{Assassin} Making sure the king stays dead!

Prestige Classes

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I know it might be late in the game and all so to speak, but I would really like to see the Assassin get some sort of ability to deal with a world full of resurrection magic and divinations.

It seems to me that anyone worthy of being "assassinated" as opposed to just plain murdered, will have access to resurrection magic, and that Assassins in such a magical world should have a class ability or special access to materials, rituals, whatever that can help deal with these sorts of things. This way their victims can stay dead, and their identities can be harder to determine.

Maybe not a flat out no resurrection ability, but a percentage or some other mechanic.

Grand Lodge

But why would you want someone you killed to stay dead? That's steady work for you.

"I'm sorry, but the contract we agreed on was for the murder of one king. No mention of resurrection insurance was included. If you'd like we can sign a new contract, but of course the price will be higher due to the increased security around the target."

And of course, they could have just gone to the Red Mantis guild in the first place.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Also, consider who would hire someone to assassinate the king. Most likely, it would be someone who's ready to swoop in and take the throne themselves. If that's the case, who's going to be raising the dead king when the new power on the throne says, "Sorry, but I like sitting on the throne, don't bring him back. It would be a shame to have the army tear down your church and throw you in the dungeon..."

Also, if you are still worried about resurrection magic, just hire the assassin to first kill the one priest in town who's high enough level to cast the spell. Lots of kingdoms don't have more than one such caster available.

I'd love to see some sort of 'Trap the Soul' capstone ability for assassins. That way an assassin could slay the king and take his soul back to the assassin's employer for safe keeping.

I totally realize that there are workarounds for the resurrection problem, heck there are workarounds for lots of the things we are trying to fix by changing the rules for PFRPG,

I just figure that if a class is going to be called the Assassin, and there are guilds of Assassins, and these Assassins live in a world of magical resurrections and divination, that they would have developed some sort of technique to deal with it, otherwise they are really just a "hitmens" guild.

It doesn't even have to be something easy, or able to be done once combat starts. Maybe it requires a 24 hour ritual beforehand and a piece of the kings hair to accomplish, I dunno. To my mind, some way to sever the soul just makes sense for the class.

Baquies wrote:
I totally realize that there are workarounds for the resurrection problem, heck there are workarounds for lots of the things we are trying to fix by changing the rules for PFRPG.

I get what you're saying here, but consider:

"Bring me his head!" - blocks Raise Dead.
"Bring me his body!" - disintegrated or not, blocks Resurrection.
"Bring me his soul!" - blocks True Resurrection. This is all an Assassin can't do easily - so I could see a capstone "Soul Bind" ability, maybe. It's darn expensive for all but the super-rich though.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I like the change of removing spells from assassins, and because of this, I'd rather see assassins not get any supernatural abilities (or spell like for that matter).

An assassin can behead a target, which removes raise dead from the table, and requires a 7th level spell then to bring back from the dead.

At that point, I'd rather introduce a magical poison or something that either disintegrates the body (thus requiring a 9th level True Ressurection spell) or that simply destroys the soul outright.

For that matter, if you're worried that your target could be brought back from the dead, then you should pay for an assassin that has a portable hole, and have him bring you the body, and you can guard it. Or, pay for the assassin to use a shroud of disintegration for 6,600 gp (if you have the assassin procure the shroud themselves, expect a markup!)

Dark Archive

How about an ability which prevents Resurrection or Raise Dead? Something called 'True Death' or 'Final veil' or 'Slayer's touch' (yeah, those are bad names, but you get the idea... ;)?

Dark Archive

Red Mantis have resurrection sense which allow them to sense when a mark had been revived.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

I am in agreement with the folks here...

This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability.

How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?

I could get behind a trap the soul type effect too, but I am open to other options.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Dark Archive

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

I am in agreement with the folks here...

This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability.

How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?

I could get behind a trap the soul type effect too, but I am open to other options.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

How about giving him back his spells and making one of them trap the soul?

A magic poison, or a check made during resurrection are both fine with me. I am definitely not looking for an automatic soul-kill, but at least a chance to keep the target in the ground.

Scarab Sages

Howabout one that lets him detect when and where they would be raised, and lets him do something to delay that effect, so that if he's still in the area he can hunt down whoever is trying to res them?

