
SageSTL's page

Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 267 posts (270 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 3 aliases.


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Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
AceofMoxen wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
From the department of Expectations Management. This adventure will not be out this year. It's unlikely to be out next year even.
"It's not dead, it's just five years behind schedule" is worse to me than cancelling the book.

Agreed--I'm giving up hope on this one. This was my most anticipated RPG product for a long time, so it's disappointing to say the least.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Any updates on the release date?

(Yes, I know it's going to be 2021--wondering if it's expected to be February, June, or December of 2021.)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Is there an expected month for release?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks! I think it was something else from another (relatively) recent Paizo product, though...

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Hi, all. I remember seeing a curse or spell that caused the target to act in erratic or "mad" ways after hearing recurring whispers; I can't remember the source or its name, other than I think it had "whisper" in its name. I also recall that there was a list of examples of some of the things players might do...

I want to use this for a home brew adventure; if anyone remembers or recognizes this, and can share the source, I'd appreciate it!

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Awesome. I'd buy a book of nothing but languages... Seriously.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I appear to be in the minority, but--I have absolutely no interest in a Distant Worlds AP (to the extent that is likely unsub during its run).

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

If there are any mailing lists to give a heads-up when these new products are released--I'd be all in. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks--the CRV code and expiration date on my card changed, which pended the order today, but it's fixed now.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Hello! My latest subscription order (Order 3769645) seems to be stuck in a pending status. Can you confirm that there's no problem with the order? Thanks!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

The conjurer is absolutely fantastic--can't wait to get my hands on one!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Hello--two questions about past orders.

I ordered the Strategy Guide (order #3380642), and it's not showing in my sidecart (and I've not received it with a previous order). It is still showing as pending.

Also--I purchased the Gebite Torture Table mini on November 6th, but it's not showing up as part of that order and it's been in my sidecart since. It was available at the time, and I paid for it per the email from Paizo.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Really, really looking forward to this AP. I nearly unsubbed during Iron Gods--I just can't see ever using it--but this is something I'll definitely run.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks--response sent.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks. Two things--from the tracking it doesn't appear that the package still hasn't left Washington yet, so I don't know if there is a problem. The package also appears to have been sent to the wrong address (at least as its showing in my order history)--my mailing/shipping address for Paizo changed.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Hi--I ordered a Tome of Horrors Complete, with a few other items, on 10/27/2013 (order 2733821). It's been pushed into several different orders, and is now showing as shipped (order 2944375) as of December 18th, but I've still not received it. Is there a problem with this item/order?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Personally, I don't read the fiction. The only exception were those in Carrion Crown; everything else I've not read (past maybe the first page or so). I'd rather see something else there, as well. I'm not opposed to the fiction if there's nothing else that would go there--it seems to has its fans--but I'd be happy to see another option explored.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Please cancel all of my remaining subscriptions (RPG, Campaign Setting, Companion, Modules) effective immediately.

Thank you.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Please cancel my Adventure Path subscription, starting with #67. It's currently included in my February order (2438341).

Thank you.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

One of the things exciting me about this game (at least in concept, from the blogs) is how they want to combine aspects of games I've enjoyed in the past. I LOVED the SWG crafting system; I know Ryan makes frequent comparisons to EVE, but the descriptions so far sound much closer to the original SWG mechanics.

I ended up with three SWG accounts to manage all of the characters I had on the Eclipse server. I quit shortly after Jedi were introduced, but prior to that it was a blast.

I also am picking up a lot of pre-Trammel UO in the blogs... That was another fantastic experience.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Echoing many others--the previews look great, but the price is just more than I'm willing/able to spend. If I decide to get figures from this set, I'll be picking up a few from the singles market this time around.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Nope, no PDFs at all. I do have a pre-order item (Heroes & Monsters brick) in the cart, but I'm not sure why that would impact it.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I've a question about the shipping discount. I have $137.64 worth of items in my cart (after discounts); when I go to my cart, I get the following message:

First Ten Shipping
Add $26.10 to your cart and we'll pay $10.00 towards shipping!*

*Paizo will pay the first $10 in shipping and handling for any shipment of products totalling $100 or more.

Is there a specific reason why I wouldn't be getting the discount? I continued the process to the next step (and applied the holiday discount) and there wasn't any shipping discount included.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I vote for Jessica as a Gray Maiden.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Liking the art for Dualal.

+1. Absolutely fantastic artwork.

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'm running Crypt of the Everflame next month to start what I'm hoping to be an ongoing (if long-distance) campaign. I decided to create some character traits for the players; with one exception, they're all new players, and I thought this might give them some ideas on creating their PCs. I also wanted to encourage their characters to be heroic members of the Kassen community to justify them being selected as the heroes for the quest.

Please let me know if anyone has any feedback (or, better yet, any additions)!


