Club Calistria

Forum Games

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Magdalena wrote:
Lord of All Insects wrote:

Entering the establishment from the guest elevator, LoAI takes a set by himself.

"Waitress," he gestures, "I need something strong to commiserate a lamented love. And some food too."

Magdalena bops over to LoAI

No problem sir, what would you like?

Two shots of vodka and a menu?

You got it!

The blonde tiefling dances over to the bar, returning with to shots of vodka and a menu

I got you the Winter Queen brand, I hope that works for you!

JH returns from Malice's room. That guy is a closet shopaholic. He chose a grey pin-stripe Armani with a yellow silk shirt. He hopes it doesn't clash, but if it does he figures Alaina might like the color combo.

He strolls down the stairs trying to look calm.

Lord of All Insects wrote:

Entering the establishment from the guest elevator, LoAI takes a set by himself.

"Waitress," he gestures, "I need something strong to commiserate a lamented love. And some food too."

Sees the Insect Lord head for a table. Once he is seated and has a drink, Devlyn raises a shot to him and nods, knowing by his body language that he's in the same place, then downs it.

El-Lina Solareil wrote:
DbJ's Human Form wrote:
["Red is a good color on you, if I may say so."

El-Lina seems to laugh at some private joke

Thank you dear. This is tasty, but the pink seems to wash out its flavor a bit.

She lightly touches his hand Could you see if they have any of that vintage red I so enjoyed last night?

"I apoligize, I thought you would find it .. exotic, as have others. I'm sure they have what you wish to drink."

*After he returns(with the right drink this time), he seems puzzeled*
"Here you are. If its much ask, as so many here don't wear there true forms, may I ask what your is? You do not seem to be what you appear... but than again, neither am I."

Shadow Lodge

I'm going to bed. But before I do...

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Not sure if this is considered epic or not, but is anybody willing try something like this?

Post your reply on the otd ooc thread.

Good night

DbJ's Human Form wrote:
El-Lina Solareil wrote:
DbJ's Human Form wrote:
["Red is a good color on you, if I may say so."

El-Lina seems to laugh at some private joke

Thank you dear. This is tasty, but the pink seems to wash out its flavor a bit.

She lightly touches his hand Could you see if they have any of that vintage red I so enjoyed last night?

"I apoligize, I thought you would find it .. exotic, as have others. I'm sure they have what you wish to drink."

*After he returns(with the right drink this time), he seems puzzeled*
"Here you are. If its much ask, as so many here don't wear there true forms, may I ask what your is? You do not seem to be what you appear... but than again, neither am I."

That's a rather personal question after one drink.

Jack Hammer wrote:

JH returns from Malice's room. That guy is a closet shopaholic. He chose a grey pin-stripe Armani with a yellow silk shirt. He hopes it doesn't clash, but if it does he figures Alaina might like the color combo.

He strolls down the stairs trying to look calm.

Lynora-Jill's eyes widen as she sees how JH is dressed. She smiles and walks up to him.

Wow. I didn't think it was possible for you to look any more handsome. You look stunning.

Devlyn gets back into the flow of the party as the music and dancing start to pick up. While he may stay on the sidelines tonight (unless something weird happens), he enjoys the party, talks with the other regulars as they come by, and (with Magdalena's help) does his best to get one of those Dark & Stormy Knight shirts for his own.

Heading off to get some rest myself. Pat, Lynora: Keep me in the loop as you need - the Dalesman's there to help, after all! :)
'Night Folks!

A fiendish dryad that JH has seen hanging with Evil Monkey walks by and gives him a little air kiss. She is wearing a jeans mini with a lace ruffle around its hem and a tye-dyed tube top. He thinks her name is Viper

Nice threads, JH, looking good! She says as she slinks by

Shw gives Lynora-Jill the once over as she passes by. Lynora-Jill remembers her as the catty dryad she had shared a hot tub with at the Kobold Free Zone.

Ditched the rusty bikini tonight Lyn? She purrs wickedly as she walks away.

Meh. I'm pretty much done too folks ..G'nite

lynora-Jill wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:

JH returns from Malice's room. That guy is a closet shopaholic. He chose a grey pin-stripe Armani with a yellow silk shirt. He hopes it doesn't clash, but if it does he figures Alaina might like the color combo.

He strolls down the stairs trying to look calm.

Lynora-Jill's eyes widen as she sees how JH is dressed. She smiles and walks up to him.

Wow. I didn't think it was possible for you to look any more handsome. You look stunning.

Thank you. Your toes ready to be punished?

EDIT: No more borrowing cologne from Frat.

