Nameless Narrator |
A red-haired woman appears on the green manicured lawn. Dressed in a white tunic and several items of copper and gold, she walks across the lawn to a large pool. A silver robot looking as if it was built out of a mishmash chrome piping, neon signs and vacuum tubes appears and rolls over to her as she sits on a chaise lounge chair by the placid water.
"Acme! Could you bring me a Dark and Stormy? I feel as if I have been gone for ages. It is good to be home."
*BEEP* At once, Mistress Alaina. Would you like anything else?
"Yes, please, some music, something classical should do."
The robot hurries off to a small tiki bar near the pool. It returns with a drink and gives it to the woman. She sheds the tunic and lies down on the chaise. The robot rolls to a small outbuilding. The mixed sound of violin, piano and cello begins to issue from hidden speakers around the pool area.

Irv |

As long it isn't the blatant ripoff of Appalachian Spring John Williams stole from Aaron Copeland and signed his name to for Obama's inaugural.
I completely lost what very little respect I had for Williams musicianship after that, and , and am close to putting Yo Yo Ma in the same category for his part in it.
My issues with Williams began with the Stars Wars soundtrack, which is in essence a pale imitation of Emerson, Lake and Palmer's far superior Karn Evil 9 from the album Brain Salad Surgery, but I digress, I'm know to do that.
At any rate I'm Irv, just an old guy with a heavy limp, and no clue what he's doing here, I guess relatively speaking i just kind of fell out of time space.

Alaina, the Fire Flower |

Alaina smiles at the old man's introduction
"Welcome to Club Calistria, Irv. All those who congregate here are orphans of one sort or another. The Interthereal Sea deposits its flotsam and jetsam along my borders."
Alaina rises from the couch and shimmies her white tunic back over her bronze body. She beckons to her robot companion
"Acme, please get our guest a refreshment"

Slip and Slaad |

A rustling from the treeline at the edge of the lawn is followed a moment later by a wide-eyed Dalesman. He slowly looks around at the newly-reborn Club grounds.
"No. [Expletive deleted]. Way."
Yeah, we got the club back! Such randomness is only through the power of the Slaadi!

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales |

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales wrote:Yeah, we got the club back! Such randomness is only through the power of the Slaadi!A rustling from the treeline at the edge of the lawn is followed a moment later by a wide-eyed Dalesman. He slowly looks around at the newly-reborn Club grounds.
"No. [Expletive deleted]. Way."
"'Everything old is new again', neh?" Devlyn replies with a chuckle as he claps Slip and Slaad on whatever passes for his shoulder at the moment. "Good to see you again, buddy!" ;)
"This is awesome. Now I just need to find some swimming trunks..." as he starts wandering around looking for any other familiar faces.

Alaina, the Fire Flower |

Alaina walks towards Devlyn and Slip and Slaad
"Devlyn! It is good to see you!"
She hugs him and gives him a quick buss on the cheek.
"Hello Slip! Make yourself at home!"
She pats the largish slaad on his warty forearm
"It's good to see old friends. May I introduce Irv? He arrived on the edge of the realm and is taking a load off from his travels."
The many intricate tattoos on Alaina's arms and neck seem to writhe as she walks back towards her chair.
"ACME! Get our friends some refreshments!"

Alaina, the Fire Flower |

Alaina smiles, her white teeth flashing in the sunshine
"Hey the Jacks are here!"
She frowns a bit at JRHM's question
"I ... don't know how it got here. I don't really remember much after fighting ... someone. I think I might have been ... away for a while. The realm was quiet for a long eon."
This thread has been moved three times Gary. They can't find a good place for it =P

Malice Jack |

Malice laughs as he puts out his turntable rig by the bar.
"I don't care how it got here, I just care that it is here! And I wanna play some music!"
Malice spins a record.
"Here's an old favorite!"
A sound of synthesized horns fills the pool area

