![]() Okay, I've looked at the characters so far, and I think that jlord, Nix Tharel, flash_cxxi and Black Tom are the players. Go ahead and create your characters and ask any questions you need to ask, I'll be monitoring this thread continually. The reserve characters will be Vanulf Wilson and overfiend_87, go ahead and create your characters as well. overfiend_87 wrote: Hmm...looks like we'll need a healer so I'll be a Halfling Cleric, but if APG classes are things like Priest from Tomb of Secrets then I'll go for that. Tome of Secrets isn't allowed sorry, if you want healer, my advice is to choose from the 11 standard classes, or to choose Witch or Oracle for your character. Vanulf Wilson wrote: How are you on 3.5 feats? I've been working on a Paladin of Sarenrae who dual wields scimitars, but use the feat Oversized Two-weapon Fighting from the Complete Adventurer. He's actually more Qadiran in flavor, but could work. sorry no 3.5 feats, only Pathfinder. If you guys want to use any other feats or traits from any other Pathfinder book, please ask me, and I will see if I have the book. Something I realised i had forgotten to mention: *Each character gets 2 traits, but not from the same lists, e.g, no two faith traits, no two combat traits, etc. ![]()
![]() After a very long hiatus from the boards, I am back, and willing to DM another PbP (I apologise to all those in my previous PbP threads that have died) I am looking for 4 characters of 6th level. It will be set in Osirion. Rules are as follows: *Standard races only.
Have fun and put forth your characters. ![]()
![]() Zidoren, you are dealing with outsiders, as Amihan can tell you, I would allow you to take a Knowledge Dungeoneering check to find out if you know anything useful, as Amihan knows that most Abberations are distant relatives to the denizens of the outer planes. Amihan, that's okay, just if you forget, post actions in the IC thread, that way I can see it straight away, even if you were the last person to post. I want to use the ooc thread mainly for rule clarifications and OOC talk if I can. ![]()
![]() Battle Map (added abbreviated spell effects) Zidoren and Iriel again manage to drop #3 as Amihan covers some of the opponents in a fine glittering shimmer that seems to have little obvious effect on the creatures. Bandu manages to cast his spell, knocking #7, #9 and #10 unconscious as Elisen awaits enemies to attack. #0 changed the name of orange swings at Ba'andu with each weapon, hitting him once and dealing 5 damage to him. #8 thrusts his pithfork at Iriel, but the blow glances off her armour, allowing her to escape unscathed. Strange things happen to the others as #2 attacks and kills #1, while #4 manages to impale itself on it's own pitchfork, killing the strange creature instantly, a pool of green ichor forming around the body of the creature. Some of the Psuedonatural creatures make strange noises, as if communicating, the noise responded by a larger gurgling and slurping sound, as two immense creature burst through a building and move toward the party. Their skin is translucent, showing strange, twisted strands of pulsing organs underneath. The creatures have no face, just large sucker holes fringed by long, claw-tipped tentacles. The creatures are 5 feet in diameter, and 25 feet long. ![]()
![]() Actually, it was a general rule that I was using from my IRL group, I didn't actually know about the rolling initiative once per battle,
Thank you for pointing it out to me, this will make things a little faster and less complicated on my end. For everone, please ignore my asking for initiative checks for round 2, I was mistaken, and it is now clarified. ![]()
![]() Round 1 Combat Order:
1. Zidoren 2. Amihan 3. Ba'andu 4. Psuedonatural #5 5. Elisen Renard 6. Iriel Lasslanta 7. Psuedonatural #6 With deadly skill, Zidoren easily dispatches with #5 as Amihan casts her spell. The spell takes effect on two of the other creatures, #1 babbling incoherently, which looks strange and unsettling as it has no mouth. #2 tries to impale itself on it's own pitchfork, which doesn't quite work as well as it had originally planned, but still managed to hurt itself, green ichor oozing from the wound. Lastly #4 charges forward, running #3 through with it's pitchfork, the prongs visible on the other side of the creature's body. Ba'andu casts his spell, causing #9 to fall prone, #8 managing to avoid the effect of the spell. Unfortunately for the psuedonaturals, #7 rushes forward to get a better position and slips on the greased area, falling prone next to #9. #6 thrusts it's pitchfork lazily and still catches Amihan dealing 5 damage to the wizardess. Iriel manages to slice #6 and drop it where it stands. All other psuedonaturals, except #11 and #12, who are still stuck inside the southern building, move closer to the party, trying to encircle the party, the dual wielding psuedonatural audibly snarling in some alien and unkown dialect. Round 2 begins, #2 and #4 visibly wounded. Again, initiative checks and actions in 1 post, it seems to be a lot easier to track 1 post per character each round as a DM. ![]()
