of Wounding? I'm curious to know what the judges thought of it.
I posted it again a few pages ago, but I assume you just missed it. I'll reprint it here for sake of ease. I already gathered from my fellow forum members that the pricing was way too low; and personally, I think the item was too boring when compared with the other submitted items. However, I'd like to hear your take on it.
Thanks a lot for your time and energy!
Chi-Yan's Wondrous Whetstone of Wounding
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 16,000 gp (1/week), 36,000 gp (2/week), 64,000 gp (3/week), 100,000 (4/week); Weight 2 lbs.
The wondrous whetstone of wounding resembles a simple whetstone for sharpening swords, axes, lances, or any other kind of edged melee weapon. When it is applied to a magic weapon however, it sharpens it and also imbues it with the wounding special ability. The whetstone does not grant a magic enhancement bonus on the weapon; the weapon must already have a magic enhancement bonus of at least +1. The weapon also gains a moderate conjuration aura. Both ability and aura remain for 24 hours. When this time has passed, the ability and aura disappear and the weapon returns to its state before the whetstone was used.
Depending on the power of the whetstone, it might apply this special ability a number of times per week. Once all uses are expended for that week, the whetstone’s magic becomes dormant and the whetstone temporarily becomes mundane. The number of times such a whetstone can apply its ability depends on the power of the stone; the price is determined based on this number of applications. Different applications per week per whetstone need not necessarily be applied to the same weapon.
Other whetstones exist that can imbue other abilities. Whetstones that apply abilities with a higher base price modifier, according to table 15-7 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, take up one price slot higher and allow one less application per week for each modifier point over +1. For example, a whetstone granting speed (+3 modifier) exist in a 64,000 gp version (applicable 1/week) and a 100,000 gp (2/week).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, bleed; Cost 8,000 gp (1/week), 18,000 (2/week), 32,000 (3/week), 50,000 (4/week)

Kelso |

Thanks for taking the time to do this, Clark.
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot -; Price 150 gp (Steel), 600 gp (Silver), 2000 gp (cold iron), 4000 gp (mithral), 6000 gp (adamantine); Weight -
This appears to be a spool of metallic cloth. Edgebinding can be wound around a weapon, or one end of a double weapon, as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. It can be removed similarly. It adheres to the weapon almost invisibly, leaving only faint traces of folds and wrinkles. Once applied, the weapon gains certain properties of one kind of metal. The weapon gains the hardness of the listed type of metal (steel, silver, cold iron, mithral or adamantine) if the new hardness is higher. The weapon also now overcomes Damage Reduction of the listed type. The weight and hitpoints of the weapon do not change. The magic enhancement and masterwork qualities of the weapon are likewise unchanged. The weapon loses its previous ability to overcome the Damage Reduction of its actual material while wrapped.
Steel Edgebinding - hardness 10
Silver Edgebinding - hardness 8, overcomes silver Damage Reduction, subtracts 1 from damage rolls (minimum 1)
Cold Iron Edgebinding - hardness 10, overcomes cold iron Damage Reduction
Mithral Edgebinding - hardness 15, overcomes silver Damage Reduction
Adamantine Edgebinding - hardness 20, overcomes adamantine Damage Reduction
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item; Cost 75 gp (Steel), 300 gp (Silver), 1000 gp (cold iron), 2000 gp (mithral), 3000 gp (adamantine)

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Sinvel Menter wrote:I know, 815+ posts and he has just now gotten to reviewing the second page. Poor guy is a glutton for punishment!Did I miss somehow his review of the final half of the first page, including my own Wizard's Portable Lab?
he has not finished the 1st page :Pia am on the waiting too :P

Chris Hall |

Chris Hall wrote:Sphere of Seven Ghosts
Hmmm, I dont remember this one at all.
Ah, that's why. This is one of the very few that was rejected before I saw it.
This is just a randomized shopping list of skill bonuses, or so the judges felt. I agree. It was an interesting theme, though. This was rejected with little discussion.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I was really curious what issues y'all had with this.
After seeing your feedback, I couldn't agree more--the random factor should be thrown out. I hesitated submitting this at all because it certainly runs the risk of being perceived as a "Swiss Army Knife" type item, and I know most of you despise those.
I'm glad folks at least appreciated the theme. Good luck to the winners, and I'll submit again next year fo'sho'!

