daemonprince |

Name: Zarun
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cleric of Pharasma 10
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: The Council Treasure Vault
Catalyst: Ilnerik's changed children of the night ability.
The Gory Details: After retreating from Walcourt a couple times, Ilnerik had been using his children of the night ability to summon shadows each time as the parties AC's are generally too high to hit. After a sunburst from the Morrowfall took out some lesser vampire minions and also blinded Zarun, Ilnerik ordered the summoned shadows to swarm out of the floor and they drained the life from Zarun in a couple of rounds. Fortunately for him, one of his companions recognized the philosphers stone in the room and was able to revive him with it.

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Name: Robert Roanoke
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Archeology Bard 4/Dragon Disciple 2
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Delvehaven
Catalyst: Morningstar to the face
The Gory Details: Robert and his adventuring partner wandered into the ship room of the basement of Delvehaven. Failing his Will save put Robert into a full on battle with his Wizard equal. The Wizard put him to sleep and coup de gras the poor soul.

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Name: CBarr
Race: Gnome
Classes/levels: Master Summoner 7
Adventure: Infernal Syndrome
Location: Crater of Aberian's Folly
Catalyst: 3 Flaming Arrows
The Gory Details: (optional) Having thought the party would be okay with the Master Summoner's horde I, the GM, threw the Erinyes at them as they exited one of the Guardhouses. The Erinyes immediately started firing at them and even summoned a couple Bearded Devils to join the fun. Being low on health the Summoner used Invisibility to try and gain a moment to heal...sadly he was unaware that the Erinyes was capable of True Seeing right through his spell...

Carnestolendas |

Name: Klaive Bronn
Race: Human
Classes/levels: fighter 5
Adventure: what lies in dust
Location: Bisby's final resting place.
Catalyst: Phantasmal killer spell
The Gory Details: (optional) the PCs entered the fateful room thinking they would envision yet another ill-begotten bmemory. They correctly interpreted the sitting corpse as Bisby's and tried to use the grave candle on his skull, which prompted the disaster. On the first turn Klaive Bronn failed his will save and then his very good fortitude save (having CON 16).

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Aaaand another one...
Name: Zane
Race: Human
Class/Level: Fighter (Crossbowman) 10
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt
Catalyst: Dark Stalkers, tactical stupidity
The Gory Details: Zane was a replacement character, and was optimized out the wazoo to just shoot things.
The party, and Zane in particular, had been having a cakewalk in this book to this point. His light fortification armour had come thru to deflect several sneak attacks already. His AC prevented most of the foes from seriously threatening him.
Perhaps that is why he was foolish enough to step next to 2 dual-wielding Dark Stalker rogues with space on either side of him....
A couple of 5' steps, then 8 attacks with flanking....

daemonprince |

Name: Zarun
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cleric of Pharasma 12
Adventure: Twice Damned Prince
Location: Taranik House Siege
Catalyst: Signifier Verinne
The Gory Details: After driving her out of the Hellknight heretics hideout, the proceeded to try and break the siege at Taranik House, where the ghost signifier failed to possess any of the party, but she did manage to crit the cleric who was channeling to damage her. 24d6 points of damage later, Zarun was a shriveled corpse.

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I feel like players drop like flies when you make a mistake in this AP...
Name: Jon
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Wizard 8/Fighter 1
Adventure: Infernal Syndrome
Location: Liebdaga's Prison
Catalyst: Grab special attack
The Gory Details: (optional) Basically the party wandered into Liebdaga's prison without turning off any of the engines. It started out okay...until that first wave of fire hit the room while the poor party wizard was grappled by Liebdaga's prison. He couldn't get out of the grapple and the fire just kept coming.

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Name: Shivira Rilyn
Race: Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling
Classes/levels: Bard 7/ Ninja 3
Adventure: Twice Damned Prince
Location: Streets of Westcrown
Catalyst: Assissian's Death Attack Arrow
The Gory Details: (optional) After accouncing the end of the Shadow Beasts ruling the night, Shivira held a city wide carnival. On the lead float, throwing copper pieces to the near by onlookers, the party was attacked and she was slain instantly by a Death Attack with an Arrow of Slaying.

Lithrac |

Name:Arkkus Starnon
Race:Human (Chelaxian)
Classes/levels:Magus 6
Adventure:What Lies in Dust
Location:Delvehaven, Bisby's Final Resting Place (B19)
Catalyst:Careless rest without keeping watch
The Gory Details:After a solid first day in Delvehaven, the group decided to set camp in Bisby's room after interrogating his spirit with a grave candle. Alas, they were unaware that the vampires on the lower level had spotted them. The PCs moved one of the bookshelves against the door, thinking it would prevent anybody from entering, as well as keeping watch at all. They soon all fell asleep. Later during the night, Vahnwynne found her way to their room, entered with gaseous form, and dispatched the poor sleeping magus.

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Aaaand another one...
Name: Zane
Race: Human
Class/Level: Fighter (Crossbowman) 10
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt
Catalyst: Dark Stalkers, tactical stupidity
The Gory Details: Zane was a replacement character, and was optimized out the wazoo to just shoot things.
The party, and Zane in particular, had been having a cakewalk in this book to this point. His light fortification armour had come thru to deflect several sneak attacks already. His AC prevented most of the foes from seriously threatening him.
Perhaps that is why he was foolish enough to step next to 2 dual-wielding Dark Stalker rogues with space on either side of him....
A couple of 5' steps, then 8 attacks with flanking....
haha, Well frankly, he had it coming. I had a player who's PC died much like this in a savage tide campign (tumbled his 2nd level rouge into the midst of a group of 3 ghouls just to get into a flanking position and sneak attack one of them. Later that same round they flanked him from 3 directions, paralyzed him and 1 round later he was dead).

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Name: Allura
Race: female Half-elf
Classes/levels: Rogue 10
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt
Catalyst: Ilnerik slam (damage)
The Gory Details: Two slams with one a crit was just too much for a non-tank like Allura. Immediately raised with Breath of Life, so not sure if it counts.
Name: Allura
Race: female Half-elf
Classes/levels: Rogue 11
Adventure: The Twice-Damned Prince
Location: Rego Cader
Catalyst: Morgh tounge followed by coup-de-grace
Name: Goomb (pronounce gloom)
Race: male tiefling
Classes/levels: Ranger 11
Adventure: The Twice-Damned Prince
Location: Rego Cader
Catalyst: Mohrg tounge followed by coup-de-grace
The Gory Details: While there have been some close calls, there have been no deaths in this campaign except for the above, possibly since the way-too-nice GM (myself) was way too generous on stats. So while they have not had trouble with some major set piece encounters, it was quite a shock that a simple encounter with the Mohrg Palaveen in the ruins of Rego Cader and his minions would be the first real PC deaths. Second coup-de-grace was given when last Mohrg had 10 hp but noone within AOO range. Since they immediately rose as zombies, it also meant that the 2 10000 gp diamonds they had planned on selling were instead used for two resurrection spells.
On a side note, this is an evil party, and when they found the Totemrix they did not immediately neutralize it with the Morrowfall; instead they gave it to Goomb's cleric cohort Noth for safekeeping. Now Noth is nowhere to be found, but is rumored to be in Rego Cader ;-).

