Community Created Stuff (may contain spoilers)

Rise of the Runelords

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Elorebaen wrote:

- Looking forward to your cartography skills!

- I have definitely started to notice the serious uptick in the need for bigger maps. Thankfully Maptool can handle it :)

Please feed back in the Mapping Runeforge thread and tell me what you'd like to see! I am gonna keep plugging it until people post there. :)

Runeforge is one of the coolest locations in the campaign, I think, and it has the least detailed maps (by necessity). I would be very pleased to give back to this community in the form of worthy battlemaps. Work starts in earnest at the end of this month.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok, so here's my latest version of the goblin song. Downloaded a couple of editing programs that allowed me to fool around with pitch and making multiple tracks in the same file. Now it sounds like a group singing, and there's some miscellaneous lauging and shouting in the background. Enjoy!

I just published my "Misgivings" playlist to iTunes. These are the tracks I'm planning on using as background music when my players enter the manor this week. I'm not sure if there's a way to link it here, but if you use iTunes, you can view it there.

Edit: I have also now published my Hook Mountain Massacre playlist. You can search for "Hook Mountain" on iTunes.

Here's a side quest I added. Created using the official Descent: Journeys in the Dark campaign editor, here is Something in the Attic.

Dark Archive

Dotting this for future use. This is pure awesome by the way.

The Exchange

Dotting this for future use.

I am a very big fan of this thread and the wonderful map and token makers that haunt it. Without you my campaign wouldn't be near so colorful. Thank you.

My players are about to start Sins of The Savoirs. Has anyone in the community made additional resources for this module?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am about to reintroduce my players to Aldern Foxglove. I took the opportunity to put my and my girlfriend's special fx makeup skills to use. A mutual friend of several of my players agreed to model for me. Both of the possible Aldern obsessions know him well, so there should be a very good reaction when they realize who he actually is.

Going with the mask theme that's so prevalent in Skinsaw Murders, I gave Aldern a second (non-magical) mask to play with. I see him as using one mask for His Lordship and the stalker's mask for the Skinsaw Man, while leaving his face uncovered for the Hurter. I also added a few spots of mold on his face, tying him in with the mold and disease in the house. And his fingernails are green to suggest the same disease.

I am planning on adding a few final touches to this on Photoshop before I show my players (probably make it look more like night and make his eyes red), but I couldn't wait to share this.

Without further ado, I present to you The Skinsaw Man

With the Pathfinder Conversion Right around the corner and it looks like their wont be a players guide in the Hardcover maybe its time to put all our thoughts together and create a Players Guide for Rise of The Runelords cause the first one sucked to put it nicely

First and most important thing is I think we need Traits has anyone already made some that can be used?

Grand Lodge

There were some in the APG, that James Jacobs used for his Shadows under Sandpoint campaign.

Aeshuura wrote:
There were some in the APG, that James Jacobs used for his Shadows under Sandpoint campaign.

I forgot about thouse cool

Grand Lodge

No problem... the reason I remember them is that I used them for my own Rise of the Runelords campaign a while back.

I used the following in my current PbP game, based on tying in players to the plot and accomodating early submissions I'd already recieved. They're a bit more powerful than your average trait, but you could easily adjust them to your liking.

Giant Hunter: The giants that control the northern reaches of Varisia are a constant and brutal reminder that this realm is far from tame. Whether you’re a Dwarf of the Mindspin Holds, a Ranger of the Black Arrows, or one of the barbaric Shoanti nomads, you’ve gone toe to toe with foes twice your size and you’ve got the scars to prove it. (Whether you’d gladly do so again is another story.) You’ve come to Sandpoint for a brief respite from the horrors of war. You gain a permanent +1 bonus to Fortitude saves. If you have the favoured enemy or weapon training class features, you may increase these bonuses by +1 against giants.

Humble Beginnings: You’ve lived a comfortable, if unremarkable life in or around the small town of Sandpoint, whether as an orphan, a farmers son or a craftsman apprentice. You might’ve been trained in magic by Ilsoari Gandethus, or joined the local militia under Sheriff Hemlock, but the scariest thing you’ve ever fought were a few stray goblins that plague the coast like rats. You’re in town for the Swallowtail Festival, in your book, the most exciting thing to happen every year. You love your hometown, but crave something more. You gain a +1 bonus to Diplomacy and Knowledge:Local checks, and the citizens of Sandpoint treat you as Friendly, rather than Indifferent. Furthermore, one of these skills is now a class skill.

Ill Tidings: Evil is stirring in Varisia. The reclusive elves of the Mierani forest, the Varisian Harrowers, the priesthood of Desna, even the great gold dragon Mengkare have caught wind of it. Whether on a holy pilgrimage or at the behest of your elders, you seek to end this threat before it begins. Your travels have led you to the lonely reaches of the Lost Coast. Somehow, you know you’re close. Your knowledge of the threads of fate, however small, grants you no small degree of confidence. Once per day, you may reroll any saving throw.

Missing Parent: You are the child or long-time friend of a successful (if greedy) merchant, from the nearby city of Magnimar. Several months ago, this merchant disappeared. The body was eventually found, horribly mutilated. Even Magnimar’s shrewdest judge, the elven Justice Ironbriar, could turn up no leads. You suspect the crime was hushed up at the Lord-Mayor’s request. Your attempts at leading an investigation of your own stopped dead, when you fled the city at your long-time friend, Aldern Foxglove’s advice. You’ve fled north along the Lost Coast to the town of Sandpoint, hoping to blend in with the flocks of partygoers attending the Swallowtail Festival. You gain a permanent +1 bonus to Intimidate and Sense Motive. Furthermore, one of these skills is now a class skill. If each of these skills is already a class skill, increase one of these bonuses to +2.

Wanderer: In the untouched land of Varisia, they say any man can make his fortune. The Varisian gypsies have wandered the pristine forests and rugged hills of Varisia for generations, and all manner of people live by their wits in this distant frontier: the gnomes of the Sanos Forest, the priesthood of Desna, and all manner of adventurers and storytellers. You gain a permanent +1 bonus to Knowledge:Geography and Knowledge:Local. Furthermore, one of these skills is now a class skill. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to your Reflex saves.

Thassilonian Scholar: Monolithic ruins cast a dark shadow over the landscape of Varisia. You have seen the secluded Hollow Mountain, the majestic Cyphergate, the towering Irespan. Perhaps it’s forgotten treasure you seek, or perhaps ancient relics. Perhaps you seek the long forgotten magic that lies dormant in the crumbling towers and pristine dungeons; all that remains of an empire that followed its fallen masters into legend. Whether its knowledge, wealth or power you seek, you have come to Sandpoint to plunder or study the nearby ruin, (which the locals dub ”The Old Lighthouse.”). You gain a permanent +1 bonus to Disable Device and Spellcraft. Furthermore, one of these skills is now a class skill. In addition to these bonuses you gain a +1 bonus to Knowledge: History and this skill is also treated as a class skill.

Twigs wrote:

I used the following in my current PbP game, based on tying in players to the plot and accomodating early submissions I'd already recieved. They're a bit more powerful than your average trait, but you could easily adjust them to your liking.

** spoiler omitted **...

I really like the write up for each might scale them back a little

Joey Virtue wrote:
Twigs wrote:

I used the following in my current PbP game, based on tying in players to the plot and accomodating early submissions I'd already recieved. They're a bit more powerful than your average trait, but you could easily adjust them to your liking.

** spoiler omitted **...

I really like the write up for each might scale them back a little

Thanks! I find my home group need more incentive than most, and we tend to just allow one trait apiece instead of two anyway. Glad to see them put to use. :)

Grand Lodge

I noticed the map for the first goblin attack is a dead link and I needed a map for an upcoming game so I made one. This is not a true "Sandpoint" map but it may help fill the gap for anyone needing one.

I am far from perfect at map making but I enjoy it. You can view and download it on my blog.

Liberty's Edge

Ravenbow wrote:

I noticed the map for the first goblin attack is a dead link and I needed a map for an upcoming game so I made one. This is not a true "Sandpoint" map but it may help fill the gap for anyone needing one.

I am far from perfect at map making but I enjoy it. You can view and download it on my blog.

Fixed the link.

Dotting for when I run the Anniversary edition...