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Glass Castle |

Hit me!
Syringe of Infernal Sight
Aura moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 6th
Slot -; Price 42,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
A green hued, metallic syringe holds a dark swirling liquid in a hollow, crystal tube. The syringe’s plunger is oversized, accommodating claws and other inhuman appendages. An extremely sharp and thin hypodermic needle completes the syringe.Succeeding on a DC 15 Heal check or a DC 15 Dexterity check allows the user to inject the dark liquid into an eye. Failing a check deals 1d4 points of damage to the subject, but the liquid is still injected into the eye.
When all of the subject’s eyes are treated, the following takes effect: the subject treats an area of darkness, including magical darkness, as an area of bright light. The subject treats an area of dim light as an area of normal light. The subject treats an area of normal light as an area of dim light. The subject treats an area of bright light as an area of darkness. This effect ends after 6 hours.
The syringe holds six doses and regenerates 1d3 doses each day. Each eye requires one dose.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, daylight; Cost 21,000 gpEveryone else, Hit me as well!
Hi Darkjoy, since you asked.
-I think the repetition of "The subject treats..." in 3 or 4 consecutive sentences needed variety.
-You say "six doses" and then write "after 6 hours". Usually in English, numbers under 10 are written out. If you were consistent about using numerals, this may not have been a problem, but you switched back and forth.
-You may have wanted to make your writeup several paragraphs instead of just one (see above), for ease of reading.
-With 6 total doses, the syringe seems to fail at what you want it to do. 3 Doses would be enough to help a single party member; but a usual adventuring party has around 4 players, so that would seem to require 8 doses (although perhaps you assume that at least one person would have darkvision.)
-I think this may be better adapted to use by a single character, and the price accordingly reduced. Off the top of my head, I might spend 4,000 or 5,000 gp on it or whatever is fair to give for an equivalent spell that grants temporary darkvision.
-Still, by making it useful for the party you may have escaped the 'spell in a can' label. By making it merely for one person, it may be but a spell in a can, albeit one with some interesting drawbacks.
-I like it and I might use it if it's cheaper. The imagery is imaginative.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Hi Darkjoy, since you asked.
-I think the repetition of "The subject treats..." in 3 or 4 consecutive sentences needed variety.
-You may have wanted to make your writeup several paragraphs instead of just one (see above), for ease of reading.-With 6 total doses, the syringe seems to fail at what you want it to do. 3 Doses would be enough to help a single party member; but a usual adventuring party has around 4 players, so that would seem to require 8 doses (although perhaps you assume that at least one person would have darkvision.)
-I think this may be better adapted to use by a single character, and the price accordingly...
Thanks for the review.
You are right about the repetition, but I felt that being clear about the changes in lighting was necessary.
The six doses tie into the infernal theme I was going for, and you are right that some members of the party will not receive a dose, it was intentional. Azmahel mentioned the pricing, in hindsight I should have settled on 25k.

Glass Castle |

Oh, it was a good idea to mention the changes in lighting, but you could have also done it something like this way:
NEW "After applying the syringe's injection successfully, the subject treats an area of darkness, including magical darkness, as an area of bright light. An area of dim light appears to be bathed in normal light, an area of normal light appears dim, and an area of bright light appears to be cloaked in darkness."
instead of:
OLD "the subject treats an area of darkness, including magical darkness, as an area of bright light. The subject treats an area of dim light as an area of normal light. The subject treats an area of normal light as an area of dim light. The subject treats an area of bright light as an area of darkness."
...Considering that the syringe actually has a fair amount of drawbacks if someone is hit by a daylight spell in the underground, for example, I really think you could have gone below 25K... but I think you know the rules better than I.
One more question; it seems unclear what this does to someone who has darkvision or low-light vision. Are they affected the same way as someone with no special vision?
Good luck.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

One more question; it seems unclear what this does to someone who has darkvision or low-light vision. Are they affected the same way as someone with no special vision?
Good luck.
The environment changes, your ability remains the same. So if you apply the syringe and you find yourself in darkness (bright light) the your darkvision gives you 60ft of vision in the darkness (bright light).

