Aberzombie |
EileenProphetofIstus wrote:Maybe someone will come along and give it nudge.Consider yourslf "nudged."
What are you two talking about?
I think they might be referring to an avatar/alias "bait and switch" sort of deal going on further back in this thread. More than that, I will not say.
Forgottenprince |
I think they might be referring to an avatar/alias "bait and switch" sort of deal going on further back in this thread. More than that, I will not say.
If you're referring to Razz, yeah I pointed that out to my wife. Has he ever responded to it?
As for the brains, I'd offer you mine but I'm about to take the bar exam. First they're kind of mushy right now. Second, they'd probably upset even your...iron.. stomach.
crosswiredmind |
crosswiredmind wrote:;-)Aberzombie wrote:Wow. I missed that. That is awesome.I think they might be referring to an avatar/alias "bait and switch" sort of deal going on further back in this thread. More than that, I will not say.
... and it would become known as the Great Alias War of 2008.
Wayne Ligon |
Surely you didn't think that 4E would be the end, did you? I mean, honestly, what would or could prompt that line of thinking?
I know when I finish a software project, I already have a small file about how I could do things better in the next iteration. That iteration might not come for a couple years, but a little part of my brain is already thinking about it.
crosswiredmind |
crosswiredmind wrote:So is this why your avatar wears a helmet?EileenProphetofIstus wrote:As long as the bad hair day still exists, No we all can't get along.I solved that by buzzing mine down to stubble :D
I wish it were some cool reason like that. Unfortunately this was the only avatar with no other users when I selected it. That's the only reason I used it.
Mothman |
Ha ha! Just kidding everyone. Even I am not so stupid or trollish to think this is any sort of evidence of fifth edition. It's just that I saw it while reading my enormous collection of 4e information and got so excited I had to share. I love 4e, but I think a 5e would be even better given how much 4e improved 3e.
I love 4e!!!4e 4ever!!!!!
I wondered when you were going to use that one...
Curaigh |
DMcCoy1693 wrote:No, what this thread really needs is A Bunny with a Pancake on its HeadAHHHH, it's my new favorite website!
LOL Me too. the caption means that it will be useful for the Tuesday morning meetings, and Wednesday's staff meeting, and all those students who come in with wierd requests...
Patrick Curtin |
DudeMonkey wrote:We need pictures of kittens in this thread.WAR KITTENS?!
Are they ... ill tempered?
Nicolas Logue Contributor |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
The best is that when 5E is announced, everyone will say "this is the last time" all over again...and so many of us will believe it...I love the lessons we refuse to learn from history. Ha!
Plus, people will say that wizards will not be pushing out splats/adventures/supplements at a rate of 3/month anymore. And people will still be claiming thatt it'll be 10 years before 6E's announced.
Korgoth |
In 5e, instead of story experience, you get "emo points". The ranger class has been renamed "Just like Drizzt", and drow replace humans in the playable races catagory. After the description of both classes ("Just like Drizzt" and "Just like Harry Potter") is a mad libs describing your backstory.
ex. My character (character name) was born in the drow city of (city). It was a hard life for a C-G rebel like him, because the preistesses of lolth would kick him in the (body part). When he was (age), he killed his (family member) because they were (annoying action ending in -ing) him. he fled to the surface where he met (names of other party members) and set off on quests to calm the evil in his (body part). He is brooding, silent, and (adjective). His hair is (color) and he looks like (movie star). His battle cry is "come, scum, taste my (noun)!"
MarkusTay |
Actually, at some Euro-Con about six months ago they were asked about 5th edition, and the answer was "Of course there will be a 5th!".
They have also made several comments to the effect that they want to get a "five-year run" out of a single edition (its been five betwen 3.5 and the 4e announcment).
Do the math - they have been working on this edition(4e) - in secret - for three years. That means in order to have 5th ready for their projected timetable, they will need to start working on it just two years from now.
So although that was meant as a joke, its probably not far from the truth.