What is it with the skanks today? LJ thinks to herself as she glares after the dryad. She shakes her head. She is not going to let this ruin her mood. She's here to have fun.
Come dance with me, she says to JH, smiling provocatively up at him.

Lead on, milady.

LJ heads out to the dance floor with JH. She has eyes only for him. Something about seeing him in that suit made her think about getting him out of it later. After a half hour or so of dancing she suggests that they take a break...upstairs.

El-Lina uses the fumble to dump the nosy one. She dances alone again. One song. Before she leaves the Club she passes close to LJ and JH.

Nice suit, but you'd look sooo much better in red.

With that she leaves.

Happy Thursday least it will be once the Red Bull kicks in ;P

Looks like we all made it an early night. Are we going to pick up where we left off, or just recap and move to the next morning? I'm fine either way, but if we can avoid yesterday's 'timewarp', I think it would be easier on all of us.

Morning Dalesman. I usually start each new day with Alaina waking up, that kinda sets the daypoint for me. Unfortunately with all the loose ends storywise we have and posters with things to do, sometimes the miniarcs have to get sutured up. For instance, what happened between Rio and Serafina? If DB3 wants to explore that arc further I have no problem, we just have to kinda work it as a flashback I guess.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Morning Dalesman. I usually start each new day with Alaina waking up, that kinda sets the daypoint for me. Unfortunately with all the loose ends storywise we have and posters with things to do, sometimes the miniarcs have to get sutured up. For instance, what happened between Rio and Serafina? If DB3 wants to explore that arc further I have no problem, we just have to kinda work it as a flashback I guess.

Understood. We've all got dangling storylines from last night's party, which is why I'm naturally hesitant to move forward to Devlyn "waking up". If we want to to a the communal flashback thing, that sounds good to me. I'll follow your lead as best I can :)

I just fear that we would get into a situation where the party NEVER stops, LOL. While this might be OK, since this game pretty much flouts all normal RPG conventions (in fact I hesitate even calling it a game), I would like to indicate a passage of time

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I just fear that we would get into a situation where the party NEVER stops, LOL. While this might be OK, since this game pretty much flouts all normal RPG conventions (in fact I hesitate even calling it a game), I would like to indicate a passage of time

Yeah, we do need a little bit of a break between parties, don't we ;P

Alright, why don't we start with Alaina's wake-up call, and a hung-over Devlyn (and a verdict on whether or not he earned his shirt)? We can flashback as needed as the others log back in. If that means I need to backpedal for anything, that's fine.

Or we can wait a bit and see who else pops in this morning. We may all be thinking the same thing and trying to wrap up loose ends this morning.

Works for me

Alaina wakes up in her large bed. She experiences that odd feeling she always gets when someone else is in the room with her. A sigh comes from the other side and a rustle of feathers. Ah yes ... the celestials.

Alaina rolls out of bed quietly and stretches, plucking a long white feather from her tousled hair. Back in the bed a blonde head and two wingtips peek from the yellow-striped satin coverlet. Next to them the top of a bald green head is visible as well.

Alaina grins to herself, recalling the night's amusements. It never failed to amaze her what type of souls managed to sneak into the Higher Realms and even secure high-level positions. There was certainly no angelic air about those two after they'd had a few drinks!

Stepping around a crumpled white chiton dress, a silver horn, and a discarded three-piece suit, Alaina pads over to her closet and dons her yellow-black bikini and some Lycra black shorts and a mesh top. Slippping on her crosstrainers she jogs down the stairs and sets up to start her yoga routine.

I HAVE to get those girls started on their religious training! She thinks to herself as she namastes. Letting the meditation wipe away thought, she stretches under the pool's pergola.

Your knowledge of women's fashions scares me. ;-)

Jack Hammer wrote:
Your knowledge of women's fashions scares me. ;-)

The computer is a truly magical device, able to make the most illiterate monkey look like he studied extensively at a hundred obscure disciplines. That and my wife enjoys 'What Not To Wear' and 'Sex in the City'

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Your knowledge of women's fashions scares me. ;-)
The computer is a truly magical device, able to make the most illiterate monkey look like he studied extensively at a hundred obscure disciplines. That and my wife enjoys 'What Not To Wear' and 'Sex in the City'

Oh, yeah, sure, right.... I guess we can hold off worrying until you start talking about how the silk stocking feels against your calf when you slide it on.

Jack Hammer wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Your knowledge of women's fashions scares me. ;-)
The computer is a truly magical device, able to make the most illiterate monkey look like he studied extensively at a hundred obscure disciplines. That and my wife enjoys 'What Not To Wear' and 'Sex in the City'
Oh, yeah, sure, right.... I guess we can hold off worrying until you start talking about how the silk stocking feels against your calf when you slide it on.