Seabyrn Star Voter Season 6 |

Hit me!
Syringe of Infernal Sight
Aura moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 6th
Slot -; Price 42,000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
A green hued, metallic syringe holds a dark swirling liquid in a hollow, crystal tube. The syringe’s plunger is oversized, accommodating claws and other inhuman appendages. An extremely sharp and thin hypodermic needle completes the syringe.Succeeding on a DC 15 Heal check or a DC 15 Dexterity check allows the user to inject the dark liquid into an eye. Failing a check deals 1d4 points of damage to the subject, but the liquid is still injected into the eye.
When all of the subject’s eyes are treated, the following takes effect: the subject treats an area of darkness, including magical darkness, as an area of bright light. The subject treats an area of dim light as an area of normal light. The subject treats an area of normal light as an area of dim light. The subject treats an area of bright light as an area of darkness. This effect ends after 6 hours.
The syringe holds six doses and regenerates 1d3 doses each day. Each eye requires one dose.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, daylight; Cost 21,000 gpEveryone else, Hit me as well!
I like it! But... the mechanics are a bit confusing. Why a heal check or a dexterity check? How do I choose which one to roll? I would make it just a straight Dex check.
Also, a bit of wording - "When all of the subject's eyes are treated..." implies that a subject could have more than the standard two. It hardly seems worth mentioning for the very few creatures that do have more than two eyes. Did you mean to imply this, or could you have rephrased as "When both of the subject's eyes are treated..."?
Maybe it would also be fun to allow the effect if only one eye is treated, but with a side effect of something like a headache or distraction condition (-2 on all rolls or something).
Interesting item though - I like that it has the possibility of being a disadvantage as well as an advantage (kind of like something that confers water breathing but removes your ability to breathe air).

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

I like it! But... the mechanics are a bit confusing. Why a heal check or a dexterity check? How do I choose which one to roll? I would make it just a straight Dex check.
Also, a bit of wording - "When all of the subject's eyes are treated..." implies that a subject could have more than the standard two. It hardly seems worth mentioning for the very few creatures that do have more than two eyes. Did you mean to imply this, or could you have rephrased as "When both of the subject's eyes are treated..."?
Maybe it would also be fun to allow the effect if only one eye is treated, but with a side effect of something like a headache or...
Someone with medical training (heal skill) is probably better with syringes than the average fellow, therefor I give such a person a choice between checks.
The bit about all of the eyes was intentional. I considered the half-treatment, but dismissed it because it diminished the design in my opinion.

Freehold DM |

Hoka hey!
Glutton’s Gorget
Aura: faint necromancy, faint transmutation
CL: 5
Slot: Neck
Price: 15,000 gp
Weight: 4 lbs
This beautiful silver gorget can be worn as a necklace or clasped over the existing gorget of its owner’s preferred armor. The gorget endows its bearer with the ability to make a bite attack against a living creature with damage equivalent to the user’s size three times a day, and it can temporarily provide a number of hit points equal to half the damage done in said bite attack provided the attacker immediately devours the flesh so removed. Chewing and swallowing this “food” means that the character can only take a partial action in the round following the bite attack. The fact that the hit points gained disappear after an hour sometimes creates the desperation which led to the item’s sobriquet.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, face of the devourer, vampiric touch; Cost 7,500 gp

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Hoka hey!
Glutton’s Gorget
Aura: faint necromancy, faint transmutation
CL: 5
Slot: Neck
Price: 15,000 gp
Weight: 4 lbsThis beautiful silver gorget can be worn as a necklace or clasped over the existing gorget of its owner’s preferred armor. The gorget endows its bearer with the ability to make a bite attack against a living creature with damage equivalent to the user’s size three times a day, and it can temporarily provide a number of hit points equal to half the damage done in said bite attack provided the attacker immediately devours the flesh so removed. Chewing and swallowing this “food” means that the character can only take a partial action in the round following the bite attack. The fact that the hit points gained disappear after an hour sometimes creates the desperation which led to the item’s sobriquet.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, face of the devourer, vampiric touch; Cost 7,500 gp
This is an neat, ghoulish item. The gorget is a clever choice for the item type.
A couple of things pounce at me: As far as I know there is no default "damage equivalent to the user's size," and "face of the devourer" might have posed a problem since it's not in the core books (it's in a Paizo book, though, so who knows). I also think you could have done without the last sentence, because the reader can make the connection you spell out.
I hope you try again next year!

