This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

Wellards RotRL OOC thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

RE: Ali's post about running the shopping party offline -- I concur. In fact I think I'm pretty much done. UNless Val wants to RP visiting the armoury and bookshop, I'm willing to assume we went there made out purchases and left without incident.

Wellard and shopping crew (ALi too) :

Wellard will 200 gp cover Romon's 3 suits, gowns for the girls and the coat for Inikai? I know delivery is in a few weeks, but can Inikai's coat be ready when we leave for Thistletop?

MW shortsword for Muchorak 310 gp

Silver sheen 225.

What's available in the book/map line? Has Marak inquired there already?

Is an ever-burning torch available?

Sounds good to me!

DM and Shopping Crew:

I'm done unless everyone else wants to go further with it. I just kind of silently suggested we split up so that Romon and Kallie can each go after one item and we could just consider the shopping done unless Wellard wants to throw something at us.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
Valkyrie Paine wrote:

Sounds good to me!

DM and Shopping Crew:** spoiler omitted **

Agreed. Wellard?

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Shopping Crew


Perhaps once all the shoping is done, we (or You guys ) can make a post where we ( You ;-) give the gifts 'we' got to everyone?

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
Khaladon wrote:

Shopping Crew

** spoiler omitted **

that's the plan.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

I have no problem with just considering the shopping done

I did post in the main thread that small numbers of EBTs sunrods and Tanglefoot Bags were available.

For the Feathered Serpent..theres a 10 % chance in any given week that any particular minor wonderous item is available for sale...that covers the eclectic nature of the goods there. It might be possible to place an order there for specific items of any power but it might take some time to obtain them.

I must do a full listing of the sandpoint shops for you at some point

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
Wellard wrote:

I have no problem with just considering the shopping done

I did post in the main thread that small numbers of EBTs sunrods and Tanglefoot Bags were available.

For the Feathered Serpent..theres a 10 % chance in any given week that any particular minor wonderous item is available for sale...that covers the eclectic nature of the goods there. It might be possible to place an order there for specific items of any power but it might take some time to obtain them.

I must do a full listing of the sandpoint shops for you at some point

Sorry, my bad. Missed the EBTs and tanglefoot bags. Now there's an item that might be useful. Got to see how much is left after Romon buys a backpack full of junk.

I've got RotRl #1, so I could cruise the shop descriptions myself, except Romon's not a local. Your call.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

if anyone has RotRL I have no problems with you reading the sandpoint and thassilon articles

I'll see if I can borrow the right volume from a friend. Are they both in Pathfinder #1?

Set, you'll get a bonus from that book too!

Wellard said:
"(the book will add +2 to knowledge (history) with regards to Thassilon..basically its the Thassilon article from Pathfinder 1) "

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Yes, both articles are in PF #1.

My friend did the same thing for me that he did with the Shoanti article in one of the later issues, he just printed the player-safe section out from his pdf. I'm looking forward to reading the Sandpoint article. :)

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Waterborn reconnaisance of Thistletop

There's a lot to think about such a plan. Water temp, currents, the size of Thistletop and its distance from shore, nasty aquatic fauna or flora. Wellard, when we sight Thistletop can you break it down for us?

Also,meta-gaming wise, I don't think it's a great idea to split the party, unless Wellard just wants to broadbrush a recon. If Bill and I hit an encounter it could take days IRL to sort it out. I don't want to drag the game for those who would be left ashore. (Still feel I got a little hoggy with the shopping party.) MAybe Wellard could ambush the party while we're away.

Romon's cocky enough to try anything, especially if Inikai is going. And this is the kind of mission I personally dig when playing a rogue.

Pros and cons, I'll go with the party's choice. Romon will too, but he's probably going to argue for this plan.

Don't worry Thom! I was mainly worried about how safe a lone swimmer would be. I know there are sharks in Korvosa, and that's not that far from Sandpoint, is it?

Valkyrie Paine wrote:
Don't worry Thom! I was mainly worried about how safe a lone swimmer would be. I know there are sharks in Korvosa, and that's not that far from Sandpoint, is it?

Sharks? Who said anything about sharks? Maybe my cunning plan aint so cunning after all.

I can see the concern about prolonging the game with a side-trek. In that case, I will withdraw the idea.

Dark Archive

Some dude

The healer has this horror movie soundtrack going through his head at the thought of the party splitting up. :)

"Oh, we found the goblins! Run for your lives!"

meanwhile, back at the beach, "I wonder how the scouting party is doing? They've sure been gone awhile..."

We avoided that trap for now at least.

For now. :)

You know what's great about playing a coward? You always have an excuse for bad aim!

