Billzabub |

Wow, way to go Paizo! It sounds like you will be taking the game to where a lot of people were hoping it would go - fixing the stuff that was broken, and maybe making some interesting tweaks, while not scraping it and creating something new. Congrats and good luck.
Of course, since the only gaming I've done in a very long time has been some PbPs on these boards, this means I'm just going to have to find a table to sit at, real or virtual.

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Psion wrote:Thanks, Lisa, Erik, Jason, and everyone else involved.
And lest I forget: thank you Ryan Dancey.
Speaking of Ryan, here is the email that he sent to me when I sent him the news!
"This is awesme stuff Lisa. It took 8 years but open gaming now gets a real champion and its own destiny. I am very very proud of you!"
Wow! That's very cool of Ryan, and professionally and personally that must mean a lot to you and the rest of Paizo. 3 cheers for both Paizo and Ryan.

Ernest Mueller |

Full props guys, I'm very much in support.
Here's my full thoughts on the fork on my blog! Y'all have been doing the main interesting D&D work for some time. I have no stomach for the "yay, 1e" products (OSRIC, C&C, Goodman Games) and your work has been head and shoulders the best. (Honorable mention to Freeport, the Atlas Games Bleeding Edge adventures, and the Goodman/Wicked Fantasy Factory adventures).
4e is different, but is it really what D&D players want? Not me, or anyone I've gamed with over the last ten years...

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I have to say, this was a very gutsy move. While I'm not sure if this'll work out for you all at Paizo, I'm behind you 100%! I also like the fact that your main book release is a year after the 4E rules, it keeps you from going head-to-head against the new rules release. And it gives you 6+ months to figure out how the new system is *really* doing. If it's doing badly, you can try to "steal" some of the customers from WotC. Plus, even if 4E is doing well, there are a lot of people that play two or more systems, adding one more to the mix isn't that big of a deal. :)

Kelvar Silvermace |

Holy Carp! I mean, Holy Crap!!!!
This is AWESOME!!!
That's not a moon, that's a SPACE STATION!!!!!!!
There *is* hope. This is it!
Count me in, my friends!
I haven't seen the free PDF yet, but if I had one suggestion, I'd love to see a base class that gives us a viable Fighter/Mage. Like the Duskblade, only more versatile.

Allen Stewart |

I wish Paizo well in this venture. I can see pros and cons to this decision, and I hope it pans out well in the end. I myself am largely neutral in the 3.75 vs. 4E debate, but I'd say to the pro 4E crowd, that COMPETITION usually results in better products for all involved. So give Paizo's 3.75 a try.

Kirth Gersen |

Count me in! Even if it turns out to be no better than 3.5, the move is so ballsy on Paizo's part that I can't help but admire it.
To Whoever Made the Final Decision (Lisa, I assume): Very nicely done. The courage this must have taken, considering the future of Paizo rests on it (and considering that 4.0 isn't even out yet)... this is exactly the kind of decision that again shows so clearly why Paizo is the real industry standard. You could easily have waited until reviewing 4e and getting customer feedback on that system; that would have been the easy, safe way to go. What I probably would have done in your shoes. To make the decision NOW shows initiative and leadership beyond anyone else's thus far. Bravo.
To Jason Buhlman: Excellent writeup; clear and obvious choices for rule changes from 3.5. Obviously, there will be some discussion and "give-and-take" as the thing evolves, but it's an extremely solid start. I might just start converting my homebrew campaign straightaway.

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As I said elsewhere, I am beyond ecstatic! This is great for gaming overall by inspiring competition and providing choice. I am not happy in the direction 4e is going with (at least in terms of calling it Dungeons and Dragons - had they done this in conjunction with a Swords and Sorcery product [Everquest/WoW] I would have been fine, but 4e is not D&D - at least not to me.)
We'll be kicking into Pathfinder Alpha this weekend for sure!

Blastin |

Well....I was one of the one's who was on the fence, leaning heavily to the 4e side. I really thought I might part ways with Paizo if they stayed 3.xE. Now that the die has been cast: I'm staying. I'll look over the alpha rules and use what I like, probably run (or better yet play) the second path (as I'm running the first now) and do a play it by era on 4e. I just trust you guys too much to not give this a solid try. Besides, it would be a crime to not support a company with balls this big ;)

Betothep I |
Congratulations for your move!
D&D4 seemed to be heading in a different direction of what I'd choose. Having downloaded and read the Alpha release, I must say you guys rock!!!!
I love the way you made the "every level of every class is cool" for the 4 first core classes and the streamlining of combat maneuvers. I'm using your proposed changes in my weekly campaign, and keep you informed of my players' opinions.
May the best of lucks be with you :)

