Ekeebe's Type Cast PbP OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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male human Witch 9

I will post somethin IC later today, but just to keep the game going i will post perception, initiative and location here.

perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

And put me a couple of squares down and to the left. About 2 left and 5 down.

Okay, I will post your rolls and continue with the game, also, the map will auto-update whenever I make a change, so the map link will always stay the same unless I post another map link.

Just a thought, guys, if you are unable to post anything long and arduous when asked for rolls, then please just post something along the lines of "Will post something more later on, but here are my rolls: [rolls]"

That way the rest of the party can continue, snd you are still contributing.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Elisen wants to stay in a square next to Balisan, Ek. Any of those will be fine.

Done, if people are wondering what square they are in, each square has its own colour and your character's initials in the square in question.

Staying on my spot as well. Depending on how fast people post in combat in this campaign, I might also detail possible future actions as well in spoiler tags.

On another note, where you from Ekeebe? The name Basilan gives me some idea.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

I am from Australia, what was the idea, I'm always interested in player input or casual conversation with my players.

Let's assume that I told them about the pseudonatural after I did the knowledge check. haha.

Well so much for that idea. Basilan is a place in my country (Philippines), so I assumed you were also from around here. Same-ish timezone though, so I don't have to worry about lagging behind too much in posting like in my other pbp's.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Hehe, nope, I found the name and instantly fell in love with it, that is why his name is Basilan.

As to timezones, I am pretty sure the other players are in other timezones, so posting for me is early morning or late night/morning, so I feel your pain.

Although being PbP, it's not really all that bad, it would be worse if it were PbC (Play by Chat).

I'm on the East Coast on the U.S. so yeah, PBC would be hard. Heck, I have trouble catching people online in my own timezone anyway.

I would like to move north or northwest as far as needed to be in some dim light, then I will use hide in plain sight.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Ek, in the future, if you need to make a roll or two for me to keep things rolling, please feel free to do so.

On occasion, like today, I get trapped away from the computer, and I don't want to slow the game down for everyone.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

okay, thanks, I will keep that in mind.

I might ask everyone for a small favour from everybody, when you get the time to do so, could you please add a Tactics area in your aliases, just detailing what you are likely to do for 4 rounds, so that I can DMPC you if needed.


Gah, spellcasters are harder to play than I thought D:

That said, sorry about the delay. I had a post made up this morning, and hit the submit button right before running off. Didn't notice the forums eating it up.

I just want to make sure I was reading what was in the IC thread right... we are re-rolling our initiative every round?

Is this a house rule? It's fine with me, but it makes a lot more work for you re: combat tracking, Ekeebe.

Also, how does this affect readying and delaying actions in initiative order?

In case it's necessary, here's PF initiative rule for reference:



At the start of a battle, each combatant makes an initiative check. An initiative check is a Dexterity check. Each character applies his or her Dexterity modifier to the roll, as well as other modifiers from feats, spells, and other effects. Characters act in order, counting down from the highest result to the lowest. In every round that follows, the characters act in the same order (unless a character takes an action that results in his or her initiative changing; see Special Initiative Actions).

Again, just wanted to get clarification. I don't want to sound like I'm arguing. Thanks!

I'll update my profile with a tactics section.

Actually, it was a general rule that I was using from my IRL group, I didn't actually know about the rolling initiative once per battle,
I think I may go with that, I wanted this to be as Pathfinder as possible, and so, I will stick to RAW unless I see another better alternative.

Thank you for pointing it out to me, this will make things a little faster and less complicated on my end.

For everone, please ignore my asking for initiative checks for round 2, I was mistaken, and it is now clarified.

Thanks for the clarification! :)

As an aside, I think it's hilarious that I ended up rolling the same initiative anyway.

Would Knowledge dungeoneering give me anything on these things? Under the skill description it says aberrations under this heading. It may be a stretch though, since you said they are from outer planes.

Strangely, pseudonaturals have the outsider subtype despite how they look. Unless there's more than one kind of pseudonatural. Anyway, I didn't specify it, but I'm taking the 5ft step east. I just said 5ft step back in mah post.

Zidoren, you are dealing with outsiders, as Amihan can tell you, I would allow you to take a Knowledge Dungeoneering check to find out if you know anything useful, as Amihan knows that most Abberations are distant relatives to the denizens of the outer planes.

Amihan, that's okay, just if you forget, post actions in the IC thread, that way I can see it straight away, even if you were the last person to post. I want to use the ooc thread mainly for rule clarifications and OOC talk if I can.

Guys, something has come up, and so this game will be frozen until monday.

sorry about this, but the weekend is being pretty hectic at the moment.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Eekebe, you all right? Ready to get going, or do you need more time?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

So... this officially dead then?

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