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Kallie can't be too much of a coward or she wouldn't be here. If Romon were intelligent instead of merely clever, he'd probably be more afraid.

Wellard, thanks for whacking the puppy while Romon glides into the shadows untargetted. I promise to wait for official Round announcements henceforth.

I don't know, Set. When we get to the beach after all this gory action in the heat, maybe a swim would feel good. We'll be all sweaty and sticky with dried blood ....

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Puppy!? Grrrr careful or she'll rub up against you and order some of her flea friends to ATTACK!

But she and I are properly chastised and shall meekly await our signal to rend stinky gobbo flesh! err, I mean go.


The Ballad of Brave Maid Kallie

Bravely bold Maid Kallie rode forth from Sand-a-point.
She was not afraid to die, O brave Maid Kallie!
She was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways,
Brave, brave, brave, brave Maid Kallie!
she was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp,
Or to have her eyes gouged out, and her elbows broken;
To have her kneecaps split, and her body burned away;
And her limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Maid Kallie!

Her head smashed in and her heart cut out
And her liver removed and her bowels unplugged
And her nostrils raped and her bottom burned off
And her nether parts--


Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

That Winter they were forced to eat Kallies Minstrels..and there was great rejoicing

Female Human (Chelish) Sorcerer 3
therealthom wrote:
I don't know, Set. When we get to the beach after all this gory action in the heat, maybe a swim would feel good. We'll be all sweaty and sticky with dried blood ....

And then the blood draws the sharks! See!?

Khaladon wrote:

The Ballad of Brave Maid Kallie

Bravely bold Maid Kallie rode forth from Sand-a-point.
She was not afraid to die, O brave Maid Kallie!
She was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways,
Brave, brave, brave, brave Maid Kallie!
she was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp,
Or to have her eyes gouged out, and her elbows broken;
To have her kneecaps split, and her body burned away;
And her limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Maid Kallie!

Her head smashed in and her heart cut out
And her liver removed and her bowels unplugged
And her nostrils raped and her bottom burned off
And her nether parts--



Manages to go even more pale.

Wellard wrote:
That Winter they were forced to eat Kallies Minstrels..and there was great rejoicing

That does it, I'm not taking Leadership. Ever! >:(

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

LOL. You guys are mucho fun.

Dark Archive

Some dude
therealthom wrote:
When we get to the beach after all this gory action in the heat, maybe a swim would feel good. We'll be all sweaty and sticky with dried blood ....

This sounds suspiciously like how a letter to Penthouse from Conan the barbarian would start...

Set wrote:
therealthom wrote:
When we get to the beach after all this gory action in the heat, maybe a swim would feel good. We'll be all sweaty and sticky with dried blood ....

This sounds suspiciously like how a letter to Penthouse from Conan the barbarian would start...

You have that backwards; Penthouse writes letter to Conan.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Hey Kallie, forgive me if I'm wrong but I realized you may not have gotten the reference of that song. It's from the Monty Python movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" most certainly a true classic of British SILLY humour...but sometimes I forget that not all of us here are old farts ;-)

(And I started to feel my age again tonight when my date for seeing Star Trek had Never seen ANY of the Next Generation shows or movies let alone the Original Star Trek!! :O She had vaguely heard of Captain Kirk and Spock but...of course in this case it's likely more of a cultural thing than an age thing as she's only 3 years younger than me and she's Mexican (where I now live, in Cancun. Whoop!). But it got me thinking, there's a whole generation out there to whom this new Star Trek movie is Completely, am I really That old?...But the movie handled it well with the whole 'Alternate Reality' thing (and don't worry, that's the only spoiler-ish thing you'll get from me and it doesn't give anything important away)
Good Flick though, and they've left lots of room for many more Star Trek movies so Yay!

Anyway, I got side-tracked (another symptom of advanced age I'm afraid = )

The rest of the song goes like this:

Brave Sir Robin ran away.
Bravely ran away, away!
When danger reared its ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin!

If you'd like to see it for yourself:
Brave Sir Robin

Yeah, it took me a while to catch on until Wellard mentioned the minstrels. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Romon wrote:

[ooc] Val, didn't know Kallie swore by Okinawan daggers. Seriously, Kallie cracks me up. "Mother said ...."

It took me a second to figure out what you were talking about here. Sai = Okinawan dagger. Duh! You guys are awesome. I'm still enjoying every bit of this.

Oh, and I got the Monty Python reference too...but then my wife tells me I'm old, so that might not help much. Either way, you guys are a hoot. Keep it up!

