Alaina, priestess of Calistria |

Alaina showers after a long day of religious instruction and weapons training with the girls. She dabs a bit of Keoghtom's ointment on a red welt on her leg.
Ach those whip lashes hurt! She hisses as the ointment fades the welt
Emerging clean and refreshed, she pads to her closet and pulls out a green silk backless gown. Pulling on some nice pumps and a few bits of gold jewelry (as well as her new amulet from LJ) she descends to meet the crowds.

lynora-Jill |

Jarl of the Kitten Vikings wrote:A thread of bones. Now, I have to go."
The kitten flies off.*Around noon Oroth walks out of his room to the Club's main area. When he spots Lynora and Jack Hammer, he walks over to them in a hurry.*
"I need to talk to you both, alone. I saw what happened a few days ago I can help. I'll explain it all in private."
LJ an JH are currently at the Jack's Clubhouse. BTW, good to see you again DB3.

Jack Hammer |

The Shadow wrote:LJ an JH are currently at the Jack's Clubhouse. BTW, good to see you again DB3.Jarl of the Kitten Vikings wrote:A thread of bones. Now, I have to go."
The kitten flies off.*Around noon Oroth walks out of his room to the Club's main area. When he spots Lynora and Jack Hammer, he walks over to them in a hurry.*
"I need to talk to you both, alone. I saw what happened a few days ago I can help. I'll explain it all in private."
The RPG Jack Clubhouse

Db3's Narrator |

"He was attacked by some shadow creatures created by a being called the Mask," Poetry says. "The rest of us tried to save him, but he used his power and shunted us aside, into a dimensional rift. It was almost as if he wanted to be killed."
*As Poetry's words sink in, the light fades from Rio's eyes, and his voice returns to normal.*
"I'm sorry, I almost lost control for a moment. Thank you for telling me, I need time to think."*His voice reveals much sadness. Rio turns and runs for the treehouse, in his haste not noticing the box that falls from his pack. Light flares from the windows as they board themsleves over. Rio has chosen to be alone for now.*

Innocent Blood |

The crowd of upset patrons grows larger, but a crack of thunder coming from the cloudless skies silences them
A small figure walks out from the clubhouse. It is a young girl, with dark hair and pale eyes. She crackles with energy, and carries two slender swords at her hip
YOU WILL ALL SIT DOWN NOW! The mysterious girl booms out in a most distressing loud voice

Innocent Blood |

The young pale creature smiles, exposing long fangs. She waits until everyone is seated, then she addresses them
I am Innocent Blood. You are my sacrifice. Together we shall forge a weapon of puissant power...
There are a few screams and some of the altargirls attempt to run up, but are frozen with a gesture from Innocent Blood. She puts a small item on a table
Recently your friends destroyed a book of evil. In doing so they unwittingly unleashed the Primal Board Node. This small item here will allow me to tap the very energy of the threads. But it needs fuel. That's where you all come in ...
The pale girl raises her hands up to the cloudy sky
Everyone in the clubhouse vomits blood from every orifice on their body. The blood flies into the air, swirling together into a giant red liquid mass. It arrows down onto the small item on the table and whirls faster and tighter, like a small red tornado. Suddenly there is a loud gong sound, as if the heavens themselves have cracked open..
Innocent Blood is engulfed by the red tornado, which is now suffused with arc-weld-bright flashes of Board Energy.
Suddenly the blood and the small girl vanish. All that is left is several dozen bloodless corpses.

The Mask |

Suddenly, a raven flies in. A wolf lopes after him. They both look livid.
"Curse the Jaguar! This bodes to be terrible! This will give him enormous power! I shall not allow this to continue!"
He glares.
"Worst of all, my souls are free. They will pay! But...perhaps..."
He motions to the corpses, and they all rise up.
"Excellent. This almost makes up for all this trouble. The bodies of sacrifices could be quite useful. But all the same...if only I'd gotten here sooner."

The Assassin |

The Assassin wrote:I missed it. Poetry walks over and picks the box up. "Hey Rico, you dropped something," she says as she opens it.Time warp
Rio does not seem to have heard Poetry. When the box is open, she sees two pokeballs, one deep red the other purple-gray.
End of time warp.
"What am I supposed to do with this?"