Why not give them a supernatural ability at level 5 or so that makes their death attack a death effect, blocking Raise Dead. As a capstone their death attack should emulate Destruction, blocking Resurrection.

I don't like the idea that a 15th level non-magic-using character could be able to block True Resurrection, but I think that a properly worded Wish or Miracle cast on the weapon should do the trick. Something like: "May he who is slain by this dagger never rise again."

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
I am in agreement with the folks here... This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability. How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?

That sounds like exactly what the doctor ordered... as long as the check is hard to make. A caster level check against DC 11 + the assassin's class level is a sick joke; no one capable of casting resurrection can conceivably fail that except on a "1." A caster level check against DC 25 + the assassin's class level might work.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
I am in agreement with the folks here... This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability. How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?
That sounds like exactly what the doctor ordered... as long as the check is hard to make. A caster level check against DC 11 + the assassin's class level is a sick joke; no one capable of casting resurrection can conceivably fail that except on a "1." A caster level check against DC 25 + the assassin's class level might work.

I'd rather see 15 + double the assassin's class level. DC 26 for a 1st level assassin seems a bit harsh.

Resurrection may well be beyond the purse-strings of most targets, anyway, their business partners/family preferring to see them stay dead rather than pay out for such magic.
Raise Dead (and possibly reincarnate?) are the ones which assassins will most commonly have to worry about preventing. Both of these (according to my dead tree copy of the Beta) do not work where a victim was finished off by a death effect- so maybe give an assassin a 'killing blow' extraordinary ability* which can be applied to an attack and which results in any victim killed by that attack being treated as effectively having been killed by a 'death effect'?

*possibly limited number of uses/day, declare use before rolling damage for a successful attack?

The Exchange

Baquies wrote:
A magic poison, or a check made during resurrection are both fine with me. I am definitely not looking for an automatic soul-kill, but at least a chance to keep the target in the ground.

An ageing effect is a candidate, since you can't resurrect someone who died of old age.

A potent poison that remains active in the victims remains and poisons anyone who attempts to raise them - the king might come back, but it costs the country their high-priest.

A curse laid upon the remains that affects the newly resurrected person - amnesia would certainly reduce benefit of bringing someone bad; homicidal insanity would make bringing them back 'fun'.

Some sort of demonic/devilish pact where the high-level assassin has drawn the attention of such creatures and can collect souls and trade them for favours.

Killing the high-priest first, as someone else mentioned, is the pragmatic solution.

Cutting the ties of the soul to the mortal plane: The assassin can learn ahead of time what unresolved business could draw the soul back to the mortal plane and can therefore arrange things such that the target will not want to come back - pre-emptive setting of their affairs in order. A soul has to be willing to return, and we have to presume that the afterlife is so compelling that only the most motivated souls would want to come back.

Slightly more mystical: The assassin can invest some of his own soul in the targets remains (negative level). If the target is resurrected, the priest doing so is drawn into an astral/psychic/illusionary one-on-one battle against a duplicate of the assassin.

And more mundane : A jar of flesh and bone eating beetles emptied over the corpse means a 9th level spell is required.

Silver Crusade

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
I am in agreement with the folks here... This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability. How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?
That sounds like exactly what the doctor ordered... as long as the check is hard to make. A caster level check against DC 11 + the assassin's class level is a sick joke; no one capable of casting resurrection can conceivably fail that except on a "1." A caster level check against DC 25 + the assassin's class level might work.

I was about to post something similar with a DC 20+ assassin's level check, but thinking about it further, a DC 25 + assassin level check might be more reasonable. Of course, if it's a capstone ability, setting it at DC 30 + the assassin's charisma modifier might be the way.

On a related note, I say we call the ability "Final Reward".

Final Reward (SU): The assassin has connection to a god of murder or death, that they may or may not be aware of, which hampers victims slain by a death attack from returning to life. The soul of victim slain by an assassin's death attack may not raised or resurrected without the caster making a DC 30 + assassin's charisma modifier check. This check may only be attempted once for the victim. Thereafter, the victim's soul has gone on to it's final reward, and may not be returned to life by mortal magic, including wish, miracle, and similar spells.


