Danse Macabre

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Hello fellow Paizonites!

Been a while I posted here, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this subject.

I'm 1-2 games away from handing the Tooth to my players and I can't seem to get a valid inspiration for how to convert the Tooth to a 4E artifact.

How did some of you did it?

Suggestion? Ideas?

Stefan Hill wrote:
Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

Still.... If you start to see them stopping after every fight to Extended Rest because they want their Action Point back, or (gulp) the 2 healing surges they used during the fight, I want you to promise me, you'll pick up the heaviest gaming book you can find and BEAT THEM ABOUT THE FACE WITH IT!

You have my solemn promise, and I'll even invite you to the "assault with a roleplaying book" court case that follows as my defense counsel.


Or you could use this power too...


Fiendish Dire Weasel wrote:

Also, don't forget that in Golismorga, the buildings themselves are living entities. So presumably some of THEM would go savage as well...

You are delighfully deviant and evil...

...I like you!

This thread delivers.

Razz. wrote:
Ha ha! Just kidding everyone. Even I am not so stupid or trollish to think this is any sort of evidence of fifth edition.

Can I disagree?

TerraNova wrote:

Even if Lashonna is unmasked prematurely, it need not have too much impact on the overall story. She did not get her charisma score from a bag of corn flakes. I would play her relatively open, with some twists.

Her argument in that case might run somewhat like this (but much more eloquent): "Yes, i am a vampire. No, i do not particularly enjoy what i have to do to maintain my existence. Neither do i particularly like having been forced into this state. Help me with my revenge, and you get closer to your goals at the same time." Given that she is more or less the authority about Balakarde at this point, the group will more likely than not agonize over it, but play along. They might be more weary of treason, but it is not a game-breaker.

Did exactly this...players were even more betrayed since they thought they had found everything creepy about her.

crosswiredmind wrote:
Razz wrote:
It solves the problem of only "brainy" types playing D&D. Now all types will be able to play it and comprehend it.

I must have missed this one.

Anything that makes D&D accessible to more players is a darn good thing!

Because he's not special anymore...if D&D catches on with new people and has another boom period he won't be able to use is "us against the world" argument anymore.

And Razz long time no see...didn't miss you at all.

crosswiredmind wrote:

Shouldn't that be a thread of legend? What CR is that anyway. Oh, that's right - no more CR.

it's a template that makes it a elite thread

DMcCoy1693 wrote:

...But that does not mean that you have to feed the troll. If you don't like his posts, why do you respond? Why do you care? Why don't you just report him and let the Paizians give him a little vacation from the forums?

but...but...Epic forum troll drama is Epic.

Razz and Cross have created some nice discussions over time.

I still have some leftover popcorn from the last time.

Jal Dorak wrote:


Is it just me or does it seem that more and more 4th Edition material eliminates the need for dice rolls in the game?

Minions - deal flat damage

Classes - receive flat hp (to my knowledge)

Criticals - all dice are maximized, no confirmation roll

Saving Throws - might as well be a coin flip

things that still need a roll:

Skill checks

Your dice are safe

Mormegil wrote:

Yes, you are absolutely right. But this is the beauty about it. If a PC uses a power to do area damage, he will be able to incapacitate multiple opponents. But, this may be effective once or twice.

In addition, the DM can easily introduce more minions in the battle without becoming an overwhelming battle.

For me minions seem to be the best concept about 4ed.

And you can create 2 front battles too...the controllers guards the rear entrance where wave of minion pour out, while the strikers try to finish the solo "boss" before they are overwhelmed.

That is something I always wanted to do and never could...

Big thumbs up for me.

Sebastian wrote:
Antoine7 wrote:

I trying to be as obnoxious to them as I possibly can...maybe they won't come back?

What a wonderful world that would be...

Antoine7 wrote:
Since they are on the verge of making me not come back to the Paizo boards or visiting the site ever again.
Where are you thinking of heading? I like a lot of the community here, but since Paizo announced their intent not to follow 4e, I've been considering exploring new forums. I'm sick of dealing with unreasoned 4e hate, but I'm also not interested in the unreasoned 4e fanaticism you get at the WotC boards.

No clue...probably nowhere.

I wasn't reading any messageboards before and I was doing fine...guess I will manage without it.