Riley |

If you get involved, you can help us make the Pathfinder RPG the RPG that you will love to play. How often to you get a chance to have input into the game you love? Did I mention that the playtest rules are FREE?
Lisa (and everyone else),
Thanks for trying this. I understand the difficult position that you've been put in at this time, and I understand why you've decided to go down this 3.5e(R) path for the time being.However, I've now had a chance to look at the Alpha document, and my eyes began to glaze over when I looked at things like the new cover rules. It made me realize how much I like the streamlining that 4e promises, and how little interest I have in any variety of 3.75e.
I'll stick around for a while - because I need my adventure material, and thus far you have a proven track record of putting out the very best adventures. I sincerely hope that you will find your way over to 4e before I lose interest in converting your material to the new edition.

Navior |

Damn you Paizo, you've just ensured that you will be getting gobs of my money for a long time to come. And here I thought I was going to be able to stop buying rpg products and save some money. :)
I think this is a great decision on your part. It's not without risk obviously, but no great decision ever is. I'm confident you can pull it off.
I've put the question to my group and if they agree, we'll be joining in on the playtesting!

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For this, I am going to bring the full strength of my will to bear on the gamers I know, and drag them to the table if I have to.
Because, you see, I'd been prepared for a 'staying 3.5' or a 'going 4.0' announcement. It was old hat, unexciting, just a waiting game to see which way it went. And now, instead, you good folks have kicked the wall down and headed off in a direction I wasn't expecting. I'd expected the Pathfinder RPG to be forever in the realm of 'cool idea, but wishful thinking'.
I think the only way this could've been any better would be if it'd been announced on the 17th, which would've made one of the best birthday presents *ever*. But... I'm more than willing to settle for the day after. ;)

Evil Genius |

For this, I am going to bring the full strength of my will to bear on the gamers I know, and drag them to the table if I have to.
Because, you see, I'd been prepared for a 'staying 3.5' or a 'going 4.0' announcement. It was old hat, unexciting, just a waiting game to see which way it went. And now, instead, you good folks have kicked the wall down and headed off in a direction I wasn't expecting. I'd expected the Pathfinder RPG to be forever in the realm of 'cool idea, but wishful thinking'.
I think the only way this could've been any better would be if it'd been announced on the 17th, which would've made one of the best birthday presents *ever*. But... I'm more than willing to settle for the day after. ;)
But what a good belated birthday present!! Wish my birthday was today and not in September.

Scribbler |

Dear Paizonians!
I really, really, never expected this. What a brave move!
You totally overwhelmed me with your decision. If it will be, or let's better say WHEN it will be as good as it looks now, be sure to count me in to the ranks of the hopefully ever-growing community of people supporting your products in years to come.
YOU ARE THE BEST, simply put.
Greetings, Daniel

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Well as this is the spot to put up ideas:
Steam Pistol
Usable by Druids (and Wardens - a Druid/Fighter metaclass) looking to penetrate metal armour at range from an early level. A simple Heat Metal Spell to build steam, and you can fire and reload every two rounds.
Damage (1d6) Range (As Flintlock Pistol see DMG) Rate (2 rounds - Load and charge with water, cast heat Metal, aim and fire).

Caen |

Blown away by this news.
Brave move guys... I'm sure that you have spent mega-hours debating this...
As a latecomer to 3.5 who hasn't even begun to wring enough game from the books, I intend to fully support the PF game/line... (that's my economic reasoning at least)...
But more importantly.... PF has re-invigorated my passion for the game...Golarion is quite simply the best fantasy RPG setting I've seen since Birthright... well done!

EileenProphetofIstus |

Paizo...I just wanted to express my sincere thank you for the decision your staff members have made. I recognize that it may not have been an easy decision, but a correct one. Many months ago I discontinued playing D&D. When I return, it will be with you. Your decision to work with the 3.5 ruleset and not invalidate my thousands of dollars of 3.5 purchases is all that it took. I trust your staff in their ability to make a sound game and I sincerely hope that it will be flexible enough in rules to work with Greyhawk as my world of choice. Once again, thank you, you brought a smile to my face.