Troubleshooter |

I'm a little curious about the two 5 foot steps and full attacks with SA. If they both required 5 foot steps, then the first Rogue wouldn't have gotten Sneak Attacks due to flanking. He could 5 foot, Full Attack, then the second Rogue could 5 foot step and Full Attack with Sneak Attack; or he could have 5 foot stepped, Readied an action to attack once his ally was in place, then attacked once with Sneak Attack before his ally got his Full Attack with Sneak Attack.
Perhaps one of the rogues actually got Sneak Attack due to another condition, but it reminds me of a DM that was a big fan of moving all his monsters and then rolling their attacks afterwards -- which saves time, but can actually cause occasional inconsistensies.
It also might not matter, since even five Sneak Attacks can be ruinous.

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Hmmm.... good point Troubleshooter. I'm sure that I did it properly and just phrased it poorly. There is no possible way that I would have made an undetected error :) (actually, at this point I can't remember, but I think it was 4 regular attacks and 4 sneaks)
In any case, I think that the 3 crits had as much to do with it as sneak attacks. My dice thought it was a stupid move too ;)

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I might be morphing into Turin or something.... this is number 6 on this thread.
Name: Dasoni
Race: Kitsune
Classes/levels: Oracle of Wind 10
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Silana's Room
Catalyst: Party down a character, too many shadows, reluctance to use the Morrowfall
The Gory Details: After Zane's death, the party (oracle, paladin, burglar) carried on while the player's new character languished in the dungeon. They chose the wrong door, and ended up face to face with Silana & her shadow minions. They were much more afraid of the minions.
3 of the shadows went through the walls to the back of the party. A couple of lucky hits on Dasoni (including a crit) and she was completely drained of strength.
The remaining characters were taking a pounding, but finally broke down and used the sunburst from the Morrowfall.
Dasoni's resurrection is pending.
My players really really hate shadows. One good point they make is that the threat never goes away like a typical low CR monster, because touch AC and strength don't really increase the way hp and AC do.

OmegaZ |

Name: Elyssa
Race: Sylph
Classes/levels: Monk of the Four Winds 3
Adventure: Bastards of Erebus
Location: Temple of Bastards, underground tunnel
Catalyst: Charmed barbarian
The Gory Details: My friend Stephen had just made a character to replace the elven alchemist (she had moved to California), a sylph monk with good backstory and build. As the other PC's were already in their infiltration of the temple, I had Elyssa come into the story as a hostage of the Bastards. Not even two fights later, Vethamer (mummy-tiefling) had charmed the barbarian and convinced him to put his battle axe between her ribs.

Scintillae |

Name: Jan Martella
Race: Half-elf
Class: Alchemist 2/Rogue 1
Adventure: Bastards of Erebus
Location: Temple of Bastards, underground tunnel
Catalyst: Lucky dice, tiefling lackey
The Gory Details: After successfully landing several hits with acid flasks and alchemist's fires, Jan was the unfortunate victim of two confirmed crits in a row when the thieves had had enough.

Scaevola77 |

Name: Davi
Race: Half-elf
Class: Rogue 7
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Arvanxi Ruins
Catalyst: Chased down by "The Dealer"
Name: Skuld
Race: Human
Class: Oracle 5/Magus 2
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Arvanxi Ruins
Catalyst: Chased down by "The Dealer"
The Gory Details:
Long story, thus spoilering. The TL:DR version is that the party got ambushed hard by The Dealer, and barely managed to escape without a TPK. To be fair to the party, the encounter was way more then they could handle anyway. Considering the severe disadvantage they were in, they actually did really well and were only 1-2 hits from ending the battle via convincing The Dealer to switch sides.
Searching for a way into the Nessian Spiral, the party (Skuld, Davi, Maruk the spastic gnomish Hellknight, and Halung the barbarian) scaled a 20-ft cliff to enter the ruined east wing of Aberian's Folly. After narrowly killing Crosael and 4 thieves that ran over to assist in a battle that left Skuld and Davi unconscious and Maruk blind, they fled with Crosael's body and whatever spoils were easily at hand in fear of reinforcements. Hours later, when they returned, Aberten "The Dealer" Vittershins had a bit of a surprise for them.
The party re-entered the ruins via the same way they came in the first time. To their surprise, someone had moved all the corpses they had left out of the room. Carefully going through the ruins, they still managed to flub their perception rolls and not notice the rogues sneaking around them in the adjacent hallway. When they reached the library, they threw caution to the wind and began reading/burning books. Unfortunately, they were soon ambushed by The Dealer, and the rest of the living thieves.
As Maruk and Halung tried in vain to pick off Aberten, Davi found himself fighting for his life, surrounded by rogues. While he was holding his own against the rogues, and unfortunate Searing Ray boosted by the power of The Dealer's Harrow deck managed to knock him unconscious.
Hoping to shield the group from any more rays of fire, Skuld cast Obscuring Mist. Aberten was unfazed, as he simply pulled out his Wand of Lightning Bolt and shot a blast through Halung, Skuld, and Maruk. Finding the Mist to be more of a hindrance then an asset, the party decided to flee. Halung (now carrying Davi's body) and Skuld fled into the hallway, as Maruk stayed behind to distract the thieves before making his own retreat through the connected rooms.
Unfortunately, The Dealer gave chase to Halung and Skuld, and a second Lightning Bolt managed to kill the unconscious Davi, and almost knock-out the other two. Halung and Skuld split up, with Halung barring himself in a side room with Maruk, who had successfully pushed through the thieves and barricaded the door. Aberten gave chase to Skuld and finished her off with another lightning bolt.
With a combined 12 hp between them, Maruk and Halung made a daring escape. Maruk grabbed Davi's corpse, and sprinted through Crosael's room and leapt off the cliff. Halung entered a rage, and dashed right in front of The Dealer to snatch Skuld's corpse and leap off the cliff as well. Unwilling to leave the entrance to the Nessian Spiral unguarded, and wary of the possibility of an Erineyes lying in wait outside, The Dealer let them flee.
Skuld and Davi have been reincarnated. Skuld is now a half-orc woman. Davi, who already was having some issue with his sexual identity, has switched genders and is now a dwarven woman.