Select one campaign trait during character creation. Include the associated details as appropriate as part of your character’s background

Close Call: A local child went swimming in the river nearby, but was pulled under by the current. You were able to swim to her aid and bring her back to the shore, and you and your friends revived her. Pick one of the following skills: Heal or Swim. You gain a +1 trait bonus in that skill, and that skill is a class skill for you.

Defense of Honor: Grimscar, a half-orc local known for picking fights, was harassing Asina at the Seven Silvers Tavern. You stood up to him, and ended up taking a serious punch from the hulking brute. Your stoic response to the best he could give caused Grimscar to back down; you have a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saving throws.

Discerning Eye: You noticed that a traveling merchant was trying to buy what appeared to be a mundane item from Braggar Ironhame for a fraction of its value. You pointed out the item’s true value and unique qualities, preventing the stranger from taking advantage of the surly dwarf- and possibly making an enemy in the process. Pick one of the following skills: Appraise, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion) or Spellcraft. You gain a +1 trait bonus in that skill, and that skill is a class skill for you.

Healing Touch: A local child ate an herb from the nearby Fang Wood and became very ill, collapsing in the town square. You used your knowledge to quickly purge the child of toxins and save her life. Pick one of the following skills: Heal, Knowledge (local), or Knowledge (nature). You gain a +1 trait bonus in that skill, and that skill is a class skill for you.

Horse Whisperer: You have always had a way with animals- and it sometimes comes in handy. Recently, a saw horse nearly throw its rider. You were able to calm the animal and help the rider dismount safely. You gain a +1 trait bonus in Handle Animal, and the skill is a class skill for you.

Nick of Time: You pushed Len Becker, the town drunk, out of the way of a cart just outside of town, saving his life. Your swift reactions have always had a tendency to serve you well, and grant you a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saving throws.

Perseverence: A local child recently went missing in the nearby Fang Wood. While others stopped their search when night fell due to bad weather, and tried to convince you to stop, you persevered. You found the child several hours later and brought him home safely. Pick [u]one[/u]: you gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves, [u]or[/u] you gain a +1 trait bonus in Survival, and the skill is a class skill for you.

Showdown: You encountered a group of ruffians from out of town threatening a townsperson, and, through your strength of personality, got them to back down. Pick one of the following skills: Bluff or Intimidate. You gain a +1 trait bonus in that skill, and that skill is a class skill for you.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
DeathQuaker wrote:
I feel your pain, STL...

Unfortunately, I'm a novice when it comes to minis. I'm the guy for whom they made the D&D minis; they definitely made using minis for my D&D games much more accessible. Unfortunately, that's not the case here- I've started a Mutants and Masterminds campaign where the "heroes" start as ordinary kids. They're about to see their powers really "turn on," and the fights are going to end up being pretty tactical. Minis will help, but I was hoping to find something that fit for the "coolness" factor. Weapons of any kind just wouldn't fit- every one of the kids is unarmed (although they'll end up fighting armed enemies pretty soon).

I'm considering going the stand-up route, or doing something similar. That might fit well with the concept of the campaign...

My needs aside- I think there's a good, if niche, market for modern minis, accessories, and support materials in general. Anytime I've looked the pickings have been pretty slim.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks for the suggestions, all. Out of all of them, it looks like I might be able to use a few from the Chronoscope line; the remainder all are armed or otherwise "battle-ready." :)

I wasn't able to find any of the Foundry miniatures elsewhere on the web; if anyone has a link to a site that still has them, I'd love to see them.

I'm going to keep looking- if I find more I'll post. Thanks again.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Does anyone have any good ideas for modern teenager miniatures? I'm looking for minis without weapons, and haven't had much luck. I'm really looking for a variety of minis in "street clothes," both genders.

Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

My current players, and two other "potential" players we're talking with, would love this. I was just having a conversation with my best friend the other day- he expressed frustration that most of the character sheets he's seen were in PDF, and that he hasn't found an Excel sheet he really likes. He was looking for a web-based version, to no avail.

I know it would be more difficult, but being able to store your character(s) would be a great feature.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

We stayed at the Embassy Suites for GenCon this year; the suite cost $167 a night, plus $26.72 in taxes and $20.00 a day for hotel parking ($213.72 per day, total). The Embassy Suites is a nice place to stay if you've got a group that is sharing a room. The elevators can be a pain in the butt, but that's not too big of a deal... :)

There are plenty of restaurants in the area; you can go fast food, but my group never does, honestly. Free breakfasts help quite a bit with expenses; in fact, some days we'd eat a late breakfast, skip lunch, and just eat an early dinner. There's a great variety of restaurants around the convention center; I'd be happy to make some recommendations.