Sebastian wrote:

Neh. Corey's been a hater from day 1, just like Razz, no need to confuse the two. I'm not sure why they feel the need to bother on every 4e post with a "well I just don't like this either." I think everyone understands they don't want to play 4e, and it's certainly no shock that each additional change that is announced is disliked by them without any real basis or reasoning just like the last (particularly those changes that require looking at the system holistically, and not just in a vacuum). WotC could announce they are printing the PHB on $100 dollar bills and we'd get a "this is ridiculous - do they think we're too stupid to spend $50 bills?!?! Plus, everyone hates Ben Franklin because he failed to cure cancer."

I trying to be as obnoxious to them as I possibly can...maybe they won't come back?

Since they are on the verge of making me not come back to the Paizo boards or visiting the site ever again.

David Marks wrote:

If DnD has any tradition at all, it is that reversing something's name is a time honored way to invent the name of something new.

I think we should go with Zzar (or maybe Zarr!)

Cheers! :)

Zzar it is

WotC's Nightmare wrote:
Another incredibly lame mechanical decision. Every 4E excerpt leaves me saying, "Meh.", and this is no exception. Their "solution" to the multiclassing "problem" was to eliminate multiclassing and replace it with these anemic dabbling feats. This is lazy and lacks imaginaton. I expected more from them, but I should have know better by now.

I like you...I shall call you Raz #2

Razz wrote:

...If I want a Ranger 5/Rogue 5/Fighter 10, I should be able to have that...

What you fail to see is that you won't be able to play the mechanical aspect of the Ranger 5/Rogue 5/Fighter 10, but the CONCEPT of that character.

In 3E you say :" I'll play a fighter/rogue/ranger."

In 4E you say :"I'll play a mobile striker/defender hybrid"

Which can be a Warlock/Paladin, Warlock/Fighter, Rogue/Fighter, Rogue/Paladin, Ranger/Paladin or Ranger/Fighter.

Stop thinking about the mechanical aspect of 3E...think in concept.

Razz wrote:

These suck. I miss prestige classes even more now.

Prestige classes offered more combinations and more depth. They offered more options and more uniqueness. With this paragon deal, it's total crap. You're shoe-horned into only taking the path of your class (no Fighter/Assassins? What's the deal!?) and you only get a few abilities. You also cannot take different powers from different paragon paths (such as, say, I was a Ranger who wanted some from Kensei and some from Stormwarden).

They talk about more options, but 4E is really turning out to be more restrictive, almost as much as 2E was.

Prestige classes will always be the best "kit" system, I believe.

Razz please stay out of here since nothing you say is ever contructive or non-hatred filled.

We get it you are pissed and you hold a life-long grudge against WotC.

p.s. pretty sure you loath leet speak so I will write some just for you


DudeMonkey wrote:

I intend to play my first 4th edition game while eating a bacon burger made by illegal immigrants, wearing fur, and wiping my mouth with pages ripped out of the Forgotten Realms sourcebook. For an encore, I will tell people that they are not as good as me because they don't live in New York City.


Seriously Razz...the more I read your posts the more I want to play 4E just to piss you off.

The same way I enjoy red meat more that I really do because of activist vegetarians.

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Antoine7 wrote:
Problem was that they all had subsystems that were imcompatible with each other...
Or completely different systems. Dragonlance Saga, I'm looking at you.

Yep so a book on that system would only sell to a portion of a portion of the fan base...bad business.

ArchLich wrote:

Forgotten Realms
Dark Sun

and that isn't even including the modules, accessories, etc.

Sure, such a wide production was part of TSR's problem but man it was cool to see all that stuff.

Problem was that they all had subsystems that were imcompatible with each other...

Give them the same rule backbone and you could easily make campaign settings galore, because a new "crunch" book could be used by everyone.

Leafar the Lost wrote:

How will the Gnomes be killed off? I am actually looking forward to that one.

Sorry to burst you're bubble...but gnomes aren't killed off. They are becoming a "monster".

Get your facts right before posting.

They problem about running out of spells is there at all levels, but not in the same manner.

At low level you do run out of spells fast, but at high level you run out of effective spells fast.

I'm DMing a AoW campaing and my group is about to enter Dragotha's lair and are close to 20th level and the casters are "running out" of spells after 2 fights maybe. Of course they aren't dried up, but 6th level spells and lower are almost useless because the damage isn't high enough to matter or the DC are trivial to monsters, example lighting bolt againts a ancient red dragon is useless. And don't get me started on wands...no offensive spells are worth the cost.