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Just a heads up that I'll be heading off to Paizocon UK next Friday and wont be back till the following Monday...I doubt I'll be posting at any time over the weekend

Liberty's Edge

Paziocon wish I could go to that...too much other crap on my plate :(

Last years was fun and I wish I could've gotten into more of the games.

Have fun Wellard!

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Ya sounds like a Blast! Never been to one but I Will one of these days soon

Enjoy Man

Yeah I just caught the sai thing. You cad. ;)

Sorry for taking so long getting back from the holiday weekend. And have a good time at the con Wellard!

Liberty's Edge

DM Wellard wrote:
Alis first round action was her shape change

Since Ali is using the alternate wild druid template, her shapeshift is a swift action, not a standard action. She should still be able to take another action in that turn, if I'm reading it correctly.

Romon watches the pair. Their proximity to each other and Kallie's pat on the back seem to concern him more than Inikai's apparent insincerity.

Uh-oh! Drama inbound! ;)

Kallie really is the worst person to have in the middle of that situation. She's not the most emotionally mature PC in the group!

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

Ain't that the truth

Just like to say to Val and Khaladon how much I am enjoying reading your stuff over in Fall of Empires.

Thanks! And I've been meaning to tell Khal, Bo-Dan from Fall of Empires pretty much made me have to start playing a monk over at Nightwish's game.

Writing your actions for flurry of blows is fun. :)

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Yes Thanks Wellard! It's a great game. Wrath is a talented writer, he is great at building tension and atmosphere.

And Bo-dan would be very pleased to hear that she had inspired another to follow the path on meditation, inner searching and discipline. May you find all you seek grasshopper!

And hey, this makes me curious...How many games are people playing on here??

Personally I'm involved in 6 on plothook and a few more on other sites (although only one is currently active)

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

I'm running 2 and playing in 4 here..which is about my limit I think

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Also at my limit. Running 1, playing 6, but 2 are ultralow intensity -- post about 1/week. Hat's off to you Wellard; I couldn't manage to run 2 games.

I am in the other game that Wellard is running and a Call of Cthulhu game that has been going on for over a year. I had been playing in three other games at one point. (One with Bo-Dan, ironically) but I had to drop out because I could not keep up with them all.

Running a game seems like it might be fun but I just can't devote the time to make a good show of it. All the more reason for me to thank Wellard again for running this game.

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Yes I heartily agree with Bill. I've many times thought of running my own game but have yet to be willing to make that kind of time and effort commitment. I have nothing but mucho respect and gratitude for those hardy souls who do so and make it all possible for the rest of us to enjoy playing.

I didn't know you were running a game Thom. Is that the ROTRL you're running as CrimsonDM? If so I'll check it out as I'd like to see your DMing style.

Oh and ya Bill, that game we were in went the way of the dodo very soon after you left.

I came close to trying to start a game twice before I came to my senses. ;) I don't know how the DMs manage it!

I'm at my limit too with nine active PCs here. Some of the games are slower in pace but I really need to avoid joining any more for a while.

That was awesome with the pack mentality for Ali btw!

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

whoops I'm playing in 6

It's CoCT Thom is running and I'm playing in that as Heather the patriotic Korvosan Sorceress

in addition I'm playing as

Mellisa Evendale..female Rogue (disguised as a boy) in BrOps SD Game

Sondergang Wulfsson Dwarven Cleric of Torag in Patrick Curtins Tharkad Kul(slow posts in this one)

Robert Edward Jackson In PHDs Call of Chthulu game(again a slow post rate game)

Ewald Salador ..Taldoran Noble Ranger in Robins Taldor Game which is an almost purely social interaction game so far..not a combat roll made yet..Val plays my reluctant betrothed there and we are having a lot of fun with it

And my witch Andrea is appearing in Tower of the Last Baron run by DM Dahn

Then I run this and my Wilderlands game..but I do have everything at hand when I'm online as all my stuff is also on pdf..I can cut and paste a lot which speeds things up

Wellard wrote:

whoops I'm playing in 6

It's CoCT Thom is running and I'm playing in that as Heather the patriotic Korvosan Sorceress

in addition I'm playing as

Mellisa Evendale..female Rogue (disguised as a boy) in BrOps SD Game

Sondergang Wulfsson Dwarven Cleric of Torag in Patrick Curtins Tharkad Kul(slow posts in this one)

Robert Edward Jackson In PHDs Call of Chthulu game(again a slow post rate game)

Ewald Salador ..Taldoran Noble Ranger in Robins Taldor Game which is an almost purely social interaction game so far..not a combat roll made yet..Val plays my reluctant betrothed there and we are having a lot of fun with it

And my witch Andrea is appearing in Tower of the Last Baron run by DM Dahn

Then I run this and my Wilderlands game..but I do have everything at hand when I'm online as all my stuff is also on pdf..I can cut and paste a lot which speeds things up

In my best Sigmund Freud voice:

"Hmmm, your choice of characters seems to indicate gender confusion and resentment toward your local MP. Tell me about your childhood."

