
Arianvindr's page

10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Doktor Weasel wrote:
thefreakachu wrote:
Wayne Reynolds wrote:
Great backstory Michael.
Great art Wayne! Is that a pickle barrel the little dude is lugging, or an overcomplicated bit of alchemical gear?
In my mind, that's the same thing. Pickles are alchemy, delicious alchemy.

I need the "delicious alchemy" thing in his goblin song. Which on that note...what is his goblin song?

William Bryan wrote:
Craig MacCormick wrote:
Hi all! I've been looking into running RotRL for 5e, and came across this. William, I would be keen to see that dropbox link if you are still offering? Apologies, I can't seem to be able to see the PM option on here (first time poster).
I would need your email, Craig. Happy to share!

If that drop box is still up for grabs my email is keepingthatpieceofheart@gmail.com . Thanks in advance!

...all jokes aside I want to know why he thinks the katana can't be broken unless he is just trying to be a troll. O.o Help his logic make sense!

Edgewood wrote:
Ugh, Wayne Reynolds. Pass.

...I didn't know it was possible for someone to not like his art...I am so confused X.X

So many awesome questions come to mind...like how would taking technology from earth back to Golarion, such as guns and the such, effect our player characters world? :O

That's perfect though thank you so much! I feel that all the APs are just so much better to me done in a flowing stream instead of separate bodies so adding in a little of Jade Regent is perfect. I'll have to look at that AP so far I have only really looked into RotRL and SS. Even if I don't buy the whole AP would getting the first one of it be worth helping me flesh her character out more for her. She has never played a tabletop RPG before so I wanted her first character to be memorable.

Okay so my fiancee wants to try out pathfinder with me and she is pretty dead set on being a elven ninja...She wants me to help her with a backstory though since I am the DM. I will be running a campaign based in Golarion, a sort of mash up of the two APs Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star. Any ideas as to how such a strange race/class would go together? P.S. she wants to start as being from Sandpoint and being close with Ameiko.

Some creatures in the Pathfinder Battles pieces are from the bestiary but alot of them are custom made for their respective adventure path.

It isn't from any pathfinder bestiary. Shattered Star is an adventure path written by paizo. In one of the sections of that adventure path you have to fight that nasty troll. So he is sort of custom only to that adventure path.

Would anyone be willing to post character stats for the npc's such as the mayor of sandpoint and the sheriff?