A spell that monsters can only fail on a 5 or less even if it attacks it's bad save is not going to help, so technically the higher level caster has the same amount of effective spells than the lower ones, they only have more trash and utility spells (which is fine). So they are stuck at having 5-7 comabt usefull spells.

The level 7-13 range is the best because your number of effective spells is higher than the lower and upper level range...but the mid-levels are the sweet spot of 3.5 for everyone.

Having at will low damage output, per encounter mid damage output and per day high damage output abilities will help the running out of juice factor wizard have.

In addition, some powers and magic items have extra effects on a hit.

Why do people say:"I like my crits to be more than max damage."

They will.

Powers or feat will likely enhance crits...even if WotC doesn't do it, you can. I'm sure there will be a power that give higher crit damage.

But it opens up some interresting options too. Crit with a mace, the target is stunned. Crit with a fireball, target catched fire. Crit with a slashing weapon, the target moves at half speed, etc.

This change could open the way to more crit diversity.

Disenchanter wrote:

Actually, the line isn't too fine. Conjuration pulls something from somewhere. Evocation just creates it. The created "thing" from evocation spells (usually) can't sustain itself, and doesn't last too long after being evoked. Thus the usual duration of Instant.


what about:

Acid Splash (Conj) and Ray of Frost (Evo)...so an energy subtituted (Cold) acid splash does the exact same thing, but not really?

Dancing Light (Evo)...weird it isn't instantaneous...
Continual Flame (Evo)...same thing...
Flaming Spehre (Evo)...should be Conjuration, no?
Explosive Runes (Abj)...ok so they detonate on reading...not really a protection spell...maybe Conjuration?
Leomund's Tiny Hut...Evocations?...again not really an offensive or instantaneous spell.
And 4th Evocation...Oh my! Fire Shield, Ice storm (blunt damage...seems to me something is really there, no?), Resilient Shpere, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice---> All Conjurations really.
Contingency, now this one is really weird....Evocation...ORLY?
So creating a phantom hound is conjuration...but a sword is evocation?

And consistency is not the strong point of schools...Destruction and Disentagrate, they do the same thing right? Destruction is Necromancy and Disentagrate is Transmutation.

And don't even make me go in the Spell Conpendium, where some you have instant AoE damage spells as conjurations...

And finally the best...Trap the Soul, which SHOULD be necromancy, is a conjuration.

Separating the spells and powers by effect and purpose = Good
Schools that have no internal consistency = Bad.

James Jacobs wrote:
Antoine7 wrote:

I'm sure it's been asked before, but what are the name and class of the Savage Tide AP iconis?

Thanks in advance

They don't have names, actually. We didn't officially start naming our Iconics until Pathfinder. The only kind-of exceptions are the paladin and the cleric (Abelard and Tyralandi) who became the inspiration for characters in Erik Mona's Age of Worms campaign... but neither of them are among the Savage Tide iconics (who consist of the wizard/quasit, druid/deinonychus, barbarian, and monk).

That's a shame...my girlfriend really likes the styles of that Wizard...she would have love to know her name.

I'm sure it's been asked before, but what are the name and class of the Savage Tide AP iconis?

Thanks in advance

Andyr wrote:
as many of them pay lots of attension to spell components.

But nobody else does...since they tell to not care by buying a spell component pouch.

If they simplified the list, since now each spell requires a different material component, that we have no idea where we could find it or how much it costs.

I can understand where I could find bat guano, but is their actually a place that sells it and if I bring my pouch it's free?

Material components are a mess right now, admit it!

And by broken do you mean overpowered?

because warlock are NOT overpowered...

And they may make the warlock focused on single target damage (striker role) and the wizard on AoE and mind-affecting (controller role), so that way each class has it's strenghts and it's place.

Now that the points of Light setting is the default setting I think tieflings and warlocks have more reason to exist...remote regions can babble in demonic magic and rituals without fear of retribution from the authority.

just my 2 cents.

Leafar the Lost wrote:

I now realize that there is a forum devoted entirely to the 4th edition, so I am moving it here.

I hate WOTC. I believe that most of their products are crap. On top of that, they feel a need to put out crappy products every month. They have run out of ideas for 3.5 edition, so it now time to put out a 4th edition, so they can re-release all of the crappy 3.5 edition products, which were issued to replace the crappy 3rd edition products...it goes on and on in an endless circle...