User Daviot just posted a link to a homebrew side-quest to hunt the Sandpoint Devil on the Devil's Plateau. I just read it over, and it looks pretty good!

Here's the post.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Dotting as well for the Anniversary edition.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My Campaign Cartographer 3 version of Sandpoint (Still a WIP):

Sandpoint Map

Also, my map for the initial encounter based off the map above:

Initial Assault

Liberty's Edge

Dakcenturi wrote:

My Campaign Cartographer 3 version of Sandpoint (Still a WIP):

Sandpoint Map

Also, my map for the initial encounter based off the map above:

Initial Assault

Excellent work! What map size did you use?

Liberty's Edge

sweet. just getting ready to run this. Thank you lots.

HangarFlying wrote:
Ravenbow wrote:

I noticed the map for the first goblin attack is a dead link and I needed a map for an upcoming game so I made one. This is not a true "Sandpoint" map but it may help fill the gap for anyone needing one.

I am far from perfect at map making but I enjoy it. You can view and download it on my blog.

Fixed the link.

It's broken again. Might want to replace it with Ravenbow's or Dakcenturi's since it looks like the whole site that map in the OP was hosted on is gone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome map, Darkcenturi!

Are you going to add the manors south of Sandpoint proper to the map?
And I believe the grid is 5', right?


Liberty's Edge

19 people marked this as a favorite.

Latest incarnation of this list. BBcode added back at the bottom. Items that seemed broken, missing, etc. when I checked last (today) are marked "UNAVAILABLE" and might be scrubbed in the next incarnation. If you have corrections, comment. Caveat: None of this stuff is mine so not responsible for any of it but thought updating and marking the broken links might be useful as this AP may get more interest in the next few months. :)

In addition, some of this is not suitable for work (for example stuff related to Tsuto's journal) so ye be warned.

Additions, questions, comments, corrections welcome.

Town of Sandpoint



Burnt Offerings

The Skinsaw Murders

The Hook Mountain Massacre

Fortress of the Stone Giants

Sins of the Saviors

Spires of the Xin-Shalast

Unknown but cool

BBcode for this posting:

{bigger}{b}Town of Sandpoint{/b}{/bigger}
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url= ds/Sandpoint_Info.xls}Sandpoint Occupancy{/url} List by Anthony Law
{*}{url=}Sandpoint Cathedral Interior{/url} by Chinchbug
{*}Sandpoint Garrison: {url=}Exterio r (looking down){/url} by Russell Akred, {url=}Exterio r (street level){/url} by Russell Akred, {url= loor.png}Interior{/url} by Terry Dyer
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) Sandpoint Town Hall by Nevynxxx: {url= l/}Vaults{/url}, {url= floor/}Ground Floor{/url}, {url= oor/}Upper Floor{/url}
{*}{url=}Sandpoin t Lumber Mill Exterior{/url} by Terry Dyer
{*}{url=}Sandpoint Lumber Mill Interior{/url} by Evil Lincoln
{*}General Store: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}, {url=}Bas ement{/url}
{*}{url=} The Hagfish{/url} by BrotherJason
{*}The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}

{*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
{*}{url=}P layers map of Sandpoint Region{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Golarion Calendar 4707-4708 with Paizo artwork{/url} by fray
{*}{url=}Basic Golarion Calendar 4707{/url} not sure who created this but it is from the Heroes of Golarion wiki
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Excel Golarion calendar{/url} not sure who created this either?
{*}{url=}Hi-Res (600 dpi) Maps of Varisia & Sandpoint and mods for Google Earth{/url} by Tintagel
{*}Tintagels {url=}Educated Gamer Website Rise of the Runelord section{/url} some of the stuff contained here is detailed out below.
{*}{url= in-sandpoint.html}Tales from the Rusty Dragon 4e conversion of Rise of the Runelords{/url} by Scott Betts
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Thassilonian Runes Font{/url} by unknown (anyone know?)
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Digital player-friendly map of Varisia{/url} by Luke
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url= ml}Sandpoint Marked Map{/url} by vocaldc
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/strangeIdeaWhoWouldGiveKarzougAVoice}Karzour sound file thread{/url}

{*}{url=}M alfeshnekor{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Ameiko Kaijitsu{/url} by DM G
{*}{url=}Belor Hemlock and Shalelu Andosana (with original eyes){/url} by DM G
{*}{url=}Shale lu Andosana (with James Jacobs approved eyes){/url} by DM G

{bigger}{b}Burnt Offerings{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/burntOfferingsClarificationsGMReference}Burnt Offerings (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url= ings_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by Shadowchemosh
{*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Combat maps for Initial Assault, Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die{/url} by Erian_7
{*}Audio file of the Goblin Song {url=}with screams{/url} and {url=}without screams{/url} for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
{*}{url=} Barett House for the Monster in the closet event{/url} by Gr4ys
{*}{url= }Wolves of Sandpoint Charter{/url} by one of Watchers players (credit where credits due)
{*}{url=}Tsu to's letter in Minkai{/url} by Greg Volz
{*}{url=}Tsuto's letter in common{/url} by Greg Volz
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Combat maps for the Glassworks{/url} by Watcher
{*}{url=}Tsuto's Journal{/url} by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
{*}{url= 8236909}Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto's Notebook{/url} by Lilith
{*}{url=}Pictures of Nualia as a Succubus for Tsutos Notebook{/url} by Lilith
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Combat maps for the Catacombs of Wrath{/url} by Watcher
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Combat maps for Thistletop{/url} by Watcher
{*}{url=}Sk eletons pictures{/url} for B8 by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Pict ure of the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Tok en for the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Burnt Offerings dataset for DMs Familiar{/url} by DMFTodd
{*}{url=}Project Blog to covert Burnt Offerings to 4th edition{/url} by Scott Betts
{*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks ground floor combat map{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks basement combat map{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Sandpoi nt rumors as PDF cards{/url} and as a {url=}Microsoft Powerpoint presentation{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ _54x63.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7crtq9Gef754RpMFJM50bygIxyQWagrl5veQ F8joBbWcIvEeG5UK9L4NRAhtBb7FbqyxvJtSZJAoGlQl4tvXyQTlhd2fqDkK5fu6XIptQwlxLMb kS4Fu2pzgaVrN1DSxeT65J53-VYn7qM_mJY9Xv8QMuCOVTPEpmZaq3x93x6Uv_LPrsMvST8en8N OrjWWSIm2Nn55kHcC7D4rzzFPZkH9WmLjb-Id3Kbvg-BJTotFiYxAsxvbw5YrdWpxrScWWsXIxP bVt}High-Res scan of Thistletop Exterior{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7coZP-qoofdy3B5N7D-vaCexiIM-ut_wi FnT6lbYMxyxw7DEWvtGLLlGnEZ5NDIvZEnOjgqmEeBS2mFgzql_Wa4dDCDvrRRINM0jq0OkoE1H FYmZZFhBwvO0u9L4h2yrjWlF-Qe0bATLNNwg3Mo-c_fLYEZfLLu8Clv69qvKPH5fj96SBvTb1S6 QyWD8haPbb7j9pc5RBBnMyOuSV-t1_YRHMNh5CkgRacgzmiceC6WaMVBypUl7JmyaiwcdhXewu3 5biQbg}High-Res scan of Thistletop level one{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7crWM7ODp7nuscoyWaCp23YjNTlv0iB_R V6Y6Pbd2mRYWzR9QB196Sycw-zJQMpwbzE2MTQU7HvD3ym2V_sJaCj2pndkfQT6NmMtIG-xFLvZ dyQZkd7xG1kdQXit8R4BsQi9RAVXSOW_V_X3n8OGdacrqYmi01yi94Kp6ok7915wfJ5vGiv66NC wPKshTTOh4ZI2s62K7hlVTKevaHkAE-c_ub1M3BCDkMRSpucNDjaXXNckhsDI9B8ooBQwFaYyth rq8U0N}High-Res scan of Thistletop level two{/url} by Tintagel
{*}Nualia's Diary {url= ournal1of2.jpg}page one{/url} and {url= ournal2of2.jpg}page 2{/url} by James B. Cline
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/extraEventsAndGamesAtTheSwallowtailFestival}Games for the Swallowtail Festival{/url} by Delthos

