The Roleplaying Game

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The priestess dives and wheels above the battlefield, healing her comrades where she can, but she uses the winds sparingly. She knows she will need their strength soon when the bigger threats take the field of battle. She stays close to the Jacks as much as possible, making sure to heal them first. Their strength is essential. She must not let them fall.

Spring Sapling uses her affinity with growing things to send waves of roots erupting from the torn ground, engulfing the Defectives as they advance.

By the World Ash we are winning Grandfather! She cries

DEATH TO ALL WHO OPPOSE US! *JRHM strikes the enemy with his mighty vorpal sword. The Defectives begin to fall in great numbers*

Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser fight back-to-back, hewing down Defectives left and right. They blur together, working like two pieces of a precision instrument.

Spring Sapling wrote:

Spring Sapling uses her affinity with growing things to send waves of roots erupting from the torn ground, engulfing the Defectives as they advance.

By the World Ash we are winning Grandfather! She cries

These are just the minions Granddaughter! Slow their advance and isolate them into smaller groups. Break their strength!

The Emperor sends waves of energy across the plains, causing large cracks in the earth into which the parts of the second line of the Defectives fall.

From the back of the Defective horde, a bellow sounds out

I ... AM ... COMING ... FOR ... YOU ... JACKS

JH takes long swings of his hammer, taking several Defectives at once and knocking their broken bodies back into their fellows.

In the absence of the Bard he begins singing raunchy drinking songs.

MJ points his weapon


"Where is the Bard? We need his water powers to help us defeat the Steel Tsar?" the priestess calls out, scanning the battlefield.

The Steel Tsar wrote:

From the back of the Defective horde, a bellow sounds out

I ... AM ... COMING ... FOR ... YOU ... JACKS

Don't worry Malice. I see him. Come evil one. Prepare to meet your doom!

The Defectives part like an ugly ocean revealing the black armored form of the Steel Tsar. The previous night's damage has been repaired, and the red hammer and sickle embossed on his breastplate shines with a well-rubbed gleam. He clashes his buzzsaw hands together and lumbers forward,every step shaking the torn earth.

THE ... DAY ... OF ... RECKONING ... IS ... AT ... HAND!

'Hammer, MJ, Lynora. We need to team up on the Tsar! Let the others take care of the Defectives!

Malice aims and pops a grenade at the Tsar


Looks over at JRHM

Oh fer shure!

The priestess calls forth the power of the winds to shield the Jacks from the fiery attacks of the Steel Tsar.

I'm with you! she calls out to them.

The Steel Tsar wrote:

The Defectives part like an ugly ocean revealing the black armored form of the Steel Tsar. The previous night's damage has been repaired, and the red hammer and sickle embossed on his breastplate shines with a well-rubbed gleam. He clashes his buzzsaw hands together and lumbers forward,every step shaking the torn earth.

THE ... DAY ... OF ... RECKONING ... IS ... AT ... HAND!

Then I 'reckon' we better have at it!

JH hurls his hammer at the construct. It glows with green energy as it nears the monstrosity's chest. The blessings of the Earth Mother should allow it to pass any defensive wards.

The beast dodges at the last second and the hammer only strikes a glancing blow. A crack of thunder is heard as the two metals collide. The dent in the beast turns the color of rust.

After the strike the hammer reappears in JH's hands. They are one once again.

The grenade explodes on the Tsar's chest. He pauses momentarily and continues on.

IS ... THAT ... THE ... BEST ... YOU ... CAN ...DO?

He roars

JH's hammer strikes a telling blow


He sweeps his buzzsaw hands across JH's midsection

Fafhrd and The Grey Mouser advance on the armored brute


The red-haired barbarian shouts, striking with Graywand.

Fafhrd. wrote:

Fafhrd and The Grey Mouser advance on the armored brute


The red-haired barbarian shouts, striking with Graywand.

Fafhrd, get back! You don't have a chance! Let the Jacks handle this!

Blocking the buzzsaws of the beast with his hammer, Jack Hammer closes with the beast raining blows from his hammer whenever an opening can be found. The runes on his arms glow brighter with every strike. The runes on his hammer glow red when they meet the buzzsaw.

Die, you tin can!

<loud and off-key> There once was a gal named Sally...

Lynora-Jill drives a hurricane-force wind into the Steel Tsar, knocking it back away from JH. She swoops in with a quick healing spell. She then swoops back up to get out of the way so JH can deliver further attacks against the foul creature.

The massive armor suit whipsaws Fafhrd's arm with his syching blades. Red blooms as his arm is cut to the bone.


The hulking behemoth bellows

Lynora's wind blows the Tsar back. He howls and fights against the ravening winds


Seeing the behemoth staggered by the Winds the Emperor summons a storm over it. The winds shall help lynora-Jill and the rain won't hurt either. Steel rusts after all, even stainless steel with the right mineral in the rain...

The priestess doesn't bother to acknowledge the words of the Steel Tsar. She's too busy healing Fafhrd.

Save your steel for the defectives, she says sternly Leave this fight to the Jacks. We're better suited to it.

Suddenly, the Wind not only increases in power, but it blows a difficult cross-Wind as well, kicking up dust before the metallic beast. The brethren of the Winds swoop in, attempting to blind and unbalance the fell thing.