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales |

Alaina walks towards Devlyn and Slip and Slaad
"Devlyn! It is good to see you!"
She hugs him and gives him a quick buss on the cheek.
"Hello Slip! Make yourself at home!"
She pats the largish slaad on his warty forearm
"Alaina! Hey!!!!"
Devlyn cracks a wide grin as he hugs her back.
"Well you sure are a sight for sore eyes! You look amazing, hun - in body and in soul," he says, leaning back to look at her with that odd knowing smile of his.
"It's good to see old friends. May I introduce Irv? He arrived on the edge of the realm and is taking a load off from his travels."
"Irv - well met sir, and welcome!"Devlyn calls out with a grin and a wave.
The many intricate tattoos on Alaina's arms and neck seem to writhe as she walks back towards her chair.
"ACME! Get our friends some refreshments!"
At once mistress. Gentlemen, your preferences?
"Good to see you again, Acme!" Devlyn replies. "Well I can't celebrate coming back here without having a Dark & Stormy, so let's start with that, buddy!"

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales |

A large golem-like figure hauling a large box of old vinyl records and a large turntable set appears at the misty edge of the forest. He walks onto the grounds and heads for the pool
"HEY HEY! Did someone call for a DJ?"
"I was hoping you wouldn't be far behind me, Malice!" Devlyn says with a chuckle.
Malice laughs as he puts out his turntable rig by the bar.
"I don't care how it got here, I just care that it is here! And I wanna play some music!"
Malice spins a record.
"Here's an old favorite!"
A sound of synthesized horns fills the pool area
"Awesome as always, man!" ;D

Alaina, the Fire Flower |

Acme whizzes to the bar and returns with a Dark and Stormy for Devlyn and a Viking mead horn for Slip. Malice spins a new tune
"Time for a little Brooklyn Bounce!" Malice proclaims over the throbbing of the techno
Alaina sits next to Devlyn and Slip.
"So what adventures have you two been up to?"

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales |

Acme whizzes to the bar and returns with a Dark and Stormy for Devlyn and a Viking mead horn for Slip. Malice spins a new tune
"Time for a little Brooklyn Bounce!" Malice proclaims over the throbbing of the techno
"Thanks, Acme," Devlyn nods as he takes a swig. "Ahhh - been too long."
Alaina sits next to Devlyn and Slip.
"So what adventures have you two been up to?"
"Same ole' same ole' for me. Wandering all over helping folks, saving the world, county, prefecture...whatever," he replies with a wink.
"Things have been busy for quite a while, but it finally appears to be settling down a bit. Which makes the club's (and your) return all the more auspicious, methinks. Everybody could use a little break and some serious R&R," as he gives the thumbs-up to Malice. ;)

![]() |

A shimmer in the air appears near the bar a strong smell of the ocean is smelled and the sound of gulls in the background. As a handsome looking orc (if that is possible) steps out from the shimmer. He dressed rakishly green do rag and gold earring from his right ear. Wearing a red vest he is bare chested underneath it proudly showing scars from it seems many battles his trousers are a brown yet set with semi precious stones. he unbuckles his belt from which a brace of pistols and a heavy mace and cutless hang. He tosses them over his shoulder through the portal he came through mumbling "I gather I won't need that here."
Looking around the place he says "Any chance a guy could get one of those Dark and Stormy's over here?" He smiles a toothy smile yet his demeaner is one of a jolly nature looking for a good time.

Arielle |

A young woman wearing a chainmail midriff top and carrying a VERY large hammer stumbles out of the woods looking around her in surprise. She brushes her blonde hair out of her face.
"Whoa! This wasn't here yesterday."
"Cool, a bar! Hey, can I get a dark and stormy please, hold the lecture on underage drinking? I am half Jack, after all. I can handle it."
"Ummmm, anybody seen a wolf come running through here? I seem to have lost LK...again.....today....."
She spots Devlyn, and her shoulders sag. "Awwwww, man. You're gonna tell my parents about this aren't you?"

