The Whispering Tyrant is soooo evil, he...

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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...he is behind building No. 7, and has also made up most of the conspiracy theories surrounding it on the internet.

I just got rickroll'd by Mike McArtor...


I love this company.

Also the whispering tyrant is so evil
...he invented rickrolling.


vagrant-poet wrote:
I just got rickroll'd by Mike McArtor...

On this day I swear an oath - I will never, ever, click on a link on these boards again. I would gouge my eyes out after that, but it would do no good as the image is forever burned into my brain.

*runs away screaming*

Jacob Frazier wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
I just got rickroll'd by Mike McArtor...

On this day I swear an oath - I will never, ever, click on a link on these boards again. I would gouge my eyes out after that, but it would do no good as the image is forever burned into my brain.

*runs away screaming*

Just avoid *his* links ;-)

Jacob Frazier wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
I just got rickroll'd by Mike McArtor...

On this day I swear an oath - I will never, ever, click on a link on these boards again. I would gouge my eyes out after that, but it would do no good as the image is forever burned into my brain.

*runs away screaming*

IF you don't, then you will never get to see the amazing stuff we have to offer like THIS.


David Jackson 60 wrote:
Jacob Frazier wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
I just got rickroll'd by Mike McArtor...

On this day I swear an oath - I will never, ever, click on a link on these boards again. I would gouge my eyes out after that, but it would do no good as the image is forever burned into my brain.

*runs away screaming*

IF you don't, then you will never get to see the amazing stuff we have to offer like THIS. slipping...can't...reach...utility belt..

Oaths be damned!! I'm clicking it!


*runs away screaming again*

Ok another link...this one actually thread related.

... invented the Psionic Bunny!

Psion Bunny

... created the burrow owl

... visits public hangings to shout letters at the gallows.

... bought a lot of apples to dish out on helloweedn - but put CHOCOLATE into them, so kids will get rotten teeth.

... slowly replaces coffee in machines with decaf, and after a couple of months, when everyone is over their addiction, replace it with espresso.

... writes emails to everyone he knows about everything he does. Especially the mundane stuff.

... Rings people's doorbells at night and runs away.

... Founded Apple.

... Has a clown training academy.

... Gives condiments to innocent childen.

... Masticates in the public.

... Makes screenshots of people's desktops, sets it as wallpaper, and deletes all icons and hides the taskbar.

... Changes the spellchecker to introduce errors instead of getting rid of them.

... Same as above, but introduces swearwords that replace innocent words.

... Taps his foot near pelican crossing for blind people.

KaeYoss wrote:
... Has a mime training academy.

... invented speed bumps.

Scarab Sages

... is able to penetrate our customer's minds and imput complaining ideas towards Paizo in us. (Note that I don't include constructive criticism in complaining.)

... is the one behind the USPS rates raise.

... has no talents, because having talent would mean he his GOOD at something. (Which is a paradox, because how can he be a powerful vilain if he has no talent?)

... became a lich before he was born.

... is in the process of having the word "live" and words of the same family, changed to something else. He can't stand the fact "live" is "evil" when spelled backwards.

... suddenly screems to startle those he is whispering to.

Liberty's Edge

... runs an EVIL University offering a doctorate in EVIL as well as training programs for those wanting to work in an EVIL Petting Zoo.

... hides dead fish in your car on the morning of a hot day.

... stole Gandhi's pants.

... doesn't tell you that the meat isn't kosher.

... tells dead baby jokes to women who've had miscarriages.

... uses a nutcracker when living minions disobey him.

... doesn't tell you that the in-laws are coming to stay for the weekend.

... teaches poodle puppies how to fly.

... Gives motivational speeches to Minions (who then stand up to their Overlords and are horribly executed)

... Invented silent letters (nomes will never be the same, and a lot of noledge is forever lost to us)

... Introduced irregular verbs

... Sells alien abduction insurances

... Opens people's PCs and puts fridge magnets under their disk and hard disk drives

... Hosts the annual proton pack stream crossing contest

... Breaks into people's flats when they are on vacation and programs their alarm clock to go off at 2 o'clok in the night each night, at full volume (and better hope you don't have some really loudspeakers he can jack on)

Scarab Sages

....bred the first labradoodle.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

... is the CEO of Hasbro.

Scarab Sages

....cheats at Scrabble.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

... rickrolls you.

Scarab Sages

....mixes chocolate with Ex-lax.

Pathos wrote:

... He implants the words to the song "The Song that Never Ends" into the minds of sentient creatures walking by...

. . . .

D#&$ you!

*tries to get it out of his head*

... sends you flowers in the name of people you secretly love but who hate you.

Dark Archive Contributor

KaeYoss wrote:
Just avoid *his* links ;-)

What? What do you mean? Some of my links lead to Very Important Pages on the Interwebs. Like those connected with my religion, frex (see my profile).

Rickrolling came out of the WoW community.

Since then I have been trying to come up with something new and distinctive. Since I can't fool anybody with this thread.. please try this new bomb out.

Revenge of RickRoll!

I think the clip needs to be trimmed so that it jumps right into the song.

Completely work safe but makes me cringe just thinking about it!

Scarab Sages

...was the lead writer for Full House.

...puts the fun back in funeral!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4

... only serves flat Diet Coke at his parties.

Dark Archive Contributor

M. Balmer wrote:
...puts the fun back in funeral!

...puts the "ral" back in funeral.

(I guess that makes more sense if you slur words like I do.)

...parks his hearse in front of the retirement home and when asked what he's doing, replies: "Just waiting."

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

...make Mike McArtor dress up like a japanese school girl and does the Hare Hare Yukai in the Paizo office.

...drives his hearse through residential neighbourhoods - playing ice cream truck music!

Scarab Sages

...rides the Four Horsemen as horses.