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Db3's Narrator wrote:"What am I supposed to do with this?"The Assassin wrote:I missed it. Poetry walks over and picks the box up. "Hey Rico, you dropped something," she says as she opens it.Time warp
Rio does not seem to have heard Poetry. When the box is open, she sees two pokeballs, one deep red the other purple-gray.
End of time warp.
Whatever you think should be done.

The Dalesman |

Angel steps through the portal a few moments after Devlyn. "Tiamat's spawn," she curses, "what happened here?"
Devlyn looks like he was walking toward the bar area when Angel comes through. He spun at the sound of the omniportal, but relaxes slightly after he sees who it is.
"I don't know, Angel - there's nobody here. But it smells like blood was spilled...a lot of it..."

Db3's Narrator |

*A breeze travels through the area, whispering a message to Angel and Delvyn.*
"The one known as Innocent Blood appeared, and ripped the blood from the very bodies of the cludgoers. She is a vampire who walks in the daylight, and has used the stolen blood to power some vile device. She must be stopped, but we can't interfere. It is up to you and your friends..."

The Dalesman |

*A breeze travels through the area, whispering a message to Angel and Delvyn.*
"The one known as Innocent Blood appeared, and ripped the blood from the very bodies of the cludgoers. She is a vampire who walks in the daylight, and has used the stolen blood to power some vile device. She must be stopped, but we can't interfere. It is up to you and your friends..."
Devlyn starts to sniff the air after the eldritch breeze blows past. As he catches a particular scent, he says to Angel:
"Whoever that vampire is, she wasn't alone. I think that blasted raven was here too. Did you recognize that voice on the wind, Angel?"
"Whatever happened here, it affected Alaina all the way at the Oasis. Sirone and Allura are tending to her, but she's unconscious and we haven't been able to wake her since the portals stopped working."

The Dalesman |

*One of the windows in the treehouse opens and Rio sticks his head out*
"Hey, did you just hear tha-"
*Rio's eyes glow faintly as he surveys the destruction*
"The smell of blood and shadow arts... what happened here?"
*He looks around the area, his eyes filled with sadness*
"Some day-walking vampire called Innocent Blood got in here, managed to somehow lock the omniportal, and performed some kind of blood sacrifice on the clubgoers here. She needed it for some device...oh no"
Devlyn's voice trails off as he runs into the Clubhouse proper. The sounds of doors being flung open can be heard, and his voice yelling out:
"Serafina!? Magdelena!? Anybody?!?!"
He comes back out several minutes later (alone), sits down on the stairs, and puts his head in his hand.

The Dalesman |

"Serafina? Delvyn what happened in there?"
*Rio moves toward the doors, planning on seeing what happened for himself, not waiting for an answer*
"There's nothing to see, Rio. Everybody's gone. I can't find a single body, either out here or in the Clubhouse. Considering the time this happened, everybody would have been out here..."as he looks back out on the bar and dance floor.

The Shadow |

Angel of Violence wrote:"Enough talk," Angel says. "It's time to hunt. I hate always being on the defensive." Angel unholsters her crossbow and loads a bolt."That won't be easy, assuming she used magical means to get in and out of here. Do you have a way to track that sort of trail?"
*From the shadows of the forest, Oroth appears*
"I may know where she is."
The Dalesman |

Devlyn stands up, shaking his head.
"We need to get some answers here first, since we're down a few people. We just aren't asking the right questions the right way yet."
He activates his Amulet of True Sight and starts scanning the area for anything out of sorts (like an illusion covering up the presence of the bodies, or masking the fact that this isn't really Club Calistria, etc.). When his gaze falls on Oroth, he stops.
"Huh. What do we have here....?" as he adjusts his grip on his blade.

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The Dalesman wrote:Angel of Violence wrote:"Enough talk," Angel says. "It's time to hunt. I hate always being on the defensive." Angel unholsters her crossbow and loads a bolt."That won't be easy, assuming she used magical means to get in and out of here. Do you have a way to track that sort of trail?"*From the shadows of the forest, Oroth appears*
"I may know where she is."
"Where is she," Angel says, leveling her crossbow at the Shadow's chest.