Edited for punctuation.

Silver Crusade

On a related note, should we have a similar caster level check for Speak With Dead? Removing the head or jaw EVERY time someone is assassinated is a bit much...

The Exchange

Black Tom wrote:

I don't like the idea that a 15th level non-magic-using character could be able to block True Resurrection, but I think that a properly worded Wish or Miracle cast on the weapon should do the trick. Something like: "May he who is slain by this dagger never rise again."

Hmm... I'd think that an assassin would be worried enough about revenge from resurrected targets without investing in a dagger that renders them impotent as well as dead... ;)

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Here is my suggestion:

Make the Death Attack (past some level) count as a Death effect. This blocks Raise Dead.

At a higher level, grant the caster level check for Ressurection. You've have to add something to prevent retries at ressurection by the same caster, though. 15 + 2*Assassin level seems right for the check.

brock wrote:
Black Tom wrote:

I don't like the idea that a 15th level non-magic-using character could be able to block True Resurrection, but I think that a properly worded Wish or Miracle cast on the weapon should do the trick. Something like: "May he who is slain by this dagger never rise again."

This sounds like the Morganti weapons from Brust...cool but I agree that it'd have to be closely guarded. Don't know if it should be PF canon.

Back to the Assassin, how about he has access to death domain on his spell list and the death touch power. Anybody killed by that would be impossible to raise/reincarnate. Resurrect would still be possible, but then, shouldn't that be the case for someone with the cash and access to a nearly epic level cleric?

Ross Byers wrote:

Here is my suggestion:

Make the Death Attack (past some level) count as a Death effect. This blocks Raise Dead.

At a higher level, grant the caster level check for Ressurection. You've have to add something to prevent retries at ressurection by the same caster, though. 15 + 2*Assassin level seems right for the check.

If the material components of the ressurection spell are consumed regardless of sucess, that would be a good deterrent to retrying.

Sovereign Court Contributor

For flavor, how about certain runes that schools of assassins teach their inner members. The assassins inscribe them on their weapons and a target slain with such weapons incurs the checks should anyone try to ressurect them. The runes alone, of course, are useless. It takes the bond between inscription and assassin to make it work. But it creates the possibility of disarming an assassin of a rune weapon, preserving one's ability to be ressurected if slain despite the disarm.

I would not mind something that helps keep divinations of the Assassins back as well, especially now with all their spells gone. Speak with Dead is a pain, though I suppose that if the Assassin did his job right, the target never saw him in the first place.

I long ago adopted the ideas from "Jhereg" regarding assassination in a culture where resurrection and reincarnation were possible. Beheading or destroying/removing the body are the "standard" to keep someone dead; not doing either is considered a warning, as in "You're not important enough for me to care if you stay dead or not". The ultimate is destroying the soul, using a special weapon quality (Morganti weapon in the Dragaera universe). Limitations on its use is the foulness of the deed which stains and never leaves the user, the fact that everyone within a certain distance can "feel" the weapon when drawn so the assassin stands out, and automatically makes the assassin the target of anyone within striking distance.

I can see giving a trap the soul class ability at one stage, and then a class capstone consume the soul ability. But it should have drawbacks to the user built in. Make it a seriously big deal to request and use (major money for the client, something else for the assassin).

Dark Archive

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

I am in agreement with the folks here...

This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability.

How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?

I could get behind a trap the soul type effect too, but I am open to other options.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Yep, I'm definitely in favor of a Supernatural or Extraordinary ability ("Slayer's strike"?), which would function as a Caster Level Check against the Assassin's class level+10+INT/DEX(?), *or* as a Caster Level Check vs. the Assassin's character level or 10 + class level?

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

I am in agreement with the folks here...

This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability.

How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?

I could get behind a trap the soul type effect too, but I am open to other options.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

I'd leave that out of the class features, and rely on the assassin's equipment/resourcefulness instead. I see the assassin as someone particularly good at killing, but the target of an assassin shouldn't more dead than dead. Just as the fighter rely partially on its equipment to perform in its "profession" so should the assassin be ready for the job.