Stuart Robertson |

I think this is an excellent idea and I'm happy to see Paizo moving in this direction. I'd really like to see this project be successful, and wanted to offer some (hopefully) helpful advice.
The three things that would make the game better would be:
1) Streamline / simplify whenever possible and avoid scope creep with skills, feats and powers. It's good to see you start this with the skills. Don't stop.
2) Focus on Improving Player Choices. Avoid hollow, obvious or uninformed decisions in the game and game supplements.
3) Avoid skills, feats and powers that lead to a Wuxia / Superhero style Epic Fantasy. Other people are already doing that. At the very least, make sure the game can support a wide range of gaming styles.
Again -- this is a great idea. :)
Stuart Robertson
Robertson Games

GregH |

To Lisa, Erik, James, Jason, et al. I hope this works out for Paizo. I've been a fan of you guys since I bought issue 112 off the newsstands and I wish the best for all of you.
This news doesn't significantly change my stance of staying with 3.5 as it exists today. In fact, you're sorta enabling me and my group by promising 3.5 OGL material through 'till Aug 09. :-) With 2 Dungeon APs, one homecooked, and potentially 4 Pathfinder APs in my pocket, I think I'll have enough material to last a longgggg time! :-)
After that, well, we'll have to see. My main reason for sticking with 3.5 was that I didn't want to buy new core books again. So I'm uncertain as to how this will go for me. But only time will tell. Maybe by then, we'll all be looking for a bit of a change...
But good luck, none the less.
P.S. If we do end up playing by "your rules" will you be terribly offended if we still call it "D&D"? ;-)

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Paizo Crew:
Good luck! It's definitely a huge undertaking and wish you all the best. That said, you have my full support! I absolutely love the stuff you guys have been producing (even though Rise of the Kobold King did leave us with a TPK just last week). Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
These rules are awesome! My gaming group feels like you were definitely listening to us. Color me impressed. Can't wait to see the rest. Good job!

Cormac |

Wow! How many thanks will it take to fully express appreciation for this one? (answer - me neither, just keep 'em comin')
Just when I was resigned to.....oh never mind, don't matter now. I'm with Piazo.
Nuff said.
I expressed my appreciation by preordering three copies of hardcover :)

Ben Parkinson |

Although putting together a rules set isn't a bad idea, I did expect something a bit more exciting than the Alpha, for it to have any real raison d'etre. Rules fixes to make D&D 3.51 don't really appeal to me - I can do those myself. What I think might have legs is some new treatments or substantial creativity or more sweeping changes.
I'll admit that I've made my decision on 4th edition, but the group I play with are undecided and probably 50:50. It's pretty obvious that some people (like me) will be early adopters. It's also pretty obvious that eventually the mainstream will switch to the new version, although a few will stick with 3.5 through and through, as some still play 2nd edition. If they don't it will be because Wizards make a total hash of the new rules and I just do not see that happening - too much rests on it and a high percentage of the industry's best gaming brains are working on it.
People are notoriously slow to accept change. Some will take time to save up the £40 it costs to buy the three new rulebooks, but eventually 90+% will be playing 4th edition, because people hate to be left behind.
I respect your decision to make a ruleset in response to huge fan support. Paizo fans will likely buy the ruleset, because they like your customer focus and creative flair. Even I might buy it, like I buy pretty much everything (on pdf)! However, to me it is money for old rope, at least at present. Bigger changes, more creativity, new classes, new systems etc. may change my mind, but seriously the tide is with 4th edition and I'd much rather see Paizo at the forefront of 4th edition campaign and module design.

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You really managed to leave me speechless yesterday.
While I was initially open to fourth edition, I had been slowly stepping further and further back from it as more and more information about it came out and it began to feel like WoTC was trying to draw in the MMO crowd more then looking to its existing gamers.
I had been hoping that Paizo was going to stay 3.5, and actually let myself daydream about them switching to something of a 3.75 system(I saw the true20 conversions for Pathfinder modules so I picked up that book to see if it was a possible contender for where you were headed).
Then yesterday when I went to log in and I saw that goblins had taken over, I figured that the new ruleset had finally been released to publishers and you were in trying to make a decision. Apparently one of my players in my RotRL campaign(who is about to start running STAP for us on the side, go Paizo APs!) was trying to log in as well and managed to get in first.
He's very pro 4E, but he gave me an excited call when he saw the news on your page and we both started going through the alpha. The new system looks amazing. Certainly it will use some tweaking as we all play on it and see what holds up well, but for a first glance you guys have done a phenomenal job. Even my friend is planning on instituting some of these changes right away in his campaign and considering switching to this ruleset rather then focusing on on 4E and I know you have my support completely.
I'm going to try and run a few side games using the new ruleset whenever we have a day that a player in missing from the full campaign, and when I start CotCT it will be done with these rules. Honestly, I would likely switch over my current campaign to it, except all the players but one(a druid) would get new nifty abilities.
With any luck we'll get an eye of what you have planned for the other classes even before the full beta is out, and then you'll have us as 1-2 time a week play testers.
All of you have shown amazing support for your fan base on these boards and in your products and I've been a pretty fanatical paizonian since I started picking up Dungeon again around the time that SCAP was being released.
I've never been disappointed by one of your products and it looks like this one is exceeding my already high hopes about what you can put out.
Thanks for stepping up to make the game your own as you always help keep the game -our- own.