Care to Explain your Avatar Name?

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I'm curious on the "why" of the avatar name of several of you guys. In an attempt to make you explain it, here is mine:

Butterfrog comes from Butterfly and Frog (no actual butter involved). Back at College (1999) we had an asignment to do a personal "corporate image" and I just started dating my wife back then. To impress her and to make something to involve both of us, I used her favorite "animal" and I used mine. And so the Butterfrog was born. Since then I grew attached to it and now I actually use it as my favorite moniker.

So, there you go. Anyone interested on putting a background story on you Avatar?

Pretty simple really. My deranged, psychotic halfling assassin from the SCAP. He knew he wanted to be an assassin after methodically going from room to room in the Lucky Monkey one night and, well...

use your imagination! ;)

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I believe this has been asked before, but I'm not going to begrudge you for not wanting to go searching.

My name comes from a long, long time ago when the internet was young and I had just started a website on Geocities for Warhammer 40k. I needed a name, and all the good ones from 40K for the Space Wolves had been taken.

So I looked around the room, and found my Dad's old 2600K modem, named "Vera". I took the first three of MODem and the last three of vERA. It stuck, and that was that.

And yes, I realize I am a guy with a feminine name in Spanish.

The name of my first epic character a Blue Dragon Shaman.

Scarab Sages

Kessukoofah is gutterspeak (Races of Destiny), and comes from a basterdized form of the elven word for "fool" or "idiot". Suffice to say I may have some self-esteem problems...or at least did at the time of signing up here.

Way back when I used Prodigy, Jester was taken.

Well, years ago, I bought Dragon Warrior 3 for the Game Boy Color. Anyway, I started a new game and decided to name the main character after myself, as I'm sure most 10-year-olds who played that game did. There was only one problem; my first name is 5 letters long, and the maximum name length is 4. So what did I do? I hacked off the last letter and the name I would choose for every non-tabletop rpg was born.

As for the 'Eccentric' part, well, if I were a rich man, I'd be eccentric. Until then, I will be simply strange.

Scarab Sages

Xaaon was my first 65 in Everquest.

It's a great dark elf name, I got my Paizo account when I was running Eberron...get it...

Scarab Sages

A (slightly) obscure combination of Star Wars and Red Dwarf -- which is just wrong if you think about it.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
A (slightly) obscure combination of Star Wars and Red Dwarf -- which is just wrong if you think about it.

Thanks for clearing that up, Moff. I always thought you had a particular fetish.

Protagonist in Jack Vance's "Demon Princes" novels.

Anyone who swindles the head villain out of 10 billion dollars ("SVU"), steals his girl, and pays him off with blank paper deserves some admiration!

Liberty's Edge

The Surname of one of the premier villains in my campaigns. Kelthas Dread, of the Family Dread, Red Wizard and Crimelord

Scarab Sages

Mine dates back about 12-15 years ago. My friends and I were obsessed with 2 things: Star Wars and ancient dial-up-based IRC. We came up with Star Wars themed names for ourselves and our "factions" online.

Since I also love the James Bond novels and films, I took the name of Hugo Drax, a Bond villain, and morphed it into Jal Dorak. It then became my Alias for all online and gaming activity.

Modera wrote:

I believe this has been asked before, but I'm not going to begrudge you for not wanting to go searching.

Actually I thought there may be something like this thread already and went digging into the OTD files but found nothig. Maybe I didn't do my digging very good...

And yes, I realize I am a guy with a feminine name in Spanish.

In México there is no such name. So mybe in other Latin countries.

Dark Archive

Mine is pretty dull, it's just my name.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

It's my name.

Of course, there is a story there, but it is already written down elsewhere, so I won't re-write it here.

Scarab Sages

Cosmo wrote:

It's my name.

Of course, there is a story there, but it is already written down elsewhere, so I won't re-write it here.

wow. that is a great story!

Sovereign Court

I'm going to retire in January. I guess that says it all.

Arakhor was a name I invented (originally without the H) for a black abishai in a free-form Planescape forum roleplay I was involved in. Since then, he has gone on to ever greater strengths as a red abishai, hamatula fighter/sorcerer, Dremora Courtier (in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind) and now a falxugon courtier/beguiler/warlock.