Scaevola77 |

Scribbling Rambler wrote:I might be morphing into Turin or something.... this is number 6 on this thread.There, there, it will be fine. You'll soon be wiping the majority of the party out every other session and cackling gleefully when you do! ^____^
Yeah . . . that is pretty much where I am right now. 5 kills in 2 consecutive sessions (and 2 consecutive posts!), bringing my total up to 6 as well. This is Skuld's 3rd (and final) time on the list. I blame the rise in deaths on the introduction of more mages as enemies, combined with me taking the gloves off and playing the enemies as decently intelligent and ruthless.
Name: Skuld
Race: Half-orc
Class: Oracle 5/ Magus 2
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Torture Chamber
Catalyst: Unable to deal with Avahzi's spells
Name: Davi
Race: Dwarf
Class: Rogue 7
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Torture Chamber
Catalyst: Lots of lucky enemy rogues, and unable to deal with Avahzi's spells
Name: Halung
Race: Half-elf
Class: Barbarian 7
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Torture Chamber
Catalyst: Unable to deal with Avahzi's spells
The Gory Details:
One of the players present in the previous post (Maruk) was missing, but was replaced by Dunn, a cleric of Sarenrae.
The party managed to clear out the Aberian Ruins without further incident, partly because the Dealer had entered the Nessian Spiral. When entering Nessian Spiral, not only did they trigger the alarm left be the Dealer, but they then wandered down the hall with the Cerberi and promptly fled once they realized the dogs would not leave their post. When they entered the torture chamber, they thus walked in on a well prepared Avahzi and her 4 thief cohorts.
Rather than charge Avahzi, they chose to huddle together near the door to deny the thieves sneak attack opportunities. This had the unfortunate side-effect of placing them in the perfect position for her spells. A flame strike severely wounded the entire party, the following Unholy Blight pushed Davi, already whittled down to low health by the the wand of spiritual weapon and several surprisingly accurate rogues, into the negatives. Meanwhile, Skuld was clinging to consciousness via her orc ferocity.
Dunn and Halung began their last stand, with Halung raging, and Dunn for the most part being able to keep him healthy via a constant steam of high-powered heals, with some aid from Skuld. Unfortunately, after a few negative energy channels, Skuld fell unconscious. Halung finally made it in front of Avahzi, at about 12 health, only to eat a near max damage inflict serious wounds, and fell. Dunn managed to grab Halung's corpse and run away with 9 health remaining. Skuld's unconscious body was left behind to get coup de grace'd by one of the thieves. With her corpse was the infernal contract.
Davi and Skuld's bodies were not recovered, thus the players will be re-rolling. Halung has been reincarnated as a goblin. My group has some serious issues with casters. They keep bunching up for AoEs and no one gets in the caster's face.

Scaevola77 |

Ok, now I'm getting really self-conscious. Either no one else is running CoT/reporting deaths, my group is unusually inept, or I am unreasonably deadly.
Name: "Z" (has a longer, flowery name no even the player remembers)
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer 8
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Illusory mines
Catalyst: Eaten by a behir
The Gory Details:
Upon entering the illusory mines and being confronted by the behir taskmaster, all party members save the barbarian failed their saves against Suggestion, picked up a pick, and got to mining. Unfortunately, the sorcerer ended up being right next to the behir. While the barbarian focused on trying to get the others to snap out of it, the behir chomped down on the squishy, and killed him on the next turn when he swallowed.
"Z" has been reincarnated, much to the player's amusement, as a blue kobold. So he was eaten by a blue dragonoid monster because he was focused on mining, and has been reincarnated as a smaller blue dragonoid monster that is especially skilled at mining.

Daehsquinn |

hi, we finished Part 3 last weekend. So far I had seven deaths in my group.
BoE: -
TST: 2 in the theatre. The Paladin decided in last minute, that he doesn't want to play his part and disrupted the performance. The cleric of Asmodeus tried to force them (i had no better idea) because of the important guests in the audience, but the paladin challenged him for combat on stage. Of course the group was no threat to the cleric. The paladin traded his life for his friends. The group's cleric was already dead.
WLiD: 2 dead characters because the Urban Ranger stepped aside just before the undead triceratops charged. The cleric again, second was a gnome alchimist.
The Urban Ranger died a few days later, when they opened the door to the armory and he was the only one who made his will save against the shadow mastiffs and stayed.
The last 2 died from Bisbys Phantasm Killers.
I am happy they handled the vampires with no further losses.

Scaevola77 |

Death toll continues to rise. Up to 11, not counting an animal companion. For one player (Maruk/Aubrey), this was their first death. Another player (Davi/Z), who joined the campaign at the beginning of Delvehaven seems to be a death magnet, as he has died 5 times.
Name: "Z"
Race: Kobold
Class: Sorcerer 8
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Zovarue's Library
Catalyst: Petrified by her gaze
The Gory Details:
The party entered the inner library after finishing an impromptu trial with Vaccha, where they were able to out-lawyer "The Dealer" and convince the kolyarut that they should be able to enter when "The Dealer" and his posse had the contract (see previous Obit). Z decided to chat up Zovarue, but was a bit uncomfortable not knowing what she was. He asked her to lower her veil, and she obliged, petrifying both him and Maruk the Hellknight. Z did not survive the subsequent Stone to Flesh cast.
- "Z", the level 8 Kobold Sorcerer (gave him a mulligan on the Zovarue death)
- Hermod, the level 8 Halfling Cavalier (and his bear companion, Berzerker)
- Halung, the level 8 Goblin Barbarian
- Maruk, the level 5 Ranger/3 Hellknight spastic Gnome
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Liebdaga's Chamber
Catalyst: Massacred by Liebdaga, clean-up by Sian and Zol
The Gory Details:
The party charged into battle, and quickly found themselves having great difficulty damaging Liebdaga's cage, as they had no adamantine weapons. While Z was finally able to whittle down the cage via Magic Missiles, Hermod's bear companion, Berzerker, fell in the combat. Without his mount, when Liebdaga emerged Hermod found himself severely weakened. Still, he, Halung, and Maruk struggled valiantly against the pit fiend. Liebdaga's first full attack was pretty much half negated by a Displacement spell Z had cast on Halung, though the barbarian was still low on health. The next full attack was brought to bear on Hermod, who managed to weather it with 6 hitpoints left. Unfortunately, through this the party suffered an extreme case of bad luck. d20 rolls higher than 10 were rare, and since Liebdaga had an AC of 28 (24 when concentrating), it wasn't cutting it. After downing a couple potions, Halung charged back into the fray, cleaving through about a third of Liebdaga's remaining health, only to be cut down by the next full attack, which also brought Maruk into the single digits. The next few rounds had Liebdaga attempting to pick off the heavily armored halfling and gnome (both under Deflection thanks to Z). Eventually he succeeded, and the last two martials fell.
Z immediately cast invisibility on himself and attempted to run away, only to bounce off of Zol's chest. I have a rival evil group, headed by a former PC tiefling summoner named Aubrey, who is an agent of the Council of Thieves. Aubrey did a brief stint with the party, joining them for part of the Asmodean Knot and all of Delvehaven, before Halung's racism against tieflings apparently drove her to leave the party (really, she had snatched the Morrowfall, and wanted to make a clean getaway). The party knows she is evil, and a tiefling, but has no knowledge of her connection to the Council of Thieves, or her involvement in the Morrowfall theft. They still consider her an ally, and a member of the Children of Westcrown. I think one of the players thinks she is an AP-provided NPC. Aubrey led an expedition into the Nessian Spiral, backed up by Sian, Zol, and "The Dealer". This rival party was present during the battle, but were intended to observe only (I'm not, believe it or not, cruel to my players, I swear). However, with the battle basically already done, Aubrey ordered them to finish off Z. After all, Z was a noble from a rival house. She called for Liebdaga to cast a dispel, the pit fiend obliged, and Z fell to Zol's fist and Sian's sword shortly after.
Hermod and Halung awoke staring at the ceiling of the Children of Westcrown hideout. Thanks to Viti's ministrations, they live again, but Hermod is now an elf (and plans to get permanent Reduce Person ASAP), and Halung is a halfling. They listened in horror as Aubrey described Liebdaga's destruction of the SW portion of the city, and her explanation that she and her eidolon were able to drag their bodies out of Liebdaga's lair before he was fully unleashed upon the city. They are none the wiser regarding Aubrey's true allegiance; in fact, Halung trusts her more than ever.
I'm kind of happy with the TPK. Z's player thought that this session was one of the best to date, and is looking forward to a new character. Maruk/Aubrey's player is excited about a new character as well, in addition to her happiness as Aubrey's continued successful infiltration of the party. The players of Hermod and Halung both seemed to be in good spirits, and mostly amused that Halung is the character that has survived the entire AP. This was also an unaltered from the book Liebdaga, so let this be a warning that while he seems really weak on paper, against an unoptomized party he can still be devastating.