{bigger}{b}The Skinsaw Murders{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/theSkinsawMurdersGMReference}The Skinsaw Murders Gamemasters Reference{/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url= Murders_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
{*}{url=}Cougar Creek Barn note{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Sandpo int Lumber Mill{/url} note by Russel Akred
{*}{url= }Alternative Habes Sanitarium{/url} by Ruined
{*}{url=}Players map for farmlands map without detail{/url} by tonton
{*}{url=}Combat maps for Foxglove Manor{/url} by rironin
{*}{url=}Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document {/url}by rironin
{*}{url=}Updated Magnimar maps{/url} by Paizo Publishing
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Skinsaw Murders dataset for DMs Familiar{/url} by DMFTodd
{*}{url=}Clock Tower cut-away{/url} by Chinchbug
{*}{url= 7}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 1st floor{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url= 8}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 2nd floor {/url}by Tintagel
{*}{url= 9}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings attic{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url= 10}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings basement{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings caverns{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse ground floor{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse first floor{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse exterior{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url= istcopy.jpg}Xanesha's List{/url} by James B. Cline
{*}{url= TYtvNbulw&feat=directlink}Amazing Stained glass windows for the Misgivings{/url} by tintagel (i think)?
{*}{url=}Bloody notes{/url} by Mearrin69

{bigger}{b}The Hook Mountain Massacre{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/archives/theHookMountainMassacreGMReference}The Hook Mountain Massacre (Gamemasters Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url= inMassacre_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
{*}{url=}Tur tleback Ferry{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Turtleback Ferry{/url} by Salama
{*}{url=}Map of Fort drawn by Vale{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url= }Skull Crossing{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}F looded version of Russell Akreds Turtleback village{/url} for Down comes the rain by KeepIRU
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Hook Mountain Massacre dataset for DMs Familiar{/url} by DMFTodd
{*}{url=}G raul farm yard exterior{/url} by tintagel
{*}{url=}Item{/url} and {url=}Monster cards{/url} for Chapter 3 by ShadowChemosh (other chapters {url=}here{/url})
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url= Tokens.html}Black Magga, Lucretia, and a Turtleback Ferry tokens for Maptool{/url} commissioned by Watcher, created by Devin Night of {url=}Four Ugly Monsters{/url}

{bigger}{b}Fortress of the Stone Giants {/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/fortressOfTheStoneGiantsGMReference}Fortress of the Stone Giants (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url=}Bat tlemap of Jorgenfist{/url} by Russell Akred
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Fortress of the Stone Gaints dataset for DMs Familiar{/url} by DMFTodd
{*}{url=}Giants Watch Tower{/url} by Chinchbug
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) Sandpoint Raid Timetable by Gorbacz (url=

{bigger}{b}Sins of the Saviors{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/sinsOfTheSaviorsGMReference}Sins of the Saviors (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}Paizo web enhancement {url=}Magic of Thassilon{/url}
{*} (UNAVAILABLE) {url=}Sins of the Saviors dataset for DMs Familiar{/url} by DMFTodd
{*}{url=}Car d terrain pattern for final scene{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Hug e statue template{/url} by russell akred

{bigger}{b}Spires of the Xin-Shalast{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/spiresOfXinShalastGMReference}Spires of the Xin-Shalast (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url=}Vekkers Cabin{/url} by Chinchbug
{*}{url=}Wendig Standee Cutout{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}The Horror Tree{/url} by Russell Akred

{bigger}{b}Unknown but cool{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= .pdf}Colossal Spider pattern to make 4 card spider{/url} by Russell Akred seen {url=}here, {/url} in all its glory</p>

{spoiler=BBcode for this posting}

Chow'd Mouse wrote:
Hard work.

Great, thanks! :D

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Latest incarnation of this list. BBcode added back at the bottom. Items that seemed broken, missing, etc. when I last checked (about a couple weeks ago) are removed. If you have corrections, comment. Caveat: None of this stuff is mine so not responsible for any of it but thought updating and marking the broken links might be useful as this AP may get more interest in the next few months. :)

In addition, some of this is not suitable for work (for example stuff related to Tsuto's journal) so ye be warned.

Additions, questions, comments, corrections welcome.

Town of Sandpoint



Burnt Offerings

The Skinsaw Murders

The Hook Mountain Massacre

Fortress of the Stone Giants

Sins of the Saviors

Spires of the Xin-Shalast

Unknown but cool

BBcode for Available Links:

{bigger}{b}Town of Sandpoint{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url=}Sandpoint Cathedral Interior{/url} by Chinchbug
{*}Sandpoint Garrison: {url=}Exterio r (looking down){/url} by Russell Akred, {url=}Exterio r (street level){/url} by Russell Akred, {url= loor.png}Interior{/url} by Terry Dyer
{*}{url=}Sandpoin t Lumber Mill Exterior{/url} by Terry Dyer
{*}{url=}Sandpoint Lumber Mill Interior{/url} by Evil Lincoln
{*}General Store: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}, {url=}Bas ement{/url}
{*}{url=} The Hagfish{/url} by BrotherJason
{*}The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}
{*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
{*}{url=}P layers map of Sandpoint Region{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Golarion Calendar 4707-4708 with Paizo artwork{/url} by fray
{*}{url=}Basic Golarion Calendar 4707{/url} not sure who created this but it is from the Heroes of Golarion wiki
{*}{url=}Hi-Res (600 dpi) Maps of Varisia & Sandpoint and mods for Google Earth{/url} by Tintagel
{*}Tintagels {url=}Educated Gamer Website Rise of the Runelord section{/url} some of the stuff contained here is detailed out below.
{*}{url= in-sandpoint.html}Tales from the Rusty Dragon 4e conversion of Rise of the Runelords{/url} by Scott Betts
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/strangeIdeaWhoWouldGiveKarzougAVoice}Karzour sound file thread{/url}

{*}{url=}M alfeshnekor{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Ameiko Kaijitsu{/url} by DM G
{*}{url=}Belor Hemlock and Shalelu Andosana (with original eyes){/url} by DM G
{*}{url=}Shale lu Andosana (with James Jacobs approved eyes){/url} by DM G

{bigger}{b}Burnt Offerings{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/burntOfferingsClarificationsGMReference}Burnt Offerings (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url= ings_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by Shadowchemosh
{*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
{*}Audio file of the Goblin Song {url=}with screams{/url} and {url=}without screams{/url} for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
{*}{url=} Barett House for the Monster in the closet event{/url} by Gr4ys
{*}{url= }Wolves of Sandpoint Charter{/url} by one of Watchers players (credit where credits due)
{*}{url=}Tsu to's letter in Minkai{/url} by Greg Volz
{*}{url=}Tsuto's letter in common{/url} by Greg Volz
{*}{url=}Tsuto's Journal{/url} by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
{*}{url= 8236909}Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto's Notebook{/url} by Lilith
{*}{url=}Pictures of Nualia as a Succubus for Tsutos Notebook{/url} by Lilith
{*}{url=}Sk eletons pictures{/url} for B8 by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Pict ure of the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Tok en for the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Project Blog to covert Burnt Offerings to 4th edition{/url} by Scott Betts
{*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks ground floor combat map{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks basement combat map{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Sandpoi nt rumors as PDF cards{/url} and as a {url=}Microsoft Powerpoint presentation{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ _54x63.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7crtq9Gef754RpMFJM50bygIxyQWagrl5veQ F8joBbWcIvEeG5UK9L4NRAhtBb7FbqyxvJtSZJAoGlQl4tvXyQTlhd2fqDkK5fu6XIptQwlxLMb kS4Fu2pzgaVrN1DSxeT65J53-VYn7qM_mJY9Xv8QMuCOVTPEpmZaq3x93x6Uv_LPrsMvST8en8N OrjWWSIm2Nn55kHcC7D4rzzFPZkH9WmLjb-Id3Kbvg-BJTotFiYxAsxvbw5YrdWpxrScWWsXIxP bVt}High-Res scan of Thistletop Exterior{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7coZP-qoofdy3B5N7D-vaCexiIM-ut_wi FnT6lbYMxyxw7DEWvtGLLlGnEZ5NDIvZEnOjgqmEeBS2mFgzql_Wa4dDCDvrRRINM0jq0OkoE1H FYmZZFhBwvO0u9L4h2yrjWlF-Qe0bATLNNwg3Mo-c_fLYEZfLLu8Clv69qvKPH5fj96SBvTb1S6 QyWD8haPbb7j9pc5RBBnMyOuSV-t1_YRHMNh5CkgRacgzmiceC6WaMVBypUl7JmyaiwcdhXewu3 5biQbg}High-Res scan of Thistletop level one{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7crWM7ODp7nuscoyWaCp23YjNTlv0iB_R V6Y6Pbd2mRYWzR9QB196Sycw-zJQMpwbzE2MTQU7HvD3ym2V_sJaCj2pndkfQT6NmMtIG-xFLvZ dyQZkd7xG1kdQXit8R4BsQi9RAVXSOW_V_X3n8OGdacrqYmi01yi94Kp6ok7915wfJ5vGiv66NC wPKshTTOh4ZI2s62K7hlVTKevaHkAE-c_ub1M3BCDkMRSpucNDjaXXNckhsDI9B8ooBQwFaYyth rq8U0N}High-Res scan of Thistletop level two{/url} by Tintagel
{*}Nualia's Diary {url= ournal1of2.jpg}page one{/url} and {url= ournal2of2.jpg}page 2{/url} by James B. Cline
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/extraEventsAndGamesAtTheSwallowtailFestival}Games for the Swallowtail Festival{/url} by Delthos

