Gotham Gamemaster |

Paizo hires Sean K. Reynolds as a developer for Pathfinder! Paizo's Murderers' Row lineup is complete! We haven't seen the likes of this since Lee, Kirby, Ditko, et al, worked together during the halcyon days of the Marvel Bullpen.
It's obviously a great fit for both sides and I can't wait to buy all the gaming goodness about to result from this partnership.

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Paizo hires Sean K. Reynolds as a developer for Pathfinder! Paizo's Murderers' Row lineup is complete! We haven't seen the likes of this since Lee, Kirby, Ditko, et al, worked together during the halcyon days of the Marvel Bullpen.
It's obviously a great fit for both sides and I can't wait to buy all the gaming goodness about to result from this partnership.
Sean is a great game designer, and I'm very glad to see that WOTC's loss is Paizo's (our) gain!

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Gotham Gamemaster wrote:Paizo hires Sean K. Reynolds as a developer for Pathfinder! Paizo's Murderers'Where's the linky? I'll need evidence to put on his rap sheet :)
Oh, and hi, Sean! Hope you survive the experience. I mean, look at Nick (Logue).
Hmmm. On second thought....

Kirth Gersen |

Sean -- very glad indeed to have you on board! Between you, Monte, and James Jacobs (not to mention Bulmahn, Logue, and Pett)... Paizo now has all the best talent in the business (except Bruce Cordell... blast!).
If I needed another reason to go with Pathfinder instead of 4e, well, you and Paizo just cemented it. Congratulations!

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Bah! Post eaten!
Welcome aboard Sean, I hope everyone here is as excited as I am that you are joining the team.
I would also like to commend the Paizo team in their selection of Sean as an addition to their company. You've made this Paizonian a very happy man.
Oh no, do I have a man-crush on SKR?
EDIT: Also, went to check out seankreynolds.com and I thought it was very classy that he was talking about his girlfriend rather than his own announcement!

hazel monday |

We haven't seen the likes of this since Lee, Kirby, Ditko, et al, worked together during the halcyon days of the Marvel Bullpen.
Totally. Couldn't agree more.
There's this energy and raw talent at Paizo that just reminds of the Mighty Marvel Bullpen of the 60s. (not that I was alive back then, but y'know, you hear stuff.)James Jacobs and Eric Mona = Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. 'Nuff said.

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Really, is anybody surprised by this? Paizo knows how to hire talented people, and there was a really talented guy available. I mean, the surprise would be if the new hire wasn't Sean.
Anyway, every church in Golarion must be ringing its bells right now, or else holding fresh and bloody sacrifices. They've got the best guy out there writing material for them.

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

We're all SUPER excited to have Sean on board. It's been wildly frustrating keeping mum on this awesome news. Sean did AMAZING work for us throughout the days of Dragon and Dungeon and has just kept on knocking our socks off by continuing it right on into Pathfinder. He's also one of the only authors whose names everybody around here knows how to spell precisely right off the tops of their heads (everybody gets the Sean talk: you DON"T put a period after that "K").
Although it was totally a bummer to have Mike, his arsenal of Nerf guns, and inexplicable anime screensaver move on, the timing was great as Sean was looking for something new at the same time. Mr. Reynolds was also one young Wes Schneider's two favorite designer throughout second edition, so it's Really exciting that he's moving into the desk right next to mine.
Oh yeah, heads up Sean, we're gonna be roommates. Hope you don't snore while editing... cause sometimes I do. :P

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Sean is a great game designer, and I'm very glad to see that WOTC's loss is Paizo's (our) gain!
Actually it was Upper Deck's hatchet men we have to thank this time! :-) Thank you baseball card people!
W00t! Jake and Elwood said it BEST!

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

Seriously, thank you, everyone, I really appreciate your enthusiasm.
I could have babbled on a dozen more quotes for the press release but for once I was trying to keep it short. ;)
I really like all the people I do and have worked with at Paizo. I've known Erik for ten years (he used to be one of my TSR Online volunteers back in the days of AOL, if you can believe that!). Lisa fought to get me on Team Greyhawk for my first full-time designer gig. James and Wes have been great regarding all my articles and adventures for the past few years. Vic has always been very nice to me (though I don't think we've technically worked together). And Mike ... IIRC I recommended years ago he apply at Paizo and list me as a reference (Mike was also one of my TSR Online guys, and); I'm going to have some big beloved ninja shoes to fill.
Without getting all mushy, working for Paizo is like coming home again. I get to work with great people, on my favorite version of D&D, in the beautiful state of Washington.
Thanks for the opportunity and the kudos, and I hope to live up to and exceed your expectations.