Anassi |
Name: Rogal Dorn
Race: Dwarf
Classes/levels: Cleric of Dwarven pantheon 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
Location: The Crux Sanctum
Catalyst: The Outcast King
The Gory Details:
After the Outcast King emerged from the filth he grabbed the Barbarian in the first round and pulled him towards him. Rogal decided to jump into the fray and go into melee with the King. After the Barbarian broke out of the grapple and submerged himself into the filth to gain concealment the King focussed his attacks on the nearby Cleric. Four out of five attacks hit, two of them critical, knocking Rogal into the negatives and drowning him.
Name: Xanathos
Race: Tiefling
Classes/levels: Wizard (Conjurer / Infernal Binder) 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
Location: The Thrice-fold Infinity of Countless Doorways
Catalyst: Sian Daemodus
The Gory Details:
The group barely managed to down the Outcast King and his friends after the death of their cleric, looted the chests and discovered the exit through one of the doors in the Thrice-fold Infinity. Instead of just calling it a day and getting their asses out of the Knot they decided to rest in the Infinity because their greed got the better of them and they wanted to loot the rest of the rooms. So I decided to sick Sian on them while they rested (it is, after all, a dangerous place to rest and Sian was after them). During Xanathos' watch Sian snuck in with her potion of gaseous form and two crossbow bolts to the temple later the wizard was dead. The rogue and the barbarian I let escape through the portal with both of their dead comrades.
Name: Xanathos
Race: Tiefling
Classes/levels: Wizard (Conjurer / Infernal Binder) 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
Location: His room inside Aroden's old shrine
Catalyst: Nyxervex
The Gory Details:
He carried the runecurse and everyone forgot about it, even after I started calling in for will saves. Three failed will saves later the big bone devil showed up and slaughtered the Wizard within one turn.

tbug |

Name: Aremcesca Dioso
Race: human
Classes/levels: aristocrat 1/fighter [polearm master] 7/cavalier [standard bearer] 2
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt
Catalyst: Calikang
Name: Morgram the Magnificent
Race: dwarf
Classes/levels: street performer bard 10/aristocrat 1
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Walcourt
Catalyst: Calikang
The Gory Details: One of the PCs took the shape of an earth elemental to scout ahead. When he got into the treasure room and saw everything there he was hanging upside down from the ceiling with half his body still in the rock. When he started using magic to bring the Philosopher's Stone to him (which, being Andoran, he will call a Sorcerer's Stone) the Calikang attacked him, taking him to negative hit points. Aremcesca went down to see what happened, and got badly hurt. Aremcesca went down to rescue him, and she was quickly killed. This made Morgram angry, and this got him killed.

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Not my PCs, but the PCs of my players in our campaign thus far:
Name: Quintus Miraneth
Race: human
Classes/levels: rogue (knife fighter) 3
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: on-stage during The Sixfold Trials of Larazod
Catalyst: troll skeleton
The Gory Details: Picked up and bitten nearly in two. Sneak attacking with daggers doesn't do a whole ton of good when you can't get anyone to help flank Large creatures with you. Quintus was later raised back to full strength, thanks to a Diplomacy check that just barely managed to match the second DC.
Name: Uberto Narikopolus (NPC cohort)
Race: human
Classes/levels: bard (archivist) 8
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Hagwood, just outside of the siege at the Maggot Tree
Catalyst: dark stalker and dark creeper via sneak attacks
The Gory Details: Snuck up on and shanked after the rest of the party left him in the center of camp to go fight other scouting dark folk.

strayshift |
Name: Rystus the Whiny
Race: Ratfolk
Classes/levels: Poisoner Rogue/Wizard 2/1
Adventure: Bastards of Erebus
Location: Slight PC related Side Quest
Catalyst: Power Attack and Negative Energy Channelling
The Gory Details: Was throwing alchemical weapons from the rear of the party when a power attacking enemy fighter appeared and dropped him. Whilst on negative hit-points an enemy cleric channelled negative energy and killed him. Unlucky recipient of two relatively big damage attacks in quick succession.

SleepyPete |
Name: Amorrana Androsanna
Race: Elf
Class: lvl 4-5 Ranger
Adventure: Sixfold Trial
Location: Nightshade theater, later Asmodean Knot
Catalyst: Troll Skeletons and Shadows, what else?
The Gory Details: After the trolls dropped both Larazod (played by the party Sorcerer) and Dentris (played by the party Rogue), one turned its attention to Amorrana, who had at this point remained unscathed. Unfortunately, I critted on two of it's three attacks, thus crushing her into a bloody pulp. She was eventually raised thanks to Mayor Averian, but then met her final end in the Asmodean Knot when the rest of the party abandoned her to the Shadows. She tried to roll Acrobatics to dodge past their attacks of opportunity but crit failed, falling on her face. The Shadows swarmed her prone body, dealing ~25 points of STR damage all at once.
Name: Nazzereno Alphonso Natale
Race: Human
Class: lvl 5 Dragonblood Sorcerer
Adventure: Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot
Catalyst: Sphere of Chains
The Gory Details: After Amorrana's horrible demise the party fled deeper into the Knot, figuring that this would be their only chance at getting the Crux. They made their way to the Conduit without much difficulty, skipping Szasmir and making short work of the ghouls. Naz, having decided that using his high damage spells on the hardness 10 construct would be inefficient, began wearing it down with Acid Splash. He did well enough until he decided to move after casting. The Sphere got a nat 20 on its Attack of Opportunity, then confirmed, snapping poor Naz's neck.
The rest of the party then died ignominious deaths courtesy of the six Stirges.