To prevent the embarrassing return to life of its mark, I see the assassin relying on items bestowing curses on their victims, pacts with fiends "selling" their target's soul, magical traps, special astrological conditions etc. In a fantasy world where resurrection exist and is relatively accessible, it should be up to the character's ingenuity to counter such a spell, be it assassin, fighter or any other class. At least it should be something more flavourful than "target cannot be raised nor resurrected 1/day".


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I like calling it 'And stay dead!'

I also like the idea of the 'bonded weapon'

To keep it simple, you could say that the bonded weapon blocks divination/resuurection spells of the class level -1.

So the 1st level assassin's bonded weapon blocks 'detect magic' and 'detect poison' on people slain with it, while the 5th level assassin blocks reincarnate and the 10th level assassin eats true resurrection for breakfast.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

I am in agreement with the folks here...

This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability.

How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?

I could get behind a trap the soul type effect too, but I am open to other options.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Wouldn't doing that invalidate one of the primary reasons that people hire the Red Mantis? Surely doing that would tread on the Toes of the Red Mantis?


Assassins should have abilities to counter standard (and typically magical) defenses ("...and stay dead" is a good start). At the moment, without spells, the assassin just feels like the rogue equivalent of an archmage and the like.

I always have my high level Assassin NPCs carrying thinuan (sp?) weapons, so they can get around that silly true ressurection thing.

I would much rather see a mechanic that traps a soul so they can at least be rescued still (or the possibility exists at least), to the point where I wouldn't mind throwing a real soul-stealing assassin at my PCs.

On the other hand, if throwing an Assassin in the mix means that one of my high level PCs (that has been played for quite some time) has a X% chance to never get back up again, no matter what, I don't think I would do it. Plus, it leaves room for creativity on how to permanently wipe someone or something. If the answer was always "Oh, let's have a 10th level assassin stab it until it dies dead," then that isn't very much fun.

Maybe add on to the poison mechanic an ability to use weapons that will steal souls... without mistakenly sealing yourself in a jar.

Though, I do remember one of the biggest problems presented to me when I did throw soul-stealing Assassins at my PCs in 3.5, was delay death. There was an Assassin spell that prevented the target from being healed for minutes per level (which outlasted delay death). Anyway, I digress.

Leave the destruction of souls to deities!

I am not in favour of caster-level checks, given that a PC occasionally gets taken down by an assassin, and caster level checks make it unclear whether or not their comrades can restore them? If the players know that an assassin's strike counts as a death effect and the party cannot afford a resurrection, then the player can switch straight into 'roll up & equip new character' mode.
If it's a question of a level check, with x thousand GP on diamonds being blown each time, and success not guaranteed, I can imagine things start to get a little heated in some groups, with discussions of 'do we try to raise or not?', and a player being uncertain whether he/she needs to start rolling up and equipping a new character?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I'd like to join the chorus of people saying 'And Stay Dead' is a good name for this ability, whatever its form.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Alright, here's my suggestion:

And Stay Dead! (Su) - At 4th level, when using his Death Attack to slay a target, an Assassin may choose to treat his Death Attack as a Death Effect, which prevents the target from being brought back using Raise Dead. (Resurrection and True Resurrection still work.)

To avoid overloading 4th level, Hide Weapons should be shifted to second or third level. (This also makes Hide Weapons scale better, since it won't leap to +4 from nothing.) Alternatively, And Stay Dead could go to 3rd level.

BTW, the sketch for the iconic Assassin looks bad-ass.

I think Paizo does have to discuss how the Assassin and Red Mantis Assassin interact. Obviously, the Red Mantis is an actual organization, but the 'Must kill someone to join the Assassins' pre-requisite suggests that the normal Assassins are also some sort of organization. If the non-Mantis Assassin isn't supposed to be an organization, I suggest the pre-requisite be changed to something like 'Must kill someone they did not previously know, strictly for pay.'

Killing the king and getting him to stay dead in various campaigns

For awhile now quite a few important people needed to die for the sake fo a good story. It's not like I am a nasty GM, but sometimes it makes a sense to kill someone to have a nice funeral, promises of vengeance or so.
Therefore in some of my campaigns I have designed specific features to make it happen. Here they are.