The Eighth Runelord strolls out from the shadows of a tree, a couple of goblin servants accompanying him singing a song about oil. The goblins are carrying a large metal drum between them.

'Oil burns and oil cooks,
lovely, slippery under foot;
oil burns and oil roasts,
whee, slip, SPLAT!

A faint shimmering of some sort of protective magic blurs the air around the runelord and his two servants.
The Runelord eyes the field of battle and points to a spot, a little way off from where the Tsar is fighting.

Put it down there.

The Goblins hurry forward as fast as they can with the drum.

The barbarian grins

As you wish Lady. I guess you are not here to take me to Valhalla?

Sighs and stands up

ONCE MORE MY BROTHER! He cries to The Grey Mouser, wading back into battle.

a few lightning bolts for good measure...and something to soften the ground beneath that overly heavy monstrosity...

The howling storm winds and rain lash the Tsar. His massive metal feet sink into the mud as he attempts to go forward

YOUR ... DEATHS ... SHALL ... BE ... SLOW ... JACKS!

He cries

JH knows that the treant is trying to help but he can feel the hammer grow stronger with elemental energy. The good thing is that the energy is added to his hammer blows.

he is knocked to the ground as he blocks another of the beast's attacks

The Runelord's goblins set the oildrum down on the ground, somehow managing to get close to the fighting whilst remaining unscathed. They look around them nervously.

'Sword they swing and axes smash,
Lamashtu we wish we were not here,
but though the spells howl, thunders crash,
we follow out orders dear.'

The massive armored brute looms over JH. He raises his buzzsaws to strike, only to be bodytackled by Malice Jack.


LJ uses the wind to buoy JH up, providing resistance so that he can stand firm while delivering the strongest blows.

Malice Jack wrote:

The massive armored brute looms over JH. He raises his buzzsaws to strike, only to be bodytackled by Malice Jack.


*JRHM comes over* Malice, lets you and I hold him down and let JH take a swipe with his weapon!

The Steel Tsar grapples with Malice. His buzzsaws spark off Malice's skin, carving slivers of metal off.

NOW ... YOU ... DIE ... JACK!

The behemoth grates hollowly

The Tsar slices Malice's left arm clean off


Alderyk catches sight of the Runelord and his minions. He watches them with interest and uncertainty, not knowing their part. He continues whipping the winds about the Steel Tsar at advantageous angles and varying power, but is set to act if the goblins need dealing with.

JH nods quickly and regains his feet. He tries to assist Malice in his efforts to bring the beast down. Or to at least limit the reach of those buzzsaws. His arm is clipped by one of the blades. It screeches loudly as it passes along the runes. The runes flare bright red. The hammer mimics them.

Ahhh! The blades! Concentrate on his weapons!

The Steel Tsar wrote:

The Steel Tsar grapples with Malice. His buzzsaws spark off Malice's skin, carving slivers of metal off.

NOW ... YOU ... DIE ... JACK!

The behemoth grates hollowly

The Tsar slices Malice's left arm clean off


Malice, no! JRHM slices at the the Tsar's weapons!

The Runelord snaps his fingers and waves, and the goblins come scuttling back across the field of battle towards him.

'Master calls, and forth we go,
'midst the enemy fighting foe,
back across the field we scuttle,
fearing an arrow's stinging rebuttal.'

The oil drum, full of slick black oil, is about a dozen feet behind where the Tsar is fighting. If a large metal monster were to accidentally step on and crush it... well it might prove quite slippery. :)
Or there might be some other use found for it.

Malice collapses, alcohol spewing from his wound


JRHM and JH rain blows upon the black-armored wight. Rust blossoms from JH's elemental hammer and slices of black armor fly from the force of JRHM's vorpal blade


Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
The Steel Tsar wrote:

The Steel Tsar grapples with Malice. His buzzsaws spark off Malice's skin, carving slivers of metal off.

NOW ... YOU ... DIE ... JACK!

The behemoth grates hollowly

The Tsar slices Malice's left arm clean off


Malice, no! JRHM slices at the the Tsar's weapons!


JH rains blows upon the Tsar's right arm. The metal of his hammer glowing with fire.

The priestess dives and rolls through the combat, her winds shielding her from blows, trying desperately to reach Malice Jack so she can heal him.

The Tsar's other blade clips JH's other arm and sparks fly. the runes on that arm glow blue. The hammer changes from fire to electricity.

I'm gonna spot weld your face you bastard!

The Steel Tsar begins to look like a demolition derby car. Rust and dings cover him from the Jack's blows. The dread construct sprays the area with his fusion flame cannon.

NO! YOU ... SHALL ... NOT!

His buzzsaw hands swing back and forth in a choreographed death dance.

The Steel Tsar spots the winged form of Lynora-Jill attempting to reach Malice Jack. He swings his buzzsaw hand over one of her wings


The Steel Tsar wrote:

The Steel Tsar begins to look like a demolition derby car. Rust and dings cover him from the Jack's blows. The dread construct sprays the area with his fusion flame cannon.

NO! YOU ... SHALL ... NOT!

His buzzsaw hands swing back and forth in a choreographed death dance.

*A blade clips JRHM in the left shoulder. Falls to the ground in pain*

Using her winds to protect her, LJ tried to get through, but even winds have weak points, and some of the fire got through. She gasped at the pain. She was able to heal herself in moments, but those were moments she wasn't able to spend healing the others who needed it so much more.

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