Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |

I know how the Planes are handled in 3.5 but in the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, Planes are different Planets. So does PfRPG call them planets or planes? Is there a distinction between how a plane and a planet operates? How about the Plane of Shadows? PoS is mentioned in the Gazetteer. So does the PCCS have both planets and planes? I'm confused.

Lilith |

They're called spheres...check out last night's chat logs for names of the planes (all 20 of 'em)!
The two planets in the sky (the red and green ones) are Akiton and Castrovel, respectively.

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I am not a fan of planes at all thank you.
The companies are copper and silver piecing the customers to death. They chage an extra gold now to check extras weapons. All cause of rising mana prices. You got baby kobolds in the back crying, and I always get the seat next to the ogre (no offense Denise). I get them seat belt extenders but they pinch my beard. The food is fit only for halflings.
And the security lines... I wait in line for an hour for a metal detector. HELLO! I'm a FIGHTER... lots of metal here fella and get your rust monster off me...
but the elven stewardesses ain't all that bad.

Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |

They're called spheres...check out last night's chat logs for names of the planes (all 20 of 'em)!
The two planets in the sky (the red and green ones) are Akiton and Castrovel, respectively.
Thanks Lilith. :D

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Some things from last night:
There's the Inner Sphere and the Outer Sphere. (Those are our words for Inner Planes and Outer Planes.)The Inner Sphere Includes: Material Plane, Ethereal Plane, Shadow Plane, Positive Energy Plane, Negative Energy Plane, Plane of Air, Plane of Water, Plane of Earth, and Plane of Fire.
The Inner Sphere is connected to the Outer Sphere via the Astral Plane (again, one that's a boilerplate plane).
There are 9 major outer planes. One for each alignment.
LG: Heaven
NG: Nirvana
CG: Elysium
LN: Axis
N: The Boneyard
CN: The Maelstrom
LE: Hell
NE: Abaddon
CE: The Abyss
He also described them as like onions, with each sphere being like a layer of a onion. Or something to that effect.

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DMcCoy1693 wrote:BTW, Lilith, I do appreciate you posting the Tuesday night chats. I haven't gone since I started dating my current girlfriend since Tuesdays are our regular date night. I miss hanging out with the gang.Dating is important, and we're not going anywhere. :D
Oh good lord... I'd never date again... not doing the meat grinder scene again. Rather face a demonic-colosal-red-dragon-lich than do that again. :)

Lilith |

Oh good lord... I'd never date again... not doing the meat grinder scene again. Rather face a demonic-colosal-red-dragon-lich than do that again. :)
Oh, I didn't mean the trawling-for-meat kind of dating, I meant the "have a good time with someone you care about, no matter how long or short you've been together" kind of dating. :)

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They're called spheres...check out last night's chat logs for names of the planes (all 20 of 'em)!
The two planets in the sky (the red and green ones) are Akiton and Castrovel, respectively.
Oh noes Lilith! The chat log reveals the super secret plans for operation codename ORBACHSAB!

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Must know if there will be a Sigil analog on the Neutral Plane. Or will this cleave too close to WotC's IP?
Sigil is WotC IP. We can't have a Sigil.
We CAN have an enormous city, though. And we will; the plane of Axis is a gigantic city. The first city, sort of. And rising out of the city is a big spire atop which is the Boneyard, where Pharasma judges the souls of the dead.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

Patrick Curtin wrote:Must know if there will be a Sigil analog on the Neutral Plane. Or will this cleave too close to WotC's IP?Sigil is WotC IP. We can't have a Sigil.
We CAN have an enormous city, though. And we will; the plane of Axis is a gigantic city. The first city, sort of. And rising out of the city is a big spire atop which is the Boneyard, where Pharasma judges the souls of the dead.
So the Neutral plane is completely surrounded by the Lawful plane?