So why did you buy 3.5 stuff?

PC Name: Marcus
PC Race/Class: Male Human Psion 17
Adventure: transition between Library of Last Resort and King of the Rift.
Location of Death: The docks when they got of the boat.
Catalyst: Running out of Faith Points.
Other Party Members: Kyrion - Male Human Bard/Sublime Cord 8/9 , Rath Male Human Cleric/Radiant Servant of Pelor 7/10, Anaïs - Female elf druid 17, Kromm - Male Half-orc Barbarian/Dragon Shaman/homebrew PrC 6/1/10.

The group didn't pay attention when Darl told them that he would make them pay...and he ambushed them with new allies when they arrived at port after releasing the konwledge of the Order of the Storm.

Under the cover of invisibility Darl, Loris Raknian the Death Knight and Beltorius the Pit Fiend blind-sided them and the heroes tried to recover from the opening strike.

Marcus, who had already pissed off Darl, by resisting an Implosion and a destruction spell and by targetting him in their first encounter. Plus he taunting him a lot when they locked horn on Last Resort. When Darl targetted Marcus with a Destruction spell this time...he wasn't disapointed.

Marcus used is last 2 faith points but still couldn't get a Fort save over 23...

PC Name: Kyrion
PC Race/Class: Male Human Bard/Sublime Cord 8/9
Adventure: transition between Library of Last Resort and King of the Rift.
Location of Death: The docks when they got of the boat.
Catalyst: Being heroic and taking one for the team.
Other Party Members: Kyrion - Male Human Bard/Sublime Cord 8/9 , Rath Male Human Cleric/Radiant Servant of Pelor 7/10, Anaïs - Female elf druid 17, Kromm - Male Half-orc Barbarian/Dragon Shaman/homebrew PrC 6/1/10.

Being affected by both of Beltorius' quickenend fireball, Kyrion had 2 hp left, but in a selfless act he decided to not heal himself and decided to cast a Chain Dispel to soften the ennemies. He dispelled almost every spell on the Darl.

Kyrion then fell to a crushing blow from Loris Raknian, but it enabled the druid to pummel the not anymore electricity resistant Pit Fiend and the not Spell immune Darl...they both fell quickly after.

Both their valourous acts touched their comarades.

They were both True Ressurected after.

Same question here...

I switched anti-life shell for Blade Barrier.

quite nastier...

My house rule for permanancy is that Dispel Magic can suppress it for 1d4 rounds, like it does to a magic item.

I always thought it cost too much to be easily dispellable.

I'd go with this explanation

Kyuss is destined to be the Herald of the Age of Worms, but he ascended before the Age of Worms was to happen. The timing wasn't right.

Pro-gun vote here!

Say hello to by BOOMSTICK!

Wow...that stat generation alone is at least worth +3 AL.

I know that's not what you are asking, but you made a mistake by doing that. The AoW is difficult but not impossible. I have 5 PCs normal dice generation and they are not having that many problems.

Has for the Darl encounter...nothing to do there since your characters are at least strenght-wise 3-4 level ahead of their actual HD. Every encounter will be trivial for them no matter what.

I think you should admit you made a mistake and lower everyone of your PCs stats by 4. It's not going to be fun for you nor them.

Deities don't have CRs. But thwarting the plans of one give you exp.

Killing Kyuss rewards the players has if they had defeated a CR 27 creature.

Sundering that shield or that armor does wonder to lower the AC on troublesome PCs.

Same goes with touch attacks.

If they have high ACs, they must have low damage or low saves...varying the stategy will make them vary theirs.

I recieved Dungeon #145 yesterday, so it seems it's Canada Post that is just way too slow at this time of year...

Has of today April 10th I still haven't recieved my Dragon #354/Dungeon #145.

anyone else in Eastern Canada having this issue?

Yeah...I got carried away at the end there.

I'm sorry about that, but the I still hate it when fellow players act has if they are better because they aren't "polluted" by a computer game...

I should have used other words.

King o' Cthulhu wrote:
Is Anyone Going to Defend WoW

I am.

I don't play D&D 7 days a week and I don't own a Wii, PS3 or X-Box 360. I prefer to play a computer with/against other people than alone against a NPC.