![]() Yet another gobber falls from a tree, making a loud squelching sound as it hits the swampy floor. Everybody but NIM manages to hit a gobber, dropping where they are, bleeding furiously, dying from the wounds given by each person. One valiant gobber manages to stab Nim in the leg before being run through with Gunner's sword. NIM takes 2 damage. Yet another gobber breaks throught the fog, charging at the wagons and their protectors. There are 2 gobbers in melee range and 1 more in a tree. ![]()
![]() I acutally forgot to put you in your spot on the battle map, sorry. I'm assuming you weren't travelling within 5 ft. of Basilan, that you were scouting ahead and apart from the group, so I shall put you in a shadow, where you would be as round 1 starts. And yes, so far, your stealth check has worked. I will wait for everyone to post their actions before resolving round 1, so that the pots aren't erratic and messy. ![]()
![]() The gobbers who rushed in don't seem to be paying much attention to the party, although they seem reluctant to try and attack the front wagon. One of the gobbers brave enough to venture close to the front wagon is very quickly impaled on Gunner's Longsword, as he yells "Take that, yer filthy disease ridden sons of rats!" One gobber manages to successfully slice at Cole, dealing 1 point of damage just after he mutters his prayer. Darts thud into the ground near the feet of Corvus and Cole, coming mighty close to their toes. Two more gobbers, both sporting knives errupt from the fog, charging toward the wagons. I've decided to roll all my rolls at home, please continue to use the dice roller on the boards. Round 2 begins. Initiative checks and attacks in the same post please, let's speed up combat a little. ![]()
![]() Battle Map (which I made bigger) Ba'andu successfully traps two psuedonatural creatures in their house, who struggle against the sticky arcane silk. All of the creatures move toward the group of adventurers, only a couple of them actually getting close enough to attack. Round 1 begins, ony enemies 5 and 6 are in melee range, Initiative Checks and Actions in the same post please, that way we can speed up combat a little. Also, everybody suffers a - 1 to hit these things due to their alien form and writhing appearance. ![]()
![]() After realising that I should have been looking at the D&D 3.5 Players Handbook and not the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, I did a quick remath, the damage bonus should be +9, not +10. You add double the negative as a bonus when wielding a 2 handed weapon, so a -1 would mean a +2 for a weapon wielded with two hands. ![]()
![]() Corvus Tristis wrote:
You can tell that most of the darts are coming from an upward position obviously in the trees, but a couple are coming from ground level. You do sucessfully spot the gobber in the trees and the ones on the ground, 40 ft away. A cry issues from the trees away from the combat, as a gobber falls from a large bough in a tree some 40 ft. away. ![]()
![]() You get an AoO and a standard attack as they move into and out of the areas you threaten with your glaive, the same goes for everyone, but you get to hit them first! But your math seems a little wrong, your bonus to damage should be +10 damage, not +7. NIM swings his glaive at the nearest gobber, sending him flying from the momentum created by the sound blow. Gunner jumps down from his seat and draws his longsword. "Come get some, yer slackjawed Simpletons!" ![]()
![]() Out of the fog charges 6 Gobbers headed stright for the lead wagon, each gobber sporting a crudely made knife. As everyones attention is on the gobbers charging through the fog, several projectiles fly from the mist into the caravan and its guards. Ranged Attack Rolls:
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 NIM has been hit by a dart and takes 1d4 ⇒ 3 damage. The party can see the gobber charging out of the mist clearly, Joran's crossbow bolt slamming into the chest of a gobber, slumping into an unconcious heap and bleeding furiously. Anyone who is on the ground, and not on a wagon gets an AoO against the creatures as they try and run through your square. Also Knowledge (local) rolls for those who have the skill please. ![]()
![]() Iriel Lasslanta wrote:
Unfortunately the creatures aren't near any natural plants other than the occassional grass patch growing where people don't usually tread. ![]()
