
Ocean's page

44 posts. Alias of Heathansson.


Raa raa ree! Kick him in the knee!

Raa raa rass! Kick him in the other knee!

I'm Spanky's cheerleader!

well I can dig it!

Shutcho mouth!

"I am like.....sooooooo drunk!"

"I'm.....sorry, to all of you. You most of all, Elgan."

sense motive d.c. 3

lying ass byoch!

Hours go by, and Stig starts to smell like you just removed the gas cap to your car.
Finally she returns, appearing at the cave entrance, and pulling across the grotto on a gondola.
"You can enter, and go see Graz'zt now. Bring your trophy."

"Wait here.......
I will go tell Graz'zt of your great accomplishment. He may want to meet with you."

With that, she dives into the lagoon, and then surfaces far on the other side, wherupon she disappears into a cave opening there...

"You,.....lot.....killed the Flayed Lord? You are a great addition to the fold."
Scrutinizing a second, then....
"Some more eggs are probably ready. I want you lot to take some of them to the Island. Come with me if you would.....bring your trophy, if you like."
She saunters up the tube back in the direction from whence you all came. Her entourage of five sea elves (doubtless that actually, at this point in the game) follows her.

"Who's Sencho?"

"A wereshark! Splendid!!!
Oh, I didn't know there were any weresharks here. You all must be new. I am Kiiriilka. Welcome to Grazz'ts' fold, my brothers."

Ocean, and 5 other sea elves in skintight mail bodysuits emerge before the rest of the party in the tube.

"Hey boys, what's with all the pomp and circumstance?" she says as she notes the 7 "sahuagin" milling about.

Tee hee hee hee!


*pets the octopus*



F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
James Sutter wrote:
It's true. It's important to help and make sure that any new employer gets a proper idea of what they're acquiring. Fortunately, talking loudly about Sean's extensive portfolio of slashfic novels seems to do the job.
I'm still looking forward to Sean's novella "The Sexy Secret of Saltmarsh." Get over here you sexy lizardmen. Rowr.

I used to be "Oceanus" in the original module.

Until DM Heathy retconned me.

Happy birthday, Mr. President.....

My parents were hippies.

And what about TGPCing/NPCing?

"I'm going to play it by ear; I'll chat them up some, give you guys time to get something going. When you see the blast of my colorspray rise over the ship, that'd be a good time to move."

sweet Bridget it's hot! 105 degrees! 108 tomorrow.

"What side? Starbord, right?"

(Port faces land. Port is left; everybody knows that, right?)

She swims back there,....
"How do we want to do this? I could create a diversion on one side of the boat...."

Any other last minute embellishments is fine by me...
As the glamoured rowboat heads back to the ship,...

A familiar figure surfaces in front of's Ocean.
This time, she's dressed in sensible, comfortable clothes, stretchy for swimming and not showing a whole lot of skin or anything; black leather hide gear; a rapier strapped to her back.
She doesn't have any cleavage or any of that stuff on her leather surcoat. Her hair's tied harshly and businesslike in a ponytail and she's not garishly made up.
No high heels, no bellydancing costume.
Okay, I'm done being snarky.

"You want, I can start a diversion from the other side of the ship. I'm good at diversions." She smiles.

Dungeonmaster Heathy also says he's in love with Caitlin Fairchild from Gen-13.

In the original U1, my name was Oceanus, and I was a guy.
But dungeonmaster Heathy thought I was more interesting as a female.

My name is Ocean. I'm a sea elf.

"I'll talk to them. I'll definitely be in contact."

Becton of Pelor wrote:
Becton would like to see if someone can give him a helping hand with the paladin next. I know we're all scared of more rot grubs, but as mentioned earlier - maybe we can wrap him up in some cloth and transport him out of the mansion for a proper burial. Hmmm...sounds more and more like we need a wagon.

"I'll help you, if you want."

The sea elf makes it to the sea, and plunges in. Then she surfaces bobbing in the waves.

"Again, thankyou. I'll depart soon, and go link up with my people. Tell them about this place, and the merrow you fought.
That ship comes back every full moon, if that's helpful to you. You seem to have a battle with these folk, and as they were cruel and you were kind, I tend to feel that that is if not a good thing, then at least necessary."

"Who's Jane?"
She smiles, yet her forehead is crinkled some.
"Little one,...he sprayed you with the colors too, didn't he.
I know how you feel right now..."

Gittik/Samwise's first espying of the elf Ocean/Legolas:
(Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings animated...)

