Eat Your Own Clone Day

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Scarab Sages

According to my Outlook Calendar, tomorrow (19 November) is Eat Your Own Clone Day - inspired by the good people at Paizo.

I think I'm a clone now.

MMM eat your own clone day. That sounds fun but what if you wanted to eat somebody elses clone, is that allowed?
BTW if you are a big guy like myself do you HAVE to finish your clone today or can you freeze some for later?

I shall be celebrating.

Cloned drone's are broken down into nutrients upon deactivation
The nutrients are then distributed thought out the collective to refuel the collective's biological components

Once the collective has you, we always have you

Reminds me of Old Uncle Scratchy's celebrated Flesh Golem Eating Contests.

You see, the trick is you lure them in with a saucer of milk...

Grand Lodge

I dunno if it was a clone I ate for lunch or what, but damn, something's wrong with my stomach right now.

When is eat your own donor day?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yumm. Hamburgers.

Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

Cloned drone's are broken down into nutrients upon deactivation

The nutrients are then distributed thought out the collective to refuel the collective's biological components

Once the collective has you, we always have you


Does this mean I'm going to be made into a sammich?

Whole new meaning to the prase 'feed your head'.

One-Of-Many wrote:
Primary Adjunct of paizomatix 0 wrote:

Cloned drone's are broken down into nutrients upon deactivation

The nutrients are then distributed thought out the collective to refuel the collective's biological components

Once the collective has you, we always have you


Species 1306 has been assimilated

Their Biological,technological and magical uniqueness has been added to our own
Resistance was Futile

flash_xxxx wrote:
Does this mean I'm going to be made into a sammich?

Good point. flash_cxxi might want to start early. He has so many delicious clones to eat.

Scarab Sages

flash_mcdxcii wrote:
flash_xxxx wrote:
Does this mean I'm going to be made into a sammich?
Good point. flash_cxxi might want to start early. He has so many delicious clones to eat.

I don't want him to eat me!

Om nom nom nom om nom.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

My clone tastes like buttered toast.

How about I just eat everyone's clone?

Aww man... someone posted about it a day early! Oh well, as my Outlook is reminding me as well - Happy Eat Your Own Clone Day!!

And yes, it is the traditional eat YOUR OWN clone day. Don't wimp out. It must be a clone, and it must be yours. Reduce, reuse, recycle!!

Run, run
Fast as you can
Can't catch me
I'm the evil drow-clone man!

No I am the evil drow clone guy.

I don't have any clones, and furthermore I don't approve of cannibalism.

Silver Crusade

lordzack wrote:
I don't have any clones, and furthermore I don't approve of cannibalism.

That sounds like something a clone would say. You should be worried that your donor might eat you today.

I don't have a donor, I have two- my mother and my father. So I'm not a clone and don't need to be worried.

lordzack wrote:
I don't have a donor, I have two- my mother and my father. So I'm not a clone and don't need to be worried.

Just look out if they ask you over for lunch!

Hum...i'm a twin. I bit my brother several times as a kid. I will share with you that one's clone isn't nearly as tasty as one may think!

As ever,

theacemu wrote:

Hum...i'm a twin. I bit my brother several times as a kid. I will share with you that one's clone isn't nearly as tasty as one may think!

As ever,

Maybe you didn't prepare him right.

Did you eat his liver with fava beans and chianti?

lordzack wrote:
I don't have any clones.

Are you sure about that?


RPG Superstar 2012

I don't have to worry.

lordkcaz wrote:
lordzack wrote:
I don't have any clones.
Are you sure about that?

You think you can fool me? Obviously any clone of mine would choose to call himself "lordkaz", omitting the "c". Thus you cannot be my clone, impostor!

Silver Crusade

lordzack wrote:
lordkcaz wrote:
lordzack wrote:
I don't have any clones.
Are you sure about that?
You think you can fool me? Obviously any clone of mine would choose to call himself "lordkaz", omitting the "c". Thus you cannot be my clone, impostor!

Mmhmm. Is that little dribble on your chin from you eating your clone? You aren't fooling anybody.

lordzack wrote:
lordkcaz wrote:
lordzack wrote:
I don't have any clones.
Are you sure about that?
You think you can fool me? Obviously any clone of mine would choose to call himself "lordkaz", omitting the "c". Thus you cannot be my clone, impostor!

Oh, come on Zacky! Why all the hate?!? I'm a part of you. We're like brothers, man.

Tres bien, I weel eet zhe ham tonight!

Dark Archive

Is happiness mandatory, Citizen?

I am a clone, I am not alone
Every fibre of my flesh and bone is identical to the others
Everything I say is in the same tone
as my test tube brother's voice
There is no choice between us,
If you had ever seen us,
You'd rejoice in your uniqueness
and consider every weakness something special of your own
Being a clone, I have no flaws to identify
Even this doggerel that pours from my pen,
has just been written by another twenty telepathic men,
word for word, it says:
"Oh, for the wings of any bird, other than a battery hen".
That's the spirit of the age

Mikhaila Burnett wrote:
Is happiness mandatory, Citizen?

Mais oui! But a baguette and some fine Fronch wine always helps too!

Dark Archive

Nom, nom, nom...

Oh, didn't see you there.

This stuff keeps for weeks.

Ooh. Are we eating our clones again? I have such a sophisticated taste.


*Runs away from the mob he had managed to duck last year.*

Don't run away! Embrace you're cloneness!

This is where all my clones need to come to DIE!

Scarab Sages

Just a reminder - tomorrow is once again Eat Your Own Clone Day.


Aberzombie wrote:
Just a reminder - tomorrow is once again Eat Your Own Clone Day.

Why reserve it for just one day a year?

Happy Eat Your Own Clone Day!!!

flash_xxxx wrote:
Happy Eat Your Own Clone Day!!!


Gagvoyle wrote:
flash_xxxx wrote:
Happy Eat Your Own Clone Day!!!


Scarab Sages

Haircureformen wrote:
Gagvoyle wrote:
flash_xxxx wrote:
Happy Eat Your Own Clone Day!!!


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