
Zuriel_MW's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Shadow Lodge

Sorry to be a bother, but does that mean only one per character then?

Shadow Lodge

Regarding the faction-specific feats found in the Pathfinder Society Guide, do these count as their own category of traits, in that only one faction trait can be selected per character?

Shadow Lodge

[strike]Question: I'm new to Pathfinder Society gaming and am wondering if the faction I chose has to be the faction for every character that I create?

If so, is there any way to switch factions?[/strike]

Forget it... I found it (hadn't visited the character registry yet)

Shadow Lodge

Hey, does anyone happen to have a downloaded, pdf version of these three items that they'd be willing to email me (all are/were linked above):

-Tsuto's letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
-Tsuto's letter in common by Greg Volz
-Tsuto's Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz

I was just about to download them for a campaign I'm currently running, but the creator's site is down for reconstruction.

Shadow Lodge

@Aeshuura: I'd like to have a look at those to, if you don't mind.

vixxlmcm (at) gmail (dot) com

Were they done for the entire adventure path or just one module?