Scaevola77 |

Another TPK (or TPKO - Total Party Knock Out) for my group, bringing the death toll to 15. I count these as deaths because with the entire party unconscious, only the plot prevented a TPK. I actually now have a sign that says "It has been ___ days since the last perma-death".
Magny, Halfling Sorcerer 4/Rogue 3/Arcane Trickster 3 (player of Davi and "Z", 6th PC death)
Hermod, Elven Cavalier 9/Fighter 1 (player of Skuld, 4th PC death)
Halung, Halfling Barbarian 10 (only surviving beginning character, 3rd death)
Mimra, Human Bard 10 (player of Maruk and Aubrey, 2nd PC death)
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: Ilnerik's Lair
Catalyst: Morrowfall backfiring, plus being completely unprepared
The Gory Details:
The party successfully killed the Calikang and began looting the Treasury. After securing the contract with Mammon that outlined Chammady Drovenge's doom, along with several nice pieces of treasure, they decided to press on. Despite being told by Eirtein that there was only one room beyond the Treasury, and knowing the Ilnerik lurked down there, the party chose not to resupply with anti-vampire equipment, such as a wand of Death Ward or Protection from Evil. The only anti-vampire tool in their kit was the Morrowfall. A potent tool to be sure, but one that they had already used a couple of times that day.
Undaunted, the party opened the door and came face-to-face with Ilnerik. And the 4 vampire spawn that they failed to kill in the Walcourt basement. And Jerusen, who they never killed during the Infernal Syndrome. And a vampiric Larko, who had just recently been turned (they could have rescued him had they moved a bit swifter through Walcourt).
Before anyone else can act, Magny raised the Morrowfall and used Sunburst. The vampire spawn all failed their saves and died instantly. Unfortunately, Ilnerik, Jerusen, and Larko all passed their saves, and since all had Evasion, were unscathed. Even more unfortunately, the Sunburst placement resulted in the entire party getting hit. Of the 5 (including Hermod's mount, Berzerker 2) intrepid adventurers, only Hermod and his bear made their saves. Thus the battle began between 3 fairly potent vampires and a group of blind adventurers.
Despite Ilnerik's cockiness and his refusal to cast Haste or to Dominate the only remaining enemy with eyesight intact, the party struggled. A couple of times, they barely missed attacks as the concealment penalty for being blind wreaked havoc, in addition to their quick accumulation of negative levels. Despite at one point bringing Ilnerik to 15 HP, they eventually ran out of momentum and began to fall. Magny was last to be taken out, chased down by Jerusen as he blindly stumbled down the hall to the treasury.
Amazingly, I was able to knock all of them unconscious rather than killing them. Thus they awoke the next day in Skarx's prison, where Aberten aided in their escape as a favor for the mysterious Council of Thieves agent named Abrogail.
My party is actually fairly competent in terms of build. The encounter seems like a lot, but with the damage that Halung can put out, and the ridiculous AC of Hermod, the vampire spawn and Larko were never a threat. I expected them to be wiped out within a round or two, and sure enough, none of them contributed to the fight. With wand of Death Ward and Protection from Evil, the party probably could have easily won the fight, even while blind. They just continue to try to brute force their way through encounters, rather than properly strategizing and preparing.

jabberwoky |
Name: -
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/levels: Lvl. 3 Magus (Bladebound Archetype)
Adventure: Sixfold Trial
Location: Nightshade Theater
Catalyst: Rot Grub and Acid
The Gory Details: The play was going on nicely until Act III came around. By then, the adventurers were confident in finishing the play without any deaths... then they found out they would be putting Rot Grubs into their arms.
The Magus had a devil of a time cutting out the grub, failing at least three times. His starting Constitution score was an 8; by the time Act III was finished, his Constitution score was 2.
Act IV comes around, and the players have become scared of the giant glass "Beast", which they have to climb in. Over time, the acid began wearing the player characters down, and the Magus slipped. He didn't take much damage, but it doesn't take much when your character can die at -4 HP.
Luckily, he was brought back at the end of the play, and now has a healthy fear of death.

strayshift |
Name: Dronk
Race: Dwarf
Classes/levels: 4th Level Boar Shaman Druid
Adventure: Bastards of Erebus
Location: The lair of the Bastards
Catalyst: A combination of spell and combat damage added to by negative energy channelling.
The Gory Details: (optional) Dronk had engaged in combat in animal form and the parties resources had been largely used up. A fight with Palaveen ensued who dealt fire damage to him knocking him unconscious before he began channelling negative energy which ended up killing him. The party however did a whip round and collected the resources to have him raised (at a discount) and used up a lot of treasure in the process.

Fabius Maximus |

Name: Ilomera
Race: Varisian
Classes/levels: Bard 8
Adventure: Mother of Flies
Location: The alley leading to Goren One-Ear's shop
Catalyst: Maglin and his merry band of council thugs
The Gory Details: Disclaimer: Yes, her level was a bit low for that encounter, but it's a party of 5. I also took two of the thugs away and reduced their fireball globes' damage by one die.
The whole thing was a mess of bad preparation and bad tactics from the start. The party noticed the ambush before it could start. They got hit by a few fireballs nonetheless, dispatched one thug quickly, incapacitated another and weakened a third. The party's wizard was injured pretty badly and used Greater Invisibility to hide, after which he struck at the attackers; the Druid wildshaped into a bird and resorted to aerial lightning strikes. The party's bruiser held his own against Kruthe, while the Wizard, Magus and Ilo dispatched the rest of the thugs. However, none of them could match Maglin's Stealth check result.
Weirdly enough, Ilo managed to succeed on the Fortitude save against Maglin's death attack. Unfortunately for her, I rolled almost maximum damage on his regular sneak attack, which she couldn't take after being weakened by the fireballs.
The bruiser took out Maglin and Kruthe shortly afterward, but it was too late for Ilo, who had bled out.
The party may be able to come up with the funds to get her raised, but they lack a cleric to go to, as they don't want to get involved with the church of Asmodeus.

Freya Cat Herder |

Name: Baraddhu
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Sorcerer Level 4
Location: The Tower of Perpetuity in the Asmodean Knot
Catalyst: Shadows
The Gory Details: The party actually backed out of this room in our first session in the Knot, slept in the attic then returned, fresh, to revisit the room, which already had two shadows from the last session. However, they used poor strategies. Instead of running through to the next area, they sent the stealthed rogue to sneak attack the shadows. Once they realized their error, the rogue was low strength and the shadows were increasing. When it got to the point where the rogue had to run or risk death/undeath with one attack, the low-strength sorcerer was positioned so that he could not run without incurring attacks of opportunity and so that he was the closest target for all the shadows. The shadows hit him one too many times before he could get away.
We use hero points, but the PC had already used his last hero point in the last session, so he could not cheat death. The party paladin asked if he could use HIS hero point to cheat death for another (at the time, he was falling in an endless loop, trying to land in the corridor near the prison cells). I ruled that if he made his acrobatics to land back on the same side, spent the hero point and used a channel energy, he could cheat death for his comrade, as a one-time boon from Iomedae. It worked! But, alas, the sorcerer took another hit and died anyway.
At least the runecurse died with that player. He had taken it for the good of the party because his will was stronger. The player is rolling up a wizard who will join the Children of Westcrown after they exit the dungeon.

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name: Grigori, elected co-leader of the Westcrown Rebels (replacing Janiven)
race: Human
class: Monk, level 2
adventure: Bastards of Erebus
location: Santo Infierno, abandoned ex-Arodenian temple in Parego Dospera (new)
catalyst: Pit Trap
details: After the party misses the secret door switch hidden on a graffitied stature (of Aroden as an aspect of The Priest) as a bypass, beckoned on by the audible chanting down the hall (the PCs are on the tail of a clandestine Mammon cult tracked to this temple), Grigori breaks caution and strides down the hall, failing a reflex save and plunging into a pit trap, sliding him down into a pool with snakes who begin grappling him. Despite the efforts of the brave halfling Gretta plunging down after him while the staunch human Taavi holds the other end of the rope in an effort to pull him out, Grigori fails a sequence of Swim checks and is drowned by the snakes while Gretta (who cannot Swim herself), hand outstretched, watches on in horror...