This is a True Ritual written by me for my Scarred Lands campaign. It is not following actual rules for True Rituals from Relics & Rituals (I consider them needlessly complicated), but it's still pretty rigid with regard to its rules.
In my game, True Rituals are long and complicated rituals usable by anyone who meets their prerequisites. They were created long time ago, when magic was young and unstable. Generally, they take a long time to perform, they are inflexible and rather awkward to use.
Also, in order to perform one, the ritual user must obtain a written and valid copy, and then follow it to the letter.

True Ritual: Kiss of Thousand Years
The ritual consists of 10 castings, each lasting from dusk till dawn.
Number of ritual users: 1 or more, each must be very familiar with ritual itself.
Ritual focus: any melee weapon.
Ritual focus: unambiguous version of a name of individual targetted.
Damage caused by this ritual cannot be saved and it is not subject to spell resistance. Creatures with no constitution scores are immune to it.

Once the final casting is complete successfully, something unseen yet material appears and drains life from ritual user or users (10 users or more: 1d6 CON temporary damage, 5 users or more: 2d6 CON temporary damage, 2 users or more: 3d6 CON temporary damage, 1 user: 4d6 CON temporary damage).
Then the unseen presence takes the form of faint mist and delicately envelopes ritual focus.

Upon striking the target, the weapon will cause 3d6 temporary CON damage, with 3d6 CON damage every minute for the next 10 minutes (this is a Curse effect, requiring at least Remove Curse to use and Caster level check equal to 30 + number of CON points taken during first strike).

If the target dies before curse duration runs out, it is immediately aged 1000 years.

Another True Ritual for my Scarred Lands setting campaign. This one hasn't been used yet.

True Ritual: Incubus/Succubus Caress
The ritual consists of a single casting, taking a whole night to perform.
Number of ritual users: 1 or more, each must be very familiar with ritual itself.
Ritual focus: tattoo of very specific shape, placed on tongue or genitalia.
Ritual focus: blood of any demonic entity capable of sex, donated willingly.
Ritual focus: sex of target (male, female). Any works for hermafrodites, ritual fails to work on sexless targets.
Damage caused by this ritual cannot be saved and it is not subject to spell resistance. Creatures with no constitution scores are immune to it.

Once the casting is complete the tattoo is enchanted (strong mecromancy). If there is more than a single caster, the time to use the ritual power is decreased (see below) and the ritual effect is harder to resist.

In order to use the ritual, tattoed body part must be brought into contact with any being which meets sex focus specification. The contact must be maintained for 10 minutes (1 minute less per caster beyond 1st involved to a minimum of 1 minute).
During the contact, the victim experiences both intense pain and pleasure - in order to attempt to break contact or perform any action, the victim must be both aware that something bad is happening and the victim must succeed at Fortitude saving throw vs DC 10 + number of casters.

Upon completion of the ritual, soul of the victim is stolen and placed in tattoo. The body of victim is placed in a state of coma and will die unless cared for. If the tattoo is destroyed, the soul is free to return to its body. If the tattoo bearer is slain, the imprisoned soul is free to take over tattoo bearers body (hitpoints are healed up to 1).
The tattoo itself requires further treatment since it will cause pain and 1 point of temporary CON damage per day until discharged through special ritual or until it is removed forcibly along with the body part it covers.
In case of discharge, the soul is sent to afterlife (or can be trapped by different means). In case of body part removal, it can be subsequently mummified and stored in some container.
If soul is sent to afterlife or if the tattooo is destroyed, the soul can return to its body (if it's still alive) or can be resurrected (cannot be raised).


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

I am in agreement with the folks here...

This class should have a "and stay dead" type ability.

How about an ability that forces a pretty high level check to raise someone killed by an assassin with this ability?

I could get behind a trap the soul type effect too, but I am open to other options.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Here's a notion:

Any attempt to revive a creature slain by an assassin requires a caster level check with a DC equal to 15 + the assassin's class level. If the target was killed by the assassin's death attack ability, the DC is 15 + twice the assassin's class level.

The idea here being that sure, assassin's can ultra-kill you just in regular combat, but they can even more super-ultra-mega kill you if they take the time and effort to use their death attack and you fail the save.