Wellard wrote:

whoops I'm playing in 6

Ewald Salador ..Taldoran Noble Ranger in Robins Taldor Game which is an almost purely social interaction game so far..not a combat roll made yet..Val plays my reluctant betrothed there and we are having a lot of fun with it


Note to self. Find this tread and lurk there.

Khaladon, per Wellard's reply, I an running a Crimson Throne. It's unfortunate title stems from my total ineptitude with things like starting new threads.

I try to go role-play and description heavy, but time constraints often get in the way. I think we went 6 pages in the prologue before there was any real combat.

In addition to being a patriot, Heather is developing a very fine "angry young woman " voice too. I'm looking forward to seeing how she handles events down the road.

Dark Archive

Some dude

I'm in;

Zoomackulas' Second Darkness game (Violant Aurori, Human Cleric of Calistria, raised to be a temple prostitute, still a virgin)

Fabes DM's Arcana Unearthed game (Shekkebet, Mojh Magister, gave up his humanity for love, only to discover that he no longer feels love in his new form)

DM dahn's all evil Second Darkness game (Mordecai, Human Cleric of Urgathoa, former feeding vessel for Gebbite vampire nobility, and liked that life better than what's happened since)

Wellard's rescued Rise of the Runelords game (Marak Quan, Human Cleric of Nethys, dude with very little backstory, 'cause I was feeling uncreative...)

Can ya tell I like Clerics?

Liberty's Edge

Hey all i'm due to be moving back to the states sometime next week. I should still have internet access but it will be intermitent until I get established in OK.

Wellard feel free to run Muchorak if i'm taking too long to reply. I'll let you know in this read when I officially begin the move.

Sovereign Court

Male variable 12th lvl Dm/5th level fanboy/3rd Lvl Pedant

OK Az..will do

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
Azoun The Sage wrote:

Hey all i'm due to be moving back to the states sometime next week. I should still have internet access but it will be intermitent until I get established in OK.

Wellard feel free to run Muchorak if i'm taking too long to reply. I'll let you know in this read when I officially begin the move.

Where are you moving to, Azoun?

Hi, Wellard!

Dark Archive

Some dude
therealthom wrote:
Where are you moving to, Azoun?

The post mentioned getting established in OK. Sounds like Oklahoma?

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
Set wrote:
therealthom wrote:
Where are you moving to, Azoun?

The post mentioned getting established in OK. Sounds like Oklahoma?

DOH! Of course

M Brownin (Half Pale Skin/Half Dark Skin) Healer 8/Merchant 3

Wow thanks All! You're certainly added to my required reading material now! Lots of new games and characters to follow ;-)

And Wellard, PHD is a RL personal friend of mine. Actually his was the first RL game I got back into after YEARS of Absence. He's a great guy and a swell DM, sorry to hear about the posting rate but I'm sure it's a great game. (which I'll get to see for myself soon as I check it out amongst all the other great contenders. Oh and thanks for the correction, I seem to always get RotRL and CotCT mixed up for some reason...)

The specific Paizo games I'm in are:
-This one, as Ali, the strange but cute (and savage) Wild Druid Gnome we all know and love
-Zalen, a wily human Rogue who's just started to discover some of his previously unknown magical heritage. Somehow he's been elected to lead his group of misfits as they try and make their way in a city in upheaval in Terra Nova's CotCT.
-Bo-Dan, a LG half-elf monk, trying to survive as a refugee, the only being in the world she can depend on her lover the fast thinking, fast talking half-elf Rogue Paera (Val) in Wrath's home-brew game 'Fall of Nations'
-Gal, another Wild Druid, this one big, mean and even more savage in another home-brew 'Scarred Lands'
-Layjiani, the party ranger/rogue scout in Wellard home-brew 'To the Wilderlands & Beyond'
-And Bogorin, and aged alcoholic Dwarven ex-cleric, who had long ago lost his way in a bottle yet when the need of a loved called has answered it and begun to find his faith again.

On another site I also play a high level Snow Elf Duskblade, a Human Favored Soul/Contemplative/Sacred Exorcist and a Halfling Mystic Theurge who thinks he's a Dwarf in old 3.5 style. (Fun to be in high level games sometimes = )

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