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So the Neutral plane is completely surrounded by the Lawful plane?
Only if you're looking at the top down, and not even really then. The spire that supports the Boneyard is impossibly long. Nothing lives long enough to climb it; it's longer than the universe is wide. The Boneyard itself is VERY far away from Axis, in other words. Also... to a certain extent, the layout of the outer planes is metaphorical. It is an artistic representation and interpretation in a 2 or 3 dimensional construct, but the relationships between the planes themselves operate on unknowable other dimensions.
That said... I do suspect that the most portals you have to the Boneyard are from Axis.

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James Jacobs wrote:The spire that supports the Boneyard is impossibly long. Nothing lives long enough to climb it; it's longer than the universe is wide.I love extraplanar non-Euclidian geometry. Excellent. Infinities packed within infinities.
It would be very cool to have some Escher inspired monks who climbed the infinitely tall spire for all of eternity though!

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JoelF847 wrote:Perhaps whole communities that live their lives climbing for some obscure religious reason, or perhaps they are souls doing some sort of pennance ...
It would be very cool to have some Escher inspired monks who climbed the infinitely tall spire for all of eternity though!
I would have gone with a Planar group (one world connects to/overlaps another only when people open gates) until then they have a posture that is consistent with group object motion. The idea of which plane is closer is irrelevent, more a case of what gates to where need to be opened to access a given reality...that way if we want to sail to the moon (not the lifeless one but the one with the forest), then you open a gate to the plane of water and sail up out of the whirlpool as the world drowns beneath you until you get to the moon.

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So not being able to use Sigil, we still NEED to have some sort of Marketplace in the Middle of Everywhere. The Planar inside me insists on it! I know really detailing anything planar-centric is about as high a priority as updating psionics (which ALSO MUST be done)...
However having such a new Cosmology we can take the time to set the right tone and feel to any planar settings. I like the way the articles on the dieties are written, especially the Planar Allies sections. Much as I am a Planescape nut I think the blase attitude of Cagers should be avoided if a City at the Center is done. This along with the Cant were the top two reasons I saw for most people who disliked PS.
The Planes should be the homes of the Gods and their servants, places that while accessible to mortals should not make complete sense to them. Trips to the Underworld or Afterlife should be pretty special.

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So not being able to use Sigil, we still NEED to have some sort of Marketplace in the Middle of Everywhere. The Planar inside me insists on it! I know really detailing anything planar-centric is about as high a priority as updating psionics (which ALSO MUST be done)...
However having such a new Cosmology we can take the time to set the right tone and feel to any planar settings. I like the way the articles on the dieties are written, especially the Planar Allies sections. Much as I am a Planescape nut I think the blase attitude of Cagers should be avoided if a City at the Center is done. This along with the Cant were the top two reasons I saw for most people who disliked PS.
The Planes should be the homes of the Gods and their servants, places that while accessible to mortals should not make complete sense to them. Trips to the Underworld or Afterlife should be pretty special.
The lawful neutral plane of Axis will certainly function as a planar marketplace, never fear! As for priorities... detailing planar stuff is MUCH higher priority than psionics, since the multiverse is an integral part of the workings of the game, after all.

Blackdragon |

Must know if there will be a Sigil analog on the Neutral Plane. Or will this cleave too close to WotC's IP?
Planescape to me was always one of the lamer concepts developed for D&D. I've always thought that planular travel and the exhistance of the ohter planes should be handled like should be handled differently. I've used the Great Wheel, but not as the reality of the cosmology, but as a mortal drawn concept so that mortals can wrap their tiny little minds around the realms. (And don't get me started on the whole crystal spheres thing, that was dumb to the millionth power.)
WHat I use is a little Star Trekish (Next Gen) OF the Idea of infinite dimension and infinite worlds. In my HBW I have two seperate worlds that the PCs travel back and forth to. Each one is on it's own plane of existance, Each one has it's own set of deities (Though deities from either world are worshiped it both.) I spare you a description of my cosmology it's very complicated, with deities being actually a lower creature and another group of creatures from outside of creation being the ones that really run the show. (IT's this tweek that allows me to run very high level games.)
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Hmmm... I can see Inevitables patrolling the streets of Axis enforcing Order. I can also see devils setting up shop to barter for souls! Interesting...
Who's the head honco of Axis? Abadar?
There's no one true leader of Axis. The city's too huge for one person or god to rule, to be honest. There's many different factions in control of the place, and Abadar is certainly one of the more powerful of them.