Call it supernatural, exceptional, whatever you like. Perhaps it's a gamist solution to a gamist problem, but I'm okay with that.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

sowhereaminow wrote:
On a related note, I say we call the ability "Final Reward".

I hope Jason calls it "And Stay Dead!" but "Final Reward" would be a good choice too.

I think I'd much rather see abilities that make the assassin difficult or next to impossible to detect or find than see a special ability that caused "permanent" death. Like mentioned previously there is the Red Mantis PrC and they are supposed to be the "elite assassins" and they have the ability to sense when a mark is brought back. Why would you use them when you could just hire some thug off the street with death attack that would finish the target the first time and never have to worry about it? Granted they may not be SRD but they are definitely a part of Pathfinder and in the Campaign Setting book so its not like they are going anywhere and I doubt they are getting a rewrite at this time.

Also the DC's being tossed around here are really way too much. I mean a DC 17 caster check for someone killed by a 6th level character, nevermind the DC 26 that was posted? You now have PC's looking for a 16th level cleric to "raise dead" a character who might have been killed by an assassin to make sure their money isn't wasted trying to raise a comrade. As a part of the plot there are any number of ways to make it so an NPC can't be brought back when killed by an assassin as part of the story, when used against the PC's it will truly suck. Even at 15+ PrC class level your typical generic/random npc cleric (who isn't going to have +caster level items to optimize caster level) casting raise dead will fail about a third(roll of 1-6 on a d20) of the time costing the party (or whoever) 5450gp per try. At 6th level parties don't have that much money just sitting around, that would be half of a characters wealth, which currently means "We're glad you're back but the bad news was we had to sell all your stuff to afford it" as it stands now. If you fail on the check is the party going to pony up another 5.5k gp for a second try and if so where are they going to get it from??

Also a npc of 16th level can usually only be found in a metropolis sized community (DMG - highest level cleric 1d6 + 12 community modifier) which would mean most pc's won't be raised anytime soon if they are out adventuring at mid levels.

Then we look at the prereq's and abilities of the assassin class. It is based on disguise, stealth, Sneak attack and instant death attacks. Thematically it would make more sense to give the assassin things like non detection (maybe even a very short range aura of non detection to cover accomplices and victims as well) and have it scale up to something like the magical equivalent of the SRD Slayer's Cerebral Blind ability. Or something along the druid's Thousand Faces ability to use alter self would make sense as well. Granted giving out abilities like those suggested on other posts or the ones I propose means giving SP or SU abilities to a class that has been most decidedly and intentionally made non-magical in its rewrite which would really be against the grain of what Paizo seems to want for the Assassin PrC. They already have UMD so getting access to scroll (or wand or rod or staff for that matter) of destruction or slay living if they want to truly destroy a target are already options. I can see the assassin being involved with shady deals in back alleys with priests of less than savory gods trading gold or favors for such items can't you? If you want a soul sucking assassin take levels of the Soul Eater PrC or whatever it is called.

Honestly this is a band wagon I cannot get myself to jump on. If anything it is something I can see myself using disable device on its wheels constantly to make sure it doesn't go anywhere. Giving a non magical class the ability to "ultra kill" (and giving it a decent DC to boot) someone or something is a really really bad idea. It is the type of ability that becomes disruptive (used by DM's to kill off a character, or if you are playing an evil game character against character strife) and then has to be house ruled to not be usable against certain targets or making exceptions to get around it ("Oh, my god brought me back... Again... For the 4th time"). The Assassin PrC seems like it should be the Batman of the PrC's, no divine or arcane magic, having the training and gear to get the job done the right way. Sorry guys and gals, just my 2 cents for what it is worth.

Dark Archive

You could make this alot easier than it needs to be. Instead of a caster level check or a DC or whatever, just have the assassin's stay dead effect only be countered by a cleric of level 20 or higher AND/OR the person to be raised to be of the same faith as the cleric who is raising him.

We are doing this in my game to some extent...PCs can only be raised by clerics of gods who they worship.

Dark Archive

Tarren Dei wrote:
sowhereaminow wrote:
On a related note, I say we call the ability "Final Reward".
I hope Jason calls it "And Stay Dead!" but "Final Reward" would be a good choice too.

