
Lore-muck's page

23 posts. Alias of Mairkurion {tm}.


I generally want clones to be not too identical. Flaw or feature?

Let's hear all the dirty details! Oh wait, there's nipples in my ears!

ONly a master of muck!


Heathansson wrote:
Honest Trollperson wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Heathansson wrote:

and I argue from a eumomma position:

Of course. Evil is banal. Add Hannah Arendt to the list.

You, sir, are a lituratroll. You may be well read, but you are indeed a troll of letters.

You're lucky you're not going to Paizocon.
I've got Evil Math.
The algebra of junk. The perfect product. The dealer doesn't sell it to the customer, the dealer sells the customer to the junk.

I've got evil junk. Wait, did I already say that?

Boobs! Boobs! Boobs!

*Runs away from the mob he had managed to duck last year.*

Shadow13.com wrote:
Werezombie wrote:
Shakira looks like she hasn't showered or washed her hair in days.

Sorry...I got carried away. She'll be good as new, soon.

How many movies with Michael Keaton didn't get worse and worse?

I know you only too well.

That's what SHE said...

"People always trying to take you away from me...why won't they just leave us...

Emperor7 wrote:
Lore-muck wrote:
I yam what I yam.

Every morning.

I am what I am.

Here I am. Hmm...looks like your angelic visitor hasn't always been an angel. I'll set some foggers out around the thread and get this cleared up. Infected visitors can come back once they have a note from their Dr.

*Runs off to create more aliases*

It's a little-known fact about dryads that they have big

BOOBS and are into wood!

Are you talkin' ta me?

He can swim in the wadi at the right time of year.

No new taxes!

I'll regale you with tales of my wife's boobs, that will make you less lonely.

Moorluck wrote:
Lore-muck wrote:
Paizo wants you to buy a full set of the new minis and send them to your buddy Mairkurion. But shh...don't tell. Paizo wants it to be a surprise.
k but i'm nee d to wait utnll pay day. Is thas oK!

Sure...but don't forget. And Paizo Kitty doesn't want Mommy to know about it either.

Paizo wants you to buy a full set of the new minis and send them to your buddy Mairkurion. But shh...don't tell. Paizo wants it to be a surprise.

This is like a surrealist film.