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It would be very cool to have some Escher inspired monks who climbed the infinitely tall spire for all of eternity though!
Al-Qadim had a priestly variant that drew it's religious inspiration from a particular repetitive action or act of creative expression. Dervish priests dancing to 'pray for their spells' was a standard example, but using painting or sculpture or running to 'get in the zone' and enter a spiritually-connected state were also options.
A group that associated the physical act of ascent with spiritual transcendence, as if they could somehow climb so far above worldly matters to leave mortality behind, could be neat, sort of like the alchemists of old who associated 'transmuting lead to gold' as a metaphor for transforming themselves spiritually, from base flesh to pure spirit.

Patrick Curtin |

Planescape to me was always one of the lamer concepts developed for D&D...
Ah to each his own I always found the Planescape campaign one of the most original, thought-provoking ones out there. Sigil always worked well for me as the clearinghouse for infinite adventure. The concept of portals leading throughout the planes, and a scalable force structure that can easily play to Epic and beyond was always a win for me. Plus I liked the whole 'philospohers with clubs' idea where thoughts and alignments could have physical results. Oh and the Blood War was a genius concept. I'm hoping one day to have my PbP folks be high enough to make an appearance on the Field of Nettles.
PS: As an aside PrimeMover003: Hello! We are still playing around in the World Serpent Inn if Mitchifer ever wants to come play!
EDIT: What I am really looking forward is my first romp through Axis. An eternal infinite city, a veritable cityscale Gormenghast where anything could exist ... actually MUST exist if it truly infinite. Ruins with yuan-ti, Orc strongholds, demon lairs, neighborhoods spawned from the farthest reaches of the horrors that exist between reality...AGGH!
Runs off in a fit of DM-madness ...

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Blackdragon wrote:Planescape to me was always one of the lamer concepts developed for D&D...Ah to each his own I always found the Planescape campaign one of the most original, thought-provoking ones out there.
Planescape is still the D&D planar bible as far as I and my campaigns are concerned.

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Yeah, Planescape was great stuff!
One thing I absolutely love is that there's seemingly a place for my 3.5 D&D materials in the Pathfinder cosmology, notably a good many planar-specific critters from my complete Monster Manual collection as well as my Fiendish Codices. Not so much with the preview material I've read of 4E.
The planes and the gods are the two things that most bring a campaign setting to life in my imagination. I'm looking forward to learning more.

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PS: As an aside PrimeMover003: Hello! We are still playing around in the World Serpent Inn if Mitchifer ever wants to come play!
Very Cool Patrick... I did kind of disappear for a while there! Glad to see the WSI is still going strong! Your Proprietor should make an appearance once his pet snakes have finished clearing out an infestation of Cranium rats in the backrooms!

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They're called spheres...check out last night's chat logs for names of the planes (all 20 of 'em)!
The two planets in the sky (the red and green ones) are Akiton and Castrovel, respectively.
Could you give us a hint with timestamps, please? I promise to be a good slave.

Lilith |

Could you give us a hint with timestamps, please? I promise to be a good slave.
I'll be nice and summarize! Here you go:
Inner Sphere- Material Plane
- Ethereal Plane
- Shadow Plane
- Positive Energy Plane
- Negative Energy Plane
- Plane of Air
- Plane of Water
- Plane of Earth
- Plane of Fire
The Inner Sphere is connected to the Outer Sphere by the Astral Plane.
Outer Sphere
- Heaven (Lawful Good)
- Nirvana (Neutral Good)
- Elysium (Chaotic Good)
- Axis (Lawful Neutral)
- The Boneyard (Neutral)
- The Maelstron (Chaotic Neutral)
- Hell (Lawful Evil)
- Abaddon (Neutral Evil)
- The Abyss (Chaotic Evil)
Timestamp is "01/07/2008 20:30:33" .