![]() Amihan wrote:
You think to yourself that these things definitely aren't local, nor are they arcane in nature, but then it dawns apon you. In your early studies of summoning creatures during your time at the academy, you were banned from reading a tome called "Planes Apon Planes" when you found it hidden in the back of the library. Despite being barred from the subject, you snuck into the library late one night and read the tome from cover to cover, learning that despite most people call from the "inner planes" of existance, there are planes further than man has ever known, called the "outer planes" which is where most Abberations originally came from. These creatures fit a description you read called Psuedonatural, although how the local populous became these creatures is unkown to you, as the creatures you read about always gain abilities and physical traits through hereditary nature. ![]()
![]() Painted on the walls of the buildings are large unsettling markings, depicting a strange rune of three hooked arm like squiggles around a small circle. Everyone notices the strange sounds are issuing from the houses and buildings - sounds of feet dragging across floorboards, a curious heavy breathing laced with a strange hissing, and an unnerving sloshing and slurping. A dozen creatures burst forth from each building. Each creature has pale white skin, with a yellowish tint that seems almost luminescent. Their flesh is rubbery and soft, lacking any rigidity or apparent skeletal structure. In place of heads are nests of writhing pseudopods and delicate pale feelers. A sickening realisation dawns on the party, but before any can say anything, Basilan gasps in horror. "Shelyn save us, those are the locals!" A distinctive creature stands apart from the rest, a hand axe and sicle wielded in either slithering tentacled appendagesm while the others fight with pitchforks. The figure also wears a chain shirt, spalttered with what could be drool, you aren't quite sure, while the other creatures wear tattered and torn clothes. You are allowed 1 standard action before combat begins. Please don't forget to post where you are in the OOC thread for me, that way the battle map will be accurate. ![]()
![]() You know I have never seen concealment resolve that way, as a rule, I, the DM, generally roll the percentile dice. I think I may use that instead of making you guys roll a percentile dice. Also, I will allow everybody ot post an action before continuing on to each round, I will also post the round number each time a new round has begun ![]()
![]() The black twisted trees join over head, blotting out the sun. In the darkness the only sounds are the rattle of the wagons and the buzzing of insects. The horses are strining to pull the wagons though the muck, which is over a foot deep in spots. The thin mist that always permeates the swampy forest is thickening into a dense fog with every step. after a minute, you can barely make out the other wagons and horses. Only a few more hours of this and you'll arrive in Corvis. Suddenly the lead horse screams in anguish, and the caravan comes to a stop. You can hear gunner and the other men cursing, and projectiles whistle past you. Thick fog swirls about, concealing your attackers. you can see several dark shapes in the fog ![]()
![]() You have been hired by the Merchant’s Guild in the town of Fellig to guard a caravan on the treacherous route to the city of Corvis. This journey takes more than two weeks, and passes through rocky mountain passes, dense forest and swampy lowlands. For your services you are to be paid 25 gp each at the end of your journey. After chasing the rising sun for many days, the ordeal is near an end – Corvis is only half a day’s ride through Widower’s Wood. The trip has been without incident so far. “Easy money, aye?” shouts Gunner Wadock, the caravan’s leader, from his position on the front wagon. “If only all my trips ‘twixt Fellig and Corvis were so painless.” The caravan consists of five wagons, with four horses bringing up the rear. Gunner sits atop the lead wagon with his driver, a sour, quiet human called Viggo. The other four wagons ech have one driver. The pack horses are tied to the last wagon. A thick mist has been over the caravan since entering the swampy lowlands, and the thick muck and mud makes moving quite hard. The mud reduces speed to 1/2. Each PC has two choices, either sitting atop one of the four wagons, the lead wagon not being allowed, or walking beside the wagons. Please indicate where you are in your introductory post, and how spread out you are. ![]()
