kapshus's page

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Mortagon wrote:
One of my players are playing a human sorcerer (draconic bloodline) and has chosen the glaive as his martial weapon. All the players are level one

I agree that it's kinda odd...but your Sor will quickly revert to casting spells as the primary combat option after a level or two. It's one way the arcanists can avoid complete uselessness after running off their paltry allotment of spells at 1st or 2nd level.

Besides, it's just the aspects of the weapon, not the character itself that is making the splash. At 1st level the attack bonuses between classes are minimal, especially considering the Sor has a Strength of 14.

I'd say, let the Sor have some short-lived melee fun and wait until levels 3-4 where the other classes melee bonuses start to add up.

What have done in past games is use a % or the die roll, whichever is greater to level adjust.

For example, CLW does the standard 1d8 + X or 30% of maximum hit points, whichever is greater. It increments up from there.

This factors in the growth of hit points over the levels and keeps the Cure series relevant.

I agree wholeheartedly. Don't know if this is appropriate to the spell forum, but I loved the 2ed specialty priests. Homogenizing clerics seems like a necessary evil at best, and a crime against creativity at least.

How about changing the ability to spontaneous casting of *domain* spells in exchange for some other class ability as a class option? Some clerics are more "focused" on their god's portfolio but don't get full HD (cloistered cleric anyone?) or don't get their first feat or some other trade off that makes sense. That way, at least people will have some difference in their "spontaneous" spells, and by limiting healbot abilities, clerics become more fun to play...sorry, Mr. BDF, I used up all my channeling and all I've memorized is Divine Power. Guess I'll have to impersonate you in the next fight.

I am torn on this. On one hand, you have high-level creatures with the ability to fire off multiple dispels per day. Especially for a buffed PC party, this is a clumsy mechanic (don't even get me started about buffing; I'll spend all day whining about the good ole days where I didn't have to track 15 bonus types). Furthermore, this is an irresistible option for any creature with an innate ability to DMag in high-level encounters. I'm not sure how often this occurs, but in our AoW campaign, we have run across it several times. It's quite time consuming determining who cast each buff (we have 4 casters capable of buffing in our party of 5), ordering them for the dispel, and adjudicating the results.

OTOH, this spell is already used only sparingly (in my limited experience) by PC casters, and weakening the area dispel seems to really limit the usefulness of this abjuration. When we do use it, it's generally to affect one spell, like a confusion, etc. cast upon one of our PC's.

Is there a way to make the targeted dispel a little better in a combat situation as a trade off for removing the area dispel from those same situations that doesn't obliterate the holy grail of game balance?

Just some ideas off the top of my head:
--a targeted dispel is enhanced slightly by a duration (maybe a duration of 1r/5 caster levels. During each round the DMag is active the caster can target another magical effect or the same effect again, once per round as a standard action), or with a formula tweak on the opposed dispel check to make it easier to dispel?

In general, I like the idea of giving some power to DMag in higher levels, because it is already gimp'ed by the +10 cap.

brock wrote:
Black Tom wrote:

I don't like the idea that a 15th level non-magic-using character could be able to block True Resurrection, but I think that a properly worded Wish or Miracle cast on the weapon should do the trick. Something like: "May he who is slain by this dagger never rise again."

This sounds like the Morganti weapons from Brust...cool but I agree that it'd have to be closely guarded. Don't know if it should be PF canon.

Back to the Assassin, how about he has access to death domain on his spell list and the death touch power. Anybody killed by that would be impossible to raise/reincarnate. Resurrect would still be possible, but then, shouldn't that be the case for someone with the cash and access to a nearly epic level cleric?