Not as good as you'd think. What? I actually AM a girl. :)

lynora-Jill wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Your knowledge of women's fashions scares me. ;-)
The computer is a truly magical device, able to make the most illiterate monkey look like he studied extensively at a hundred obscure disciplines. That and my wife enjoys 'What Not To Wear' and 'Sex in the City'
Oh, yeah, sure, right.... I guess we can hold off worrying until you start talking about how the silk stocking feels against your calf when you slide it on.
Not as good as you'd think. What? I actually AM a girl. :)

For once it's good to be wrong. It'd be bad if I was right. Then you'd be worried about me.

Jack Hammer wrote:

Oh, yeah, sure, right.... I guess we can hold off worrying until you start talking about how the silk stocking feels against your calf when you slide it on.

I feel pretty ..oh so pretty .... :P

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:

Oh, yeah, sure, right.... I guess we can hold off worrying until you start talking about how the silk stocking feels against your calf when you slide it on.

I feel pretty ..oh so pretty .... :P

Okay - what happens on the other side of Patrick's monitor stays on the other side of Patrick's monitor...hopefully ;P

I will take it as a left-handed compliment that I can write so well from a female point of view it makes y'all doubt my sexuality. Rest assured, I am a married, unshaven, sweatpants-wearing monkey who has never shopped anywhere fancier than Macys and has never felt the urge to don any female garments.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I will take it as a left-handed compliment that I can write so well from a female point of view it makes y'all doubt my sexuality. Rest assured, I am a married, unshaven, sweatpants-wearing monkey who has never shopped anywhere fancier than Macys and has never felt the urge to don any female garments.

ARGH!!!! Just pulled my workstation out of a BSOD

Being left-handed myself, it was intended as a compliment, yes! :)
It comes with the job description of a DM as having to be able to see both points of view to some degree, in my humble opinion at least. My sweety helps keep me honest about that 'in game'.

Devlyn's eyes crack open, and the first words out of his mouth are probably along the lines of "Oooowwwww.....".

The Dalesman wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I will take it as a left-handed compliment that I can write so well from a female point of view it makes y'all doubt my sexuality. Rest assured, I am a married, unshaven, sweatpants-wearing monkey who has never shopped anywhere fancier than Macys and has never felt the urge to don any female garments.

ARGH!!!! Just pulled my workstation out of a BSOD

Being left-handed myself, it was intended as a compliment, yes! :)
It comes with the job description of a DM as having to be able to see both points of view to some degree, in my humble opinion at least. My sweety helps keep me honest about that 'in game'.

I get my female insight from the best place possible. I teach at an all girls school and I listen to my students gossip and talk about their lives, and then I apply the lessons I learned to my female characters.

The Seductress wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I will take it as a left-handed compliment that I can write so well from a female point of view it makes y'all doubt my sexuality. Rest assured, I am a married, unshaven, sweatpants-wearing monkey who has never shopped anywhere fancier than Macys and has never felt the urge to don any female garments.

ARGH!!!! Just pulled my workstation out of a BSOD

Being left-handed myself, it was intended as a compliment, yes! :)
It comes with the job description of a DM as having to be able to see both points of view to some degree, in my humble opinion at least. My sweety helps keep me honest about that 'in game'.
I get my female insight from the best place possible. I teach at an all girls school and I listen to my students gossip and talk about their lives, and then I apply the lessons I learned to my female characters.

I ahve no experience, which is why I don't have female characters. If I do have one, I'll have to copy you guys. ;)

The Seductress wrote:
I get my female insight from the best place possible. I teach at an all girls school and I listen to my students gossip and talk about their lives, and then I apply the lessons I learned to my female characters.

Powerful mojo, that. Then the Jacks are in serious trouble ;P

The Dalesman wrote:
The Seductress wrote:
I get my female insight from the best place possible. I teach at an all girls school and I listen to my students gossip and talk about their lives, and then I apply the lessons I learned to my female characters.
Powerful mojo, that. Then the Jacks are in serious trouble ;P

Yes I have learned from the most dangerous force in the world, the teenaged girl.

Yes, teenaged girls are a source of pure, unadulterated evil. Having two of my own, I know from where I speak ...

Alaina works up a sweat, segueing into a vigorous aerobic workout. Several of her new altargirls join her, most dressed in velour shorts with interesting phrases tacked upon the rear and bikini tops. Soon half-a-dozen bodies kick, jump and jiggle to the exercise music thumping out of the speakers

... wrote:

Yes, teenaged girls are a source of pure, unadulterated evil. Having two of my own, I know from where I speak ...