So when my Monday night game is finished what am I supposse to do for entertainment? Sure I go out to shoot pool with friends, I go to a movie with my gf.

But when I want to play...should I play D&D alone? Find another group that I may not enjoy? Well I play Wow, that's what I do. And don't get me on the "it's not really a role-playing game" argument. Roll on a RP server, join an RP guild and BAM you can RP. Because we all know the solo RPGs have LOADS of RP! You RP with NPC that don't respond at all to your actions, you have ONE story arc that you must follow...that is the worst kind of railroading.

So to all those who see WoW (or any other MMO) has some low brow enjoyment and look down at the MMO players of the world...

Get off your high horses you elitist jerks.

I have a different opinion from a lot of you I guess, because I'm anticipating this book a lot.

Gems, sets are all good ideas in my mind.

Magical sets of great power have always been a favorite of mine and I always wondered why D&D never had any.

I guess I will work the gems a bit...something along the line of creating sockets in the item, having to destroy the gem to replace it, longer change time, etc.

I don't care about the fact that maybe some items in the DMG become obsolete...some were obsolete the day they were written down! I can think of dozens of items than have never, and will never be used...They just plain suck...no two way around it.

So if the Magic Item Conpendium delivers new, fun and balanced items and game mechanics that so that my players actually want something else than a resistance item , an ability-booster or a enhanced weapon...I don't care how it looks.

Daigle wrote:
Just last week I noticed that darkness and fog (visibility issues) trigger double movement.

...what??? Really?

*looks around puzzled*


Deities don't have CRs

The deity book says that foilling the plans of a deity gives experience between PCs lvl up to PCs lvl+7.

So killing Kyuss give XP around a CR 27 or CR 28.

Hope it helps

Reading some of your answers...some of you really have issues with WoW!

Does WoW offer has many options has D&D? No of course not and it never intended too.

Does WoW revolve around your character? No and it shouldn't. Try to set up a game for 10000 players and see if you can focus on 3-4 specific players.

Does WoW offer you less abilities and spells? Well an argument could be done about this one...each character has at least 20 different abilities with 5-6 favorites...hum that reminds me of the sorcerer, raging power attacking barbarian, warmage or warlock.

Does WoW offer less RP or character developpement? Well I'm on a RP server with a medium RP guild and I can say that I'm not dissapointed...don't try to RP with the guard...RP with people!

In my gaming group we are 6 (counting myself) and 5 of us play WoW...and we never missed a game for a planned run in WoW...it's all about priorities.

Hierophantasm wrote:
Antoine7 wrote:

I'd suggest you to gently nudge a player into 2 weapon fighting because they will love the weapons of Icosiol.

Tempest is the best PrC for that.

Our party's bard doesn't have any training with two-weapon fighting, and is still using Icosiol's weapons, because of how awesome they are.

I hope that bard isn't chaotic...that negative level can be a tough burden to carry.

In my game it looks has if the bard will take them too...happy coincidence!

I'd suggest you to gently nudge a player into 2 weapon fighting because they will love the weapons of Icosiol.

Tempest is the best PrC for that.

Master Specialist (Comp. Mage), Archmage (DMG) are always good for an arcane caster.

Wormhunter is very good for this AP.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Name: Bhaal (Human Ninja/Swashbuckler/invisible blade)
Adventure: A gathering of winds
Location: True Tomb
Catalyst: a full round attack from a Advanced Occulus demon (19HD)

Having spent the last day trying to figure out how to get inside the sarcaphocus room, the party finally made it. First was the great Korm, the barbarian, followed by Bhaal the thrower. Seeing the tomb infiltrated Augeric attacked.

Slowly the remaining members: Kyrion the bard, Ancilia the druid and Rath the Cleric of Obad-Hai made their way too, but Kyrion and Ancilia got paralysed at the mere sight of the demon.

The comba raged on and Bhaal was staying invisible because he feared the demons wrath. But when the Occulus demon disaeared too, the cleric cast invisibility purge with everybodies consent...they feared him very much. Unable to turn invisible Rath became the focus of Augerric's attacks, since he had been a thorn in his side.

Augerric landed three blows, two of which where very deep cuts and Bhaal dropped dead on the floor. His spirit will be forever bond to the 5th layer of the Abyss, because of the pact he had with a certain devil.

A new character will take his place.

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