{bigger}{b}The Skinsaw Murders{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/theSkinsawMurdersGMReference}The Skinsaw Murders Gamemasters Reference{/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url= Murders_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
{*}{url=}Cougar Creek Barn note{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Sandpo int Lumber Mill{/url} note by Russel Akred
{*}{url= }Alternative Habes Sanitarium{/url} by Ruined
{*}{url=}Players map for farmlands map without detail{/url} by tonton
{*}{url=}Combat maps for Foxglove Manor{/url} by rironin
{*}{url=}Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document {/url}by rironin
{*}{url=}Updated Magnimar maps{/url} by Paizo Publishing
{*}{url=}Clock Tower cut-away{/url} by Chinchbug
{*}{url= 7}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 1st floor{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url= 8}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 2nd floor {/url}by Tintagel
{*}{url= 9}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings attic{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url= 10}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings basement{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings caverns{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse ground floor{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse first floor{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse exterior{/url} by Tintagel
{*}{url= istcopy.jpg}Xanesha's List{/url} by James B. Cline
{*}{url= TYtvNbulw&feat=directlink}Amazing Stained glass windows for the Misgivings{/url} by tintagel (i think)?
{*}{url=}Bloody notes{/url} by Mearrin69

{bigger}{b}The Hook Mountain Massacre{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/archives/theHookMountainMassacreGMReference}The Hook Mountain Massacre (Gamemasters Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url= inMassacre_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
{*}{url=}Tur tleback Ferry{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Turtleback Ferry{/url} by Salama
{*}{url=}Map of Fort drawn by Vale{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url= }Skull Crossing{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}F looded version of Russell Akreds Turtleback village{/url} for Down comes the rain by KeepIRU
{*}{url=}G raul farm yard exterior{/url} by tintagel
{*}{url=}Item{/url} and {url=}Monster cards{/url} for Chapter 3 by ShadowChemosh (other chapters {url=}here{/url})

{bigger}{b}Fortress of the Stone Giants {/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/fortressOfTheStoneGiantsGMReference}Fortress of the Stone Giants (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url=}Bat tlemap of Jorgenfist{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Giants Watch Tower{/url} by Chinchbug

{bigger}{b}Sins of the Saviors{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/sinsOfTheSaviorsGMReference}Sins of the Saviors (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}Paizo web enhancement {url=}Magic of Thassilon{/url}
{*}{url=}Car d terrain pattern for final scene{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}Hug e statue template{/url} by russell akred

{bigger}{b}Spires of the Xin-Shalast{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= enturePath/runelords/spiresOfXinShalastGMReference}Spires of the Xin-Shalast (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
{*}{url=}Vekkers Cabin{/url} by Chinchbug
{*}{url=}Wendig Standee Cutout{/url} by Russell Akred
{*}{url=}The Horror Tree{/url} by Russell Akred

{bigger}{b}Unknown but cool{/b}{/bigger}
{*}{url= .pdf}Colossal Spider pattern to make 4 card spider{/url} by Russell Akred seen {url=}here, {/url} in all its glory</p>

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for doing this! Omission - Missed a few of mine, all from Skinsaw:

I found yet another map of Turtleback Ferry, which I used in my game.

Woah, that map is a great find, Haladir. Insta-save.

Also +1 for Sozin's handouts. I have them stashed away in my folders for when the anniversary edition comes out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I thought I'd come to this thread with something to give back. I have some quick and dirty maps for the first few encounters with notes written all over them. I found them a LOT easier to reference than the maps in the books. The Thistletop and the Glassworks were the most useful, but the lot of them were a handy edition to my notes.

Here's hoping they can help someone.

  • Initial Encounter Battle Plan
  • Die Dog Die Battle Plan
  • Glassworks Battle Plan
  • Glassworks Basement Battle Plan
  • Thistletop Battle Plan
  • Thistletop Basement Battle Plan

  • Liberty's Edge

    Twigs wrote:

    Woah, that map is a great find, Haladir. Insta-save.

    Also +1 for Sozin's handouts. I have them stashed away in my folders for when the anniversary edition comes out.

    In addition to this map of Turtleback Ferry, there's also a flooded version of Turtleback ferry to go along with the dry version on that site as well (but it wasn't simple to find. The flood version links to the dry version but the dry version does not link to the flooded version.) Poking around the wiki there's also some good looking (and risque, ye be warned) art of what I presume is the party that's going through the RotR AP.

    Liberty's Edge

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Latest incarnation of this list. BBcode at the bottom under the spoiler tag (if you want to edit it, copy out of the spoiler tag area and replace the curly braces ({}) with square brackets ([])). If you have corrections, comment or feel free to fix it yourself (I'll continue to maintain from time to time regardless.)

    Caveat: None of this stuff is mine so not responsible for any of it in any way, shape, or form. I'm running RotR at the moment so had a reason to keep it up to date and felt keeping it updated for the community might be useful as this AP may get more interest in the next few months. :) If you see something of yours that you do not want to be here, let me know. This goes double for the Paizo folks: legalese makes my head swim so if you see something that infringes let the owner know.

    In addition, some of this is not suitable for work (for example stuff related to Tsuto's journal) so ye be warned.

    I hope the community finds this useful.

    Additions, questions, comments, corrections welcome.

    Town of Sandpoint



    Burnt Offerings

    The Skinsaw Murders

    The Hook Mountain Massacre

    Fortress of the Stone Giants

    Sins of the Saviors

    Spires of the Xin-Shalast

    Unknown but cool

    BBcode for Available Links:

    Latest incarnation of this list. BBcode at the bottom under the spoiler tag (if you want to edit it, copy out of the spoiler tag area and replace the curly braces ({}) with square brackets ({})). If you have corrections, comment or feel free to fix it yourself (I'll continue to maintain from time to time regardless.)

    Caveat: None of this stuff is mine so not responsible for any of it in any way, shape, or form. I'm running RotR at the moment so had a reason to keep it up to date and felt keeping it updated for the community might be useful as this AP may get more interest in the next few months. :) If you see something of yours that you do not want to be here, let me know. {b}This goes double for the Paizo folks: legalese makes my head swim so if you see something that infringes let the owner know.{/b}

    In addition, {bigger}{b}some of this is not suitable for work{/b}{/bigger} (for example stuff related to Tsuto's journal) so ye be warned.

    I hope the community finds this useful.

    Additions, questions, comments, corrections welcome.