Alaina, the Fire Flower |

She spots Devlyn, and her shoulders sag. "Awwwww, man. You're gonna tell my parents about this aren't you?"
ALaina walks up and hugs Arielle
"Gods, has it been so long? Little sprite, you have grown! Come! sit down and tell me what is going on!"
She notices Gruumash's arrival
"Welcome sir! A Dark and Stormy is the house specialty. Acme! Bring our guests whatever they would like. And it looks as if I will need the girls to back you up, so you might as well roust them."
Alaina hugs Airielle and motions for Gruumash to follow back to the pool area.
"I am Alaina, mistress of this realm, and this is the daughter of two of my dear friends, Arielle. We have Slip, Devlyn and Irv by the pool."
Alaina's intricate tattoos trace around the edge of the neckline of her white tunic. Her red-blonde hair cascades down her back, swinging gently as she brings the two newcomers back to the main party.

![]() |

"Ah Lass thank you much. My day is looking up by the minute." He looks around streches some and decides to remove his tunic and make himself a little more comfortable as well as get some more of the suns rays.
"A fine place you have here Mistress Alania thank you for your hospitality. Airielle it is good to meet you I am Gruumash of the Five Seas. I have been at sea for some time and I could use a good drink and some companionship as well." Nodding his head as she mentions other people to meet.
He further raising an eyebrow as the girls arrive.
"Ah it is certianly getting better and better."

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales |

She spots Devlyn, and her shoulders sag. "Awwwww, man. You're gonna tell my parents about this aren't you?"
OUCH....didn't realize Devlyn had slid that far down the cool scale in my absence...[sniffle] (;_;)
Alaina walks up and hugs Arielle
"Gods, has it been so long? Little sprite, you have grown! Come! sit down and tell me what is going on!"
Devlyn blinks, then shakes his head.
"Talk about your growth spurts...good grief," he mutters with a surprised chuckle as Alaina brings Arielle over.
"I've missed you too, Little Tempest," he replies with a hurt look on his face as he puts an arm around her shoulder and gives her a quick hug.
"Tell your parents what? Like you just said - you can handle it. I'll only do something if you reach the point that you can't anymore. Fair enough?" he asks with a wink.
"Now - I need to help them get things set up, as it looks like word is travelling fast about the Club being back. If you want to catch Alaina up on things, I'll keep a nose out for LK."
Devlyn gets up, nods a greeting to Gruumash as he is surveying the girls, then heads over to help them with the prepwork. He pokes his head behind the bar to see if the setup has changed overly much.

Acme Robot |

Devlyn checks out the bar area. It is about the same as it was in times past; mayhap a mite larger with a few more beers on tap. Acme whizzes along the bar's length, stocking various exotic bottles of liquor and rapidly slicing limes and lemons. An thin articulated arm with a circular saw at its tip emerges from his head and slices a coconut in half cleanly before retracting.
Do you wish another refreshment Lord Devlyn? Acme inquires, pouring the coconut milk into a chilled ewer.

Arielle |

Arielle wrote:She spots Devlyn, and her shoulders sag. "Awwwww, man. You're gonna tell my parents about this aren't you?"OUCH....didn't realize Devlyn had slid that far down the cool scale in my absence...[sniffle] (;_;)
Hey, what can I say? All the time that Dev and Allura spent babysitting really damaged their standing on the cool scale. ;P
Devlyn blinks, then shakes his head."Talk about your growth spurts...good grief," he mutters with a surprised chuckle as Alaina brings Arielle over.
"I've missed you too, Little Tempest," he replies with a hurt look on his face as he puts an arm around her shoulder and gives her a quick hug.
"Tell your parents what? Like you just said - you can handle it. I'll only do something if you reach the point that you can't anymore. Fair enough?" he asks with a wink.
"Now - I need to help them get things set up, as it looks like word is travelling fast about the Club being back. If you want to catch Alaina up on things, I'll keep a nose out for LK."
Devlyn gets up, nods a greeting to Gruumash as he is surveying the girls, then heads over to help them with the prepwork. He pokes his head behind the bar to see if the setup has changed overly much.
"Thanks, Devlyn," she said, grinning. "Guess I'm a little sensitive on the subject. Dad's just a wee bit overprotective, and sometimes he forgets that I'm almost grown up. Almost. Unless my brothers need to be babysat and then I'm suddenly credited with much more maturity," she added, rolling her eyes.