I'm not being negative here - I had high hopes for 4e - now I feel nothing but disappointment. The rules may be good for what they are, but they aren't what I was expecting.
Aberzombie |
Nice one Korgoth. I've got to try this.......
My character Tz'zird was born in the drow city of Fax Exten. It was a hard life for a C-G rebel like him, because the preistesses of lolth would kick him in the pectoral muscles. When he was 311, he killed his second cousin because they were pasturizing him. he fled to the surface where he met Yacko, Wacko, and Dot and set off on quests to calm the evil in his ass. He is brooding, silent, and psychedelic. His hair is orange and he looks like Tim Robbins. His battle cry is "come, scum, taste my beef brisket!"
FabesMinis |
My character P'zaz was born in the drow city of Ctrl-Alt. It was a hard life for a C-G rebel like him, because the preistesses of lolth would kick him in the you-know-wheres. When he was 12, he killed his teachers because they were quelling him. he fled to the surface where he met Grizzly Adams and set off on quests to calm the evil in his headspace. He is brooding, silent, and fond of ice cream sundaes. His hair is blue and he looks like Ashlee Simpson. His battle cry is "come, scum, taste my soulful ashes!"
Korgoth |
here's one for the "Just like Harry Potter" class -
My character (character name) was always made fun of as a kid because of his (adjective) (noun). One day, a old man came to him and told him that he was the child of (adjective) wizards. The old man took him to (place), where he learned magic. There, he learned that he was The (adjective) One, and had a great (noun), as foretold by the prophecy of (name). When he was (age), the (same place as above) was destroyed by a (adjective), 3vil wizard. The 3vil wizard wanted to kill (character name) because the prophecy said that (character name) would (verb) the 3vil wizard. Fleeing from the 3vil wizard, (character name) found (names of party members) and set out to (verb) his destiny. He has untidy (color) hair and a strange scar on his (body part). He looks like (person in room).
also, in 5e, the alignments are 133t and 3vil, and it's pronounced LOLth.
Aberzombie |
Huzzah, another one....
My character Jacoby Jiffydump was always made fun of as a kid because of his ludicrous wardrobe. One day, a old man came to him and told him that he was the child of [/b]stupendous[/b] wizards. The old man took him to New Jersey, where he learned magic. There, he learned that he was The adequate One, and had a great pet rock, as foretold by the prophecy of Forest Gump. When he was 9 weeks, the New Jersey was destroyed by a frivolous, evil wizard. The evil wizard wanted to kill Jacoby Jiffydump because the prophecy said that Jacoby Jiffydump would simplify the evil wizard. Fleeing from the evil wizard, Jacoby Jiffydump found John, Marty, and Griselda and set out to bury his destiny. He has untidy s!%!-brown hair and a strange scar on his ear lobe. He looks like James Jacobs.
jwrede |
Actually, at some Euro-Con about six months ago they were asked about 5th edition, and the answer was "Of course there will be a 5th!".
Those seven words are so sweet to me. Of course when I hear them I'm not thinking of editions, I'm setting my glass out, waiting for the pour.
They have also made several comments to the effect that they want to get a "five-year run" out of a single edition (its been five betwen 3.5 and the 4e announcment).
It's nice to see someone getting mileage out of the five-year plan since the Soviet Union went away.
Set |
The picture of the cat ascending saved this thread.
But I also like the character madlib. Anyone who shows up at my next game without a character backstory or name will have to accept a madlib character background created by the other players at the table...
My character Incontinentius was born in the drow city of Sh’Krak. It was a hard life for a C-G rebel like him, because the priestesses of Lolth would kick him in the isles of langerhans. When he was eleventy-two, he killed his cousin, Bob, and sister, Woompa, because they were perplexing him. He fled to the surface where he met Dwerixia, T’kltri Ch’tkla and Space Badger Zero and set off on quests to calm the evil in his festering black buboes. He is brooding, silent, and impotent. His hair is brown and matted with the blood of his enemies and he looks like Marty Feldman’s long-dead corpse. His battle cry is "come, scum, taste my pyroclaustic fury!"