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Hoka hey!
Glutton’s Gorget
Aura: faint necromancy, faint transmutation
CL: 5
Slot: Neck
Price: 15,000 gp
Weight: 4 lbsThis beautiful silver gorget can be worn as a necklace or clasped over the existing gorget of its owner’s preferred armor. The gorget endows its bearer with the ability to make a bite attack against a living creature with damage equivalent to the user’s size three times a day, and it can temporarily provide a number of hit points equal to half the damage done in said bite attack provided the attacker immediately devours the flesh so removed. Chewing and swallowing this “food” means that the character can only take a partial action in the round following the bite attack. The fact that the hit points gained disappear after an hour sometimes creates the desperation which led to the item’s sobriquet.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, face of the devourer, vampiric touch; Cost 7,500 gp
This is an neat, ghoulish item. The gorget is a clever choice for the item type.
A couple of things pounce at me: As far as I know there is no default "damage equivalent to the user's size," and "face of the devourer" might have posed a problem since it's not in the core books (it's in a Paizo book, though, so who knows). I also think you could have done without the last sentence, because the reader can make the connection you spell out.
I hope you try again next year!
That's strange..I thought there was a default by size in the bestiary..I'll double check to be sure. Face of the devourer is indeed in a paizo book, I'll track down the exact adventure later. I really liked this item, moreso than last year's. Thanks for your thoughts!

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That's strange..I thought there was a default by size in the bestiary..I'll double check to be sure. Face of the devourer is indeed in a paizo book, I'll track down the exact adventure later. I really liked this item, moreso than last year's. Thanks for your thoughts!
If there are rules in the Bestiary, my bad. Face of the devourer is in "The Impossible Eye" (I tracked it down, because I didn't remember where I had seen it before).
I think your item was close, but I'm sure Clark will let your know for sure if/when he gets here.

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Hoka hey!
Glutton’s Gorget
Aura: faint necromancy, faint transmutation
CL: 5
Slot: Neck
Price: 15,000 gp
Weight: 4 lbsThis beautiful silver gorget can be worn as a necklace or clasped over the existing gorget of its owner’s preferred armor. The gorget endows its bearer with the ability to make a bite attack against a living creature with damage equivalent to the user’s size three times a day, and it can temporarily provide a number of hit points equal to half the damage done in said bite attack provided the attacker immediately devours the flesh so removed. Chewing and swallowing this “food” means that the character can only take a partial action in the round following the bite attack. The fact that the hit points gained disappear after an hour sometimes creates the desperation which led to the item’s sobriquet.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, face of the devourer, vampiric touch; Cost 7,500 gp
This both fascinates and disgusts me. Way to go.

cwslyclgh Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 |

Hoka hey!
Glutton’s Gorget
Aura: faint necromancy, faint transmutation
CL: 5
Slot: Neck
Price: 15,000 gp
Weight: 4 lbsThis beautiful silver gorget can be worn as a necklace or clasped over the existing gorget of its owner’s preferred armor. The gorget endows its bearer with the ability to make a bite attack against a living creature with damage equivalent to the user’s size three times a day, and it can temporarily provide a number of hit points equal to half the damage done in said bite attack provided the attacker immediately devours the flesh so removed. Chewing and swallowing this “food” means that the character can only take a partial action in the round following the bite attack. The fact that the hit points gained disappear after an hour sometimes creates the desperation which led to the item’s sobriquet.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, face of the devourer, vampiric touch; Cost 7,500 gp
Do partial actions even exist in the Pathfinder game, I know they were removed between 3.0 and 3.5 in D&D... if they are not in the PRPG (which I do not think they are) then that could have killed you right there. A better way to describe it might have been to say that "Chewing and swallowing this “food” means that the character acts as if staggered in the round following the bite attack." which would have given the same draw backs of the old 3.0 partial action but would have used current rules terminology.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:This both fascinates and disgusts me. Way to go.Hoka hey!
Glutton’s Gorget
Aura: faint necromancy, faint transmutation
CL: 5
Slot: Neck
Price: 15,000 gp
Weight: 4 lbsThis beautiful silver gorget can be worn as a necklace or clasped over the existing gorget of its owner’s preferred armor. The gorget endows its bearer with the ability to make a bite attack against a living creature with damage equivalent to the user’s size three times a day, and it can temporarily provide a number of hit points equal to half the damage done in said bite attack provided the attacker immediately devours the flesh so removed. Chewing and swallowing this “food” means that the character can only take a partial action in the round following the bite attack. The fact that the hit points gained disappear after an hour sometimes creates the desperation which led to the item’s sobriquet.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, face of the devourer, vampiric touch; Cost 7,500 gp
Mission Accomplished!