    {bigger}{b}Town of Sandpoint{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url=}Sandpoint Cathedral Interior{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}Sandpoint Garrison: {url=}Exterio r (looking down){/url} by Russell Akred, {url=}Exterio r (street level){/url} by Russell Akred, {url= loor.png}Interior{/url} by Terry Dyer
    {*}{url=}Sandpoin t Lumber Mill Exterior{/url} by Terry Dyer
    {*}{url=}Sandpoint Lumber Mill Interior{/url} by Evil Lincoln
    {*}General Store: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}, {url=}Bas ement{/url} (Chow'd Mouse sez: Creator wasn't given credit in the original list but the RPG Mapshare site credits "IamGrays".)
    {*}{url=} The Hagfish{/url} by BrotherJason
    {*}The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}
    {*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
    {*}{url=}P layers map of Sandpoint Region{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Golarion Calendar 4707-4708 with Paizo artwork{/url} by fray
    {*}{url=}Basic Golarion Calendar 4707{/url} not sure who created this but it is from the Heroes of Golarion wiki
    {*}{url=}Hi-Res (600 dpi) Maps of Varisia & Sandpoint and mods for Google Earth{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}Tintagels {url=}Educated Gamer Website Rise of the Runelord section{/url} some of the stuff contained here is detailed out below.
    {*}{url= in-sandpoint.html}Tales from the Rusty Dragon 4e conversion of Rise of the Runelords{/url} by Scott Betts
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/strangeIdeaWhoWouldGiveKarzougAVoice}Karzour sound file thread{/url}

    {*}{url=}M alfeshnekor{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Ameiko Kaijitsu{/url} by DM G
    {*}{url=}Belor Hemlock and Shalelu Andosana (with original eyes){/url} by DM G
    {*}{url=}Shale lu Andosana (with James Jacobs approved eyes){/url} by DM G

    {bigger}{b}Burnt Offerings{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/burntOfferingsClarificationsGMReference}Burnt Offerings (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= ings_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by Shadowchemosh
    {*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
    {*}Audio file of the Goblin Song {url=}with screams{/url} and {url=}without screams{/url} for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
    {*}{url=} Barett House for the Monster in the closet event{/url} by Gr4ys
    {*}{url= }Wolves of Sandpoint Charter{/url} by one of Watchers players (credit where credits due)
    {*}{url=}Tsu to's letter in Minkai{/url} by Greg Volz
    {*}{url=}Tsuto's letter in common{/url} by Greg Volz
    {*}{url=}Tsuto's Journal{/url} by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
    {*}{url= 8236909}Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto's Notebook{/url} by Lilith
    {*}{url=}Pictures of Nualia as a Succubus for Tsutos Notebook{/url} by Lilith
    {*}{url=}Sk eletons pictures{/url} for B8 by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Pict ure of the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Tok en for the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Project Blog to covert Burnt Offerings to 4th edition{/url} by Scott Betts
    {*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks ground floor combat map{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks basement combat map{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Sandpoi nt rumors as PDF cards{/url} and as a {url=}Microsoft Powerpoint presentation{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ _54x63.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7crtq9Gef754RpMFJM50bygIxyQWagrl5veQ F8joBbWcIvEeG5UK9L4NRAhtBb7FbqyxvJtSZJAoGlQl4tvXyQTlhd2fqDkK5fu6XIptQwlxLMb kS4Fu2pzgaVrN1DSxeT65J53-VYn7qM_mJY9Xv8QMuCOVTPEpmZaq3x93x6Uv_LPrsMvST8en8N OrjWWSIm2Nn55kHcC7D4rzzFPZkH9WmLjb-Id3Kbvg-BJTotFiYxAsxvbw5YrdWpxrScWWsXIxP bVt}High-Res scan of Thistletop Exterior{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7coZP-qoofdy3B5N7D-vaCexiIM-ut_wi FnT6lbYMxyxw7DEWvtGLLlGnEZ5NDIvZEnOjgqmEeBS2mFgzql_Wa4dDCDvrRRINM0jq0OkoE1H FYmZZFhBwvO0u9L4h2yrjWlF-Qe0bATLNNwg3Mo-c_fLYEZfLLu8Clv69qvKPH5fj96SBvTb1S6 QyWD8haPbb7j9pc5RBBnMyOuSV-t1_YRHMNh5CkgRacgzmiceC6WaMVBypUl7JmyaiwcdhXewu3 5biQbg}High-Res scan of Thistletop level one{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg?attredirects=0&auth=ANoY7crWM7ODp7nuscoyWaCp23YjNTlv0iB_R V6Y6Pbd2mRYWzR9QB196Sycw-zJQMpwbzE2MTQU7HvD3ym2V_sJaCj2pndkfQT6NmMtIG-xFLvZ dyQZkd7xG1kdQXit8R4BsQi9RAVXSOW_V_X3n8OGdacrqYmi01yi94Kp6ok7915wfJ5vGiv66NC wPKshTTOh4ZI2s62K7hlVTKevaHkAE-c_ub1M3BCDkMRSpucNDjaXXNckhsDI9B8ooBQwFaYyth rq8U0N}High-Res scan of Thistletop level two{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}Nualia's Diary {url= ournal1of2.jpg}page one{/url} and {url= ournal2of2.jpg}page 2{/url} by James B. Cline
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/extraEventsAndGamesAtTheSwallowtailFestival}Games for the Swallowtail Festival{/url} by Delthos
    {*}{url= }Initial Encounter Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Die Dog Die Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Glassworks Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Glassworks Basement Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Thistletop Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Thistletop Basement Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs

    {bigger}{b}The Skinsaw Murders{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/theSkinsawMurdersGMReference}The Skinsaw Murders Gamemasters Reference{/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= Murders_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
    {*}{url=}Cougar Creek Barn note{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Sandpo int Lumber Mill{/url} note by Russel Akred
    {*}{url= }Alternative Habes Sanitarium{/url} by Ruined
    {*}{url=}Players map for farmlands map without detail{/url} by tonton
    {*}{url=}Combat maps for Foxglove Manor{/url} by rironin
    {*}{url=}Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document {/url}by rironin
    {*}{url=}Updated Magnimar maps{/url} by Paizo Publishing
    {*}{url=}Clock Tower cut-away{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}{url= 7}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 1st floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 8}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 2nd floor {/url}by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 9}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings attic{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 10}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings basement{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings caverns{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse ground floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse first floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse exterior{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= istcopy.jpg}Xanesha's List{/url} by James B. Cline
    {*}{url= TYtvNbulw&feat=directlink}Amazing Stained glass windows for the Misgivings{/url} by tintagel (i think)?
    {*}{url=}Bloody notes{/url} by Mearrin69
    {*}Deed to Foxglove Manor {url= tream/}image{/url}|{url= 0f884c_b_d.jpg}download{/url} by sozin
    {*}Ledger of Aldern Foxglove {url= tream/}image{/url}|{url= e97a38_b_d.jpg}download{/url} by sozin
    {*}Foxglove Manor haunt handouts {url= 157625174417897/}one{/url}|{url= 514965404/sizes/l/in/set-72157625174417897/}two{/url}|{url=http://www.flick}thre e{/url}|{url= 157625174417897/}four{/url}|{url= 5514370865/sizes/l/in/set-72157625174417897/}five{/url} by sozin

    {bigger}{b}The Hook Mountain Massacre{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/archives/theHookMountainMassacreGMReference}The Hook Mountain Massacre (Gamemasters Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= inMassacre_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
    {*}{url=}Tur tleback Ferry{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Turtleback Ferry{/url} by Salama
    {*}{url=}Map of Fort drawn by Vale{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url= }Skull Crossing{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}F looded version of Russell Akreds Turtleback village{/url} for Down comes the rain by KeepIRU
    {*}{url=}G raul farm yard exterior{/url} by tintagel
    {*}{url=}Item{/url} and {url=}Monster cards{/url} for Chapter 3 by ShadowChemosh (other chapters {url=}here{/url})

    {bigger}{b}Fortress of the Stone Giants {/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/fortressOfTheStoneGiantsGMReference}Fortress of the Stone Giants (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url=}Bat tlemap of Jorgenfist{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Giants Watch Tower{/url} by Chinchbug

    {bigger}{b}Sins of the Saviors{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/sinsOfTheSaviorsGMReference}Sins of the Saviors (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}Paizo web enhancement {url=}Magic of Thassilon{/url}
    {*}{url=}Car d terrain pattern for final scene{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Hug e statue template{/url} by russell akred

    {bigger}{b}Spires of the Xin-Shalast{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/spiresOfXinShalastGMReference}Spires of the Xin-Shalast (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url=}Vekkers Cabin{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}{url=}Wendig Standee Cutout{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}The Horror Tree{/url} by Russell Akred

    {bigger}{b}Unknown but cool{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= .pdf}Colossal Spider pattern to make 4 card spider{/url} by Russell Akred seen {url=}here, {/url} in all its glory</p>

    {spoiler=BBcode for Available Links}

    Liberty's Edge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Latest incarnation of this list. BBcode for this entry at the bottom.*

    Caveat: None of this stuff is mine so not responsible for any of it in any way, shape, or form. I'm running RotR at the moment so had a reason to keep it up to date and felt keeping it updated for the community might be useful as this AP may get more interest in the next few months. :) If anyone sees something that should not be here let the group know.