![]() Basilan Lasiliran, an 80 something aristocrat was a kind old man. Anyone who met him instantly fell for his charms and as such, being a merchant in his younger years was an easy task. Amassing his wealth, Basilan eventually found a wife and fathered a beautiful baby girl, who blossomed into a beautiful woman. Settling down, Baslian recruited many people to help his lands and family, forming strong and loyal friendships. Basilan eventually became bored and decided that since his wife pased away some 2 years ago, that he would see his daughter, Sophia, before he enters Shelyn’s Haven and joins his wife for eternity. Basilan contacted quite a few people for the journey, knowing all to wall that the journey to the town of Hallowfeld will be a dangerous one, having to hire numerous bodyguards and warriors in his youth whenever he travelled from his manor to the town. First he talked briefly with Iriel Lassalanter, his oldest and most trusted friend, asking her to find a person with certain talents, which led to her meeting with Zidoren and his employment by the aristocrat. Basilan then talked with Amihan, and asked her to accompany him, as he has friends in Hallowfeld that might need her abilities. Basilan then sought out the son of an old friend, Ba’andu, and asked if he would like to accompany him on a trip to meet a local woman who practices the same ability as he and his father do, thinking that the cultural interaction would be good for the man. Lastly, wanting somebody to accompany him so that if anything whould happen to him, he would be able to pass into Shelyn’s Haven without any problems, Basilan sought out a woman he knew when she was an acolyte, Alisen Renard. After talking to her, and even going as far as to offer a substantial tithe to the church, she agreed. And so they set off for Hallowfeld, only things aren’t what they expect when they arrive. Most of the buildings are burnt partially or completely, and terrific bloodstains mar the streets and facades. Strangely there are no bodies anywhere. Each party member has been assigned a colour so that they can easily figure out who they are on the map. The brown shapes are buildings, the blue shape is a well. Perception checks, please. ![]()
![]() okay guys, sorry about this, but i will have to postpone the PbP indefinately, too many family issues at the moment. sorry to get your hopes up, but sick babies need a lot of care, and i barely find the time to use the internet at all these days. if i reboot the PbP, i will let all of you know, sorry again, but it is out of my hands. GM_Ekeebe :D ![]()
![]() okay, sorry guys, this may have to be postponed until after the weekend. sorry, but unfortunately my internet bill has come in, and i get paid on Monday, so that means i will have no means to post or to monitor any threads i have made/posted in. unfortunately, i dont have alot of money on my account at my local computer cafe either, making net access harder than i thought. i will try to be online as much as i can, mooching off of a friend of mine's internet, but i wont be able to be on for very long, because it is my PF night with my local gaming group. in the mean time, i will finish off the conversion...i suppose a small amount of good came of it. so sorry again, but i will post when the internet bill is paid. ![]()
![]() Thank you Nerak the Numb for getting back to me, unfortunately, i will go with W0nkothe sane, as he has a character ready now. thank you for applying for a spot. okay, w0nkothesane, you're in, dont forget about The OOC Thread . now i will review each persons characters and get to posting the game thread. any quick changes you want to do, i suggest you do them now. ![]()
![]() Okay, I'm almost ready to post up the PbP thread, but I need Nerak the Numb's character, if you are there, Nerak, then please draw up a character, then we can get started. If you don't want to play, or you are having troubles, then please let me know, and I'll help as much as I can. [EDIT] this post will be posted in the hook-up thread as well [EDIT] ![]()
![]() Okay, I'm almost ready to post up the PbP thread, but I need Nerak the Numb's character, if you are there, Nerak, then please draw up a character, then we can get started. If you don't want to play, or you are having troubles, then please let me know, and I'll help as much as I can. [EDIT] this post will be posted in the OOC thread as well [EDIT] ![]()
![]() Garen Dayle wrote:
thank you, i will definately keep that in mind ![]()
![]() The Snorting Tip-sniffer wrote:
i was mainly trying to get each module converted over, and i got the first one done last night, and i will use photobucket for handouts. im hoping to have the next 3 done today. oh and Zurai, that looks fine, just create a new alias and transcribe eerything to that.