Arielle |

Arielle wrote:She spots Devlyn, and her shoulders sag. "Awwwww, man. You're gonna tell my parents about this aren't you?"ALaina walks up and hugs Arielle
"Gods, has it been so long? Little sprite, you have grown! Come! sit down and tell me what is going on!"
She notices Gruumash's arrival
"Welcome sir! A Dark and Stormy is the house specialty. Acme! Bring our guests whatever they would like. And it looks as if I will need the girls to back you up, so you might as well roust them."
Alaina hugs Airielle and motions for Gruumash to follow back to the pool area.
"I am Alaina, mistress of this realm, and this is the daughter of two of my dear friends, Arielle. We have Slip, Devlyn and Irv by the pool."
Alaina's intricate tattoos trace around the edge of the neckline of her white tunic. Her red-blonde hair cascades down her back, swinging gently as she brings the two newcomers back to the main party.
Arielle waves to Gruumash as she is introduced.
"Hey, Alaina, yeah, it's been a long time. I haven't seen you in.....gosh, six years. I mean, it makes sense. You kinda went walkabout for awhile, and I've been spending a lot of time wandering the world ash with mom and dad....and the terrors, I mean the twins. Little brothers can be such a pain....which was why I was out here in the first place. I'm supposed to be having lessons, you know, getting out of the house, learning how to track someone from LK, but so far I mostly learned how to wander around in circles totally lost for hours." ^.^

Little Kiba |

A large, dark gray wolf lopes nonchalantly out of the forest and follows the smell of mountain air to the pool.
I'm supposed to be having lessons, you know, getting out of the house, learning how to track someone from LK, but so far I mostly learned how to wander around in circles totally lost for hours." ^.^
He shifts into a tall, lean young man, that wraps an arm around Arielle's shoulder. He smiles as she struggles to stay balanced.
"You make it sound like it's your fault you can't find a catapult in a hay stack." He pauses for a moment. "Oh wait, it is!"
"Hi everyone!" He says with a wave.

Arielle |

A large, dark gray wolf lopes nonchalantly out of the forest and follows the smell of mountain air to the pool.
Arielle wrote:I'm supposed to be having lessons, you know, getting out of the house, learning how to track someone from LK, but so far I mostly learned how to wander around in circles totally lost for hours." ^.^He shifts into a tall, lean young man, that wraps an arm around Arielle's shoulder. He smiles as she struggles to stay balanced.
"You make it sound like it's your fault you can't find a catapult in a hay stack." He pauses for a moment. "Oh wait, it is!"
"Hi everyone!" He says with a wave.
"What can I say, LK? Not all of us are cut out to be rangers....and I don't have the advantage of having wolf senses," she added with a grin. "Now if you didn't think it was cheating to use air elementals to track you...."

Irv |

Lost for in circles hours, that's better than being lost in straight lines for days.
I guess its better than being part a survey party, first they send in the scouts and adventurers, then when someone wants to own the land they send in the surveyors.
Then we'd find the problems they missed.
I'm kind of glad those days are behind me.

Arielle |

Lost for in circles hours, that's better than being lost in straight lines for days.
I guess its better than being part a survey party, first they send in the scouts and adventurers, then when someone wants to own the land they send in the surveyors.
Then we'd find the problems they missed.
I'm kind of glad those days are behind me.
"Oh, are you a retired adventurer?" she asks politely.

Little Kiba |

"What can I say, LK? Not all of us are cut out to be rangers....and I don't have the advantage of having wolf senses," she added with a grin. "Now if you didn't think it was cheating to use air elementals to track you...."
"Arielle, I literally hid a catapult in a haystack. Seriously, learn how to catch scent on the wind or something! I mean, come on! Is't wind your specialty or something?" He grins wolfishyly as he says this.