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Name: Skivander
Race: Syrinx
Classes/levels: Level 7 Arcanist
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: The Devildrome
Catalyst: Insulting a proud summoner by mocking his summoning abilities and rubbing the fact that he and won the summoning fight in.
The Gory Details: Killed in one round by the summoner's mighty eidolon, after being weakened by a spell that had drained his constitution by 2. He refused to allow himself to be brought back, as he was frolicking in the NG plane, or at least will be once he gets out of the lineup of judgement.

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Same character, two different deaths:
Name: Qaidis ("Kay-diss")
Race: Tiefling
Class: Monk 4 / Rogue 3
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Rasdovain gatehouse
Catalyst: Fistfighting a bone devil
Having recently been transformed from a half-elf into a tiefling via some magical shenanigans, Qaidis fought back against the infernal incursion with a whole new fury and determination. Perhaps too much fury, as he closed to melee with a bone devil who already had a bone to pick with him as a result of Qaidis previously dodging the devil's runecurse. To his credit, it was a close match, and he would have survived but for one bad stabilize check. Fortunate, then, that the Church of Asmodeus owed our heroes a big favour.
Name: Qaidis
Race: Tiefling
Class: Monk 4 / Rogue 5
Adventure: The Mother of Flies
Location: The Bloody Tarn
Catalyst: A really badly-timed x3 crit
First on initiative, Qaidis rushed headlong into melee with Madjaw, satyr barbarian. Madjaw was next, and scored a lucky crit with his greataxe, knocking Qaidis from mostly healthy to properly dead. Even the bard's quick use of a scroll of Breath Of Life couldn't bring him back. The druid opted for a Reincarnation attempt, and Qaidis is back with us, as a... slightly different tiefling.

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Name: Elthen
Race: Elf
Classes/levels:Alchemist 3
Adventure: Bastards of Erebus
Location: Whitechin’s Lair under Westcrown
Catalyst: Mimic
The Gory Details: After Whitechin's goblins attacked Jacovo’s stable, the Candlelight Council (party hated default name) used sniffer dogs to track the goblins back to an abandoned manor. The place was crawling with goblins, some with levels, and in the root cellar had been dug a tunnel into the sewers. After defeating a gelatinous cube, the party cornered Whitechin himself...only to realize the chair he was hiding behind was a trained mimic. The mimic took down the rogue and alchemist while Whitechin took down the fighter and the party oracle ran. Amaya actually managed to kill Whitechin, but not before the mimic had finished off Elthen. With its boss dead, the mimic took off with its meal, and the surviving party elected not to follow.

GamerM13 |

(b)Name:(/b) Mordred
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 2
Adventure: The Bastards of Erebus
Location: The Sewers
Catalyst: Fickle Acrobatics Checks
The Gory Details: While hunting for the so-called goblin king, "Whitechin," the party tracked down the nearest sewer entrance and found a single door nearby. Instead of going in, they searched the surrounding, finding two small tunnels (goblin sized) around the nearby wall. Correctly deducing that these might be escape tunnels, they assumed this would be a great back entrance into the goblin lair. After a bit of (rather loud) arguing as to whom should go in first, the party decided that Saib (the monk) would go in the second tunnel, while Mordred would go in the first. They would be followed by Pandora (the wizard) and Grindolfeld (Amodean cleric) respectively.
Based on the tunnel being sized for smaller creatures, the DC was set at two DC15's to move into, through, and out of the tunnel, with a DC20 moving the character all the way through in a single round, and a DC10 being enough to get in but not move in any way. As expected, the rogue rolled a natural 20 and moved swiftly through their tunnel to the other side, where goblins had been waiting, listening to the party argue. Unfortunately, the rogue brought no light sources with her, and was plunged into combat against unseen opponents. With the monk following immediately, he got a 17 acrobatics and moved halfway through his tunnel. What followed was 6 rounds of no one successfully making a DC10 acrobatics, followed by the monk getting another 17 and reaching the other side, only to realize that he too, had no light sources. He chose to remain in the tunnel until the cleric brought the light. 8 rounds later, the cleric emerges from the tunnel, only to discover that not only had the rogue been quickly knocked unconscious, but that she had been partially feasted upon by the goblins... who then fled out the nearby door. If only they had gone in through the door instead of trying to crawl through a tunnel designed for 3ft. ankle biters.

GamerM13 |

Name: Grindolfeld
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Asmodean Cleric 2
Adventure: The Bastards of Erebus
Location: The Shoemakers House
Catalyst: Doing Anything for a Sneak Attack
The Gory Details: The Lights of Westcrown have tracked down the Bastards of Erebus, and are hoping to turn in proof of their death for a reward from the city. They have them surrounded and trapped in the church, and they've been systematically clearing the nearby buildings, cutting off escape routes and keeping themselves from getting flanked by reinforcements.
Thus, when they broke into the shoemakers house, they presumed the dead body to be the shoemaker and sent Grindolfeld (the cleric) in to check if he was still alive. While performing his heal check, the Giant Rot Grub burst from its chest at latched on to him, dealing a crippling 4 points of Con damage. Grindolfeld only had 8 Con to begin with, and panicking screamed for help. Saib (the monk) attempted a grapple check to pull it off him, but failed. Grindolfeld struggled to get it off, but failed. Then Mordai (the new tiefling rogue after the last session) decided his best bet was to stab the thing. She needed to deal as much damage as possible to have any hope of saving the cleric, but because of their positioning, she couldn't get flanking... unless..
"Can I flank it with Saib if I stab through Grindolfeld?" the player asks the stunned group.
"Umm... Yes, that would work. It would definitely be a sneaky attack..." I admit, "But you might kill him too you know."
"Worth!" The player shouts as they roll their attack. Natural 20. Roll to Confirm? Natural 20. Roll to Confirm? Natural 20. Roll for Damage? Max. In a swift moment without a hint of hesitation, the rogue skewers the Giant Rot Grub by stabbing Grindolfeld through the heart. His eyes go wide, but Mordai holds him up as he watches the monster wriggle on the end of his short sword. When the twitching stops, he pulls his sword free and allows the two lifeless masses to collapse onto the corpse pile.
Mordai ended up selling Grindolfelds belongings, and using their combined remaining money, along with a minor loan, to pay for a casting of raise dead on the poor cleric, whose spirit had begun haunting the campaign and insisted upon being revived.