    In addition, some of this is not suitable for work (for example stuff related to Tsuto's journal) so ye be warned.

    I hope the community finds this useful.

    Additions, questions, comments, corrections welcome.

    Cast of Characters

    Town of Sandpoint



    Burnt Offerings

    The Skinsaw Murders

    The Hook Mountain Massacre

    Fortress of the Stone Giants

    Sins of the Saviors

    Spires of the Xin-Shalast

    Unknown but cool


    *Instruction for using BBcode: If you want to edit it, copy out of the spoiler tag area and replace the curly braces ([]) with square brackets ([])). I've added this in case anyone takes a fancy to want to update this list since it's a lot of BBcode. If you do, please try to always keep updated BBcode attached for the community good.

    BBcode for this entry:

    Latest incarnation of this list. BBcode for this entry at the bottom.*

    Caveat: None of this stuff is mine so not responsible for any of it in any way, shape, or form. I'm running RotR at the moment so had a reason to keep it up to date and felt keeping it updated for the community might be useful as {url= he-Runelords-Anniversary-Edition}this AP may get more interest in the next few months.{/url} :) If anyone sees something that should not be here let the group know.

    In addition, {bigger}{b}some of this is not suitable for work{/b}{/bigger} (for example stuff related to Tsuto's journal) so ye be warned.

    I hope the community finds this useful.

    Additions, questions, comments, corrections welcome.

    {bigger}{b}Cast of Characters{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= mpaign-Journal#21}Some other takes on Brodert Quink (which is kind of cool IMHO){/url} by cynarion

    {bigger}{b}Town of Sandpoint{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url=}Sandpoint Cathedral Interior{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}Sandpoint Garrison: {url=}Exterio r (looking down){/url} by Russell Akred, {url=}Exterio r (street level){/url} by Russell Akred, {url= loor.png}Interior{/url} by Terry Dyer
    {*}{url=}Sandpoin t Lumber Mill Exterior{/url} by Terry Dyer
    {*}{url=}Sandpoint Lumber Mill Interior{/url} by Evil Lincoln
    {*}General Store: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}, {url=}Bas ement{/url} (Chow'd Mouse sez: Creator wasn't given credit in the original list but the RPG Mapshare site credits "IamGrays".)
    {*}{url=} The Hagfish{/url} by BrotherJason
    {*}The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}
    {*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
    {*}{url=}P layers map of Sandpoint Region{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Golarion Calendar 4707-4708 with Paizo artwork{/url} by fray
    {*}{url=}Basic Golarion Calendar 4707{/url} not sure who created this but it is from the Heroes of Golarion wiki
    {*}{url=}Hi-Res (600 dpi) Maps of Varisia & Sandpoint and mods for Google Earth{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}Tintagels {url=}Educated Gamer Website Rise of the Runelord section{/url} some of the stuff contained here is detailed out below.
    {*}{url= in-sandpoint.html}Tales from the Rusty Dragon 4e conversion of Rise of the Runelords{/url} by Scott Betts
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/strangeIdeaWhoWouldGiveKarzougAVoice}Karzour sound file thread{/url}

    {*}{url=}M alfeshnekor{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Ameiko Kaijitsu{/url} by DMG
    {*}{url=}Belor Hemlock and Shalelu Andosana (with original eyes){/url} by DMG
    {*}{url=}Shale lu Andosana (with James Jacobs approved eyes){/url} by DMG

    {bigger}{b}Burnt Offerings{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/burntOfferingsClarificationsGMReference}Burnt Offerings (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= ings_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by Shadowchemosh
    {*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
    {*}Audio file of the Goblin Song {url=}with screams{/url} and {url=}without screams{/url} for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
    {*}{url=} Barett House for the Monster in the closet event{/url} by Gr4ys
    {*}{url= }Wolves of Sandpoint Charter{/url} by one of Watchers players (credit where credits due)
    {*}{url=}Tsu to's letter in Minkai{/url} by Greg Volz
    {*}{url=}Tsuto's letter in common{/url} by Greg Volz
    {*}{url=}Tsuto's Journal{/url} by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
    {*}{url= 8236909}Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto's Notebook{/url} by Lilith
    {*}{url=}Pictures of Nualia as a Succubus for Tsutos Notebook{/url} by Lilith
    {*}{url=}Sk eletons pictures{/url} for B8 by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Pict ure of the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Tok en for the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Project Blog to covert Burnt Offerings to 4th edition{/url} by Scott Betts
    {*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks ground floor combat map{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks basement combat map{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Sandpoi nt rumors as PDF cards{/url} and as a {url=}Microsoft Powerpoint presentation{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ _54x63.jpg}High resolution scan of Thistletop exterior{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg}High resolution scan of Thistletop level one{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg}High resolution scan of Thistletop level two{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}Nualia's Diary {url= ournal1of2.jpg}page one{/url} and {url= ournal2of2.jpg}Page 2{/url} by James B. Cline
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/extraEventsAndGamesAtTheSwallowtailFestival}Games for the Swallowtail Festival{/url} by Delthos
    {*}{url= }Initial Encounter Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Die Dog Die Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Glassworks Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Glassworks Basement Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Thistletop Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Thistletop Basement Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs

    {bigger}{b}The Skinsaw Murders{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/theSkinsawMurdersGMReference}The Skinsaw Murders Gamemasters Reference{/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= Murders_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
    {*}{url=}Cougar Creek Barn note{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Sandpo int Lumber Mill{/url} note by Russel Akred
    {*}{url= }Alternative Habes Sanitarium{/url} by Ruined
    {*}{url=}Players map for farmlands map without detail{/url} by tonton
    {*}{url=}Combat maps for Foxglove Manor{/url} by rironin
    {*}{url=}Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document {/url}by rironin
    {*}{url=}Updated Magnimar maps{/url} by Paizo Publishing
    {*}{url=}Clock Tower cut-away{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}{url= 7}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 1st floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 8}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 2nd floor {/url}by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 9}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings attic{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 10}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings basement{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings caverns{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse ground floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse first floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse exterior{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= istcopy.jpg}Xanesha's List{/url} by James B. Cline
    {*}{url= TYtvNbulw&feat=directlink}Amazing Stained glass windows for the Misgivings{/url} by tintagel (i think)?
    {*}{url=}Bloody notes{/url} by Mearrin69
    {*}Deed to Foxglove Manor {url= tream/}image{/url}|{url= 0f884c_b_d.jpg}download{/url} by sozin
    {*}Ledger of Aldern Foxglove {url= tream/}image{/url}|{url= e97a38_b_d.jpg}download{/url} by sozin
    {*}Foxglove Manor haunt handouts {url= 157625174417897/}one{/url}|{url= 514965404/sizes/l/in/set-72157625174417897/}two{/url}|{url=http://www.flick}thre e{/url}|{url= 157625174417897/}four{/url}|{url= 5514370865/sizes/l/in/set-72157625174417897/}five{/url} by sozin

    {bigger}{b}The Hook Mountain Massacre{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/archives/theHookMountainMassacreGMReference}The Hook Mountain Massacre (Gamemasters Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= inMassacre_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
    {*}{url=}Tur tleback Ferry (Dry){/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Turtleback Ferry (Dry){/url} by Salama
    {*}{url=}Turtleback Ferry (Dry){/url} on Hastur Gaming Wiki by TexaS (on the Hastur site)
    {*}{url=}Turtle back Ferry (Flooded){/url} on Hastur Gaming Wiki by TexaS (on the Hastur site)
    {*}{url=}Map of Fort drawn by Vale{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url= }Skull Crossing{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}F looded version of Russell Akreds Turtleback village{/url} for Down comes the rain by KeepIRU
    {*}{url=}G raul farm yard exterior{/url} by tintagel
    {*}{url=}Item{/url} and {url=}Monster cards{/url} for Chapter 3 by ShadowChemosh (other chapters {url=}here{/url})