Dark Archive

...uses Acererak's skull as an ashtray.

Scarab Sages

....infects Spawn of Kyuss.

...was the mastermind behind the dreaded penis-copter attack at The Russian press conference!


The whispering Tyrant knows no bounds! a stranger to love.

...knows the rules and lies about them to you. gonna give you up. gonna let you down. gonna run around and desert you. gonna make you cry. gonna say goodbye. gonna tell a lie and hurt you... severely.

... Smashes the lightbulbs in kindergartens so the kids have to play in the dark.

TheTwitch King wrote:
... only serves flat Diet Coke at his parties.

Hm... I just read that as "serves Diet Coke in his panties".

David Jackson 60 wrote:
...was the mastermind behind the dreaded penis-copter attack at The Russian press conference!

And now I see penises flying in the air.

I have to add another:

... makes you insecure about your sexuality.

Scarab Sages

...never rinses his dish off before putting it in the dishwasher.

Dark Archive Contributor

KaeYoss wrote:

... Smashes the lightbulbs in kindergartens so the kids have to play in the dark.

TheTwitch King wrote:
... only serves flat Diet Coke at his parties.

Hm... I just read that as "serves Diet Coke in his panties".

David Jackson 60 wrote:
...was the mastermind behind the dreaded penis-copter attack at The Russian press conference!

And now I see penises flying in the air.

I have to add another:

... makes you insecure about your sexuality.

There, there, KaeYoss, we're a very understanding and supportive community here. You can be honest with us on any topic you want. :)

But stay away from the Whispering Tyrant, I hear he's so evil he...

... makes fun of people based on their beliefs, the amount of pigmentation in their skin, and the number of X chromosomes they possess.

Grand Lodge rid of Saddam's WMDs before US forces could find them.

And the corollary for the other side of the fence.

...convinced Dubya that Saddam was hiding WMDs.


...told the Dems Saddam had WMDs before the Bush presidency.

Okay, enough with the politics.

...knows if it was live or Memorex...and isn't telling.

SirUrza wrote:
...make Mike McArtor dress up like a japanese school girl and does the Hare Hare Yukai in the Paizo office.

So glad they don't allow drinks at the computers or I'd owe the USO a new monitor.

...encouraged Mick McArtur to have a Man crush on someone!

...introduced Michael Jackson to plastic surgery, and so much more... oh! So much more...

Dark Archive Contributor

TriOmegaZero wrote:
SirUrza wrote:
...make Mike McArtor dress up like a japanese school girl and does the Hare Hare Yukai in the Paizo office.
So glad they don't allow drinks at the computers or I'd owe the USO a new monitor.

Wait... where did SirUrza say that? I totally missed it. :\

Mike McArtor wrote:

Wait... where did SirUrza say that? I totally missed it. :\

Don't flatter him with too much attention Mike, he's had enough this week.. But anyway, it's here

Dark Archive Contributor

Sharoth wrote:
...encouraged Mick McArtor to have a Man crush on someone!

I assure you Sharoth, my man crush is not Rick Astley. :P

Dark Archive Contributor

Watcher wrote:
Mike McArtor wrote:

Wait... where did SirUrza say that? I totally missed it. :\

Don't flatter him with too much attention Mike, he's had enough this week.. But anyway, it's here

Ha ha! I remember that movie! That gives me the idea for another WT saying. :D

... introduced Ralph Bakshi to the technique of rotoscoping... but didn't show him how to do it right.

Mike McArtor wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
...encouraged Mick McArtor to have a Man crush on someone!
I assure you Sharoth, my man crush is not Rick Astley. :P

~innocent look~ But Mike! You so enjoy Rickrolling people that I just assumed that there was SOMETHING to it! That much Rickrolling CAN'T be wrong! Admit your love, Mike! Admit it!

~gives a wicked grin and then RUNS!!!~

Mike McArtor wrote:

Ha ha! I remember that movie! That gives me the idea for another WT saying. :D

That's my fantasy response to rickrolling. Instant cringe.

Though many people seem to remember the orc song fondly.

"Where there's a whip, We don't wanna go to war today, There's a way, Where's there's a whip, But the Lord of the lash says nay nay nay"

Not me.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Mike McArtor wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
...encouraged Mick McArtor to have a Man crush on someone!
I assure you Sharoth, my man crush is not Rick Astley. :P

I can most certainly assure you of this as well.


...became a perfectionist so he'd have more reasons to criticise people.

Mike McArtor wrote:

There, there, KaeYoss, we're a very understanding and supportive community here. You can be honest with us on any topic you want. :)

Okay. I'm coming out of the closet, now: I'm absolutely, 100% straight. Not even metrosexual. Which is a stupid concept, anyway. Gotta add that:

... invented "metrosexual"

Mike McArtor wrote:

... makes fun of people based on their beliefs, the amount of pigmentation in their skin, and the number of X chromosomes they possess.

What's "so" evil about this? It's mass-produced, everyday, boring evil. Everyone can do that.

What's the right number of X chromosomes, anyway? I have three, is that good? I hear Vin Diesel and Ice Cube also have them.

Liberty's Edge

SirUrza wrote:
...make Mike McArtor dress up like a japanese school girl and does the Hare Hare Yukai in the Paizo office.

We all know that nobody -made- him do that.

And I suppose I fall under the second part of McArtors statement against prejudice since I have been trying to explain to someone that its not her fault, when you have two X-chromosomes rubbing together it releases vicious into the blood stream. I stand by this statement though, as she was the one that suggested in a game that if they skinned a tattooed monk and somehow applied the skin to themselves it may then grant them some of their powers.

Umm, back on topic-

...Made it so that once you pop, you just can't stop.


Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 on the cover of the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting Hardcover!

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