By random chance (and the proof that no matter how good an idea, there's always an identical one somewhere), I later found out that an "arakhor" is also some sort of bizarre Elven tree. *shrug*

CourtFool wrote:
Way back when I used Prodigy, Jester was taken.

And why would you use Jester,Oh Mighty Lord of the Lickying?

Name of an NPC I created but never got around to playing. Nothing special here. At some point I might change to a new avatar permanently-we'll see.

Scarab Sages

I had a character in a Shadowrun game that was a psychical adept that specialized in sensory enhancements. He had x-ray, infra red, ultra violet and telescopic vision. Hi and low frequency hearing along with radio and echolocation. His sense of smell was greater than a bloodhound and could read a newspaper by touch. He was a German ex special services agent and when by the obvious name of Ubermensch (superman).
At the same time I was reading Friedrich Nietzsche’s beyond good and evil. In which he presents his concept of the over man, a man who even after realizing the ultimate futility of an existence that is predetermined strives to improve his life and that of those he cares about regardless, or the Ubermensch.
Also during this time I was helping my friend’s grandmother move into a retirement condo, she was Yiddish and said I was a true mench for a Catholic. Mench is meaning a human being, upright, honorable, decent person, someone to admire.
So I took the name Ubermench, (the super nice guy).

Ubermench wrote:
Also during this time I was helping my friend’s grandmother move into a retirement condo, she was Yiddish and said I was a true mench for a Catholic.

Aha! I was wondering about the spelling. It's all clear now. That's pretty sly, in fact.

I was pulling wingman duty for a friend and he started calling me Wedge, and I happen to live in the ghetto.

The Exchange

During college, I was exposed to an anime series by the name of Flame of Recca. It was about 43 episodes long and I watched all of it in an 18 hr period (wasn't very tired apparentely). During the show, a heavily-armoured minor villain appears in the midst of a tournament. His armor can lash out with four tentacles (very "Doc Octopus" ala Spiderman) and he shows both combat prowess and a degree of nobility yada yada. The important thing is that his armor was named "Magagumo" (or Japanese for spider) and I was both taken by the style fo the armor and the style of the character.

ANd thus, "magagumo" for all my online personas.

Scarab Sages

Moff Rimmer wrote:
A (slightly) obscure combination of Star Wars and Red Dwarf -- which is just wrong if you think about it.

Smeg head.

Mine's just my name. I used to go on the WotC board and other boards as "MacrossSD", which was a reference to SDF Macross, but now I'd rather just not do the "Internet Anonymity" stuff anymore. If I'm going to have an opinon, damn it, I'll make it one I'd want to sign my name to! :)

The Old man wrote:
I'm going to retire in January. I guess that says it all.

Congratulations! I hope it is a long and happy retirement.

My name is taken from the awful, unholy, pig of a boss from "Office Space."

Pat Payne wrote:
If I'm going to have an opinon, damn it, I'll make it one I'd want to sign my name to! :)

Damn right Pat! ;)

Mine is actually stolen from a friend's character, but in my defense he only ever played him in our solo games with me DMing, and when he lamed dropped out of role-playing for several years, I couldn't let a good name go unused. I had just gotten into MUDing, and so I used it for my online character. So many people came to know me through that, that I stuck with it for other online things.

The original character name, Xanen Kryst, came from him being bored in Chemistry class and bastardizing the element Xenon and adding on a deliberate mangling of "Christ", just with a hard-K sound and a "cool Y in place of an I".

When I initially started coming here, I was in the middle of designing a large city by the name of Chance. The wife of the city's leader, and incidentally the spymaster for the largest intelligence network in the kingdom not to mention having been an assassin before she "reformed" is named Lynora DeTravante. Since I like to watch from the sidelines absorbing as much information as possible it seemed like a fitting name to use.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Mine's from the list of "joke" names that I used for characters when playing the old Gold Box AD&D games. Others included the fighters 'Sir Loin' and 'Sir Vivor', the rogue 'Faye Dingaway', and the magic-user 'Rune Mahmood'.