Or for the Harry Potter set;
My character Beek Gwenders, of Croodle, was always made fun of as a kid because of his enormous schnozz. One day, an old man came to him and told him that he was the child of perpetually stoned wizards. The old man took him to a hippie commune outside of Berkley, where he learned magic. There, he learned that he was The Unintended One, and had a great smell, as foretold by the prophecy of Winnibago the Unsightly. When he was 13 and a half, the hippie commune was destroyed by an angst-ridden, evil wizard. The evil wizard wanted to kill Beek because the prophecy said that Beek would deflower the evil wizard. Fleeing from the evil wizard, Beek found Faffle D’weomercraft, Gleep Wurp the Eyebiter and Fonkin Hoddypeak and set out to ignore his destiny. He has untidy periwinkle hair and a strange scar on his left buttock. He looks like Chris Farley, if he was a transvestite.
Mactaka |
My character ShakaKhan was born in the drow city of Tleiki'liki'li. It was a hard life for a C-G rebel like him because the priestesses of Loth would kick him in the nads. When he was 17, he killed his second cousin because they were gum-smacking at him. He fled to the surface where he met Mo, Larry, and Curly and set off on quest to calm the evil in his spleen. He is brooding, silent, and smelly. His hair color is blue and he looks like Lindsey Lohan. His battle cry is "come, scum, taste my vomit!
DudeMonkey |
Actually, at some Euro-Con about six months ago they were asked about 5th edition, and the answer was "Of course there will be a 5th!".
They have also made several comments to the effect that they want to get a "five-year run" out of a single edition (its been five betwen 3.5 and the 4e announcment).
Do the math - they have been working on this edition(4e) - in secret - for three years. That means in order to have 5th ready for their projected timetable, they will need to start working on it just two years from now.
So although that was meant as a joke, its probably not far from the truth.
I'm not being negative here - I had high hopes for 4e - now I feel nothing but disappointment. The rules may be good for what they are, but they aren't what I was expecting.
There will be a 5th edition, but it won't be by WotC. These things go in cycles where a group of game designers makes a really awesome, really fun game that revolutionizes the tabletop gaming industry. Gygax and friends did 1st edition and Ryan Dancy/Peter Atkinson and their group did 3rd. It becomes a success and the company grows which brings in more business people and it becomes a real business. A business's sole purpose is to make money and the most efficient way to do that is to grow, so they attempt to widen the appeal of D&D.
The problem is that D&D was never meant to have a wide appeal. It's not a big business. The "business versions" of the game (2nd edition and now 4th edition) are like the "gamer versions" of the game but with all the rough edges sanded off, simplified, streamlined, and elegant when compared to their roots. The rub comes from the fact that a big part of D&D's traction is dealing with broken rules, coming up with house rules, nerfing or empowering spells, feats, and classes, and overall just making the game work for your group. The business version is technical superior but has no "soul."
The good news is that these "business versions" of the game have a lot of freedom to explore new ground and you get some real gems every once in a while (Planescape, for example). For people who have soured on WotC's recent handling of D&D, don't worry. They overreached. The business wants to grow into all different areas but it turns out that they didn't really have the resources for it. Exhibit A is DDI. Exhibit B is the marketing strategy. Exhibit C is the GSL and the public relations surrounding that. These guys and gals are genius game designers but fairly bad at the other aspects of running a business of that size and they're going to lose a TON of money on DDI. That may sink the brand name, from Hasbro's perspective.
D&D will likely become uninteresting to Hasbro within a few years and they'll reject the idea of a new version and will probably want to unload the game on another company, and the only companies interested will be companies run by gamers. We'll wind up with another "gamer version" of the game, it will be awesome, it will revitalize the gaming industry, and the cycle will repeat.
No worries here.