GamerM13 |

Name: Calseinica (NPC)
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Aristocrat 2, Bard 1
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: The Lake of Refuse in the Asmodean Knott
Catalyst: Splitting the Party
Name: Pandora
Race: Catfolk
Classes/levels: Wizard 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: The Lake of Refuse in the Asmodean Knott
Catalyst: Splitting the Party
The Gory Details: The lights of westcrown had been having a great day, enjoying a lavish party (with real food for the players), recruiting Calseinica to their cause, and making it through the early parts of the Asmodean Knott with little struggle, thanks to the clerics butler, an undead skeleton named Geoff, though they became very familiar with the drowning rules as Drowned Jabe nearly destroyed the then-paralyzed Mordai (rogue), who was saved at the last moment when Geoff and Saib (monk) grabbed her and kept her head above water. Things event went (surprisingly) very well when an invisible Sian sneak attacked the Mordai in her sleep while the party rested and recovered after "curing their insanity," thanks to a hold person spell that Sian was unable to recover from. They arrested her, tied her up, and took her stuff, planning to take her out with them.
Things changed when the Mordai slipped and fell into the maze, closing the door behind him. After figuring the maze's mechanics out, an learning that he couldn't force the door open between him and the party, he instead set off through the maze, opening doors as needed, until he found his way out on the other side, which he was unfortunately able to do without reopening that first door. The party was now split into two parts.
Never Split the Party
Mordai then proceeded to explore on his own, and managed (amazingly) to solo the mummy guarding the storeroom, though he wisely decided no to enter the final treasure chamber alone, as he was sure it was viciously guarded by something. He then waited for the party to come and find him.
Meanwhile, the party banged and screamed on the immutable stone wall that blocked the entrance to the maze. After waiting for an hour for the door to open, and exhausting their magical ideas, they sought a way around. They still didn't dare try to pass the spinning ball of death with its wriggling chains and dead prisoner, so they set off in the other direction: down into the depths.
Grindolfeld (cleric) used levitate to reach the island in the middle of the lake of refuse with ease, unchallenged. Skeleton Geoff walked through the water uncontested. Between them and Saib (monk) who was waiting at the top of the slippery tunnel, they had strung a series of rope to guide the rest of the party down safely, with no risk of sliding. It was here, at the edge of a disgusting lake of filth, that Pandora and Calseinica halted. Pandora refused to go in the water and get wet, let alone wet and gross, and Calseinica couldn't get passed her. After some arguing, Grindolfeld used his end of the rope to pull Pandora in, not caring for her feelings. The water elemental lurking within did not approve of the living disturbing his waters, though, and rose up to attack. Since he happened to have greater cleave, he hit both Calseinica and Pandora, knocking them unconscious. The unconscious characters then slid down into the water, where they were doomed to drown on the following round. Saib was too far to do anything, and Grindolfeld had few options. He sent Geoff to hold Pandora aloft, only to find out that she had been in a medium load and skeleton Geoff didn't have the strength to lift her up. Panicking, Grindolfeld channeled energy to heal, bringing only Calseinica back to consciousness. Calseinica awoke at the bottom of that lake without air in her lungs, and let out a panicked gasp as her lungs filled with filth and she drowned. Pandora followed suit, though less dramatically.
The water elemental then used whirlpool to drag the 3 dead creatures (Geoff already being dead) to the island, where the cleric recovered Pandoras body and traveleed weightlessly to the other side. They then eventually figured out the maze and rendevoud first with Saib and then with Mordai, reviving Pandora after they escaped the Knott, though completely forgetting Calseinica's body.

GamerM13 |

Name: Saib
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Monk 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: The Treasure Chamber
Catalyst: Emulating Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy while attempting to emulate K from MiB
The Gory Details: Combining acrobatics with their brand new rope of climbing, they had the rope brace itself on two torch sconces of the far side, and a torch sconce and banister on the near side of yet another filthy lake, to avoid what they assumed, was another water elemental. They were quite surprised when the outcast king grappled Mordai (Rogue) right off the ropes, along with Grindolfeld (cleric) from the nearby banister as part of its full attack. Mordai escapes and drops into the pool, Geoff (Grindolfeld's Skeleton Butler) jumps in to save his master, and the cleric struggles and fails against the outcast kings CMD, who uses his turn to painfully constrict and stab the helpless cleric. Saib jumps into the frey and attempts to free the cleric, only to get grappled and eviscerated by the outcast king, while the party struggled to deal any real damage because of its DR. About to be shoved into its beard for the second time, Saib has a realization.
"The beast's hide is to thick to be pierced from the outside! I must cut through it from the inside." Saib shout's to his comrades before turning to face the creature, already bringing him close to its mouth, despite a chorus of no's from his friends. Speaking in Infernal, he continues, "Hey! Hey, bug, wait a minute, I'm talking to you. Do you know how many of your kind I've swatted with these hands? Your nothing but a smear on a speed bag to me, you slimy, gut sucking, intestinal parasite. Eat me. Eat Me!" He taunts as the Outcast King shoves him down its throat and attempts to swallow him whole.
Surviving a round of intense constriction damage, Saib flurry's from within its throat, which would've bypassed DR, except for the player comments, "That makes no sense! It's hide would have the same level of thickness on the inside as it does on the outside." As the party wailed on the Outcast King, it finished Saib off, chewing before swallowing the rest of him, but I allowed him one more natural attack as "death throws." Scoring a crit, he dealt just enough damage that the outcast king choked on his body on its way down, suffocated, and died.
Cutting the body open, they found Saibs head and three of his limbs, along with his jeweled haircomb, some of his equipment, and intestines. Not having enough remains to raise him, they paid for a simple funeral service, after which the Sisters of Eiseth took the remains for cremation while the party held a wake at their tavern, where they paid for all the drinks of all the patrons. They were quite upset when they came to the Sisters of Eiseth later to ask for Coriana's ashes, only to notice that the one answering the door was wearing his haircomb in her hair.

GamerM13 |

Name: Kraztar
Race: Gnome
Classes/levels: Alchemist (saboteur) 4
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Delvehaven Entryway
Catalist: "He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day"
The Gory Details: Ostengo, was never fought in the Bastards of Erebus module. Not only was he left alive, but the party never encountered him, due to going in through the escape tunnels and never actually entering the crypt. They did find his brother,though, whom they killed. Ostengo swore vengeance. He trained, growing his spells as he practiced with a monk teacher to get revenge on the monk that killed his brother, along with his allies. Eventually, he was directed by the council to meet them in a dark alleyway, where a quick bite turned him towards vampirism.
Hiding in delvehaven, waiting to pounce on the lights of westcrown, he carefully waited in a dark corner as the hours passed him by before they came to him. He let them explore, let them search through bookshelves and puzzle over the ruined paintings, before striking once they were all spread out. Surprising a gnome fellow, he quickly subdued him with his grapple check. Not long later, though they tried to help their friend, Ostengo sucked enough blood from the gnomes veins to leave him a withired husk, and to heal any damage he'd taken. He then turned to feast on the next ember of the party, a rogue who had helped kill his brother, only to watch her and the rest of her friends flee back out the doors and into the sunlight.
He waits for them even now, wondering if they'll come back better prepared.