Bill Lumberg wrote:
My name is taken from the awful, unholy, pig of a boss from "Office Space."

"If you could just go ahead and move your leg to the left... yeah, that would be great."

A not very bright Grognard. That's me.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Despite appearances, my avatar name has nothing to do with the PrC from the Complete Arcane of the same name. Rather it has everything to do with the fact that I am a 90/10 DM. This means that 90% of the time I'm gaming, I'm DMing. I only get to play the other 10%. As a DM, one is responsible for guiding the hand of fate and entangling the PCs in your web of intrigues.

Ergo, as the spinner of Fate for my games, I adopt the moniker of such.

Scarab Sages

Fatespinner wrote:
Rather it has everything to do with the fact that I am a 90/10 DM. This means that 90% of the time I'm gaming, I'm DMing. I only get to play the other 10%.

You play a lot more than I do...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:
Rather it has everything to do with the fact that I am a 90/10 DM. This means that 90% of the time I'm gaming, I'm DMing. I only get to play the other 10%.
You play a lot more than I do...

Ours is a burden we bear with pride, Moff.

(Just smile and nod. It makes us look good for the cameras.)

Liberty's Edge

my avatar name is an obscure reference to a deeply mystical pre-sumerian star worshipping...

ok, my name is derek, and i'm from houston...

Liberty's Edge

Back in high school (all of four years ago), a friend and I were free-associating in an attempt to come up with a concept for a superhero comic. At some point, I came up with "Mr. Eldritch", to which my friend replied "shiny, Captain."

And thus, The Eldritch Mr. Shiny was born.

Since, I've used that particular name for a shitty, now defunct home-made comic; my City of Heroes character (also defunct); my Kingdom of Loathing character; my DeviantArt username; my Paizo username, etc...

It's scary because more people know me as "Mr. Shiny" or "Shiny" than as Dave Mallon (that's my name, if you don't already know that).

Right now, I have plans to resurrect the original "Eldritch Mr. Shiny" comic as "Captain Shiny".

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Right now, I have plans to resurrect the original "Eldritch Mr. Shiny" comic as "Captain Shiny".

bad guy: "arrrrghhhh!!!!! captain shiny blinded me with his patent leather shoes!!!!!!!!"

(i want a copy when you publish!)

Scarab Sages

It is the name of my longest surviving character. He came over from Call of Cthulhu, then recreated in ADnD, and the rest is history.

My son posts under my other character name: Stephan Nicolas Amber.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Jonathan_Shade wrote:

It is the name of my longest surviving character. He came over from CoC, then recreated in ADnD, and the rest is history.

My son posts under my other character name: Stephan Nicolas Amber.

I've always wanted to believe that you were just blessed with the incredibly cool last name "Shade."

Alas, my hopes and dreams are shattered.

Dark Archive

Set's my favorite mythological diety.

This year, anyway. My tastes change with the wind.

My real name, Ian, was picked because my mom was a huge James Bond fan and decided to name me after Ian Fleming. It was cool, when I was young, and nobody I knew was named Ian.

Nowadays, they're like roaches.

Oh, look, there goes someone else named Ian. <STOMP!>

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
It's scary because more people know me as "Mr. Shiny" or "Shiny" than as Dave Mallon (that's my name, if you don't already know that).

Nice to meet you Dave ;)

Pat Payne wrote:
... I'd rather just not do the "Internet Anonymity" stuff anymore. If I'm going to have an opinon, damn it, I'll make it one I'd want to sign my name to! :)

Yup. I can relate to that.

I like lil' rascules show.

My real name's Theodore, but my big brother Wally, when he was a little kid said "Beaver" when he tried to pronounce that. So, it kinda stuck to me and junk.

My parents were hippies.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Yup. I can relate to that.

That and having like 200 alias to hide behind and terrorize the boards

Frat Jack wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Yup. I can relate to that.
That and having like 200 alias to hide behind and terrorize the boards

Ahh but I never post anything serious with my aliases. Should I give a serious opinion on something it is always under this avatar.

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