Arielle |

Arielle wrote:"What can I say, LK? Not all of us are cut out to be rangers....and I don't have the advantage of having wolf senses," she added with a grin. "Now if you didn't think it was cheating to use air elementals to track you....""Arielle, I literally hid a catapult in a haystack. Seriously, learn how to catch scent on the wind or something! I mean, come on! Is't wind your specialty or something?" He grins wolfishyly as he says this.
She shrugged. "I'm a storm elemental. More in the realm of destruction than detection."
She grabs a Dark and Stormy off a passing tray and chugs it. "So, lessons over? I'm thinking it's time for dancing," she says starting to sway in time to the music. "Hey, Dev, keep an eye on my hammer, 'kay? I wouldn't want anyone to hurt themselves trying to pick it up." ;)

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales |

Hey, what can I say? All the time that Dev and Allura spent babysitting really damaged their standing on the cool scale. ;P
Oh, come on - Devlyn's idea of babysitting the SuperKids was adventuring - the only thing they might have grumbled about was the 'community service' work to help get the Bazaar back on its feet. ;P
Devlyn blinks, then shakes his head.
"Talk about your growth spurts...good grief," he mutters with a surprised chuckle as Alaina brings Arielle over.
"I've missed you too, Little Tempest," he replies with a hurt look on his face as he puts an arm around her shoulder and gives her a quick hug.
"Tell your parents what? Like you just said - you can handle it. I'll only do something if you reach the point that you can't anymore. Fair enough?" he asks with a wink.
"Now - I need to help them get things set up, as it looks like word is travelling fast about the Club being back. If you want to catch Alaina up on things, I'll keep a nose out for LK."
Devlyn gets up, nods a greeting to Gruumash as he is surveying the girls, then heads over to help them with the prepwork. He pokes his head behind the bar to see if the setup has changed overly much.
"Thanks, Devlyn," she said, grinning. "Guess I'm a little sensitive on the subject. Dad's just a wee bit overprotective, and sometimes he forgets that I'm almost grown up. Almost. Unless my brothers need to be babysat and then I'm suddenly credited with much more maturity," she added, rolling her eyes.
"And now you know how we felt when we had to keep an eye on you and the others," Devlyn says with a good-natured laugh. "Maturity can be so overrated sometimes." ;D

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales |

Little Kiba wrote:"What can I say, LK? Not all of us are cut out to be rangers....and I don't have the advantage of having wolf senses," she added with a grin. "Now if you didn't think it was cheating to use air elementals to track you...."A large, dark gray wolf lopes nonchalantly out of the forest and follows the smell of mountain air to the pool.
Arielle wrote:I'm supposed to be having lessons, you know, getting out of the house, learning how to track someone from LK, but so far I mostly learned how to wander around in circles totally lost for hours." ^.^He shifts into a tall, lean young man, that wraps an arm around Arielle's shoulder. He smiles as she struggles to stay balanced.
"You make it sound like it's your fault you can't find a catapult in a hay stack." He pauses for a moment. "Oh wait, it is!"
"Hi everyone!" He says with a wave.
"Arielle, I literally hid a catapult in a haystack. Seriously, learn how to catch scent on the wind or something! I mean, come on! Is't wind your specialty or something?" He grins wolfishyly as he says this.
She shrugged. "I'm a storm elemental. More in the realm of destruction than detection."
She grabs a Dark and Stormy off a passing tray and chugs it. "So, lessons over? I'm thinking it's time for dancing," she says starting to sway in time to the music. "Hey, Dev, keep an eye on my hammer, 'kay? I wouldn't want anyone to hurt themselves trying to pick it up." ;)
"Why don't you drop it off here behind the bar - that should keep everybody safe, neh?" ;)
Devlyn just stifles a chuckle as LK comes loping up.
"I was beginning to wonder when your nose was going to kick in, LK."

Devlyn, Jack o' Nine Dales |

Devlyn checks out the bar area. It is about the same as it was in times past; mayhap a mite larger with a few more beers on tap. Acme whizzes along the bar's length, stocking various exotic bottles of liquor and rapidly slicing limes and lemons. An thin articulated arm with a circular saw at its tip emerges from his head and slices a coconut in half cleanly before retracting.
Do you wish another refreshment Lord Devlyn? Acme inquires, pouring the coconut milk into a chilled ewer.
"Just checkin' out the diggs in case I need to hop back there and fill in for someone," Devlyn says with a wink.
"But since you asked - another Dark & Stormy sounds great!"