GamerM13 |

Name: [Redacted]
Race: Fetchling
Classes/levels: Rogue 3, Sorcerer 3
Adventure: Infernal Syndrome
Location: The Succubus Lair
Catalist: Scouting Ahead
The Gory Details: With the explosion of the mayoral house, and the success the Lights of Westcrown guild had in hiring some warpriest mercenaries to clear out Delvehaven's Vampires (A pair of brothers by the name of Barim and Darim), the guild brought on two more into their standard group of dungeon-crawlers. The first was Rizzardo, picked up as a cohort by Mordai, the existing party rogue. The second was a magical rogue assassin who was hired to assist them in their exploration. This character refused to share his name, as he was there first and foremost for the coin, but he was helpful in successfully infiltrating the Nessian Spiral.
After coming across a group of starving tieflings, however, the group couldn't decide upon which direction to go. The unnamed sneak decided to scout ahead along the narrow corridor, and open the door. Much to his surprise, the love of his life was waiting for him on a soft bed, and asked for an embrace, a kiss, and a cuddly way to pass the time. Feeling his life ebb away, he almost shook his mind free of the succubus' mind control, but he was too weak willed and happily gave in to a few moments of passion before withering to a husk of his former self.
After waiting an hour, and the scout never returning, the group decided that only death must be down that tunnel, and turned away, leaving him behind.

GamerM13 |

Name: Cormac the Liberator
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Paladin of Iomedae 7
Adventure: Infernal Syndrome
Location: The Succubus Lair
Catalist: Barbarians and their Low Will Saves
The Gory Details: After the loss of their hired assassin, the group was quite surprised to find a Paladin taking refuge in the Shrine to Iomedae. He had had a vision from Iomedae months prior, and traveled far to reach westcrown to try and kill a pair of siblings, close like twin's, who had a plan to doom Westcrown. Arriving in time to see an explosion and a pillar of fire, he fought devils in the streets until exhausted and sought sanctuary.
Here, he met the Lights of Westcrown, and learned about the existence of a Pit Fiend, named Liebdaga the Twin, and wondered if this was the target he had been searching out. Joining the group, he helped them clear several areas within the Nessian Spiral, but they lacked a needed key (or dexterous skill) to shut down the cooling chambers. Consulting some of the surviving tiefling workers, he learned that it may be down the corridor the group refused to traverse, and with faith guiding him, he led the group within.
Failing at diplomacy against the paladin, the succubus tried vainly to escape or find mercy from the angry paladin, and so she turned to Rizzardo for help. Rizzardo, captivated by her beauty, quickly positioned himself behind the paladin who was wailing on his heart-crush, and wailed on him with his spiked chains, killing him quickly after only a single flurry of blows.
The party didn't blame him, but Rizzardo lived in absolute fear of his mind being dominated again from that moment onward. He knew he was weak willed, and he could still remember the look on the face of his fast-friend Cormac when he, caught by surprise by his friend, was beaten to death. This further deepened Rizzardo's distain for magic, as well as his superstitious nature.

GamerM13 |

Name: Pandora
Race: Catfolk
Classes/levels: Conjurer 8
Adventure: Infernal Syndrome
Location: Entryway to Avernus
Catalist: Carried Off by Birds
The Gory Details: After traveling through a stained-glass window and finding a spiraling staircase deep underground, the party found a massive cavern underground, filled with devils leading the souls of the damned off to hell. Unsure whether it was another illusion or if they had actually found hell's entrance (they are in Cheliax after all), the party marched off into the desert, attempting as best they could to avoid the demons and the lines of souls.
They were, however, unable to avoid the giant ostridge-like birds, however, that came pouring out of a nest of metallic cactuses. They quickly attacked the party with their foul smoke-breath, obscuring their vision and forcing them to split up as they fled its acrid burn. As they fled, the birds drove a wedge between them, continuing to breath smoke upon them and keeping them from noticing the cat-wizard, whom had been with them since the beginning, babbling incoherently on the ground amidst the smog. Two of the birds began pecking at her until she finally ceased babbling in her attempt to resist, and carried her off quickly to their nest to finish her off.
Her body was never found.

GamerM13 |

Name: Cyrus
Race: Sylph
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 10
Adventure: The Twice-Dammned Prince
Location: The Sewers Below the Cuicci Family Home
Catalist: Grab (EX)
The Gory Details: Searching out the secret area beneath the wine cellar in the Suicci home for answers to the secrets surrounding them, they came upon a vast cistern filled with truly-disgusting smelling water. They had been safely walking across the ledge when one of the warpriest brothers slipped and fell in. Much to the horror of the group, Darim said he thought there was something in the water. The rogue barely had enough time to say, "I've got a bad feeling about this," before a tentacle wrapped itself around Darim and pulled him under.
Seeking to help, the party positioned themselves around the cistern, trying to see through the grime for any sign of the creature below or for Darim to surface, and the flying sylph sorcerer floated close to the waters edge. Darim (surprising everyone) broke the surface and cried out for help. Cyrus was just planning to cast Freedom of Movement on him, when a tentacle hit and grabbed both Darim and him out of the sky. Knowing any attempt to escape would be futile, Cyrus chose to try and electrocute the creature, and successfully cast his stilled and silent shocking grasp. The creature was none to please, and chose to maintain his grip on Cyrus (forcing him to release) Darim. On the good end of things, this did end up saving Darim's life, but as the tentacles wrapped tightly around Cyrus, the monster succeeded in squeezing the last of his life out of him before happily eating him, clothes and all.
His death caused so many flash-backs to the death of Saib, that the party rallied and murdered the beast, though it was a near thing that they didn't lose both brothers in the process.

GamerM13 |

Name: Ezrid the Uncrushable
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/levels: Archer (fighter) 12
Adventure: Infernal Syndrome
Location: The Statue of Aroden
Catalist: Walking a Razors Edge
The Gory Details: Confronting Chamamndy and Eccardian, the group fought them while standing on the angled sword Aroden held aloft, high over his head. The archer used the range to her advantage to unleash a hail of arrows as the barbarians charged in and the rogue and warpriests moved in formation. One of them successfully bull-rushed Chamandy off the sword and gleefully watched her plummet to the earth below, only to see her reach for a snapleaf and vanish.
They focused on Eccardian, as he was still atop the sword, and didn't notice when Chamandy snuck up behind the archer and got in a great sneak attack. She debilitated and paralyzed her, and unable to balance any longer, Ezrid plummeted to the Earth Below, shattering against the pile of treasure accumulated at the bottom as the stiff Scrouge-McDuck hit the reality of diving into a pile of treasure in an uncontrolled fall.
Out of mercy, as it was the last fight at the end of the campaign, and our last session together, we decided that she didn't slip, but instead froze in a posture of perfectly maintained balance, and she instead watched helplessly as the warpriests tried to save her... which they did! They forced themselves between Ezrid and Chammandy and created an impenetrable wall, keeping her safe while the group dispatched the two Usurpers of the Council.

BornofHate |

Name: Kelhosk
Race: Half Orc
Classes/levels: Oracle of Battle 5
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: In the street outside of “Strong Spirits”
Catalyst: Runecurse
The Gory Details: After the party found a mysterious scrap of paper they each attempted to read it. Once they decided that it would have to wait, they threw the paper into the handy haversack that housed the groups goods. Although Kelhosk had a feeling that night of impending doom, he had no idea why. Early the next day, Kelhosk went home alone to check on his stills of grog and mead. “Strong Spirits” wasn’t a well known distillery, but it was the way in which Kelhosk payed homage to his deity: The Drinker.
After spending an hour at home working, Kelhosk, alone, unarmored, and unarmed, was confronted by a beast from beyond his nightmares.
Rather than lead the creature to the safe house where innocents lie, he died brutally, alone in the street.