Little Kiba wrote: "Won't be nearly as hard to leave as it was to get here." LK says to himself as he lays back on Avalon's roof and basks in the moonlight. "Feels good to have moonlight on my skin again..." "And proper winds, too," Arielle agreed. "But I think this is going to be pretty hard on the natives. Still, it's been fun. Concert and giant metal dragons and weres gone hard sometimes not to interfere. And a wonderful lack of pesky little brothers."
Frost the Ancient wrote:
Do you really want me to call my parents? ;P
Arielle shook her head, completely transfixed by the sight of so many young people in one place. "Huh? No, I mean I remember being told about Andereil. I don't think I've been there. I mean I've been a lot of places, and my memory is weird since a lot of it is borrowed from my sister so I'd know what it was like to be a child. Although she lived centuries and centuries ago. But anyways, I'm pretty sure that's one I just know from stories."
Little Kiba wrote:
"Anderail...I think I vaguely remember, and that would take a lot less explaining than the reality. Okay."
Little Kiba wrote:
"Hey, look at me. It's okay, Canis. Not all worlds have moons, you know. It''s not really any different than when your powers were first bound. That suddenly limited feeling. I feel it too here, but it's okay. And it's only for a little bit, right? So, let's just enjoy ourselves while we're here," she said, giving him a reassuring hug.
Taron Sunwake wrote: "Of all the ways I thought you might try contacting us," Tarons says as he appears next to Arielle as Canis is helping her keep steady, "I never would have thought you'd use a tree. So, am I too guess that I'm hear because the pup needs me to tweak his mind again? I can even make him stop shedding on the furniture if you want." "Taron!" she said, grinning, as she carefully disengaged her senses from Yggdrasil. "No, no need for adjusting Canis. I like him just the way he is. Actually we were kinda hoping to stop by your place for a visit, after all, fair's fair, and we could really use some time away from my little brothers. But there was no way to get in, so I got the idea to use Yggdrasil to contact you. And trust me, if you knew more of our history, using a tree to contact you wouldn't seem at all strange. I've spent most of my life on or around this tree."
Little Kiba wrote:
She nods and puts a hand on the Tree. Both of her parents had their life forces tied to Yggdrasil and she'd spent the majority of her life on or near it, so it was easy for her to talk to it. She followed the flow of the sap to the place she wanted, out onto the outer branches and through a hidden fork to a slender twig. She'd never seen a world connected to the Tree by so little before. It was barely enough to get a thought through, but she sent it with all the strength she could muster. She sent the message for Taron since he seemed less uptight than his sister and more likely to help them through the boundary. It was a good thing that she had Canis here to help ground her or she might lose track of where she left her body she was stretched so far.
Little Kiba wrote:
Woops! Oh well, maybe he said something while they were dancing. :) "Okay....well....everything is connected to Yggdrasil somewhere right? Maybe if we can find that point we can get in there?"
Little Kiba wrote: "You'd think they would have learned that after trying to get at me the first few times..." He says thoughtfully as he sips his drink. "If we are going on vacation we should get ready. Tell people where were going, pack handy haversacks full of food, try to cram even an ounce of survival skill into a certain airhead, get enchantments to help us travel easier through the ethers. You know, the basic stuff for two teenagers of suppressed deific might." "Okay. Well, since you obviously know what we need to do, maybe you should make a checklist? And I have an ounce of survival skill! Not much more than that, but I'm not completely hopeless. I'm just not used to living out in the wilderness like you are."
Little Kiba wrote:
"And that is the best motivation for leaving I think I've ever heard. I am not up for another run-in with the demigods of mischief and mayhem," she said, laughing. "Somebody else can watch the Terrors for a while."
Little Kiba wrote:
"You think they'd last that long?" "Ooh, he's gonna miss those teeth later."
Little Kiba wrote:
She tried to stifle a giggle from his whispered comment.
Rune, Celestial Wolf wrote:
"I went to visit once with my family. It seemed like a really nice place, but I think I'm a little too much trouble to live there," she added with a grin.
"You know, there is such a thing as comfortable dancing shoes. Clearly somebody did you wrong in the shopping department," she said grinning as she sat herself down at a table. "Go ahead. Find some relief for your poor paws. Meanwhile I'll be here eating my way through the menu," she added with a wink. She waved over a waitress and placed an obscenely large order and was soon happily making up for a month's fast.
Little Kiba wrote: "I guess we don't know each other entirely yet, huh? That's a great thing, keeps us from being boring." He says as the music slows. "And it wouldn't have been a fight, it would have been a 'don't get hit by Arielle'. It would take some powerful enchantments to make me fight you." He whispers the last part softly, barely loud enough to be heard over the song. She looked up at him, into his eyes, and smiled. "I always knew you were the one for me," she said thoughtfully, "but I think I'm finally starting to see all the reasons why." She laughed, and spun away, dancing around him for a moment before returning to his arms.
Little Kiba wrote:
"Okay, fair point, but I didn't really think of that as doing something for me. I always thought of it as helping my mom. But when you put it that way, you're absolutely right." She grimaced. "As for the ice really haven't figured it out? The not getting wet thing...I have to be concentrating on it for even a fraction of a second first. I really didn't see it coming. At all." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "It's a good thing for you that I love you or you'd have really had a fight on your hands then."
Little Kiba wrote:
"It really took that long? You did that for me?" she said, tearing up just a little. "That's the sweetest most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me." Her smile was radiant as she twirled away and then back towards him.