I'd highly recommend GenCon overall. There's plenty to do other than gaming- my group (myself and three friends) actually spend most of our time in the Exhibitor Hall, throwing in a few games (Pathfinder Society, Magic, etc.) here and there. Indianapolis is a fantastic city, as well, and is very "gamer-friendly." We look forward to it all year.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Setting. The rules are a (big) bonus.

I'm still going to be using my homebrew (which I love too dearly to abandon), but I'll be doing so in parallel with Golarion.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Mike Kerezman wrote:

Does this mean I could bump my order up to UPS - I have yet to get either email.

Dependent upon your status- probably not... I tried to make the same change (to UPS), but the Pathfinder RPG orders have processed already, it seems, and the shipping can't be changed.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Just happened to read the back cover of “Beyond the Vault of Souls,” and noticed a subtle change… Where the back cover of older products used to read that the modules were compatible with the "3.5 edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game," the new book says the "3.5 edition of the world's oldest roleplaying game." This must be in preparation for Pathfinder's inevitable ascendancy to the top of the heap... :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

(I apologize in advance if this is a double post- think the boards ate my first one.)

Over the weekend I changed my shipping to USPS Priority Mail for my subscriptions, but it seems that my latest order (#1215597, which includes the Pathfinder book) had already processed. In the interest of trying to get the book before I leave for GenCon, is it possible to change the shipping method for this order (to either Priority Mail or UPS)? Thanks for your help!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I changed my shipping method on my account to Priority Mail (USPS), but apparently it didn't go through before this order was processed. In the interested of getting my PF books ASAP- can the shipping method still be changed on this order? Either Priority Mail or UPS is fine.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks for the response... I can't hope that the postal gods will smile upon me- our mail frequently runs a day or two later than the rest of the world, and I'm leaving town before the mail arrives on Wednesday, making it even less likely. Hopefully one of my friends will pick one up at the con so that we can use it for the Society games. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
David A. Shepherd wrote:
I preordered the core rulebook in September of last year (Order # 526200). Will I receive it before Gen Con? Thanks for your time.
Our goal is to ship preorders so that as many of them as possible will arrive as close to the first day of Gen Con as possible.

Does this mean that if I'm going to GenCon on Wednesday, it will be unlikely that the book will arrive in time? That would be a bummer- we're playing in Society events, and hoped to have our books in time.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

...if I could combine orders with my subscriptions. :)

I know that it's been "on the list" forever now, but... it's been "on the list" forever now. It's been a frequent request from others, but I thought I'd add to the chorus- and see if the option is forthcoming.

Right now, I've got a $70 subscription order coming next week, and have almost $100 in items in my shopping cart. I'd love to be able to combine at least some of those items into my subscription order.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I may be more excited about this product than any other on the schedule (other than the Pathfinder RPG itself, of course)...! Can't wait!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I'm extremely excited about this product- great news, guys.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
TYGRHobbes wrote:
I just got mine today as they were postmarked Jan. 10th. So they weren't actually late, the shipping confirmation email was just wrong. This is what may be up with some of our orders.

Yeah, I'm thinking that might be the case. I still haven't gotten mine.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Cool- not a problem. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Masika wrote:
I have one for the 1 of Jan as well. For me it is 12-20 days. So after 20 days I will be asking. :)

Yeah- I know that sometimes the shipments take a bit longer, and I can be patient... :) What makes me concerned, however, is that I have an order that (according to my account information) shipped a week later, and arrived yesterday. If the first one didn't go out on the 31st, that's fine- but I didn't want to wait another few weeks only to find out that the order didn't go out at all for some reason.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Would you mind double-checking the status on order #1103842? I placed the order on Christmas day (12/23),and it's showing as shipped on 12/31. I've not yet received it. I'd wait a few days normally, but I placed another order on 12/25 which was shipped a week later (1/7) which I received today. I was wondering if something might have gone awry due to the snowstorm. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I think I'm heading toward a mutated version of M&M at this point- using the M&M rules as a basis, but using equipment and specific rules from Spycraft and d20 Modern. We're playing a relatively loose online (PBEM/PBP) game, so the rules aren't the focus. At this point, the players aren't even using character sheets yet. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I would really like this- and online gift certificates. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Talonne, just curious- did you move forward with this campaign? I'm getting ready to start a M&M campaign in the vein of Heroes, with the hit point rules... Wondering how it's turned out for you (or others that have tried it).

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks, guys!

Immora- I actually had that issue of Dungeon, but didn't realize that was in there. The Genetech map is perfect. I picked up the PDF from Paizo tonight so I'd have it in electronic format. The navy base PDF looks awesome, too- will likely pick that up, as well.

Yellowdingo- I was looking for more of a large underground facility (a currently-operated government base); that being said, I really like the cargo container ship. The characters will be trying to break out some friends from such a place in the near future. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
KaeYoss wrote:
I got nothing. The mail didn't arrive here!

I didn't get it, either. I happily used the discount code from the other thread, though. :)