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21. I heard there's gold buried in the courtyard. Why don't you grab a shovel and dig until you find some.

Dragoncat wrote:
Arutema wrote:
MrVergee wrote:

  • Are there any story elements, NPCs, locations ... you would like to see changed or added?
  • I'd love to see book 4 made more sandboxy instead of the chain-of-deals style presented in the original AP.
    I'll have to keep this in mind when I eventually run that adventure.

    That would be really important. When I ran the AP with my group we all absolutely hated it. Taken by themselves the quests and the dungeons are great and creative but the fact that it's a seemingly endless chain-quest really bothered all of us. The worst part is that all the PCs want is a simple information ('How can we kill the b#!+#'), but the Shoanti make them jump through hoop after hoop after hoop for absolutely no reason. I get that they don't trust outsiders, especially no Chelaxians, but 'Hey, there's this queen and she got these fangs and we can't kill her, what's going on?' should make all of the Shaman's alarm bells go off. It's not like he's handing them the blade himself.

    And to boot - unless they killed her for no reason the party already knows someone who has a pretty good grasp on what's going on and can tell them all about it. In fact, Laori is the primary fallback in case the group screws up the quest.

    In our case I would have ended the adventure after the Purple Worm but that kinda solved itself because they accidentally killed the beast with a couple of really, really lucky dice rolls before he could swallow someone.

    My suggestion would be: Make sure that the group meets Sial, keep the parts you like (the dungeon with the Havero and the Purple Worm event were both really cool) but give the party a *reason* to go there instead of just 'Because we want you to!'.

    Name: Rogal Dorn
    Race: Dwarf
    Classes/levels: Cleric of Dwarven pantheon 4
    Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
    Location: The Crux Sanctum
    Catalyst: The Outcast King

    The Gory Details:
    After the Outcast King emerged from the filth he grabbed the Barbarian in the first round and pulled him towards him. Rogal decided to jump into the fray and go into melee with the King. After the Barbarian broke out of the grapple and submerged himself into the filth to gain concealment the King focussed his attacks on the nearby Cleric. Four out of five attacks hit, two of them critical, knocking Rogal into the negatives and drowning him.

    Name: Xanathos
    Race: Tiefling
    Classes/levels: Wizard (Conjurer / Infernal Binder) 4
    Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
    Location: The Thrice-fold Infinity of Countless Doorways
    Catalyst: Sian Daemodus

    The Gory Details:
    The group barely managed to down the Outcast King and his friends after the death of their cleric, looted the chests and discovered the exit through one of the doors in the Thrice-fold Infinity. Instead of just calling it a day and getting their asses out of the Knot they decided to rest in the Infinity because their greed got the better of them and they wanted to loot the rest of the rooms. So I decided to sick Sian on them while they rested (it is, after all, a dangerous place to rest and Sian was after them). During Xanathos' watch Sian snuck in with her potion of gaseous form and two crossbow bolts to the temple later the wizard was dead. The rogue and the barbarian I let escape through the portal with both of their dead comrades.

    Name: Xanathos
    Race: Tiefling
    Classes/levels: Wizard (Conjurer / Infernal Binder) 4
    Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
    Location: His room inside Aroden's old shrine
    Catalyst: Nyxervex

    The Gory Details:
    He carried the runecurse and everyone forgot about it, even after I started calling in for will saves. Three failed will saves later the big bone devil showed up and slaughtered the Wizard within one turn.

    SteelDraco wrote:

    I've always ruled that an item in a Bag of Holding is effectively on another plane. It's at an infinite distance from all points on the plane.

    Also, remember that if you really want to make sure they don't get the item, you can cut the bag from the outside. This severs the link and dumps the items on another plane.

    It's not about screwing over my players, if they remember to take the item out and use it against the BBEG (they can do that to screw with him even further) I'm absolutely fine with it. The BBEG would rather try to get his hands on it than to dump it in a random plane anyway.

    The question is if the BBEG is still weakened if the item is inside the bag or if he regains his strength for as long as the item is not pulled out.

    Right now I'd tend to go with "regains his strength".

    Hi guys (and girls)!

    I got a question about what happens when you put an item in a bag of holding (or something similar for that matter).

    In one of the Adventure Paths there is a certain enemy that is severely weakened if a specific magic item is within a certain distance of his position but not in his possession. Now, what happens if the party gets said item but puts it into a Bag of Holding? If I read it correctly the Bag of Holding counts as an extradimensional space, so is the item still at the position of the party or somewhere else completely?