Mithral Scarab

Amihan's page

28 posts. Alias of Gamender.

About Amihan

"Who am I?"-Amihan

Female Changeling Inquisitor 1
Chaotic Neutral Medium Humanoid (Shapechanger)

HP 9
Init +5 Speed 30'
Senses: Perception +7
Melee Scimitar +0 (1d6 18-20/x2)
Ranged Longbow +3 (1d8 20/x2)

AC 18 (10+3(Dodge)+5(Armor))
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
+2 against Charm and Sleep effects

STR 10(+0) DEX 16(+3) CON 13(+1) INT 14(+2) WIS 16(+3) CHA 14(+2)
BAB +0, CMB: +0, CMD 13

(9x1=63) Max 1 ACP -3

Perform(Dance) + 3 (1+2(Cha))
Diplomacy + 6 (1+2(Cha)+3(Class))
Sense Motive +10 (1+3(Wis)+3(Class)+1(Morale)+2(Race))
Disguise + 6 (1+2(Cha)+3(Class))
Perception + 7 (1+3(Wis)+3(Class))
Knowledge: Local +10 (1+2(Int)+3(Wis)+3(Class)+1(Trait))
Knowledge: Religion + 9 (1+2(Int)+3(Wis)+3(Class))
Bluff + 9 (1+2(Cha)+3(Class)+2(Race)+1(Trait))
Intimidate + 9 (1+2(Cha)+3(Class)+1(Morale)+2(Race))



Favored Class: Inquisitor (+1 skill point)
Age: 28


Travel Domain
• +10ft movement
• Agile Feet (6/day)
Judgement 1/day
Monster Lore (+ Wisdom to Knowledge Checks)
Stern Gaze (+1 Intimidate, Sense Motive)


Shapechanger Subtype: Changelings are humanoids with the shapechanger subtype.
• +2 racial bonus on saving throws against sleep and charm effects
• +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks
• Natural Linguist: Changelings add Linguistics to their list of class skills for any class they adopt.
• Minor Change Shape (Su): Changelings have the supernatural ability to alter their appearance as though using a disguise self spell that affects their bodies but not their possessions. This ability is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of a changeling’s facial features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits described for the spell. A changeling can use this ability at will, and the alteration lasts until she changes shape again. A changeling reverts to her natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals her natural form. When using this ability to create a disguise, a changeling receives a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks. Using this ability is a full-round action.

Feats and Traits:

01 Weapon Finesse
Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
Adopted - Well-Informed (+1 Knowledge: Local; class skill)


Spells Known:

Osirons = Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light
1st (2/day) = Divine Favor, Cure Light Wounds



Starting Gold: 240gp
Light Load: 33lbs
Dagger 2gp 1lbs
Scimitar 15gp 4lbs
Longbow 75gp 3lbs
•Arrows (20) 1gp 3lbs
Chain Shirt 100gp 25lbs
Traveler's Outfit 5lbs

Backpack 2gp 2lbs
•Rope(silk) 50ft 10gp 5lbs
•Waterskin 1gp 4lbs
•Rations(Trail) (4) 2gp 4lbs
•Bedroll 0.1gp 5lbs
•Tindertwigs (5) 5gp
•Sewing Needle (2) 1gp
•Soap (2) 1gp 2lbs
41 lbs (Medium) (Without Backpack)
63 lbs (Medium)

64.1gp Left


'Amihan' is an elf; long dark hair, piercing brown eyes and a very secretive smile. Tall and thin, she hides an unnatural speed and flexibility in her frail body.


She was born and bred a part of the Tyrants. No name to be had in that place, only identities that were thrust upon Her. She could remember having dozens of faces, a man this time, a woman next. But never Her own face. A life of secrecy, of deception, without any hope of escape, until She met Amihan.

Amihan was an elf, recently arrived in the city of towers, a cleric of the Traveler. Of course She had heard of the Traveler; the Tyrants revolved around the god of shapeshifters, but Amihan espoused a different side of the Traveler: one of freedom, of creation, of travel. A strange wanderlust brooked in those who listened to Amihan, and for Her, the urge to see the world beyond the Towers grew.

This however did not prove popular to the Tyrant One, and when assassins descended upon the flock, She knew who to blame. Amihan's dying words were on Her ear, and even while She swore revenge, Amihan rebuked Her with a smile and a soft shake of the head.

That was many years ago, and though escape was never far from Her mind, leaving Sharn proved next to impossible for one such as Herself. She had tried to escape once, but the price for that particular failure was something She would prefer never to remember. Finally chance and salvation came in the form of an airship captain recruiting adventurers. Wanderlust took hold of Her, a long forgotten affliction that gave Her enough bravado to sign in, if only in secret.

But what to be. Who to be. The Tyrants know of every identity She had mastered, and using such a fresh identity She did not know is sure to arouse suspicion. But there was one face, long etched into Her memory, that She knew of. Her face formed anew, Her body becoming thin and elegant, and when She was satisfied with the form, She said aloud Her new name until She was comfortable. Amihan.

'Amihan' only belatedly discovered the destination of the airship, long after a very narrow escape that is sure to be a tale in itself. Xen'dric. The prospect of exploring the Continent of Mysteries itself was certainly worth the risk.