Alaina works up a sweat, segueing into a vigorous aerobic workout. Several of her new altargirls join her, most dressed in velour shorts with interesting phrases tacked upon the rear and bikini tops. Soon half-a-dozen bodies kick, jump and jiggle to the exercise music thumping out of the speakers

Coming slowly downstairs, so as not to jostle his aching head any more than necessary, Devlyn steps out into the light, and is visually assaulted by all of the moving color, words and limbs that are the exercising group across the way. He manages a half-smile as he closes his eyes and sniffs the air, trying to pinpoint where the coffee is.

"Must...make the hurting...stop" :P

KC smiles gravely and points to the coffee machine.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
KC smiles gravely and points to the coffee machine.

Nods in thanks, with a slight grimace from the motion

Goes to the coffee machine and finishes off the pot, then figures out how to set a new pot to brewing

"Interesting contraption. How are you doing, KC?"

Sits down and watches the exercise routine, now that the motion isn's making him nauseous anymore. Sees if Magdalena or Serafina are there, chuckling to himself if they aren't

The Dalesman wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
KC smiles gravely and points to the coffee machine.

Nods in thanks, with a slight grimace from the motion

Goes to the coffee machine and finishes off the pot, then figures out how to set a new pot to brewing

"Interesting contraption. How are you doing, KC?"

Sits down and watches the exercise routine, now that the motion isn's making him nauseous anymore. Sees if Magdalena or Serafina are there, chuckling to himself if they aren't


KC says. Suddenly, he takes a look at his book and gasps.
"I have to go."
He teleports away.
Gotta go, guys! See ya!

Allura walks in in her workout garb. "Darn, they've already started," she says. "I guess I'll just sit down and watch with you," she says as she pulls a seat up next to Devlyn.

The Seductress wrote:
Allura walks in in her workout garb. "Darn, they've already started," she says. "I guess I'll just sit down and watch with you," she says as she pulls a seat up next to Devlyn.

Hands over a cup of coffee after she sits

"Oh I'm sure Alaina wouldn't mind if you wanted to join them. Just hop in at the next break, there should be one shortly."

Looks around for Acme
"Acme! Save me my friend, we need some breakfast and OJ over here, please."

The Dalesman wrote:

Looks around for Acme
"Acme! Save me my friend, we need some breakfast and OJ over here, please."


Coming up sir!

The retro-futuristic robot dishes out OJ, pancakes with mallorn syrup, a rasher of fhorge bacon and several over easy Archaeopteryx eggs.

Enjoy sir!

Acme Robot wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

Looks around for Acme
"Acme! Save me my friend, we need some breakfast and OJ over here, please."


Coming up sir!

The retro-futuristic robot dishes out OJ, pancakes with mallorn syrup, a rasher of fhorge bacon and several over easy Archaeopteryx eggs.

Enjoy sir!

"An amazing spread as always, Acme - thanks!"

Divvies up the plates o' good stuff between them and digs in.

JH wakes up very late. LJ is still asleep. There a more than a few feathers strewn around the room. Her 'appetite' has grown recently, much to his enjoyment. Or was it due to the Brut cologne he borrowed from Frat Jack? Maybe he'll borrow it again, but not when they go out in public.

Time for a long hot shower. Looking at LJ's sinuous curves beneath the blankets maybe a long cold shower would be better.

The Dalesman wrote:

"An amazing spread as always, Acme - thanks!"

Divvies up the plates o' good stuff between them and digs in.

After finishing the food and chatting for a while, Devlyn points out an opening for Allura in the floor exercises should she so choose, then excuses himself to find some swimming duds. He wants to get some laps in at the pool before the evening crowds return and make it impossible.

Since LJ is still sleeping and JH isn't sure that the Brut washed off he decides to order room service. While he waits he plays some mood music. He finds this in Malice's video account, linky

After a good swim, Devlyn gets out and heads back to his room to clean up and get ready for the evening.

Heading out of work, and to the dentist (yay). I'm not sure if I'll be able to log back in tonight, but I shall try!

... wrote:

Yes, teenaged girls are a source of pure, unadulterated evil. Having two of my own, I know from where I speak ...

You think that's bad? I'm in a sibling 'rivalry'(war) with my sister!

*After the few dances he was allowed with Serafina, Rio went to bed(alone! He only just turned 13 for goddess' sake! Had his birthday during his dip in the Time Stream.) in a daze. The next morning he starts his day off by swiming with his pokemon and practicing his (appretice level) magic.*

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