Hmmm we may have to steal ideas from the Munchkin game cards on possible names.....

Liberty's Edge

I'm not one for thinking assassins should get this for one reason that some might be overlooking.

... this would go two ways people.

"Woohooo!! My assassin killed the guy and he aint coming back. AWESOME!"

(The group high fives)

"AH CRAP! An assassin killed my guy. Res me guys!"

DM: "Sorry, it was an assassin"

(The group mourns)

Assassins are great at killing things. They're whole PrC revolves around that. But KEEPING something dead shouldn't be added I think.

Why can't fighters get this? They specialize in killing things.

Iono, I'm a huge fan as it stands but just keep in mind what you're asking here.

I like the idea of assassins being able to prevent things like speak with dead, raise dead and resurrection. Make it several abilities. Start with speak with dead at level 2 or so, raise dead at level 4, resurrection at level 8, true res at level 10 (if that one needs extra considerations).

David Schwartz wrote:
At the moment, without spells, the assassin just feels like the rogue equivalent of an archmage and the like.

Agreed. They really need something to make up for that loss. Right now, I really wouldn't get into the class - you give up too much and get back too little.

Black Tom wrote:

Why not give them a supernatural ability at level 5 or so that makes their death attack a death effect, blocking Raise Dead. As a capstone their death attack should emulate Destruction, blocking Resurrection.

I don't like the idea that a 15th level non-magic-using character could be able to block True Resurrection, but I think that a properly worded Wish or Miracle cast on the weapon should do the trick. Something like: "May he who is slain by this dagger never rise again."

I agree it is simple to apply the restictions that are already worked into the various resurrection type spells. Ant it does leave True Resurrection availible as a final option one that the DM can easily limit how many 17th level cleric are availible in his setting.

5th level assasin blocking Raise Dead and 10th level assasin blocking Resurrection seems good to me.

Black Tom wrote:
Why not give them a supernatural ability at level 5 or so that makes their death attack a death effect, blocking Raise Dead. As a capstone their death attack should emulate Destruction, blocking Resurrection.

I think this works best, mechanically speaking.

However, I can't see how an Extraordinary ability could emulate that, other than the obvious "I remove his heart" or I burn his body and scatter the ashes", which anyone could do just as easily as the assassin (given the same lack of morality). Other than denying some of the requisites for the raise dead and resurrection spells, the conditions for a character to return to life are out of the assassin's control.

A Supernatural or Spell-like Ability would fit better, but goes against the more "mundane" pathfinder iteration of the assassin. Despite the fact that the assassin IS indeed a prestige class and that I agree that there shouldn't be a better assassin-like prestige class around, making the "standard" assassin lesser choice, Supernatural resources such as the ability to deny resurrection should come from a guild, organization or other sponsors outside the prestige class itself (and thus available to other members of the same organization).


I like some sort of mid-level ability which blocks Raise Dead, but I'd still rather see a capstone ability which allows the assassin to steal the soul. Chasing down an assassin to recover a PC's soul is much more entertaining than 'you're dead forever'.

The Exchange

Eric Tillemans wrote:
I like some sort of mid-level ability which blocks Raise Dead, but I'd still rather see a capstone ability which allows the assassin to steal the soul. Chasing down an assassin to recover a PC's soul is much more entertaining than 'you're dead forever'.

Agreed. It's great for story hooks and 'dead and denied your afterlife' is so much worse than just 'dead'.

I would like to see a non-magical Assassin ability to prevent resurrection. Perhaps the Assassin hides a small shard near the heart (or some other vital organ), so that immediately if it starts beating again, the person dies, thus effectively preventing resurrection. Circumventing this method would require finding the shard(s) by the resurrector and this could be made very difficult indeed.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Roman wrote:
I would like to see a non-magical Assassin ability to prevent resurrection. Perhaps the Assassin hides a small shard near the heart (or some other vital organ), so that immediately if it starts beating again, the person dies, thus effectively preventing resurrection. Circumventing this method would require finding the shard(s) by the resurrector and this could be made very difficult indeed.

That would require a Heal check to fix, I think. Which would be rather similar to a Caster Level Check for practical purposes.

Both solutions are good.

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