Freehold DM |

Do partial actions even exist in the Pathfinder game, I know they were removed between 3.0 and 3.5 in D&D... if they are not in the PRPG (which I do not think they are) then that could have killed you right there. A better way to describe it might have been to say that "Chewing and swallowing this “food” means that the character acts as if staggered in the round following the bite attack." which would have given the same draw backs of the old 3.0 partial action but would have used current rules terminology.
Thank you very, very much for this. This may be what killed it, indeed.

![]() |

NChance wrote:If you don't mind a non-judge's opinion; I'm pretty sure the lack of inflict minor wounds would be the major issue here. IMW was replaced with bleed.Oh, so maybe I got cut for not having a group that plays pathfinder... That's moderately annoying.
Um... I don't want to be a jerk here or anything, but you are entering a contest based on the Pathfinder RPG. I'd imagine that if you don't stick to Pathfinder rules, that you SHOULD be axed. But then, that's just me.

ZombiePaladin |

I suspect this item simply wasn't "Superstar" material, but would like to know if I made any design errors. Thanks!
Totem of the Thunder Lizards
Aura Moderate Transmutation;
CL 10th
Slot --;
Price 26,000 gp;
Weight 2 lbs.
This crudely crafted leather bag contains what appears to be rune-carved fossils of dinosaur teeth and bone fragments. When opened, it emits whisper-soft sounds of thundering feet and bestial roars.
Once per day, the user can brandish the bag, shout the name of a dinosaur, and transform into its form per the beast shape III spell, except it allows only medium to huge dinosaur forms the Totem of the Thunder Lizards contains, lasts for 10 minutes, and replaces the size bonuses with the following:
Medium: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, +4 natural armor
Large: +6 Strength, +2 Constitution, -4 Dexterity, +6 natural armor
Huge: +8 Strength, +2 Constitution, -6 Dexterity, +8 natural armor
A druid can instead spend a daily use of the Totem of the Thunder Lizards as part of a wild shape when assuming a dinosaur form contained within the totem. Doing so replaces their normal size bonuses with those listed, adds the powerful bite and stun abilities to those they can assume, and allows access to gargantuan forms. The effect lasts ten minutes or their normal wild shape duration, whichever is longer.
Gargantuan: +10 Strength, +2 Constitution, -8 Dexterity, +10 natural armor
A Totem of the Thunder Lizards may contain up to three dinosaur forms. Adding a new form requires beast shape III to be cast on a specially prepared piece of a matching dinosaur placed within the totem. Removing a piece permanently removes that dinosaur form (though it can be re-added through the above ritual). A found Totem of the Thunder Lizards contains 1d3 random forms.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, beast shape III or equivalent wild shape, animal growth, and the requisite dinosaur pieces; Cost 13,000 gp

Charles Evans 25 |
I suspect this item simply wasn't "Superstar" material, but would like to know if I made any design errors. Thanks!
Totem of the Thunder Lizards...
According to my version of MS Word you went three words over the 300 word limit... I don't know if the Paizo word-count would have found the same value, but if it did it probably wasn't a good start.
My initial impression is that it strikes me as being a spell or class feature in a bag.Looking at it more closely I see that the size bonuses are greater than what beast shape regularly grants.
Whilst an item of potentially minimal use in the confines of a tight dungeon setting, I have some concerns that this item still might be underpriced. At 26,000 GP it seems an automatic choice to me for anyone who likes to go up-close-and-personal (as opposed to using ranged attacks) in an arena career for example.
Maybe borderline top 32 item (for me); I think it may have been possibly too close to being a spell/class feature in a bag for the judges though.