    {bigger}{b}Fortress of the Stone Giants {/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/fortressOfTheStoneGiantsGMReference}Fortress of the Stone Giants (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url=}Bat tlemap of Jorgenfist{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Giants Watch Tower{/url} by Chinchbug

    {bigger}{b}Sins of the Saviors{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/sinsOfTheSaviorsGMReference}Sins of the Saviors (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}Paizo web enhancement {url=}Magic of Thassilon{/url}
    {*}{url=}Car d terrain pattern for final scene{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Hug e statue template{/url} by russell akred

    {bigger}{b}Spires of the Xin-Shalast{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/spiresOfXinShalastGMReference}Spires of the Xin-Shalast (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url=}Vekkers Cabin{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}{url=}Wendig Standee Cutout{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}The Horror Tree{/url} by Russell Akred

    {bigger}{b}Unknown but cool{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= .pdf}Colossal Spider pattern to make 4 card spider{/url} by Russell Akred seen {url=}here, {/url} in all its glory


    {smaller}*Instruction for using BBcode: If you want to edit it, copy out of the spoiler tag area and replace the curly braces ({}) with square brackets ({})). I've added this in case anyone takes a fancy to want to update this list since it's a lot of BBcode. If you do, please try to always keep updated BBcode attached for the community good.{/smaller}

    {spoiler=BBcode for this entry}

    Liberty's Edge

    I have a few links from my campaign that could be added:

    My hex map of the Fort Rannick area should the PCs want to keep the keep and do some Kingmaker-style Hexploration:

    A couple hex maps of the mushfens for the same (I ran this as an interlude to introduce my PCs to hexploration): onMap.jpg

    A map of Thistletop (unfortunately, it's after my PCs burned down the thistle maze, but that could be added back in pretty easily)

    Battle map of the Hook Mountain caves: pg

    Battle map of the Skull's crossing dam: pg

    My map of the Paradise Barge:

    A side-on sketch of Fort Rannick as seen from across the valley:

    Everything's re-drawn so should be fine with the fair use policies.

    Liberty's Edge

    20 people marked this as a favorite.

    Latest incarnation of this list. BBcode for this entry at the bottom.* Additions added since last revision marked as "NEW!". Also verified links again.

    Caveat: None of this stuff is mine so not responsible for any of it in any way, shape, or form. I'm running RotR at the moment so had a reason to keep it up to date and felt keeping it updated for the community might be useful as this AP may get more interest in the next few months (though you may like your updated APs shinier.) :) If anyone sees something that should not be here let the group know.

    In addition, some of this is not suitable for work (for example stuff related to Tsuto's journal) so ye be warned.

    I hope the community finds this useful.

    Additions, questions, comments, corrections welcome.

    Cast of Characters

    Town of Sandpoint and Hinterlands



    Burnt Offerings

    The Skinsaw Murders

    The Hook Mountain Massacre

    Fortress of the Stone Giants

    Sins of the Saviors

    Spires of the Xin-Shalast

    Unknown but cool


    *Instructions for Editing BBCode wrote:
    If you want to edit it, copy out of the spoiler tag area and replace the curly braces ({}) with square brackets ([])). If you have corrections, comment or feel free to fix it yourself using the BBcode source (I'll continue to maintain from time to time regardless.)

    BBcode for this entry:

    Latest incarnation of this list. BBcode for this entry at the bottom.* Additions added since last revision marked as "NEW!".

    Caveat: None of this stuff is mine so not responsible for any of it in any way, shape, or form. I'm running RotR at the moment so had a reason to keep it up to date and felt keeping it updated for the community might be useful as {url= he-Runelords-Anniversary-Edition}this AP may get more interest in the next few months{/url} (though you may like your updated APs {url= he-Runelords-Deluxe-Collectors-Edition-Hardcover}shinier{/url}.) :) If anyone sees something that should not be here let the group know.

    In addition, {bigger}{b}some of this is not suitable for work{/b}{/bigger} (for example stuff related to Tsuto's journal) so ye be warned.

    I hope the community finds this useful.

    Additions, questions, comments, corrections welcome.

    {bigger}{b}Cast of Characters{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= mpaign-Journal#21}Some other takes on Brodert Quink (which is kind of cool IMHO){/url} by cynarion

    {bigger}{b}Town of Sandpoint and Hinterlands{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url=}Sandpoint Cathedral Interior{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}Sandpoint Garrison: {url=}Exterio r (looking down){/url} by Russell Akred, {url=}Exterio r (street level){/url} by Russell Akred, {url= loor.png}Interior{/url} by Terry Dyer
    {*}{url=}Sandpoin t Lumber Mill Exterior{/url} by Terry Dyer
    {*}{url=}Sandpoint Lumber Mill Interior{/url} by Evil Lincoln
    {*}General Store: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}, {url=}Bas ement{/url} (Chow'd Mouse sez: Creator wasn't given credit in the original list but the RPG Mapshare site credits "IamGrays".)
    {*}{url=} The Hagfish{/url} by BrotherJason
    {*}The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys: {url=}Gro und Floor{/url}, {url=}Upp er Floor{/url}
    {*} NEW! {url= p;d=1302429174}Simple hand-drawn map of the Hinterlands{/url} by MartinB
    {*} NEW! {url= p;d=1302429199}More detailed map of the Hinterlands but sans references to Foxglove Manor{/url} by MartinB

    {*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
    {*}{url=}P layers map of Sandpoint Region{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Golarion Calendar 4707-4708 with Paizo artwork{/url} by fray
    {*}{url=}Basic Golarion Calendar 4707{/url} not sure who created this but it is from the Heroes of Golarion wiki
    {*}{url=}Hi-Res (600 dpi) Maps of Varisia & Sandpoint and mods for Google Earth{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}Tintagels {url=}Educated Gamer Website Rise of the Runelord section{/url} some of the stuff contained here is detailed out below.
    {*}{url= in-sandpoint.html}Tales from the Rusty Dragon 4e conversion of Rise of the Runelords{/url} by Scott Betts
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/strangeIdeaWhoWouldGiveKarzougAVoice}Karzour sound file thread{/url}

    {*}{url=}M alfeshnekor{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Ameiko Kaijitsu{/url} by DMG
    {*}{url=}Belor Hemlock and Shalelu Andosana (with original eyes){/url} by DMG
    {*}{url=}Shale lu Andosana (with James Jacobs approved eyes){/url} by DMG

    {bigger}{b}Burnt Offerings{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/burntOfferingsClarificationsGMReference}Burnt Offerings (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= ings_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by Shadowchemosh
    {*}{url=}Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders{/url} by tonton
    {*}Audio file of the Goblin Song {url=}with screams{/url} and {url=}without screams{/url} for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
    {*}{url=} Barett House for the Monster in the closet event{/url} by Gr4ys
    {*}{url= }Wolves of Sandpoint Charter{/url} by one of Watchers players (credit where credits due)
    {*}{url=}Tsu to's letter in Minkai{/url} by Greg Volz
    {*}{url=}Tsuto's letter in common{/url} by Greg Volz
    {*}{url=}Tsuto's Journal{/url} by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
    {*}{url= 8236909}Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto's Notebook{/url} by Lilith
    {*}{url=}Pictures of Nualia as a Succubus for Tsutos Notebook{/url} by Lilith
    {*}{url=}Sk eletons pictures{/url} for B8 by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Pict ure of the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Tok en for the Hermit Crab in E7{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Project Blog to covert Burnt Offerings to 4th edition{/url} by Scott Betts
    {*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks ground floor combat map{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}High quality Sandpoint Glassworks basement combat map{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Sandpoi nt rumors as PDF cards{/url} and as a {url=}Microsoft Powerpoint presentation{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ _54x63.jpg}High resolution scan of Thistletop exterior{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg}High resolution scan of Thistletop level one{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=http://2464536359810327490-a-educatedgamer-net-s-sites.googlegroups .com/a/ dpi-27x29.jpg}High resolution scan of Thistletop level two{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}Nualia's Diary page {url= ournal1of2.jpg}one{/url} | {url= ournal2of2.jpg}two{/url} by James B. Cline
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/extraEventsAndGamesAtTheSwallowtailFestival}Games for the Swallowtail Festival{/url} by Delthos
    {*}{url= }Initial Encounter Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Die Dog Die Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Glassworks Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Glassworks Basement Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Thistletop Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*}{url= }Thistletop Basement Battle Plan{/url} by Twigs
    {*} NEW! {url=}Map of Thistletop (after the poster's PCs burned down the thistle maze){/url} by Greycloak of Bowness