About Rius RainwaterHit Points: 33 AC 19 (+1 Size, +6 armor, +2 shield) 11 touch, 19 flat footed Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +4 BaB+3 CMB+5 CMD15 Attacks:
Rius was born in the city of Arabel, in Cormyr, but his parents died before he can even remember. Escaping the orphanage that he was entrusted to, he spent his early years on the streets, living first through pick pocketing and larceny, before discovering his musical talents that allowed him to make a better living busking than stealing.
It was then, having just scraped the coin to pick up his first lute that he caught the attention of Loredaran, an Elf high up in the Harpers organization. Loredaran redirected Rius' vast musical talents. He was initiated into the worship of Mystra, where he lived, studied, and performed, becoming a master of the great pipe organ that the local Mystran church used. After reaching adulthood, Loredaran initiated Rius into the Harpers, where he was able to use his talents for more direct action in the service of the greater good. A few times before, when Loredaran's old friend Flarghin Ironstone needed assistance of the varierty Rius could provide, he introduced the young gnome who gladly aided the Dwarf, relishing the chance to work with others, particularly when they could oppose Cyric, hated by Mystra, the Harpers, and Rius himself. Feats & Traits:
Trait- Maestro of the Society (3 extra rounds Bardic Music)
Trait0 Natural Flyer (+1 to Fly & Acrobatics checks while flying) Skill Focus Heal- +3 to Heal Eldritch Heritage Celestial- Heavenly Fire (Sp): 7/day 30 ft ray; standard action 1d4+1 damage dealt to evil, healed to good. Deific Obedience (Mystra) +4 Sacred bonus to Concentration checks Skills:
8/level +2 background skills/level
Acrobatics +6 (ranks 3, 3 class skill) Diplomacy +12 (Uses Perform Keyboards) Heal +4 (ranks 1, 3 Skill Focus) Intimidate +12 (Uses Perform Keyboards) Linguistics +10 (ranks 5, +2 Int, 3 class skill) Knowledge (Arcana) +10 (ranks 3, 2 Int, 3 Class Skill, 2 Bardic Knowledge) Knowledge (Nobility) +10 (ranks 3, 2 Int, 3 Class Skill, 2 Bardic Knowledge) Knowledge (Planes) +9 (ranks 2, 2 Int, 3 Class Skill, 2 Bardics Knowledge) Knowledge (Religion) +10 (ranks 3, 2 Int, 3 Class Skill, 2 Bardic Knowledge) Knowledge (All others) +4 (2 Int, 2 Bardic Knowledge) Perception +10 (ranks 5, 3 class skill, +2 keen senses) Perform (String Instruments) +8 (ranks 1, 4 CHA, 3 class skill) Perform (Sing) +12 (ranks 5, 4 CHA, 3 class skill) Perform (Keyboards) +15 (ranks 5, 4 CHA, 3 class skill, +2 Artistic Racial Sense Motive +8 (ranks 4, 3 class skill) Use Magic Device +13 (ranks 4, 4 Cha, 3 class skill) Racial Traits:
Gift of Tongues (replaces defensive training & hatred) +1 Bluff & Diplomacy, 2 languages/linguistics rank Magical Linguist (replaces illusion resistance & gnome magic) +1 DC language dependent spells, +2 saves against, Spell like 1/day (5th level)- arcane mark, comprehend languages, message, read magic Keen Senses +2 Perception
Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan, Halfling, Infernal, Abyssal, Aquan, Aklo Class Abilities:
Pure Heart +4 saves versus Curses, Hexes, Charms Silver Mastery: treats silver weapons as if they were also cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction; silver weapons do not impose a penalty on damage rolls; +1 bonus on attack rolls made with mithral weapons Bardic Knowledge (half level to knowledge, use untrained) Bardic Music:
21 rounds/day
Saves DC 16 Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate Inspire Courage +2 (saves vs charm, weapon attack & damage) Inspire Competence +2 to skill Spells:
Caster Level 5th; Concentration +13
DC 14+ spell level 0th level- Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Summon Instrument 1st level- Cure Light Wounds, Ear Piercing Scream, Hideous Laughter, Sleep 5/day 2nd level - Cure moderate wounds, Sound burst, Suggestion 3/day Equipment:
Masterwork Silvered Accordion 200 gold, 3 lbs.
Mithral Longsword 2000 gold, 2 lbs (4 base) Alchemical Silver daggers x3 (22 gold ea, 66 gold, 3 lbs) Alchemical Silver MWK Long sword (405 gold, 4 lbs) Alchemical Silver MWK Dagger x2 (644 gold, 2 lbs) Alchemical Silver MWK Morninstar (398 gold, 6 lbs) Darkwood MWK Composite Shortbow +2 STR (545 gold, 1 lbs) Arrows x40 (2 gold, 2 lbs) Arrows (Silver) x20 (42 gold, 2 lbs) Whip 1 gold 2 lbs Agile Mithral Breastplate 4,400 gold, 12.5 lbs Mithral Heavy Shield 1020 gols, 7.5 lbs Quickdraw lightsteel shield 59 gold, 7 lbs. Bard's Kit (41 gold, 33.5 lbs- backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, common fiddle, flint & steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, journal, mess kit, rope 50 ft, mirror, soap, 10 torches, 5 days trails rations, waterskin)
Outfit, cold weather (8 gold, 7 lbs.)
20.5 gold