"HEE HEE HEE! An elf!!! An elf!!! I've never seen an elf! HEE HEE HEE!!!!!!"

"I'm no witch!"
She gasps, taken aback.
"I...I just want to go back to the sea. Please. I just want to go home."
She implores you with almond shaped eyes.
"I mean you no harm. Oh,...this will teach me. 'Ocean, you're never going up into the airworld again.'"

Elgan Dreadwood wrote:

"'Scuze me, Don' you go an' mind dem none now. Dey's city-folk, an' dey's all bustin wit' curiosity. Ah don' t'ink dey realize dat yo needs ta git back down ta da ocean. Le's jes' git you downstairs, when ya is recover'in in da sea-water, den ya kin answer any fool questions dat ya all feels like. May I help yah?"

"Thankyou, kinsman!" She takes the profferred arm. "Lead the way, if it does you well to."

Beldan Vale wrote:
Elgan Dreadwood wrote:
Ah don' t'ink dey realize dat yo needs ta git back down ta da ocean. Le's jes' git you downstairs, when ya is recover'in in da sea-water,
"Hey! First thing I did - after I got her out of those chains - was offer to get her to water!" exclaims Beldan, feeling indignant and unappreciated. "Not my fault she likes talking to me, grumble, grumble..."

"You're my brave dolphin in the midst of the maelstrom. You all are."

Becton of Pelor wrote:

"Alright now, fellas...give the lass some room. Ms. Ocean, I'm a healer - as you may have guessed. Afore these lads start questioning you too much, are you in need of aid; I can create more water if you need it to keep going."

"Oh, no...that's allright. My imminent distress is averted. If I could just get down to the sea, as your elven friend suggests, that would be for the good. My nausea would go away."

Riese wrote:

That is a bed, land dwellers use this to copulate upon and for resting. The man was evil, but why was he killing you? Did you find out what was going on here? What is on the ship?

I will stoicly bear my injured pain until such time as one of my companions deems that I have suffered enough and provides some assistance.
What do you know of this place?*Gestures broadly at the house around them* AhHHhhh! My Friggin' Arm!! GGrrrRRRrrrr. *Tries to look stoic*

"I don't know. I only looked around a bit, then.....the COLORS! Oh, it was awful. I don't know what this place is entirely.

It looks like one of your landfolk dwellings, though I've never been in one.
Everything is straight. Lines. Everywhere lines.
Why do you landfolk build everything in straight lines? The sea doesn't.
So disorienting."

Riese wrote:

Damn, this arm! The pain is intolerable!

"I can maybe fetch you something for that out of the sea."

Riese wrote:

Blessed Boccob! Miss ummm.....Ocean was it? Obviously the boys here have never viewed a female such as you and judging by the rapidly diminishing space in their pants they find you somewhat fetching. Don't mind them. Testosterone make for bad brain juice.

What did the bastard want with you and how did he manage to capture you?

"One of your landfolks' boats does appear here. On the fili of...when...Hmm.. when your nightsky light is a circle. They come here. What is that big light you call it?

Lights flash from the boat, and from the house, and from the boat. Then the boat births a little boat.
I came up to this house, to see what it was about.
I walked around in here some, then colors came at me, a world of colors, then I slept, and then I was chained here on this thing." She points to the bed.
"He was mean. He asked me things...said he would leave me here...why was he so cruel? Who is that man?"

Altai Iscarni wrote:
"Doubtlessly you'll be glad to hear that we killed the sea ogre in the basement and his undead shark friend." Alwyn shakes his head in amazement. "Two days out of the sea did that to you. Wow."

"Merrow? Good.

I knew of none. Here?
Yes...well, it's the weird of the lungfish. Some of our folk swam up rivers and learned the trick from a fish that hibernates when the sky keeps its water from know, where you folk live. From the land. "

"hee hee hee! I think I can manage..." she stands, her long legs reaching all the way to the ground. "Ah, yes..." she still seems a bit wobbly. "Okay! I can do this."

"My name is Ocean. Yes, I am a sea elf."

"Oh, thankyou. Thankyou so much." She sits on the edge of the bed, wearing a subdued brown sarong.

Altai Iscarni wrote:
"Uh, sure... Glad to be of assistance. miss. How long have you been trapped in the bed?"

"The sun rose and set two times since I've been in this room...although it seemed an eternity. Oh, thankyou so. Though fresh water....(ur..urpsh) makes me ill, at least I have my full faculties."

"Oh. Oh! thankyouso...much."