    {bigger}{b}The Skinsaw Murders{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/theSkinsawMurdersGMReference}The Skinsaw Murders Gamemasters Reference{/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= Murders_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
    {*}{url=}Cougar Creek Barn note{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Sandpo int Lumber Mill{/url} note by Russel Akred
    {*}{url= }Alternative Habes Sanitarium{/url} by Ruined
    {*}{url=}Players map for farmlands map without detail{/url} by tonton
    {*}{url=}Combat maps for Foxglove Manor{/url} by rironin
    {*}{url=}Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document {/url}by rironin
    {*}{url=}Updated Magnimar maps{/url} by Paizo Publishing
    {*}{url=}Clock Tower cut-away{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}{url= 7}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 1st floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 8}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings 2nd floor {/url}by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 9}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings attic{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= 10}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings basement{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Foxglove Manor/The Misgivings caverns{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse ground floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse first floor{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url=}Fo xglove Townhouse exterior{/url} by Tintagel
    {*}{url= istcopy.jpg}Xanesha's List{/url} by James B. Cline
    {*}{url= TYtvNbulw&feat=directlink}Amazing Stained glass windows for the Misgivings{/url} by tintagel (i think)?
    {*}{url=}Bloody notes{/url} by Mearrin69
    {*}Deed to Foxglove Manor {url= tream/}image{/url}|{url= 0f884c_b_d.jpg}download{/url} by sozin
    {*}Ledger of Aldern Foxglove {url= tream/}image{/url}|{url= e97a38_b_d.jpg}download{/url} by sozin
    {*}Foxglove Manor haunt handouts {url= 157625174417897/}one{/url}|{url= 514965404/sizes/l/in/set-72157625174417897/}two{/url}|{url=http://www.flick}thre e{/url}|{url= 157625174417897/}four{/url}|{url= 5514370865/sizes/l/in/set-72157625174417897/}five{/url} by sozin

    {bigger}{b}The Hook Mountain Massacre{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/archives/theHookMountainMassacreGMReference}The Hook Mountain Massacre (Gamemasters Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url= inMassacre_Corrigendum_FAQ.pdf}Unofficial Errata{/url} by ShadowChemosh
    {*}{url=}Tur tleback Ferry (Dry){/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Turtleback Ferry (Dry){/url} by Salama
    {*}{url=}Turtleback Ferry (Dry){/url} on Hastur Gaming Wiki by TexaS (on the Hastur site)
    {*}{url=}Turtle back Ferry (Flooded){/url} on Hastur Gaming Wiki by TexaS (on the Hastur site)
    {*}{url=}Map of Fort Rannick drawn by Vale{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url= }Skull Crossing{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}F looded version of Russell Akreds Turtleback village{/url} for Down comes the rain by KeepIRU
    {*}{url=}G raul farm yard exterior{/url} by tintagel
    {*}{url=}Item{/url} and {url=}Monster cards{/url} for Chapter 3 by ShadowChemosh (other chapters {url=}here{/url})
    {*} NEW! {url= ale.jpg}Battle map of the Skull Crossing dam{/url} by Greycloak of Bowness
    {*} NEW! {url=}Ma p of the Paradise Barge{/url} by Greycloak of Bowness
    {*} NEW! {url= s.jpg}Hex map of the Fort Rannick area{/url} by Greycloak of Bowness
    {*} NEW! {url= pg}Side-on sketch of Fort Rannick as seen from across the valley{/url} by Greycloak of Bowness
    {*} NEW! {url= old.jpg}Battle map of the Hook Mountain caves{/url} by Greycloak of Bowness
    {*} NEW! Couple hex maps of the mushfens: {url= p.jpg}one{/url} | {url= orationMap.jpg}two{/url} by Greycloak of Bowness

    {bigger}{b}Fortress of the Stone Giants {/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/fortressOfTheStoneGiantsGMReference}Fortress of the Stone Giants (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url=}Bat tlemap of Jorgenfist{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Giants Watch Tower{/url} by Chinchbug

    {bigger}{b}Sins of the Saviors{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/sinsOfTheSaviorsGMReference}Sins of the Saviors (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}Paizo web enhancement {url=}Magic of Thassilon{/url}
    {*}{url=}Car d terrain pattern for final scene{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}Hug e statue template{/url} by russell akred

    {bigger}{b}Spires of the Xin-Shalast{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= enturePath/runelords/spiresOfXinShalastGMReference}Spires of the Xin-Shalast (Gamemaster Reference){/url} useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
    {*}{url=}Vekkers Cabin{/url} by Chinchbug
    {*}{url=}Wendig Standee Cutout{/url} by Russell Akred
    {*}{url=}The Horror Tree{/url} by Russell Akred

    {bigger}{b}Unknown but cool{/b}{/bigger}
    {*}{url= .pdf}Colossal Spider pattern to make 4 card spider{/url} by Russell Akred seen {url=}here, {/url} in all its glory


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    Let it be known that colossal spiders might be from either Fortress of the Stone Giants (from the secret entrance, the death webs) or Spires of Xin Shalast (the crag spider) or maybe from Hook Mt. Massacre (Biggun)...

    Great work chow d mouse!

    Chopper's isle sidequest

    Liberty's Edge

    James B. Cline wrote:

    Chopper's isle sidequest


    That is a very professional looking sidequest you did there. Thanks for the link!


    James B. Cline wrote:

    Chopper's isle sidequest

    Oh wow, you've really fleshed that out a lot. Maps and everything! Kudos!

    Liberty's Edge

    James B. Cline wrote:

    Chopper's Isle Sidequest

    Linkified for your pleasure.

    The improved version should be in wayfinder 7 when it comes out. Thanks!

    James B. Cline wrote:
    The improved version should be in wayfinder 7 when it comes out. Thanks!

    A little too late for me, but nice anyway.

    Liberty's Edge

    I took the Aldern Foxglove House Ledger that sozin made and rearranged the "Iesha trips" to better coincide with the description provided in the adventure:

    Foxglove House Ledger

    Shadow Lodge

    Hey, does anyone happen to have a downloaded, pdf version of these three items that they'd be willing to email me (all are/were linked above):

    -Tsuto's letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
    -Tsuto's letter in common by Greg Volz
    -Tsuto's Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz

    I was just about to download them for a campaign I'm currently running, but the creator's site is down for reconstruction.

    Liberty's Edge

    I looked and I don't seem to have them.

    The first two are throwaways as the Minkai version is just some Chinese script looking font that has a lot of the same characters to replace the letter E.

    The journal is the crown jewel of those three documents and I know I handed it out to my players. I'll ask next weekend and see if that copy is still around somewhere so I could scan it.

    Zuriel_MW wrote:

    Hey, does anyone happen to have a downloaded, pdf version of these three items that they'd be willing to email me (all are/were linked above):

    -Tsuto's letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
    -Tsuto's letter in common by Greg Volz
    -Tsuto's Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz

    I was just about to download them for a campaign I'm currently running, but the creator's site is down for reconstruction.

    Yes, I have those PDFs. Your email?

    Damon Griffin wrote:
    Zuriel_MW wrote:

    Hey, does anyone happen to have a downloaded, pdf version of these three items that they'd be willing to email me (all are/were linked above):

    -Tsuto's letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
    -Tsuto's letter in common by Greg Volz
    -Tsuto's Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz

    I was just about to download them for a campaign I'm currently running, but the creator's site is down for reconstruction.

    Yes, I have those PDFs. Your email?

    If it's no bother I would also like a copy of those pdf's. My e-mail is

    Would anyone be willing to post character stats for the npc's such as the mayor of sandpoint and the sheriff?

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